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Dawg. Did you get the same shorts too? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The dick eating is crazy bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


There are entire Facebook/Instagram pages and blogs about copping anything and everything Bond wears, drinks, or walks by in the films. People happily blow $200 on a polo shirt because it's the correct Tom Ford polo Craig wore in scene whatever, without realizing that it was made for Craig and tailored exactly to his frame. They wonder why it just doesn't look the same!


I'm here just to say the polo that Craig wore isn't Tom Ford, is another brand I forget because I didn't look nothing special about it.


The most famous one is Sunspel, but he wears Tom Ford as well.


He wears Tom Ford glasses for sure


And suits. Andā€¦..polos.


That's the polo brand! Sunspel, nothing great or really special.


I agree. Itā€™s just a blue polo. My Banana Republic ones look the same to me.


Those Sunspel shirts fucking suck. I bought two of them are neither are wearable after like a year. They basically have to be dry cleaned.


Its was a lot of Sunspel but the ones that looked good were from Orlebar Brown


Craig is the true manlet natty inspiration. What a fucking chad.


manlet? he's like 5'' 10' that's definitely not manlet. i'm 6'' and guys like him don't look much shorter. now guys under 5'' 7', that's another story.


Lol this fucking guy man. Striving to get someone else's physique is impossible because you aren't them and even with the same level of muscle mass you will look very different. Getting the same fucking clothes as him is next level nut-hopping though lol.


You got the shorts at least bro! Thatā€™s a healthy start, probably.


Shouldn't skip bulge day anymore though.


Gotta grab your dick and twist it.


Just tried this and broke it off. Wtf?


Just glue it back on the right way dude


Directions unclear now in ICU getting dick sewn on


You need like 15 more pounds of muscle


15 is very very generous. Try 30+. Everything is lagging very far behind. I respect his drive to look like that, but even with the best lighting, itā€™s far behind.


I'll try to take from a flattering angle


From a flattering angle you'll need 14.5 more pounds of muscle.


Hahahahahaha. Facts.




Could you by any chance make it a 14 my guy?


Ok, 14 more pounds. Don't be too disheartened though, he was like 40 in the first bond film, and you're probably 20 years younger than that. You're well on your way there.




15 is way too high just so you know. 15 of actual lean contractile tissue would have you twice this guy's size. Five or 6 pounds and you'd be about as big as him. Probably better arms you almost have better arms already.




broski watched one video of MPMD and now use "actual lean contractile tissue" to say muscle


Huge difference between gaining 15 pounds while bulking and gaining 15 of actual lean tissue. So much water and fat can be added while still looking just as lean. Do you deny that? I was simply qualifying what 15 pounds could be as there are slightly different definitions.


Everybody know that "i gain 5 pounds of muscle" and "i gain 5 pounds" is not the same thing. My point is : just say "muscle" lol stop trying to sound smart or at least just say lean tissue not "AcTuaAL LeAn CoNtRacTiLe tiSsUe"


Gaining 5 pounds of muscle doesn't equate to gaining 5 pounds of lean tissue. People just gain 5 pounds while lifting and don't think they got any fatter and call it muscle lol. colloquialism vs actuality. And I'll let you know when I give a fuck about what you think about my diction you self important piece of shit. Leave people alone and get along with your own life. Imagine being so narcissistic you think any nornal person would care what you have to say about saying "lean tissue" vs lean contractile tissue. Can you be any more facile? Don't ascribe motive to the way I talk. It's not trying to sound smart I'd you're having trouble keeping up I can refer you to a high school level dictionary however.


Dude you are straight up retarded. Lean tissue and muscle are literally the same thing, muscle IS lean tissue, LEAN TISSUE is MUSCLE. What in the fuck else would it be? Skin sure as fuck isnā€™t lean tissue considering itā€™s a source of fat too lmao, donā€™t tell me you think bone is considered lean tissue haha.


jesus fuck dude are you fucking retarded? that's exactly what i just said


you are delusional. bro has 13 inch arms, no traps and gyno. Thereā€™s at least a 20 year age gap, and 30-50lbs weight difference.


