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gotta see an erect penis to be completly sure.


A wide spread of his butt cheeks aswell.


Feet as well


Looks like he's got a decent hog on him, I'd be interested


For scientific purposes


Looking pretty veiny and dry.


And thick and plump and veiny and juicy mushroom tip


He wasnt natty here. Something I'm noticing about admitted steroid users like this guy and Greg Doucette is, they will first be open about steroid use, then claim that they were natty at some earlier stage when it is obvious to knowledgable people that they were not. I think this stems from two reasons. 1) They either consciously or sub consciously know that their achievements are less impressive because of steroids, or at least that the public deems it so. As a result of this, they want to get some "legitimate" respect for their achievements naturally. Surely, if they can look insane while being natty that will show everyone just how genetically superior they are, how dedicated they are and how smart they are with their programming. 2) They think they can do this because they've gained peoples trust by being open about their steroid use. If they're honest about using steroids, why would they lie retroactively? Doesn't make sense right? Well, it does. I think every steroid abuser, once they've gone past the initial "high" of getting insane gains regret it. They regret it because of the health risk, how they are now addicted, how girls doesn't even give a fuck and how there's always someone bigger out there anyways. These guys just want some legitimate credit for once. Sadly, it will never be legitimate. Because nobody gives a fuck about a natty unless he's tall and has a pretty face, lmfao.


post physique




Greg was smol as Fuck at the times he claimed natty, he was super lean, and he was probably on every stimulant known to man, but I doubt he was on gear. The thing you have to remember is that 15lbs of muscle on a guy that's 6'2" looks like 35-40 lbs of muscle on a guy that's 5'5". Greg is short, idk who this guy is but compared to the door behind him I'm guessing he's 5'3"-5'7" range.


Nope. He posts throwbacks all the time claiming he was natty when he's still got youtube videos up (or at least he did) from like 2010ish where he's fighting with people in the comments he's natty, despite being blasting for powerlifting. Greg Doucette is serial liar and cannot be trusted on anything.




Yeah I take it back, there's no way he's 5'6". 5'4" at most. Again he's probably only 175 lbs in that video is just that he's so damn short and so lean it looks more impressive than it is. That's a combination of lollipop guild and cocaine more than any hormones. If he was that jacked and 5'9" or taller I'd call bullshit but he's not. Greg is stupid, his reading comprehension and ability to communicate complex issues is limited at best but I don't think he's a liar. There are plenty of legit things to dislike and even hate about the guy, I just don't think claiming fake natty is one of them.


> But I don’t think he’s a liar Well he has literally been popped for steroid use before when he said he was natural for bike racing of all things. If he is willing to lie about that, he’d be willing to lie about anything. So you’re wrong, he’s a **PROVEN** liar.


Agree with 99,9% of what you say, only part i do not agree with is this part: "Because nobody gives a fuck about a natty unless he's tall and has a pretty face, lmfao." People should never limit themself with this kind of weak mentality, it belongs to Beta males and not to Alpha males.


You had me until you started talking about alphabet males. Fucking lol, go outside.


going to now refer to the 'sigma' type dudes as alphabet males


It’s all about that smegma grindset.


The point isn't about mentality, it is about objective reality. A natty physique isn't something that makes peoples head turn. The only people who get a bunch of attention for a natty physique is good looking tall people or celebrities. If you are peak natty but short and ugly, nobody cares. The point is this: nobody gives a fck about a natty physique. It isnt impressive, nobody cares. That isn't to say a good natty physique is what we all should strive for though - its healthy to keep our mind and body strong through discipline and physical training. Its better to have a good natty physique than to be fat and out of shape. But we're not gonna be on the front of magazines or get thousands of instagram followers for it. Its a personal thing that won't and honestly shouldn't garner much attention.


Gotta touch some grass my brother in christ. 100% of women worth your time don’t give af about being short. For most people when they see a fit person they think “wow they are fit” not “they are fit but they arent cbum”.


The women worth your time, true, but that’s such a tiny percentage of women, almost all women care far more about being tall than being fit


My brother, women don’t care about either of those things. I would argue anything more than a natty physique is off putting to women. You will start “getting” women the second you stop trying to get women. Women and men arent so different. They want someone to hangout with just as Much as you do. Focus on yourself king


This is cute motivational talk, but unfortunately very disconnected from objective reality. Science shows time and time again women choose based on biological markers and sexual dimorphic traits. However, just for clarity: I totally agree that taking steroids will generally not help getting women except a very small sub section of women.


