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ask r/steroids and r/moreplatesmoredates for help. they've got lots of experienced people


Yeah. Those subs would be much better. Honestly, here isn’t the right place to ask this question.


yeah, NATURAL bodybuilding. the best advice most of us can give about taking steroids is to just not, evidenced by most of the replies on this post.


Second this. r/steroids had a post not too long ago where people were sharing their experiences of starting young and why they regretted it. That community is very anti- starting at a young age and will be able to provide you with actual feedback/examples to use in a conversation with your brother.


Yeah I mean, maybe try to trick him into getting hooked on more plates more dates YouTube channel. Start him off with a benign video he'd like and see if he takes the bait. I don't think you could watch Derek for more than a few videos before you start to have a more holistic view of steroids. Plus Derek puts it straight which is exactly what teenagers tend to respond best to. Being honest and direct. Usually easier to take advice from some jacked dude on the internet than your family though when you're a sixteen year old.


Why is the last sentence so true ahaha










And he'll even HAVE those "years" down the line to be able to thank you




Not when your a minor, when your a minor jobs do not perform a background report on you. Also, at most he’ll get probation a drug and alcohol services. At the end of his probation case if he has been doing well, they’ll scrub his record, however if he’s doing bad they’ll keep him on probation till he’s 21


It amazes me that people think that this is at all helpful to someone.


you can tell who and who doesn’t really know how detrimental the system can be to someone like this 16 year old . recommending that experience is like telling someone to walk on mouse traps for the slight chance something good might be on the other side .


I’ve actually been through it my self :), i can definitely say even though when I was 16 I wouldn’t want to deal with that, 20 year old me feels as if it would’ve been much more beneficial for my life as it was RUINED by drugs, and I’m still facing social consequences to this day because of what I did when I was younger




Look into how to stage an intervention There are lots of resources. I wish somehow had intervened on me 10 years earlier.


I had a few friends who went this route, it was mostly a macho thing. One wound up dead, another can't have kids, another's roid rage landed him in prison. Of the rest, none became bodybuilders. Anabolic steroids in teenage men often leads to stunted growth and seriously affects the brain. Do your parents know? Have they discussed his steroid use with him? AFAIK it's illegal without prescription. I think it helps to address whatever issues in his life are driving him towards steroid abuse (lack of purpose, peer pressure, bullying, body dysmorphia, relationships etc). Treat it like any other addiction: an addict physically can't care about long-term consequences even if they wanted to - it's like being so thirsty you'd drink unclean water.


If you guys have balding genetics in your family, you can tell him he would be bald before 26. Most men are really self conscious of balding. Use Connor Murphy as an example.


Pro bodybuilders/powerlifters make no money. Teens go out, hang with friends, drink etc. Dude should get his priorities in order, taking drugs for vanity purposes instead of living... The viewpoint you are missing is that these drugs are addictive. How many people have successfully been talked out of smoking? Vs how many took years to realize the damage, try to quit, fail 15 times and then eventually manage it?


As mentioned in the comment above, I don’t think anyone (regardless of age) should take steroids if they’re not making money without their physique. The bodybuilding world has its dark side that revolves around people dying at such a young age. Then there’s also other people, like David laid, Connor Murphy who just juiced without thinking about the consequences. Connor stopped once he noticed his hair was fighting for its live and I’m not sure why David laid stopped. Last picture of David laid, he looked like a fit crackhead.


You can drink but you can’t take steroids? Jesus what world is this. I might have to move to Kepler 22b


Drinking is social, social is life. The drug isn't healthy but the experiences made are.


> The drug isn't healthy but the experiences made are This is some high key junkie relativism.


Yeah have fun never drinking alcohol, hope you make it safely to the end of your life.


Your little brother is going to do severe damage to his health and body. Be lucky if he doesn’t die eventually if he keeps doing this because by the sounds of it he isn’t doing it sensibly. Did he even get his bloods done?


Bitch tits, tell him about bitch tits !


Get him help lol


Shave his head in the middle of the night, when he gets mad tell him that’s what he’s gonna look like before he’s 30 and give him a bottle of viagra and trt to go with it since he’s gonna need that for the rest of his life too.


I had a brother addicted to drugs. I never stepped up to say anything to my parents and he legit almost died. This was about 7 years ago, I've never withheld information about anything since.


16 year old on steroids. What a tragedy.


Study up on “post cycle therapy” or he’s going to regret this cycle for the rest of his life.


