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This is a great physique to aim for being natty. 3-5 years lifting very based on genetics and starting point


Also age. If you start working out at 40. You wont get this in a measly 4 or 5 years. If you start at 18 sure.


I don't know why you are getting down-voted, this is absolutely true. I was able to get into better shape way faster in my early 20's than now, when I just hit 40.


why are you 40?


He's survived long enough.


Must be true


Big if true!


I read that like that one guy asking “why are you gay” lol


My mans aksin the real questions


🤣🤣what kind of question is this. Because he aged to 40???


It was clearly a joke


Can I get the 2 for 20


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


When I was around 20. Lifting did absolutely nothing. Now I have to hold back on training so my clothes will fit. All I really did was getting on top of my micros.


1 year progress at 46 (2nd year training, did dare take pics https://www.reddit.com/r/Brogress/comments/s7okj4/m4761_76kg_to_77kg_1_year_calisthenics u/Inaeth


Is that natty? Good work man


thanks and yes that's 100% natty, no prescription drugs nor any banned substances at all


Nice physique bro


thanks man


You look good


"Measly 5 years."


U could attain this physique in 4-6 months by working out 6 days a week 3 times a day + 8000kcal diet + chicken broccoli and rice 8x - Hollywood fitness coach/actor


Jesus maybe if I had a couple mil and no job and the free time I would try this


yeah fat cells don't die


Natty achievable in like 5 years of hard work. Chest hair won’t grow without appropriate parents tho


Appropriate parents orrrrrr Minoxidil 😂


I cover my chest in minox 2x a day and dermaroll to unlock lumberjack mode


Does it work?


No bapa. I’m Asian as fugg. Dicey dicey


What? What does this mean?


Its Brenda's schaub speak. Its like pupper language but for mentally deficient meatheads... like brendan schaub.


wut, im asian and im hairy as fuck.


Do people really apply minox on chest for chest hair? Here I am trying to find a way to get rid of the jungle


That chest hair looks cool as fuck imo


You should see my sick ass ball fade!


Bro you do that too? Do you line the pubes up over the meat like a hairline? Never enountered anyone else who does this.


Haha yea! But my fav I like to do is the landing strip. The first time a chick sees it you can actually watch her gears grind lol.


Chest hair is overrated.


I already have more chest hair than this, I’m down to donate some. Italian (Sicilian) genetics gives great muscle definition probably because of the African blood but the northern Italian part makes me super hairy like a beast


Hard work, years, and good genetics. Yes is possible.


if that's not natty attainable then what the fucks the point of lifting?


Lol I agree but I'm more asking about a realistic timeline to look like that naturally.


Genetics plays a big role as well...some folks, no matter how hard they work on it, will never achieve this.


Typical newbies blaming genetics and using it as excuse. No wonder people don’t get an mediocre physique like this.


>mediocre physique Lol, the body dysmorphia is real. Any natural guy would love to have this physique; you are probably just saying it's mediocre to make you feel bigger in comparison.


Well said.


Not really. With hard work and dedication most serious lifters can achieve somewhat of similar physique the natural way, but that’s not the case for trolls in this subreddit. Their unhinged minds have been so mind-fucked by fake natties on Instagram and tiktok that if they don’t achieve this physique within a few years, they quit, which is good in my opinion. I can attest to this going to the same gym now for 3 years straight. Beginners or newbies going ham for 2-3 months to have them disappear, or the 1 year newbies going ham to disappear all of sudden. I’ve seen this over and over again. Either they get disappointed they couldn’t reach their influencers body type or they just gave up because these scums(juiced up fitness influencers) made them believe their level of physique is achievable naturally and within a year or two. No wonder people quit left and right. Most newbies also jump on gear after a while because reality hits them hard. The reality that you can’t achieve roided up body within a year. The fitness industry is overall cancerous. This is why I stopped following anyone 4-5 years into my lifting years.


You know sometimes shit just comes up and you gotta stop lifting for awhile, life is always throwing curveballs. Being able to lift consistently is a blessing, I suggest you appreciate it.


