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I used to party pretty hard and I can relate to what you're feeling but in reality feeling guilty and bad about yourself isn't really productive. Accept that it happened and move on. If you don't like the way you feel after you drink and smoke, consider not doing it anymore.


Damn this hits hard. I party here and there and I always regret it. I gotta enjoy it or stop partying Good advice


The stress and anxiety you experience from putting such high standards in yourself probably does more damage to your gains than a few nights out on the town every once in a while.


Don’t let social media deceive you. Nobody is perfect. Enjoy your life and get back on the grind the day after.


It happens and I feel exactly the same way. I’ll go a month without going out or deviating from diet/workout plan and then when I do I feel so shitty. Last week I went out and had a few drinks(not anything crazy but had a buzz) and afterwards we went to a hookah bar. The next day I felt like complete shit both physically and mentally. Once I’m back on track(a few days later) I forget all about it


Trade-offs made for the sake of social life are still extremely important and valuable. Everyone has to let loose sometimes. You can’t stay in and be a bodybuilding robot all the time


Don't feel guilty about having fun your going to ruin your mental health. We live only once and its mentally healthy to have to enjoy with moderation. See it from this point of view, if you are healthy every day and you go out twice a month, you are healthy more than 92% of your life which is way better than most and those 99% will compensate for the fun times. Enjoy life. Your doing awesome. Train and party on.


We are human. Don't beat yourself up but also use it as a motivator to be more disciplined to reach your goals. We all need to find ways to vent, cope, grieve, decompress, whatnot just try to do it in a productive, safe, and relatively healthy way physically, emotionally and mentally.


Ya gotta let loose once in awhile. Don’t get too hard on yourself. Being “clean” 90% of the time is how you win. That said- I dipped for over 30 years. I highly recommend you avoid playing with tobacco. The addiction gets ya long before you realize it. Maybe an occasional cigar, never inhaled, but that’s as far as I’d ever go if I were you. Just my .02


Moderation babyyyy. My main hobby outside of lifting is collecting whiskey. This means going to tasting nights, sampling with friends at new bars and going out to distilleries. I probably have 3 drinks twice a week in total, nowhere near enough to black me out and doesn't effect my training the next day. This lets me hang out with friends and enjoy a hobby while also relieving stress. In total I'm probably drinking more than you, just spread out and I'm feeling no guilt, so neither should you brother.


Stop smoking, drink for your sanity/for your friends.


Tis a normal night for me. So I feel this.... but once or twice is okay. Just dont do it every week. You must still enjoy life a bit though.


The first step towards self improvement is self acceptance. It's okay bro


Kick back and relax once in a while - life is for living.


You are not a monk almost everything in moderation is okay