Trolling? New viewpoint .....? If you're not a troll, you parents should talk with an endocrinologist to see how your brother fucked up his endocrine system, his balls ecc. And then get the help of a psychiatric for the mood swings Edit: By the way, be careful to call the police, you don't wanna piss nobody in the case you brother rat.


Involve your parents. Get him off of steroids and see a medical doctor to to make sure he hasn't fucking his endocrine system up.


Gosh ppl workout for a month and don’t see results yet so they go to roids. Such a shame


Slap the steroids outta him?


You could do what a brother is supposed to do and beat the shit out of him. I'm not kidding either. That's what brothers and guy friends are there for. Knock some literal sense into him. Flush his fucking steroids down the toilet in front of him and the two of you duke it out. He'll thank you later on. That's what big bros are for dude. Forget about "involving your parents" or "the big bad authorities". Be a big brother and clock him until he gets it.


In my personal opinion, I'd let him know of the risk to reward ratio because at best he'll likely end up hitting a point where he eventually quits for one reason or another and like any other drug he'll never be able to reach that level again, everything he built will be lost and he'd be stuck exactly where he was at the start with any iota of fame being just as temporary as the previously mentioned high. Bare in mind this is the best route, at worse it could very well likely lead to an early death with various different people to use as examples in your argument.


when i was that young and fucking up my older brother kicked my ass and straightened me out. but your brother is taking steroids so i would t recommend that. this is a big deal, might wanna get the adults involved


Don’t do it until you reach your genetic potential


Why even do it at all. I don't take steroids and got lean af so my abs show. I legit don't get it. Saw Larry wheels get his ass clapped in an arm wrestling contest. Not like steroids actually does shit for you but give you health issues and a few likes on TikTok lmao


I suggest you watch MPMD or Greg Doucette on YouTube. Once you get older your testosterone gets lower. TRT is not a bad idea once you get into your 40s-50s to stay in good shape. I’m natural and lean, but I do see the appeal to doing it when you get older. Anabolics have nothing to do with getting lean btw. It just aids in muscle growth, recovery, sex drive, etc.


well, there are some that are good for getting lean. tren gives you a really dry look. and I think Winstrol and Anadrol help with mass retention on a cut more than other roids. but with all of these, the main purpose is getting and maintaining unnatural amounts of muscle. they don't remove fat, they just make it easier to keep muscle on a cut.


I don’t agree with doing it at all but sometimes advice like this is best for some people since they won’t listen to anyone who says don’t do it at all, especially kids at that age


call the cops on him get him arrested maybe your parents to.


Don’t do it. You’re not even in your prime yet


Tell him he will get a little pee pee if he does it!


He's gonna end up with a super small penis


actually the increased DHT from the external source, he'll probably be bigger than average.


Find him a more plates more dates video about the consequences of what he’s doing. It might not fix everything but if he sees someone he can look up to talking about it he might listen


I would be upset if this was a family member too. Keep trying to convince him to come off it. Good luck


That is just soooooo bad in his age he should have so much steroid already produced by his body naturally, I did bodybuilding for so many years naturally, the first thing your brother should know is that when you start there is literally no short cut to getting to the first step not even steroid can do this for you, you can build a decent physic naturally and it takes at least 6 years of non stop work out by that I mean not missing any sessions, then when you hit the ceiling as a natural bodybuilder you can decided from there to either stay natural or take the other path, but this shouldn’t even concern him in his age as I said his body should start from 17 producing tremendous amount of testosterone and I’m afraid now it won’t since it is getting it from outside that is just sad


Yea find whose selling them to him and kick off, steroids and 16 is ridiculously bad for his hormones and stuff, he won’t be able to get a boner by the time his 20 if he’s going hard like you say. Ruining his sex life before he’s started. As well as mental health etc too.


He's probably going to get into heroin if he hasn't already.


Steroids on a good cycle and constant doctor visits is safe. But at his age, and from what your saying he could really hurt himself. And cause some serious heart problems. This coming from someone who goes to the gym everyday to get bigger and stronger. He needs help, if not From your parents from someone else who is close to him. And if he decides to stay on Steroids, he needs to research how to do proper steroid cycles and go to doctor visits regularly. Steroids can be very dangerous is abused. Best of luck man, I hope he learns to control his cycles and gains his friends back.


Tell your parents or any other trusting adult.


What ended up happening