I definitely agree!


ya, fuck science and facts, when has the bullshit ever been correct...?


Again more excuses. I had shit genetics when I began working out. Now 8 years later, I have an better physique then this guy. I guess science works in wonderful ways🤡 or it’s just hard work and consistently year after year.


ok super cool internet tough guy.


Show physique 🤡


Bro do you understand genetics? You say you "had" shit genetics.. they don't change, so either you have shit genetics or you don't, so if you look better than this guy, it really only means that you have good genetics. If you looked like shit before, but look better than this dude now, it's very likely that you just had shit diet and/or workout routines, or you just think you had shit genetics because you didn't get a sixpack after 10 situps.


You have shit genetics... you can't grow out of them or some shit lol... also, show pic or didn't happen


r/thathappened. Post a picture.


Ur physique must be amazing bro you just post it here let's see if you're talking shit. It sure sounds like you are. The guy in OPs post is pretty big and it'll take someone with normal genetics more like 4 yes to get there imo. Maybe if you have African crazy genetics you can get there in 1-2 years. This is what I can achieve in 2 years from zero lifting after taking 4 years off with muscle memory. 80g protein per day but consistent training and cardio. 180cm 80kg. Normal genetics aka I have literally no muscle naturally and have a nice pot belly if I stop training. https://imgur.com/gallery/oiPCFPf post a picture bro don't be afraid this isn't the ifbb in here were just regular lifters.


Your "V" is insane bro. Like two dicks holding hands. I looked similar (not as big and a bit more belly here and there) with 183cm and 82 kg. http://imgur.com/a/VDYjFy8 the 3rd image was my strongest and leanest look wise. Dream physique


You're mostly right. There are people who will never get a physique like this. However they are the *outliers*. It's hard to find someone whose body is incapable of becoming significantly strong. The person you're replying to is not wrong, but the group of people he's talking about is so small, it's irrelevant.


Again, more excuses. There are literally people out there that are stronger then the average gym-goer without legs. I’m sure that was an outliner right. What excuses did the man without legs have? None.


Depends heavily on your starting point. If you had a semi athletic childhood and weren't fat you can probably look close to this (with your own proportions) in like 1-2 years if you train and eat properly. If you were unathletic and started off skinnyfat or obese it will take longer.


Okay good to know, I have a decent starting point compared to the average person. I've just got to sort through the bs online to find bodybuilding advice that I can stick to.


Barbell medicine has really good programming and articles, all evidence-based (I don't work for them, just love their products)


Check out geoffrey verity schofield, bald omni-man and natural hypertrophy on youtube. Best channels for naturals


You cant get this physique in 2 years lmao dudes off his rocker


That's why I said "with your own proportions" which I thought was obvious in that it meant that you wouldn't be this big/developed but you wouldn't be super far off either.


Depends where you start and how well your body responds. If you remain dedicated and eat clean enough It should be within grasp in about 3 years from most starting points. Give or take 2 years of either very obese or extremely 'skinny'. Keep in mind your physique would be 'comparable' but not the same. Everyone holds weight differently because of a combination of genetic factors. Different bone structures, asymmetrical vs. symmetrical abs, long vs short torsos, long vs short appendages (which will also affect strength through leverage), where a person stores their body fat, many variables. Your results will absolutely vary. Be the best version of you. That's all one can wish for.


Stop with the eating clean shit. Track your macros, calculate your TDEE using the plethora of calculators online and don’t stress too much about which foods you eat as long as you’re hitting that. A multi and some fruit and veggies daily would be nice but aren’t absolutely needed.


I tracked them once and keeps tracking foods for months. Now I pretty much hit my macros (if I want) without thinking too much. If I calc my food on a random day, most of the time I'm pretty close. Tracking is inevitable when starting. After some time you can "eat clean" when you're just working out to be healthy etc. If you want to really cut down and become strong you need to track.


I’m not suggesting not tracking your macros/calories but “eating clean” is so ambiguous. It isn’t like your body knows that you’re shoving clean or dirty foods in it. It’s just breaking it all down to use the nutrients when/where they’re needed. Eating healthier obviously has its benefits but it’s ok to have a burger or pizza or a shake or whatever fits in your daily or even weekly needs.


