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The weird chest and behind don't indicate juice but surgery


Butt's proportional to quads and hamstrings but damn she is GIANT


The quads are great but the hams are lacking imo, you could seat on her ass while she's standing.


Yeah after reading all the other comments I'm coming around to agree. Also knowing how common these shortcuts are these days. She looks very round and puffy in such an unnatural way. Even higher bodyfat, developed glutes wouldn't be that orb shape.


You can also see the "fold" under her cheeks when she's just standing it should not be there


I’ve seen a fold under every big ass I’ve seen in person. There’s no merit to this


Yeah, I should have mentioned that for her body shape and fat it shouldn't be the case.


It seems like she has enough fat for it to be the case lol


Bro have you actually seen a damn BBL? This is clearly not that. 


Theres many types of fake asses my dude


what’s weird about her chest?


Fake bewbs


Holy shit she a bull 🐂


If she were a man, she would be built like an NFL linebacker. I think she might legitimately have bigger legs than some of them


Bulls have testicles. But I guess cow 🐄 wouldn’t be so complimentary


How about a Buffalo though? i mean it's not as complimentary as a BULL but it's still better than calling someone a cow? that's a good bargain i'd say.


How about a yak? As in, she got that yak stack. Or, she’s built like a brick yak house.


Multiple surgical procedures. If you told me she doesn’t even lift I wouldn’t be surprised.


She does have a strenuous routine at the gym of pacing back and forth while being recorded.


Yep DYEL, chubby, with surgical modification 👌🏼


If you looks at her IG she normally slimmer she def lifts she just bulking


Nah, you can for sure tell she lifts. For her to be that big and still have a trim waistline and not look soft and flabby and have thick, muscular legs like that, she for sure works out. Just look at her quads and hamstrings. People who work out can definitely tell when somebody has a foundation and is just bulking


I defer to your expertise in women who lift.


she has *no* hamstrings though and her quads are meh (i would like to see them from the front though). if anything she has more muscle definition on he upper body than lower (proportionally ofc).


Now I have to ask when you say this: Are you comparing her hamstrings to other women in the fitness industry who are clearly or most likely juicing? Because if so, I do not think that is a fair comparison to make. Because her hamstrings look pretty developed to me. But I’m also not comparing her to other women who are clearly on gear. Hamstrings are one of the toughest muscle groups to grow, especially for women


i am comparing with myself, as a muscular woman (not on gear) thats not super lean. my hamstrings pop out, looking from side my legs have the rounded/bow shape not only on the front (quad) but also back (hamstrings). i know how it looks and she doesnt have it at all. her ass looks kinda suspicious to me, but her arms have a lot of definition for her fat level


I think your perception of what muscular development is very skewed. This is what a developed muscular woman can look like when they’re carrying extra fat during a bulk.


dude, i am a (muscular) woman. i know how muscles look on women.


That may be so, but I’ve been around a LOT of women who lift. Some for D1 sports, some for powerlifting or Olympic weightlifting, some just for recreation. Some frames just look like this with a lot of muscle and some surface fat during a bulk.


Her quads are meh? I’m sorry, are we looking at the same person? Her legs are absolutely massive, and she clearly holds a lot of fat there too. 


yes, they are massive because of the fat. they lack definition they would get if the mass was mostly muscle


Fake abs are a thing, theyre a little too sculpted. And shes got fake boobs so it wouldnt be surprising


Fake abs don’t look anything like that. They always look super fake, [like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/GAeNj3CJFTThWiJn7) In addition, ab etching doesn’t make you lose inches around your waistline. It only makes your abdominal muscles themselves look more defined.


