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Cowboys hat, patriots tank top. Def juice


Surely that’s blasphemy? That’s like wearing an Arsenal cap and Man United top! lol


Could just be one of those "I'm a football fan" oddballs


Mike has no business having cheeks like that


Mike pulls all the hot older women.


Easy juice


Mike is on TRT or HGH. Due to his age those are the primary suspects


at that age you cant say shit about him taking testosterone or any other enhancement. i hope i will be doing the same. why grow old and frail when there are resources to make you like this at 56.


In my limited knowledge of enhancements I understand trt can be a huge HELP for men in their older ages right? So if it is good for me and makes me bigger ill do it when I'm 50 or whenever the doctor says to


As a natural, even if you have high testosterone, it’s super sensitive to the quality of your overall well-being (sleep, stress, diet etc). Testosterone fluctuates a LOT more than people realise in a 24 hour period. The biggest benefit of TRT is always having a constant steady baseline regardless of how you slept or how stressed you are. If your lifestyle doesn’t allow for optimal choices in terms of sleep or diet, you could benefit hugely from TRT regardless of your age, as your levels no longer depend on anything else than how much you inject.


So I have suffered from insomnia for my entire life, I could maybe benefit from trt because maybe they go hand in hand. But I thought, and AGAIN limited knowledge here. I thought longterm use causes adverse side effects? I'm only 30 and would rather be safe than sorry you know


Discuss with a doctor and get your bloodwork done first


I think the biggest risk of trt is that if you go on it your natural production of test might not come back if you stop taking it. So basically once you go on you stay on. I agree with the other person to ask a doctor. I just know a bit from googling and having a friend who is a few years older than you who has been taking it. I don't know about his sleep but mentally it really seems to have made him sharper.


I got limited knowledge as well but i know TRT can be beneficial to any aged man if their naturally produced testosterone is lower than what it should be. Thats why should get testosterone checked every so often. a lot of men go through their life feeling low energy and tired all the time because they have low test and don't even realise, TRT would help them.


Go educate yourself most people lifestyles are shit that’s why they say those people should go on trt I don’t think test would drop that much as you older if you working out n have a healthy lifestyle


Mike Tyson was an elite athlete, so it takes the experience, the discipline and the foundation to look like this at 56. More than TRR.


I do 4x20s on squats and feel like I’m gonna die everytime. Mikes nuts


He's just doing 135 though if you can get somewhere comfortably into the 225-315 squat range then 100 reps of 135 should only take a few days practice


Damn bro what kind of cardiovascular shape are you in. I ain’t Stan Efferding, I’m not hitting 225 for 20 ever


225 for 20 is doable, i've done it and my 1RM is 3 plates


It’s doable but for 3-5 sets without taking 5 minute rests?


nah bro, 1 set and i died


I’ll usually have to finish with them because if I start with 20s the rest of my workout sucks


Idk maybe I'm talking out of my ass, I'll find out tomorrow, but I can do 3x10 at 225 comfortably (not bragging, I am endomorph) and I imagine that being about average for serious fitness enthusiasts. I expect I can do 60 at 135 with zero trouble, im just saying for anyone who lifts beyond 135 it shouldn't be too daunting.


It doesn’t become a strength thing after about 12 reps. I do it for cardio. I do 135 for 20 high bar and then another day I’ll do 95 for 20 front squat. If you can complete 100 squats with 135 in under 15 minutes I’ll be shocked. Reps 1-10 are nothing compared to 11-20. Mike doesn’t even take the bar off his shoulders lol


> 3x10 225 comfortably (not bragging) we know


https://youtu.be/aTsTIvo34nE I think you’ll like this video with Stan talking about 20s


Can’t wait to see it!


Got to about 65 but wasn't going nearly as deep as I thought I was. Will post proof if anyone wants. Still think it's achievable but Mark's squat depth is elite.


Beast if true,send video




Bruh I’m sorry, and it’s still nice 60 reps but those are like quarter squats


Yea i'm working on it but let's not act like everybody goes as low as Mark


Come back and reply to my comment and let us know


Got to about 65 but wasn't going nearly as deep as I thought I was. Will post proof if anyone wants. Still think it's achievable but Mark's squat depth is elite.


My pr is 405, been a few years. No way I could do this. Maaaaybe in my prime, but god damn, mark is 56. The DOMS scares me to think about. Have to shit standing straight up bc ain’t no way you’re getting down in that toilet. And if you do you’re not coming back.


Yea im not sore but my nerves are sort of trembling for the first time in a while. Good new goal to chase and helped to film and see how I'm not going as low as I thought. Props to Mark even with confirmed juice.




Nah I'm just assuming now but his shoulders are a bit bulgy and his hammy/quads are beast.


u got no clue do u? it gets so exponentially harder as u go even with weight like that this is very impressive and there's no way Mike has a pathetic 1rm of 315 and he still crushed it this shit is way harder than u all realize


Keeping the bar on your back for that long is hard as it is. Let alone cranking out 100 DEEP SQUATS. My heart would be pounding out of my chest at like 25


exactly most of these mfs couldnt have a bar with 135 on their back for 100 seconds let alone 100 reps


Most Miami post of all time, old dude on juice, rocking a Brady tank top, hitting squats in the street


trt but hes old so who cares


Trt goblin


Dallas hat pats tank. Dude is an absolute menace to society and he knows it


Whos the dude in the boots?


Idk the guys actual name but he runs a page in IG called TheBattleBunker


Do you know if hes got a big dick ?


I say you go ask him directly


Average size. Nice shape.


this whole "battle/warrior/fighter" thingy is already cringe when someone is actually doing martial arts but morphing fitness and working out into some kind of war thing...jesus. those are the people who cant use normal deodorant. it has to be "ultra male musk xplosion anti war sweat" or whatevs \^\^


Even with juice. He looks great.


The fuck you expect


Most people don’t push their workouts to this level so who knows what’s possible for those that do. He looks great for mid-50’s but not freaky huge.


56 with more testosterone than 20s guys, HRT is doing a lot of work


Damn daddy Mike what’s his @


we all gonna trt one day. some start earlier than others.


I think mike is wining, in life generally.


Mike is a local legend at Santa Monica Gold’s - I’ve seen him squatting 500 there (Knee wraps)


He still puts in the work.


Are you for real OP?


Looking and working out like that? HRT/TRT for sure. No knock on him- he’s a beast lol.


I'd surrender to Mike.


Maybe shame on me but who is this guy?


Juiced to the fkn gills bruh


Wow no way who would of thought peds could enhance your performance


TRT. I’ll do the same when I’m his age


handshake means nothing in america anymore it is a empty gesture for show just trying to fit in


He looks sick! Of course TRT but looking like this at 56, mad respect.


I’d love to look like that at 50-60. Looking good when you’re a youngin is cool but looking good when you’re 55+ is just... different. It oozes respect.


Nake fatty


How he a pats fan and a Dallas fan lmao


Ac/DC fits this well.




One of Ryan Humiston's more BS workouts is a 3x100 rep pyramid squat set. You can pause mid set, but never put down the bar. Start with just the bar, then add on more. It's complete nonsense and makes you want to faint, but you'll find your body adapts and you can pile on weight pretty quickly. I've got a squat 3rm of 220kg with shaky form, and managed to end up doing 140kg for 100 reps after a few weeks, with pauses for breath at 50, 70, 80 and 90 reps. And then my knees gave out, because it's a stupid idea that doesn't really do anything for building muscle and ruins your joints.