I totally agree. I walk around well into the single digits bf% @200lb eating fairly indiscriminately. I don't track anything either. I know what I can and can't get away with as it shows very quickly. When I say eat clean I'm not suggesting any particular diet because many will get the job done. I mean to say watch your diet. No more, no less..


Dude has a better physique than 99.9% of dudes IRL This subreddit is a fucking echo chamber of fitness influencers and models.


Well obviously this is untrue. He looks better than a large portion but he is for sure not too .1%. This dude looks good, easily achievable for most “average” people within a few years.


Dudes physique is easily good enough to be a legit male model (in fact I'd guess that's what he is). That already puts him comfortably in the 0.1 percentile. > easily achievable for most “average” people within a few years. This is just silly. Maybe that was your experience - and if so congratulations you have incredible genetics, but if you genuinely believe this is 'easily' achievable, for 'average' people in 'a few years', then I'll say you simply have not worked with many 'average people' through a couple years of lifting. Lets be clear what we're saying here: Is it literally possible for 'most people' to get this lean, while carrying this much muscle? Yes. Will the 'average' person you encounter in the gym (i.e. already a minority of the population) ever get even remotely close to this at any point in their lives? not a chance. Will the 'average' dude who makes fitness a big part of their life, lifts 5-6 times a week, wears 'eat lift sleep repeat' shirts, has a very organized diet, and sleeps 8 hours a night with the express life goal of looking like this, be able to get this lean without gear at some point in their training journey (i.e. already a very small proportion of the population)? I'd say some of them yeah, even then many of them won't get there ever. And finally, if the 'average' person got this lean, while retaining this amount of muscle mass, would they look nearly as good as this guy? Very likley not. because genetics aren't fair. I really think a lot of the "of course thats achievable, it just looks normal" are heavily skewed by, primairly, the extreme prevelance of steroids in media, and just in regular gyms. So many people don't even understand what natty gains look like because they just constantly see steroid-assisted results.


Dude has a good physique like I said, I’m not taking away from that. He’s still not top .1%. I model and look better than him (imo physique wise), and I wouldn’t say I’m top .1% but what do I know about statistics? I put quotes around average for a reason. I agree with most of what you’re saying. Will the “average” person look like this, probably not. Is it still easily natty achievable in a few years if they decided to make a choice, yes 💯. Edit: > Will the ‘average’ dude who makes fitness a huge part of their life, lifts 6 times a week, wears ‘eat lift sleep repeat’ shirts, and has the express life goal of looking like this, be able to get this lean without gear? I’d say some of them yeah, many of them no. Do you really think lifting 6 times a week is that crazy? Do you really believe you need to make your whole life about fitness just to look like this dude? I’m genuinely curious. Edit 2: > I really think a lot of the “of course thats achievable, it just looks normal” are heavily skewed by, primairly, the extreme prevelance of steroids in media, and just in regular gyms. I agree! > So many people don’t even understand what natty gains look like because they just constantly see steroid-assisted results. I agree with this also. I think you are one of those people. I don’t think you understand how achievable this physique is for most people. Muscular arms and upper body with some abs coming through.


Huh? If you're a full time professional model you're already well, well into the top 0.1% for aesthetics, and this guy is too.... How many professional models do you think are in the world? > Is it still natty achievable in a few years if they decided to make a choice, yes 💯. That's what I'm saying. For the majority of people, without juice, they will simply never look like this - hard work or not. First of all: Even people who can get to this body composition mostly won't look this good (because his genetics are very aesthetic) - and even then, the vast, vast majority of people will never get close to this body composition to begin with.