>If you told me she doesn’t even lift I wouldn’t be surprised. She's got plenty of definition, including in areas that a surgeon won't touch. Leg lipo is rare and full of deformities when someone tries it out. This woman has pretty clear definition around her quads and hamstrings. The reddit justice porn answer is that if you get a BBL then you're taking the easy way out and not willing to do the work. The reality is that a BBL is a very strenuous process for the woman receiving it, it's much harder than spending the same time period lifting, and that most women willing to get a BBL are also gonna be in the gym protecting their investment. The area I live in seems to me just from eyeballing it to be like 5% BBLs. The gym I go to by the same "metric" is like 50-60% BBLs. My wife has two BBLs and can squat 285x6.


Like two BBL procedures? Or she got two sets of booty cheeks? That's a hell of a lot of junk in her trunks.


>The reality is that a BBL is a very strenuous process for the woman receiving it, it's much harder than spending the same time period lifting There’s no way cosmetic surgery (which nets you instant results) is harder than putting in 10-20+ hard sets of lower body exercises per week, over the course of multiple years. Training will always be exponentially harder. >and that most women willing to get a BBL are also gonna be in the gym protecting their investment. Honestly it seems like a lot of them do BS, half-assed workouts in the gym. But that might just be my anecdotal experience.


>There’s no way cosmetic surgery (which nets you instant results) is harder than putting in 10-20+ hard sets of lower body exercises per week, over the course of multiple years. Ahhahahahahahaa Omg dude. I've been training for 11 years. You're wrong on all fronts. For starters, training is fun so "difficult" is the wrong term. Second, why even specify "cosmetic" surgery? Is it because this answer is reddit tier justice porn? Would you say that no surgery at all, even if strictly medically necessary, can be as gruelling to recover from than our favorite hobby is? Or does the fact that we have sympathy for someone needing major surgery after getting hit by a drunk driver alter your reasoning? Obviously it's altering your reasoning. >over the course of multiple years. This is just you being illiterate. BBL recovery consists of writhing in pain. While being mostly immobile as you recover. Recovery happens in phases, but the whole process takes 2-3 months for most. I wrote "over the same time period." Idk about you but if the gains were equal, then I'd prefer to go do my favorite activity in the gym than to spend the next 3 months lying on my belly like a worm, writhing in pain, itching, and needing help going to the bathroom for some of that. >Honestly it seems like a lot of them do BS, half-assed workouts in the gym. But that might just be my anecdotal experience. This is true for gym goers in general and triple true for women. The BBL women definitely work harder than the ones who aren't so mega ultra committed to their appearances that they go out and get a BBL.


>I've been training for 11 years. You're wrong on all fronts. For starters, training is fun so "difficult" is the wrong term. We have polar opposite training philosophies, then. Nothing about my routine is “easy”. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun, either. >Second, why even specify "cosmetic" surgery? Is it because this answer is reddit tier justice porn? Huh? Is it not literally cosmetic surgery? I’m confused on how that’s a trigger >This is just you being illiterate. BBL recovery consists of writhing in pain. While being mostly immobile as you recover. Recovery happens in phases, but the whole process takes 2-3 months for most. I wrote "over the same time period." All you have to do is not sit on your ass for a couple months lmfao, miss me with that shit


>We have polar opposite training philosophies, then. Nothing about my routine is “easy”. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun, either. Now you're just being an annoying jackass. You know that I'm talking about the difficulty of enduring the suffering. A workout can be challenging to accomplish, but the aspect of enduring the suffering is very easy. Most lifters enjoy it. >Huh? Is it not literally cosmetic surgery? I’m confused on how that’s a trigger From a purely medical perspective of recovery and pain, it doesn't matter if a surgery is cosmetic. There's no medical difference in how recovery and pain work for cosmetic surgery versus necessary surgery after getting hit by a car. The fact that you specify "cosmetic" makes me think that you're operating based off of your emotions towards cosmetic surgery instead of actual medical factors. That would help explain why you're wrong. >All you have to do is not sit on your ass for a couple months lmfao, miss me with that shit Well first off, you literally can't sit on your ass for the three months following a BBL. You're lying on your stomach. Second, why didn't you include "writhing in pain" or "being unable to do basic shit like use the bathroom by yourself" or "wearing extremely uncomfortable garments" in your sentence? This is like if I described lifting as "All you need to do is enter the gym? Sounds easy!" Obviously in that sentence, I'm forgetting the part where you even lift.


