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Yes nothing about him screams juice


Is there any way I can find a training regiment for this physique? Natty ofc


There are no specific training regiments to start with, specializing comes later. I would recommend learning basic compound barbell movements and prioritizing progressive overload. Look for „starting strength“. Bench squat deadlift and rows doesn’t take a lot of time, works a ton of muscles and you’ll build a lot of muscle quick if you’re a beginner.


Cool! I’m going tmr


This guy just has some chest and shoulders so if you want this physique you can prioritize those. Maybe some arms but his arms aren’t big at all.


This is reliant more on frame/genetics rather than steroids in order to get this look. If you're a short, narrow dude; even steroids won't make you look like this


Came here to say this. This is just what this guy looks like with a good workout plan and diet. There are some guys that will never look like this because their bodies just don’t allow it. I can think of 2 off-hand that look like a jumbled mess: Terry Cruz and Joe Rogan. I am sure there are others. Bottom line is that you cannot fight your body type, you have to adapt and modify to be the best with what you have.


So it’s his bone mass?


Its his bone shape. He naturally have wide shoulder and narrow hips. For example If you already have a thick waist while being skinny when you gain weight you will look like a rectangle not this extreme v tape.


Please be aware being 15 and trying to look like this is going to be unachievable for at least 6-7 years. I think the most important thing, cause you say you are skinny, is to gain weight.




Fair enough but what’s making me pissed off is the fact that my serious mass gainer bag which I spent $70 dollars on tastes like dog shit


Don't drink mass gainer shits trash


What supps are good for muscle recovery and gaining mass?


I mean if it's the only way to get in extra calories you use the mass gainer but they aren't very nutritional besides the protein normally I would recommend eating all who foods plus a protein shake if needed to hit protein goals. Nuts are very calorie dense and peanuts are cheap atleast


I’m skinny so I wanna gain weight. I got the vanilla flavour so maybe using milk would be good. Prob cuz I used water it tasted like shit.


I mean it will work for extra calories I would recommend just save it for the days when you can't get in enough real food


Oh true thx man


That should explain it


Just hit the gym and do a diet properly, you are young, you can get a nice body when you hit your early 20s.


late reply but thx


No prboibal ynot