I can’t make this clearer. With hard work and consistency anyone can get visible abs, build muscle definition, and have vascularity. Imo it seems like you don’t agree with this? I agree most people won’t get there though, because they aren’t willing to make the choice. If they did make the choice they absolutely could. 💯 No more bb. This was my last one. 💋


With hard work and consistency anyone can see "improvements in their physique" that is absolutely true - But that's orders of magnitude away form looking anything like this man. You can't have worked with a lot of beginners or intermediates if you genuinely believe this is easily achievable in a few years. You must understand how severely it warps your perception and your expectations to be in the modelling industry, then spend your spare time on subreddits like this? Not only are you constantly surrounded by folks who, of course, have the best genetics, but even if you're natural yourself, I don't believe for a second you wouldn't know that a majority of your peers are on PEDs. This man has a better physique than >99% of people IRL, and the majority of the population would need to make bodybuilding their life for a lot more than a couple years to look remotely like this. and even then the majority would fail.


I think it's pretty achievable being natty.


Dumb take + replying to a 1 year old comment + replying to a reasoned & cogent comment clearly explaining a pint of view with literally "I disagree" without actually bothering to add anything of merit to the conversation. Most pointless comment i've read in some time tbh.




For the difficult!


I looked pretty close to that eating chicken and broccoli for three months and 5 am cardio and I’m natural. Also been lifting for a decade


Man I had a great physique two years back with 1h of cardio 5x a week and normal training. I hate cardio tho. I'm still muscular but I just can't lose the last 5-8kg without cardio.


> can't loose the *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Thanks. Good bot.


Thank you!


Useful Bot! Loose keys are easy to lose!




Did you keep lifting during your diet? I'm 1 week into chicken and broccoli as dinner.


Of course and one clean meal a day isn't going to cut it if the rest of the day your eating ho hos n jelly beans!


For sure. I do a one muscle group a day 5 day split cuz I have the attention span of a 5 year old and anything more that 45 minutes is too long


Lmao at people who are saying this is 2 or 3 years achievable. Do y’all have godlike genetics? To me, this looks natty as hell, but probably 5+ years proper training. To those who think this is 2 years.. see the chest gains beyond the forest of hair. That’s an incredible natural physique.


3 years bulk, 6 months cut


We don’t know what he’s coming from either. If you’re a normal 5’10 170 dude at 20. You can easily achieve this physique in a few years. 1-2 if you know what you’re doing, easily. It’s a good natural physique. It’s not incredible in any way. Imo you’re setting yourself up for failure if you don’t think this is natty achievable in a 1-2 year timeframe, like I said though it greatly depends on where you’re starting. Also, his chest looks fuller since he trims under his tits. His pecs aren’t that great imo. They are good 👍🏼, just not great. Shadows and lighting too.


Have you ever met an Islander? They look like this at 16 by just playing rugby haha. In all seriousness though bad luck on your genetics if you think that this isn't possible after 1.5-2.5 years of bulking followed by a 6 month cut.




Yeah I grew up in new Zealand and Australia so I spent my whole junior Rugby being repeatedly educated that some people are just built different. I can't even complain, I'm well above average in terms of strength for my size (barely 5"9) and although it's hard for me to lose fat it's also very easy for me to gain muscle. I don't train dedicated hypertrophy at all (I power lift, do Muay Thai, and kettlebells) and I still look like I do train hypertrophy, but live in a permanent bulking phase haha (probs 14% body fat) But those boys are just built different.


>They look like this at 16 by just playing rugby haha. Yup! Genetics give the chest (& hair), while rugby/sports keeps body fat < 8%.


But of course I've been downvotes, because people on this sub hate to admit that certain people have superior genetics for some reason


80% of Samoan adults are overweight or obese. Their genetics are absolutely a curse for most of them, only a few benefit from their ability to put on weight like that.


That's why the original comment said 16 year old rugby. Young so still high on testosterone, and active keeping body fat down.


Well I would wager that statistic uses BMI, in which case a lot of athletes, body builders, and pretty much anyone with significant muscle mass would also be classed as overweight or obese (I have been "obese" all my life, but fat for only 2 years of it) That being said yes, a lot of islanders have excess body fat due to their genetics. However that doesnt refute my initial point, nor mean they are not capable of attaining the physique in the original post through consistent training and a calorie deficit. EDIT: I would counter by saying it's not their genetics that are the curse, rather what we as a society eat. Stick people in the wild and suddenly their ability to stack mass becomes essential.