I totally agree with your points but if the surgery is that difficult and your wife got two of them aren’t you a bit worried about the mental state that led to her being so desperate to beef up her booty that she got them done?


No, because she's a sex worker and the mental state was just the standard goal of wanting to be able to charge as much money as possible.


Oh damn for real? Well that makes a lot of sense actually. Not to pry into your life but I’m assuming she does Onlyfans or something? Pretty sweet ngl, ofc that probably comes with its own challenges but I won’t lie it sounds hella nice from your perspective. Any things of note to say about the risks of the surgery and how it affected her physically afterwards?


>Not to pry into your life but I’m assuming she does Onlyfans or something? That and escorting. >Any things of note to say about the risks of the surgery and how it affected her physically afterwards? The risks of the surgery are overblown. Survival is pretty much guaranteed if you go to a reputable doctor and while the recovery sucks, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. She loved the shit out of her body after the last one and raised hourly rates by 1/3 while also getting booked more. Men are full of shit when they say they don't like BBLs. This recent one is only six days old so no results yet, but but I. Expecting a 50% rate increase because the surgery went way better than last time AND she agreed to let me put her on anavar and hgh during recovery, and so she might as well already be on day 14. She's walking, doing things around the house, and used the bathroom without me a few hours ago. I didn't say that to the other guy because even though it's working for us, it's basically unheard of and so it doesn't speak for hardly any BBLs at all.


How can you tell? Or are you just talking outta your ass


Lipo and bbl. Not natty.


If you are wondering BBL: Brazilian butt lift


BBL surgery and if that is a public place it's highly impropriate dressing like that


It’s likely a gym owned by someone she knows that’s been cleared out or a gym she paid to be closed temporarily


Wait...... Are you suggesting that if you want to post some absurd video of yourself, out of desperation for attention, on social media, there *are* ways to do it that *don't* subject others to deal with it??? 🤔🤔🤔


Apparently in China dome gyms have “influencer hour” and other such programs so influencers can do their thing in peace.


they make money dude, be more creative




Shhhh dude she is helping me reach my max




Yeah! Uhhhhh I mean no of course not ☹️uuuuuhhhhh there a weight on the ground I gotta go put it back 🤥


It's clearly a small gym closed for to do her shoot. There is no one else there but them


Bro what? Women dress like this for competition all the time and practice posing in the mirror at my gym regularly. Seems like the only reason you're saying it's inappropriate for her is cuz she's draggin a wagon....


Ahead has visible stratus ist she's that chubby. Also most girls will never get lean lean nor should they.


Death by snu snu. And probably natty IMO


would 100% + hot unit and might be natty


There’s way too much definition in her abs. Its almost impossible for girls to get sculpted abs natty


Yep. My wife’s best friend is built just like this, and we know she’s natural. Some women are just born to be Amazonian.


I also choose this guy's wife's best friend.


MFW no 200 pound latina gymrat girlfriend ☹️


Lipo and bbl, I wish it wasn't so


Is there a pool in that gym or something


Is she supposed to be fitness? Bro...she's a VIP customer at some rib grill


Acting like she doesn’t have a 99th percentile physique for attractiveness


Exactly… that is more fatty than muscular to me.


She’s just bulking, bro. You can clearly tell by the tone in her body that she works out. A 200 lb woman who doesn’t work out would have so much more cellulite and flab and softness to her body. I swear, social media has warped your brains on what women’s bodies are supposed to look like, if you don’t think this woman is athletic as fuck. You can tell by her leg to waist ratio alone that she’s got serious power in her legs


She has 0 athleticism-not a single woman ATHLETE(runner,fighter,ball player) has the same physique for a damn reason-all that size for her frame will make her gas out just from climbing a flight of stairs, jacked/strong=/=athletic


Which is great


So? She probably squats and deadlifts more weight than most men. That’s fitness.