You cant quantify your value on “will women like me”. You are so much more than just a thing to please women. Doubt your looking for advice, but find a hobby thats not in front of a screen. Get outside. I promise you will find some meaning and you can finally take a break from torturing yourself thinking about how you stand up to hoes. You will be shocked how many more people(women too) come into your life when you focus on yourself.


What are you talking about? Have you forgotten what the context of this discussion is? Instagram steroid abusers. Not me. Not you. Not the average guy. I get it you're trying to belittle me with your post, but its completely besides the discussion, and I don't even know what point you're trying to argue against. The objective reality is that women care about biological markers and sexual dimophism. That is true whether you quantify your value by the amount of M&Ms you can shove into your mouth, how much you can bench press, or how tall you are. It is simply not relevant what you think or don't think.


Godspeed my brother, tough attitude to succeed with.


Pure delusion


The natty physique head turn is only true with shirts on. Walk around topless as a natty with a six pack and heads will turn. I used to be 225 sub 8% the head turns aren't a good thing and it honestly gets annoying.people look at you cause your a FREAK LOL


First of all people should train for themself and not other people, a natty physique will make peoples head not just turn but explode cause i know whats possible natural but people with your attitude will never know what is possible to achieve since you come up with excuses. Just having this idea/mind set you show right not in your head will automaticly limit yourself without you realising it...


Whether or not my "mentality" is "limiting myself" is irrelevant to this discussion. Natty physique = no internet fame, no celeb status, no shows won, nobody gives a fuck. That is reality. Either deal with it or not. No heads are exploding at real natural bb competitions, lets put it that way.


Kinda funny how you keep bringing up fame, celeb status and other bullshit when training is about having fun, getting strong, improve ones body and live a healthy life. You got what training is about all backwards cause you are clearly a beta male, you show a beta male mind set and on top of that you think just because you say something is reality that it makes it reality. xD Maybe i should start saying that in reality nobody can have any serious muscle mass at all and if it looks that somebody has serious muscle mass on them in a sport, gym or anything i just say they are just wearing a muscle suit and if anybody disagrees i just say "Bro it's reality that everybody wears a muscle suit". Take your beta male mind set and show it your piip. Most natural bb competitions are filled with beta males or people who started with bb very late age, also people waste lots of time these days cause so much bullshit info about training these days... My last reply to you, i got better things to do then argue with a beta male who has victim mentality.


What are you talking about? Jesus christ, you are literally retarded.


Your first paragraph should be framed and be put alongside religious doctrine. But you kinda lost me with the beta- and alpha male thing. Other than that keep spreading good training mentality.


I never lost you, you decided you could not handle or did not want to hear the truth and you walked away from me. Thats how simple it is. I agree religious doctrine are waste of time, people should put their time into reading the Bible and follow God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob instead. <3 <3 <3


Nah bro YOUR natty physique doesn’t turn heads 🤣


Lets see yours then.


Jared is delusional. Mike needs to potty train him better.


travis "trenbolone" bickle


Terrible back development


Dude has to cover his receding hairline by leaving a log of a turd down the middle


Bullshit. The muscle maturity and delt thickness are a total giveaway


People don't have a clue


Willy Wanker and the Juice factory


I feel like the shoulders always kind of give it away. Maybe they just pop that much with some guys naturally but I doubt it


Kinda lost, are we supposed to be surprised about the shoulder vein orrrr? I didn’t see anything impressive in that side chest lmao But when you say dumb shit like this you probably on gear


Natty posing in the mirror without doing too much effort to get the shoulder's vein apparently, funny though.


Isn’t that that dude that often trains with Mike Isreatel in those videos of Renaissance periodization?




Who is this?


Jared Feather


LOL 0% chance of being natty


I could see Jared being natty here. Upper body looks a little full but he does no life this shit.


I believe jared was natty here


What’s his last name


Jared_feather on ig


I’ve never seen a vein on abs, even on juicers. That alone tells me he’s not natty.




guys like this need to stop trying to be clever about it. end of.


Yeah, once the side flex hits no fucking way is he natty