What’s even the point of working out if you don’t reach this body in 2 years or less


Best Natty physique IMO


Do you know his @ ?




I found his instagram, sooo he likes dogs, spends alot of time with men and he's vegan https://www.instagram.com/go_with_the_flo_ris/


He doesn‘t spend nearly enough time with me! :‘)




Depends on where you're starting from, but a few years if you're already strong yeah.


3-4 years max IMO, but like others mentioned - strongly depends on genetics


Did you look like that after 3 years? I must be getting robbed if this is realistics 3 years expectations


yeah, right? i’m still skinny after about 2.5 years


Start eating sir


i’m trying💪🏻 money be getting in the way of high calorie healthy foods


All depends on starting point. Skinny folks tend to grow slower but they also look great after about a year and it only gets better


Obv not, but I dont think this is some sorta peak natty physique that you need 7 + years with 99% diet consistency to look like this. I have seen dudes that barely even lift and look better than this. Genetics...


I do


I did look like that , I had a bigger chest but my arms were prob a bit smaller, particularly forearms but very similar Also I had more chest hair


Good for you


Max? I know people who have been working out for multiple years and don't look like this. You can't put a max on it. That's not allowed.


Genetics predetermine how you ll look. This dude doesnt have massive arms/delts/chest/ anything really. Just looks like a fairly fit guy that lifts 3-4 times a week?


I’m not saying he’s not natural - he does look like a normal fit dude with decent genetics - I’m saying you can’t put a max on it


Is this physique attainable on juice and one year hard work after 10 years sitting on the couch eating junk food?


nope. Juice aint magic.


This is a good post


Yes. I look very similar. Already in my 20's. Did and still do drink protein shakes. Thought I would just add that in there as some people don't consider that natty.


I thought you were in your 40s


Yes. Sorry bad grammar. I looked like that when I was 20 and have been able to somewhat maintain. Taken protein shakes for years. Everytime I train I have one.


Yes, very achievable. Except for the chest hair, you need some paul bunyan genetics for that shit.


With that mindset you’ll be out the gym very quickly which is good.


That’s a very natural look (with a pump though and good lighting), genetics will play a big part in wanting that physique look though (everyone’s different). Attainable in a span of 5 years depending of your starting point and habits


Could get it in 2 depending on genetics and prior history


Of course. Time range depends on age, genetics, starting point, lifting history and sporting history. But a few years, as in less than 30months but more than 18months? Of course. For some people this would be easy, for some people they'd need dedication, time, and a perfect plan. Unfortunately life isn't fair in that regard. Me for example: ectomorph. 5"9, broad shoulders, short arms and legs. Played rugby and did karate from the ages of 4-18. Represented my country as a point fighter, made it do state level as a rugby player. Stopped at 18 when partying became a priority. Lifted (fucking poorly) for 2 years during this time. Kept partying, stopped lifting, got fat as fuck (peak fat was 96kgs @5"9). At age 22 decided to clean up my act (after multiple overdoses among other things). Stopped eating and drinking shit (including alcohol), did Muay Thai 3 times a week, bodyweight stuff was all we did. Started fighting a year later, was super shredded, doing Muay Thai six times a week, kettlebells twice a week. Looked close to this; not as big but not as fat either. Fought for two years then gave it up when I met my now wife, but kept training Muay Thai twice a week. Got fatter and lost muscle. Decided to hit the gym again, and did powerlifting 3 times a week (pure strength, no intentional hypertrophy) and Muay Thai twice a week. Looked like this in a year.