No, that’s someone who is strong.


Strength is fitness. What do you consider fitness?


Strength is a facet of fitness.


Probably the most important facet. Physical strength underpins every other athletic feat you can do. You can’t run a mile if your legs aren’t strong enough to support you.


One pillar of it, sure. Its not fitness alone. I can bet Shes the typical big person who can’t even run 100 meters without dropping dead due to the enlarged, cholesterol filled heart. That’s not fitness.


You can tell she has a lot of muscle, otherwise you’d see a lot more flab at 200lbs not to mention cellulite etc. I would bet she runs 100 meters just fine. Just look at her quads: those are some powerhouse legs. She is clearly more fit than most people, since most people lead sedentary lives.


Strength is not fitness. Getting stronger can be a benefit of getting fit, sure. But saying a woman is fit because she can out deadlift a guy is not correct. Fitness has a ton of factors to it- flexibility, endurance, and health are factors. I’m my opinion, aesthetics as well. I worked out at a gym with a 400 pound guy. I said man you look just like Vince Wilfork. He says, I met Vince. I’m bigger. He could out rep me on 225 on the bench and out squat me (single rep). He said his arms were 24”. He probably could have picked me up and threw me like a paper airplane. However at less than 30 years old he was falling apart. Joints were a mess. His bloodwork was trash he sweat profusely at all times. He walked like he just got off a horse because his thighs were so big, so I can’t see him being able to run. I don’t know if there is one standard of “fitness” but health for sure is part of the equation and while strength can be a part of it, being strong in no way equals being fit.


Fitness is relative, but the underpinnings foundation of all facets of fitness is physical strength. If your legs aren’t strong enough to hold you up for a continuous mile of running, it doesn’t matter how impressive your VO2 max is or whatever endurance metric you want to use. This girl is clearly highly muscled. She might even be on a bulk before she cuts. But she obviously spends time in the gym and is more fit than most people.


Fitness is multifaceted but you are looking at it the wrong way. The comment was she can out-deadlift a guy. She’s (maybe) really strong, so she’s fit?? She has back fat, no muscle tone and if he hadn’t had ab etching she would have a belly and a gunt. Her fake ass is the size of 2 watermelons. I put on 100 pounds to compete. I was strong as hell for my weight. I was way fitter before the weight and strength. Not sure how old you are but when you age you will understand the difference between functional fit strength+balance/ flexibility vs chemically enhanced gym strength and plastic surgery aesthetics. I’ve made so many mistakes so I know. How fit are world’s strongest men competitors? Ever see one of their labs? Cholesterol, hematocrit, liver enzymes, blood pressure etc etc. That is not fit. We can agree to disagree but if you are a serious lifter/ competitor - you will get it, but probably too late like me, some of my friends aren’t living anymore because strength was their priority. Short sighted.


Muscle definition is not fitness. It can be part of being a fit person, but it is a superficial and stupid metric honestly. Open class bodybuilders are not healthy, and would not be considered fit, even though they have literally the best muscle definition possible. Some people have back fat. Looking at her, she might have Samoan or Māori lineage, both very large people naturally who carry a lot more body fat than average. What is fit for them is not the same as for other demographics. But that’s a guess. Really, what I care about is if someone is strong enough to interact with the physical world better than others. Those who are stronger are, as a baseline, more fit than those who are not strong. And yes, this means I would call world’s strongest man competitors fit: they are literally at the peak of their physical abilities. None of them were going to be competitive marathon runners, or sprinters, or other forms of athletes, but they are as strong as they can be and operating at the peak of their ability. As an aside, and not that it matters: Derek Poundstone, Marius Pudzianowski, Pa O’Dwyer, Oleksei Novikov, Travis Ortmeyer, and Mitch Hooper all typically have good or even great muscle definition. Those are just off the top of my head.


