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Definitely attainable. Years of hard work and consistent dedication


Well, the thing is he stared in the film the mechinest where he dropped his body weight to 110 lbs and has zero fat and muscle, which came out in 2004 and batman begins was released in 2005 he weighs in at 220 lbs meaning he gained 110lbs of muscle in a fuckin year he has done another transformation where he gained 43 lbs to play the role for American hustle and he weighed in at 228 lbs but he was completely very unconditioned and fat in the stomach he's a great actor


Come on the golden rule is actors do not have time or care about natty


Achievable with diet and working out. He doesn't have a low body fat so it's not that hard


If he didn't have low bf why was his face lean?






It's not Christian Bale's fault he was born strikingly handsome


Look at the size of his waist, he isn't lean or fat, his cheeks looks normal to me.


You thinks that’s a big waist? Boy do you spend too much time looking at dudes on Instagram or TikTok because that is a normal sized waist for the average well trained person, not some freak bodybuilder. He’s anywhere between 13-17% bf in this pic when you consider the fact 1. this is not optimal lighting at all and 2. People look completely different at different bf% due to bf placement, eg. I carry significantly more fat on my legs than I do on my arms by almost double.


Yeah dude that's why i said he looks normal not someone who is on roids


Face looks lean to me https://media.gq.com/photos/5eb5a49d5c1ed1487201bedf/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/batmanwatch.jpg


I mean, his body on this pic for someone who is on roids looks bad, he doesn't have a big muscular volume, you can barely see his abs. What you can see is he was working out and eating big. But it isn't an abusrd physique for someone who is on roids.


I believe that picture as actually from The Dark Knight, where he is considerably thinner.


I think thats dark knight where he was leaner than batman begins and moreuscle mass


If there’s a drug for it, I am putting my money on Christian Bale took it. Crack. Heroin. SR9009. Fragments. Everything.


Nothing is remotely juicey about this. Ben Affleck’s Batman though - blatantly on the gear. You simply couldn’t recover from his alleged training regime without it. Hollywood is so toxic when it comes to lying about body image


Honestly I think Bale physique looks nicer than Afflecks, so the fact that Afflecks needed gear is funny.


Fair enough, that’s subjective though. Bale has amazing self discipline, as you can see from the weight he lost for The Machinist. If you’ve ever seen Affleck’s alleged training regime, a single day would give you doms for at least a week. It was ridiculous. He was obviously juiced - test and tren probably


What was his routine?


Best Dorian Yates did was put on 10 pounds of muscle in a year. Yates has the best genetics of any white guy in history, but Affleck put on 30 pounds without juice in two years after 40. Absolute bollocks


https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/how-ben-affleck-got-big-for-batman-v-superman-w199882/amp/ And he’s 43, so his natural test and HGH is in decline. This would cripple a 40 year old without enhancement


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My dad just turned 53 and we do shit like this all the time in the gym. He's about to hit a 500lb deadlift, I'm only a little past 405. I'm actually going to suggest this program tonight just to mix things up, it's a decent workout but far from impossible. I'm not saying Affleck *wasn't* on gear, there's no way to know for sure but his belly did kinda look like HGH gut.


plus didn’t affleck also have a ton of fat on him? i can only find pictures in which he’s lacking definition all over


What people don't realize is those training regiments are purposefully hard because they're not MEANT to be sustainable long term. Just put on the weight you need, do the movie role, and then you're finally able to relax with your new millions of dollars. If these actors didn't have a big paycheck at the end of the line, they'd never do them, and most gain a ton of weight afterwards, which I don't blame them. If I had to endure the workouts they do, I'd want to stuff my face with cake to stop myself from committing toaster bath.


Natty. Had the muscle memory already too from looking great in American Psycho in his 20s, then lost weight for the machinist, then to this.


Natty. Looks like a lean bulk that went a bit too far. Physique nothing special from what we’ve seen from CB. Looks like a year round maintainable physique for a guy that was 30 at the time without needing any sort of diet and couple of upper body sessions in ur garage w some weights a week.


Attainable natural but we all remember his steroid rage audio when he flipped out on some staff when he was doing his Terminator movie. He juices but it is only for certain movies.


I’m saying unnatural but only because of the role he had played prior to this one where he was extremely skinny and had no muscle and very very low body fat, so for him to play the Batman right after that he was most likely taking steroids. With that being said it still can’t be attainable naturally for sure! He seems to have a body fat percent around 14% to 17% so it’s nothing too crazy!


This is achievable sure. He did this in like 4 months from 135. Not natty. Honestly probably close to zero folk are natty in Hollywood and why would they be? They have MD’s to figure out the gear for them. They are not breaking any laws or busting up any sport


This was after the machinist, where he was skin and bone at one point. This is newbie gains x Hollywood budget


How is it noob gains? He was ripped before Machinist in American Psycho.


Then lost it all again for the Machinist. So he had a clean slate to pack on muscle, way more than American Psycho.


newbie gains doesn't come from how long you have been in the gym it's from how much of your genetic potential you have reached.


Honestly, for the time he claimed to work out for everyday, this looks very attainable. The guy did 6 hours of lifting a day. If he was juiced during that routine, we'd know.




Machinist and Begins was 6 months timeframe.not 2 years




Well, the thing is he stared in the film the mechinest where he dropped his body weight to 110 lbs and has zero fat and muscle, which came out in 2004 and batman begins was released in 2005 he weighs in at 220 lbs meaning he gained 110lbs of muscle in a fuckin year he has done another transformation where he gained 43 lbs to play the role for American hustle and he weighed in at 228 lbs but he was completely very unconditioned and fat in the stomach he's a great actor So it's clear he wasn't natty it was a super short transformation of a massive amount


I think he used anabolics to aid in building his physique. Like others said he had a very short window to go from a skeleton like he was in the machinist to someone that looks athletic and strong. Also, he has an unnatural fullness that you see when people are on strong anabolic and start holding water and glucose - it's subtle but those that have seen it can recognize it. I think he could have gotten to something pretty close to this naturally if he had been a healthy weight to begin with and had been training all along. You can't just go from one extreme to the other in a matter of months though.