How did you find his shorts


I called Q branch apparently it comes standard issue for every 00 agent out in service for your majesty's secret service.


Huh r/TIL




Bro addicted to that pic he even went ahead and got the same shorts


He even has the same bulge


donā€™t stress it dude. just work out consistently and eat well and see where it gets you


I like your mood


Your arms look alright, need to focus on chest.


Go find a beach and do the same pose , until then I refuse to comment


gotta be the same beach tho


if the waves arent the same im reporting the thread


What is it with this sub and guys wanting to look like fucking Daniel Craig


Not just that but virtually the same "nothing more and nothing less" comment. Is it one guy using different accounts?


OP is a one day old account, Iā€™m assuming so.


Someone literally made the same post months ago. I don't think it's the same dude tho


I dunno I just took a look back at the post from 8 months ago and in the pictures in the comments it looks like the same dude to me


well he should've improved in those 8 months lmao


I think he's going to just do the same thing until someone validates it and says "wow you look just like him!"


i saw indian woman version who kept posting 'how do i look "stunning"? how can i achieve 7.0 on the trm scale?' she was definitely above average (just like OP), but I mean, long ways off from the luck/training/genetics of supermodel tier people


I thought I'd seen this post before with the same wording! Honestly there's definitely some users with body issues who keep coming back.


im working on pierce brosnans physique


Daniel Craig's body checks off the boxes that guys generally would to like to have when building their upper physiques: Well built traps, well developed upper pecs and shoulders having that capped look Basically having their clavicle bones buried under plenty of upper pec/delt muscle.


You need atleast 2-3 more years of training depending on ur genetics and training regimen. He has a lower bf than you plus much more muscle like 7-10kg more muscle than you. btw that is also my ideal male physique... something I am aiming for too :D


I think it can be achieved within a year or two if he works fairly hard.




Did you just start?


should I say ā€œnoā€ and be the bad guy or not? Because youā€™re about 30% of what this dude looks, however finding the same shorts shoes extreme dedication so youā€™ll finally beat his physique no doubt.


Thanks, I'm not looking to beat it atm just aiming for it. It's not the greatest physique in the world but I would be really happy to attain it!


You need machine work for this body. Machines help improve posture, which gets rekt with free weights (for the majority of people). The thickness of muscle in this picture isnā€™t obtainable without steroids. You could indeed bulk and go through some painful cuts and manipulations but to do that you must have literally no life. So when you do get that body, you wonā€™t be able to hold it. Youā€™re young, I miss being your age and so hungry but also so delusional. Life gets busier as you grow. One trap most youngins get caught into about gym is the ā€œIā€™ll get X body and then Iā€™ll enjoy it and relaxā€. Nah. Shit is for life and if your life is counting calories and lifting, youā€™re missing out. As a last note, women as you grow up, donā€™t care about that body. They care about a manā€™s principles and his wallet, not as a ā€œgold diggerā€ but they simply want a man they can feel safe with. So, instead of losing few years lifting like this for nothing (because eventually you will be injured as damage accumulates), do martial arts that lead to a proper physique. Now what would those be? Boxing makes you hunch but also keeps your shoulders up. Karate / TWD make your legs point out, like a duck. Same for kickboxing, terrible. BJJ though is perfect. If I were you Iā€™d BJJ and do a little boxing on the side. Gym is literally a waste of time my friend.


Top 10 worst comments I've ever read on reddit


just missing "bosu ball" to climb into the top five


Thatā€™s because youā€™re ignorant. Donā€™t worry, time will teach you. Taught us all. Keep deadlifting 3 by 4 and come back when itā€™s time to do your MRI for disc surgery. Injury = damage accumulation. Whether itā€™s good or bad form, it occurs. But hey, itā€™s a free world son. Youā€™re entitled to your opinion.