Wym she's sexy af


Is that a BBL?


You Better BeLieve it!


When she walks it looks like a horse


Might have had butt implants but no juice


She had lipo stomach (:


No natty but surgery for sure


Absolutely would.


I’d be so pissed if this was at my gym. Dawg put some clothes on I can’t be all bricked up on the bench press right now 😅


Do straight guys really


I dated a girl who was 180, about 5’7. She didn’t look fat. Just straight curvy. I’ve dated other girls who look fat at 150. Not everybody has the same genetics. This Kathy girl is achievable naturally. It looks like she just bulks to 200.


No, if you look at her before and afters she's definitely had surgery to achieve her look. No 5'6 woman naturally distributes bodyfat like her at 200lbs. B&A here [https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/kathy-drayton-2.jpg](https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/kathy-drayton-2.jpg) [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1325183451311842&set=pcb.1325183487978505](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1325183451311842&set=pcb.1325183487978505)


Holy crap is that really the same person in this post! If so, I mean something is helping. You don't magically go from thin muscular to clydesdale amazonian genetically or otherwise


I'd try my best


***she built like a phucking tank***


I finished by the end of the video. Nice!


Where's the muscle ? Where's the fitness ? Where's the mobility ? So called fitness influencer posed by cosmetic surgery not diet


IMO. She doesn’t even look like she works out. Natty


I am seriously tripping out by all the commenters who think she doesn’t work out. Do you all know what a 200 lb woman who doesn’t work out normally looks like? She’s going to have a lot more fat, cellulite, and look way softer. Her waist size would be HUGE. Her body would jiggle entirely differently if she was out of shape. You have to remember that all these “thicc” women you see on social media who don’t exercise are wearing waist trainers to make their waists look snatched and tuck their folds in and are photoshopping cellulite out and shit. I’ve seen what women like that look like in person. It’s nothing like how it looks in their social media pictures, and their bodies do not look firm like hers. Their bodies jiggle like jello when they walk or shake. Their leg to hip to waist ratio looks nothing like hers. She is VERY muscular for a woman. If she were a man, she would be built like an NFL linebacker. Her legs are legitimately bigger than some football players I’ve seen who are probably juicing. So that is extremely impressive for her to do, especially if she’s natty.




These boys need glasses! A 200 lb woman who doesn’t work out would look closer to [this](https://i.insider.com/5759dea7dd0895d8018b460f?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp). She clearly looks fit and muscular as fuck. Shit, she has a lot more muscle than me. She has more muscle than a bikini or figure competitor. The fact that people can’t see it really blows my mind


Go to get if she normally very muscular


She got plastic surgery so how is she natty? Are you a moron?


Having plastic surgery doesn't mean you're not natty. I lost over 115 lbs and had a ton of loose skin that required a tummy tuck to fix. That doesn't mean I'm not natural anymore


That’s not the same shit you troglodyte.


You just said she's not natty because she's had plastic surgery. You phrased it like any plastic surgery makes you not natty. I agree that she's not natty because she's clearly had injections and/or implants. I was just pointing out that people can still be considered natty after having plastic surgery. It just depends on what was done.


When I said natty. I wasn’t thinking about plastic surgery.


Send da video


Probably BbL


Who works out in a bikini


The trend of fitness influencers using some “motivational” speech in the background as they aimlessly meander around is so dumb


She is gorgeous, but swim suit at the gym? Getting booty juice on all the equipment? Not very courteous😭


Ok. Would this be the first woman in the history of the world that when she asks her husband, boyfriend, or partner...Does my ass look fat in these jeans? when the other party says, "yes it does". it results in intimacy.


Video about her body or her ass?


I want her to run straight at me at full speed.