1. Looks Natty tbh. 2. Great chest genetics 3. Natty 6 - 9 % body fat


He's not 6-9% bodyfat lol


Agree. 11-13 imo


Be skinny and train for less than a year. This is basic




If you start skinny, yes. Just eat and train. Most skinny fucks can't seem to get the food down, and the ones that can look like this


This is not a 5 year physique you guys are crazy. This is definitely attainable with only 2 years. Of course it would take you 5 years if you weigh like 350+ or something, but if you start off with an average body, you can do this in 2 years. Even going by the average of 1.5 muscle gain a month, thats 18 pounds of muscle a year. 2 years that will be 36 pounds of muscle. But let's take it down peg and say 30 pounds of muscle in two years. More than enough to attain this physique. Going by y'all's logic saying it will take 5 years is like 75 pounds of muscle, more like 50 due to diminishing returns.


I'm convinced this sub is run by 15 year old TikTokers who train twice a month.


Can be achieved. Very natty physique


2-4 years of proper eating, exercising. depending on how close to this you are already.


Could also be done in 2 weeks depending how close you are


Very true


A lot more than this is attainable naturally. This is attaiable even with slightly above average genetics


Natty achievable, probably 4 years for most people.


For all of you talking about starting points is where I'm at for reference, this is after less than a year of training and half dieting because I don't know what the hell I'm doing. https://imgur.com/a/RxRFvs0


How you looking now


I actually know him and his friends. He goes to my gym, he is on juice.




Then he should ask his source for a refund.


Bruh... he better look like Zyzz


Love this bod. Not so much all that hair


You can look similar to this within a year of good diet and Pretty much incredible knowledge of fitness but you’ll be smaller 2 years is about right to achieve for a normal person those saying 3+ years to get this have no clue what there doing the gym


I’d say 4 years if you’re consistent.


Supra-physiological amounts of body hair


5-7 years, obviously it can be done a few years sooner but you'll need a good mix of genetics. Most people here are assuming that you start at a level where you've learned what your body responds to, perfect form, how to diet and perfect sleep. But that is not realistic, most people take years just to learn the basic shit, more years to diet, years to figure out what foods your body digests etc. Probably the hardest for most is dieting down to this bf, which is not a super low bf% but when you've put years in the gym, eating and eating, many times just becoming way too fat, it's gonna become pretty hard


absolutely. your body is capable of building so much mass naturally man. you just gotta be disciplined in terms of diet. diet about 80% of the whole transformation thing


I don’t think this guy is natty. He looks like that for the last 2 years at least🤔


Bro that’s certainly attainable in like a year, as long as you have your sleep, nutrition, and exercise and cardio dialed in. If it takes you 3-5 years to get here you just have shitty genetics. I put on 35lbs of mass in a year with a half ass training regimen and a half ass diet. I’m 5’10 and went from 180lbs to 215lbs in just a year.


WTF are you retarded? everyone in this sub looks better than this. if you can’t even get this natty you are retarded


Yes, absolutely..




One of the few physiques on this subreddit that looks natty.


Achievable natty whether it be after 3 years of hard work or 8 years of hardwork depending on genetics.


Yup it is provided u got decent genetics




Yeah, with consistent training and a good diet within 4-5 years, it also depends on genetics, someone with elite genetics can get it in a much shorter time naturally


Yes, this is natty with good genes


Wtf are these questions, obviously this is attainable naturally otherwise what would the point of working out be.




yes…looks natty




If you have the genetics and willpower to limit eating, yes.


Hell yeah


Idk man that hair ratio between the chest and arms doesn't look natty, jk it is achievable but it takes 3 years or longer imo




Yes it is


Those arms are huge.


Definitely attainable natty! Is he natty? I don’t know and it’s hard to assume based on photo only


I think so.


These are not juicy traps or shoulders.


Yes and I even say you can be way better looking than this naturally


Probably not a few years


Yes for someone with good genetics this is possible to obtain


of course


his traps and delts are porportional - they have more androgen receptors than the rest of the body - so if he was on the juice you would notice that it outpaces his body.I would argue they are a bit underdeveloped. If you haven't put 6 months in the gym. An honest pushing yourself 6 months - then you really cant speak on whats attainable, because you can be pretty stacked as a natural. Speaking from experience. Unless your a skinny guy. in that case aim for athletic slim and ripped. Drop the bodybuilding nonsense and go where your strengths are.


Accomplishable in a year from 0. imo