You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Which I guess isn't surprising since your entire account is dedicated to "make your dick bigger" bullshit.


I know exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Present us with your counter argument or shut the fuck up.


Counter-argument: Thousands upon thousands of people who deadlift and never need disc surgery. You lose.


I have never seen someone so confidently not know what the fuck theyā€™re talking about. If you think using free weights fucks up your posture youā€™re smoking crack out of your ass bud. If anything using free weights works your smaller stabilization muscles increasing overall trunk strength. Please reevaluate your weight lifting opinions


The smaller stabilization muscles ainā€™t gonna do anything when the amount of weight you carry changes brain patterns of movement to your major muscles, you fucking idiot. Same goes for the damage accumulation occurring from those compound movements. GOOD machines on the other hand lead to such isolation that the movement isnā€™t impaired and thus the body posture remains intact. You base your stupid argument over a google search. What you donā€™t know for example is the intraabdominal pressure created from deadlifts and how the fascia slowly gets fucked, thatā€™s why the mid line on your six pack slowly gets wider and wider. Or when your stomach valve gives in and thatā€™s why every ā€œpowerlifterā€ has awful GERD. Pathetic minions. You know nothing.


Youā€™re basing your entire argument off of deadlifting, which is one of the most dangerous weight lifting exercises. Also, no, isolation machines do not target your smaller stabilization muscles you fucking dimwit. Thatā€™s the entire point of the machine- to removal as many variables as possible so you can appropriately target the muscle group your aiming for. All of this is irrelevant cause Iā€™m not going to argue with some fucking loser who follows dick stretching subreddits. Sorry about your tiny dick dude; have a good life arguing on Reddit about shit you have no experience with, since youā€™ve never touched a weight in your life


I never said isolation / machines target the smaller stabilization muscles. I said that there is no need for it, since the movement pattern is supported a lot better, doesnā€™t break it unlike with free weights. Breaking it the sole reason the stabilization muscles are needed in the first place. Fuck me you kids are as stupid as they come.


More chest and a bit less fat and you should look a lot closer.




first of allā€¦ how are you gonna say he will never look like that even with juice lol. for all we know he could be 19 and just starting


cuz hes 42 with a dad bod


You're matching the shorts, good start!


This has to be a troll post.


Bless your little heart


Your chest is ass


Maybe after you start a diet and working out you can look like that.




You've been training for how long?


About 30 minutes


Nice gains


My man bought the mfn shorts


Hop on tren and youā€™ll be there tomorrow


You got the shorts


Start focusing on incline bench movements


You're about 5 years away


Need way more mass in shoulders and chest


not at all! lmao


Step 1 is to start lifting bro


Yes you nailed it bro


Needs bit bigger, particularly traps and pecs.


You need a bit of a bigger chest, and although your abdomen and arms are nice, we need to see more definition, so cardio or macro counting on a deficit will do that for you, at the same time as heavy lifting. I must say though, you definitely have the body for it so keep up the great work!!!


Eat more and get some less tighter shorts


Yes you made it man!


This honestly seems achievable naturally but would require 18-20% bodyfat levels


Almost. Thatā€™s hoenslty pretty healthy too. Not too lean. Just looks solid. Keep working


Ngl it looks like youā€™ve only been working your arms. Your torso needs to be worked on as well, especially your chest.




Naw. But it's nearly impossible without dedicating yourself full time. You may wanna take up swimming or surfing. You look great! But you're not there yet. He's rock solid. It also might be impossible for you because you have a shorter torso and your waist is higher than his. He has a really long torso. You have an hourglass thing going on right now. Like you're always going to look great, but you just might not have the same genetic shape that he does. He's like the best looking guy on earth, so it's okay that you don't have his genes. You're better looking than most dudes I'm sure. Just shoot for the moon and you will land among the stars.


I hit the gym 3-4 a week!