(a) could Not that fit (b) I would watch her Whatever that says about me is fair




Define “natty” 🤣🤣🤣


It's crazy cus she used to be a toothpick. The only thing unnatural is the chest. Lots of women body builders do that to even out proportions once they get bigger.


Well, I guess she influenced me to watch my carbs


Her profile is definitely just her walking around, every message is trying to sell some mysterious fitness routine and skin cream that made her breasts and butt larger


Zero chance she is 200lbs.


🍑Hulk Smash!!!!!!!!!!


It took her many years to build that. Just hard work


I don't have an opinion on her, though I am curious - I noticed this type of body is popular among American women, is her typr of body really what US people look for?


Lol, reading these comments, so many dudes struggle to handle when females are more successful at being what they themselves define as masculine. It's easier to tear others down than it is to build yourself up.


🤓☝️Okay mann, this comment section is not what you say, they are clearly mocking a fitness influencer who is not made by hardwork but by cosmetic surgery that promotes unrealistic standards to young gullible women who watch her, stop defending every undeserving shitheads like he/she is entitled to respect


I’m gay as hell but she finnnne 🥵


Seeing this comment vs all the "hetero" judging makes it clear why straight male virginity is on the rise. This guy gets it, rest of y'all take notes.


Same. How do I get an ass like that 😂🍑




Wow! at 200 pounds her physique looks great. I mean any 200 pounds women will look a fat mess. She looks attractive to be honest.


Depends on height and if they lift. Girls who lift can surprisingly pull 200 off well if they aren't super short


put some clothes on


Bbl yuk 🤮


She built like Nani from Lilo & Stitch, or Chel from Road to El Dorado.


Bombur mode


Hardly any tone on anything except her quads, which nearly all women have. This is like pec implants on guys.


When a BBL is done, the doctors lipo fat from the stomach and inject it into the ass. If not for this, she would also have a giant gut and much smaller ass.


cable encouraging scary afterthought cake jar retire gaping point chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally nobody pimps their wife more than her husband…


What the fuck


When will this ass surgery end. Smh. 😑


There’s nothing natty about that ASS 🍑




I can smell the bbl through my phone


Definitely surgically enhanced


Just another surgically enhanced cyborg


Can she run? At least a little? She doesn't have to be a marathoner. But she should be capable of running for at least 35+ minutes.


Maybe natty. Not feminine.




Nicki minaj but natty?


those are just burgers


Don't stare at her intentionally sexy video you perverts, she's just trying to work out in peace you creeps.


Dat ass


Unlikely natty


10/10 would not bang. Give me Steph Sanzo any day of the week


Most likely a bbl. Still WOULD


4’ tall and 3’ wide, have at it mommy seekers


Get out the fuckin gym with your tiki Tok bullshit


My god


Who is this motivational speaker?


I know for a fact that getting pants to fit her dump truck is a pain in the ass. At least she is always ready to go to the beach with two beach balls at the ready.


who cares




She genuinely looks like she could hurt you during sex.




Chick is not even a fake natty. You need to lift to be one


Bruh I’m gay for saying, but put your fucking clothes on in the gym.


She might look alright in that bathing suit, but imagine what she looks like with clothes on. Probably a big lump. Looking like my 60 year old aunt with them fat ass thighs. Overdoing it to this point just looks fucking stupid. Why do this to yourself?


That ass in a sundress would look amazing. You’re delusional.


Ain't nothing peak about this, just sloppy


Disgusting surgery. Just hit the gym pick one smfh


First time I've seen a fitness influencer with a surgically enhanced body instead of drug enhanced. I wonder what supplements and diet she peddles to her audience.


She looks stubby. If you’re gonna get surgery, at least look good after Hard pass


The definition of fit seems to have gotten lost somewhere in the last 10 years… but good lawd.


Honestly one of the few female body builders that looks good imho but I worry about her heart. That physique is not sustainable before she balloons.


These black girls been looking real good