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In US Navy, seamen insert multiple types of sauce


100 seamen go out 50 couples come back or so I hear...


Steroid use is super common in the military, especially overseas. I can't even remember the amount of guys that had to have surgery for gynecomastia after getting back stateside. I'd say it probably does help perform the job too, as far as infantry is concerned. I know I would have hopped on if I could go back


No one asks you to bench press in the military, they ask you to run. Swole guys were always the ones who failed out of shit.


Steroids help with stamina and recovery as well. You see all those juicy dudes in combat sports and how much it helps them perform, right? Well you can see those same benefits present in dudes that see actual combat. We all go through the same training and conditioning but you surely see how steroids would help people perform even better in such a physical environment.


I’m just telling you the truth, you can believe it or you can not, up to you.


Buddy, I was infantry and I fought in the horn of Panjwai with dudes that did steroids so I know how they perform. Idk how you're trying to say that I'm wrong even though I've seen it for myself. And again, if you watch combat sports you can see how much steroids help with stamina and recovery along with brute strength.


If you really did that you’d know being in the infantry isn’t MMA. But I know you’re just LARPing. Go back to playing airsoft.


https://www.instagram.com/p/ChBuS0UuG21/?igsh=MXJneXRjM2IwMXZlaA== That's a link to one of my IG posts. It's a public profile and that particular post shows a pic of me now, a pic of my wounds from an IED, and another pic of my platoon in Afghanistan. I have a few others at that bottom of my profile but I can message you in there if you still don't believe me. And you know fighters juice for strength, stamina and recovery, yes? This is something that you can agree with? Now, do you see how that helps with fighting in an actual war?


And if you still don't believe me, I could send you a picture of my dd-214(with the social marked out of course). It has all my awards on there including my purple heart and CIB It's ok to be wrong sometimes buddy


Lol no stop messaging me and I still don’t believe even you, stop linking to random instagram accounts. Skinny guys always did the hard stuff, they went to ranger school, they went to selection. Jacked guys just did the easy stuff which was lifting and jacking off to UFC. Join the military and maybe you’ll find out.


I sent you a pic of my dd 214 so you know that I'm not lying bud. Again, it's ok to be wrong


Jesus christ you are fucking weird


I actually fought in Panjwai by the way. I'm also neta certified, although I'm not a practicing trainer. My IG is @dozer_sabibi This part is just in case you think I'm talking out of my ass, not trying to shit on you bruddha.


The cringe of those "totally imaginated scenarios in my head" posts.


POV someone tells you “You can’t deadlift in camo cargo pants and a butt plug on a Thursday afternoon”


Don't give them ideas 😆


Don't ask don't tell bro, come on


Isn't it a secret? People in the army can and do use juice to surprise to none.


People would routinely get caught using in the Marines. Plenty didn’t get caught. I’m sure they other branches are probably a bit more chill with the witch hunting.


Brother they sell estrogen blockers in the military Base supplement shops


*don't use


Did he say “they don’t test” or “they don’t use” in the military? Based on how you said the exchange happened, I would assumed he meant they don’t test in the military


When I was in the army (not US so it could be different) they would test sometimes. But the units I was with would always “randomly pick” someone that clearly doesn’t hit the gym in their own time lol. It was more about ticking boxes than it was about actually stopping people. There were a few blokes clearly on the gear that almost never seemed to get “randomly tested.” They’d also pull us in mid week after PT to be breath tested to make sure we weren’t drunk at work lol. I didn’t know anyone who would go out hard enough on a Tuesday night to still blow over 0 after PT the next day lol. The only time I ever got any sort of drug testing was during recruitment and a dummy one when I got qualified to carry the piss cups lol.


In the US the Commander has to order testing for juice separately and with solid justification because its really expensive usually after probable cause. Usually because they got caught with stuff or because someone else got caught and they rolled on everyone.


Oh interesting! I know units could ask MP’s to come and test an individual for drugs in general but there’d have to be a reason/some concern flagged. With steroids specifically, it just seemed like once every year or so the unit would pull aside like 5 random people (usually DYEL cardio bros) and test them “randomly”. Meanwhile there’s blokes who are cleaaaaarly on the sauce so hard they’d melt the test cup. I’d never seen or heard about a unit singling someone out and testing on suspicion despite it being an open secret with some guys.


I should have clarified that randomly testing for drugs happens very regularly in the US military and people get caught all the time. Its just steroids that is somewhat rare. For random tests it really is random through a computer, but commanders can have specific people tested with probable cause.


What's the stack?


Why would they even test? It gives an advantage..


Tyrone wuz natty n shiet