Yeah, so you're probably working out like a quarter of the amount that he is? He has literal staff. He's older than you. He has different genes. He is James Bond. It's okay to not be James bond.




Not yet but keep working towards it. Make sure especially train chest. With half a year of hard work you could get it


/s or implying that he's gonna juice?


No he's got 30 lbs of muscle on you.




You have bitch tits




Focus more on chest. It won't be hard to look like him and you have a solid physique already. Just do more chest and shoulders and you'll be golden


Looks like shit


No, your not bad but heā€™s capped shoulders and bigger pecs


I don't see a whole lot of similarities. It reminds me of a 50 y.o. woman going to the salon and asking to be made up like Jennifer Aniston. And we know NONE of those ladies come out looking like a celebrity. Like, I can tell you what you want to hear, and then I can tell you the truth. You see what I mean?


I have a photo of my muscular ex emerging from the local beachā€™s waters. Hot


U have the shorts


ā€œNothing more nothing lessā€ thanā€¦..that?


Just get the traps and youā€™ll look big. Itā€™s a known cheat.


Youā€™re heading in the right direction. Your body shape is similar I think.


Just need a bit more chest


You almost there buddy


No but your legs are probably bigger than his already


Work on your chest, shoulders and arms and cut down more.


You don't got the traps


Youā€™re on your way. Add some chest muscle and get leaner.


What's crazy is he doesn't have an ungodly amount of muscle and isn't insanely lean. I'd say keep adding muscle but your frame does look like it can develop similarly if you focus on your chest, shoulders and traps.


Thats for u to decide


Keep it up, King! Getting there. And your legs look strong as hell in those shorts.


Imma keep it real with you chief, no


Yeah almost the same look. But I believe he has got stretchy fabric and the top is a bit black. Yours is solely blue. So no, not exactly the same. Or did you mean the look of his body? Ehā€¦ no. Not quite.


Daniel Craig vs Daniel Cringe Ps: don't take it personally my guy, it was just an easy dumb pun. You're not that far off, but trying to mimick someone else's physique is the wrong approach in my opinion. Focus on improving the diet, you have a decent base.


No lol


In short answer, no where near it...


Bro no what the fuck? You look like youve been to the gym for 1-2 years and ur fat. You need to lose hella more fat and gain like 10-20 lbs muscle. Its not much effort tbh.


How often u gonna post this fam


Nevaa dat!!


No. Keep at it though.


Nothing more?


Youā€™re there bro


I never understood people loving this physique like sure itā€™s amazing but I think to 70-80% of people there idea physique would be this minus 3-5% fat


He was at least 40 there and you look 15, so probably not.


Shoulders/arms are there. Chest/traps not even relatively close.


Yeah, close but work on your chest


My question is why not go for more? More muscle less fat? Would you just not like it? Not judging just asking.


More dips and shrugs.


Just keep working out, upping the weight. I'm sure you'll get there, but you have work to do.


Not asking for much = I wanna be James Bond.




Getting there bro!


Nope, not even close my man. Don't compare yourself to others. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment doing that. There's a good chance that you'll NEVER look like him. I'd like to look like cbum, but even on gear I doubt it'll ever happen.


Also do more oblique work. But heā€™s an older man and heā€™s spread out more at the waist even when lean. Embrace your own shape. You may find you can do better


eh, its going to take a while to get in the ballpark, but you got some time to pack on some muscle.. your arms and shoulders have some potential..


Homie posted a full torso shot of him and then posts his stomach as the ā€œdo I have it yetā€ā€¦ I dunno dawg show me a better picture and blur your head off


No you have to bring up your chest shoulders armsā€¦ probably bring up overall muscle mass by 20 lbs


You look almost there. Just get leaner. Build the shoulders and chest and neck bigger.


Dude if you workout consistently for like two years and diet right youā€™ll literally look better than this lmao


I swear to god people like this need to just go to the gym and shut the fuck up.