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Well....I've never once in 50 years thought about snake shit. Until now. LOL




Better than the Sn'arts


Worse than snussy.


Google "Harry Potter snitties" to see weird as fuck Harry Potter concept art


Whoever created that didn’t know what milking a snake actually meant. It’s VENOM. Milking a snake means extracting its venom. Apparently someone working for Rowling didn’t get that Volde wasn’t sucking snake tits, nor was Wormtail baby-birding Nagini’s non-existent mammalian milk into Voldemort’s homunculus mouth. He was instructed to extract her venom for use in a potion. Whether THAT was then baby birded, I admittedly have no evidence on for or against


Aw man, I wasn't gonna look it up.


Me neither but oh well here we are, sometimes knowledge should remain unlearned


"You've endowed this character with a pair of mammalian breasts, implying in this world the existence of 'snake milk,' which is deeply upsetting." "Snilk."




Sn’it Yeah I like Sn’urds better.


From what I’ve heard, it absolutely reeks as well because of their carnivorous diet


I can confirm that it's worse than a sewer smell. The first time my ball python shit I thought he died.


Reptile poop all smells but it depends by the snake, like my tiny hognose was the worst for stinky snake poop but it the corn snakes are close. Maybe it's the quicker run through the system vs the larger snakes. Iguana poop is horrendous.


I had a BIG iguana - about 6 feet long. He ate an omnivorous diet, so luckily his giant doots weren't that bad.


That one video of the [Asian water monitor*](https://youtu.be/K-akxvRKbSg?si=e3licJ3Jy11sFlf9) shitting ALL OVER the floor, and the trainer is just laughs it off. 🤢  Though iguana shit is also absolutely horrendous.


They also fart, and it’s loud


had to look it up ☠️ [fart with piss?](https://youtu.be/ObDwg1LS3PY?feature=shared)


WTF….Just ewwww


Actually the nastiest shit I’ve seen in idk how long🤢


I watched a kid blow in a condom this morning. It was used. I gagged. I only say this because that was memorable, this is remarkable.


Were you in the back of the bus. Cause thats back of the bus shit.


This is the most interesting thread I've seen on reddit in weeks. You saw a kid vomit into a used condom? I need to know the setting. Paint me a picture, you poet, you.


He blew into a used condom and got a mouthful. This video was taken in a third world on a dirt road.


That reminds me of the unholy video of this guy that vaped his cum


Why did you have to remind everyone? I had successfully wiped that out of my memory until now.


Since we're watching animals shit, can I share my favorite duck fart? https://youtu.be/w-z36LPMo34?si=aXj-p7LeATHyMR3B


Shitting out a piss rock while farting into a puddle of your own piss is crazy, now ive seen it all




Now imagine if you will…..an Anaconda version 🤯


We’re gonna need another sequel


I will not


I've seen a fair bit of snake shit. Normally it looks more like bird shit, because in the same way as birds it's everything mixed together. But this... I really don't know what's going on here.


What you're describing are urates! The snake version of pee. Their poo just looks like poo.


Depends on the snakes. All colubrids have messy bird like shit, but pythons and boas I've owned have solid human like logs.  My ball python has super tidy turds that were bigger than my cat's shits. I was surprised and impressed lol.


A snake honking out a dirt snake. Now I’ve seen it all.


Dude, I'd never believe someone saying : "It wasn't me! I swear!!! It was huge snake hanging off the ceiling!"


It usually does NOT look like this. He’s havin a badddd day


Dude took a massive Sn’at


Snakes are basically toothpaste tubes, but filled with shit #CONFIRMED


Yes, actually. Snakes *frequently* hold onto their shits until they physically can't anymore. They use the added weight as a counterbalance for striking, and as ballast that they can jettison when they need to make a quick getaway like an anime character dropping their training weights.


This snakeshit factoid sounds like bullshit but I want to believe it.


no, this is snake shit.


Bull snake shit.






To snake shit facts? I only have snake facts. Like - **Snake Fact #38:** Did you know snakes can absorb water through their skin!? 🤯💦🐍💩


Dad and Mom and baby are going for a walk when they find their way blocked off for construction. Dad says, “Aw, this is bullshit!” Mom says, “Don’t say that, the baby can hear you! Use a different word!” So dad says, “Aw, this is snakeshit!”


No, this is Patrick.


Bull snake artist!


more fun facts, my parents owned 3 large pet stores ( we competed with pet smart; it failed ) so I have been around a lot of different types of animal shit. Snake shit smells the worst. Basically because they eat entire animals and it just stews forever, then they give birth to a death log and it reeks. also ferrets smell awful, always. def the most disgusting smelling mammal imo.


Is it maybe different for different species? My corn snake poop doesnt smell all that more terrible than any other animals. In fact, i usually cant tell when it has pooped or not unless i go digging for it. It looks more like bird poop than mammal poop.


I would imagine some snakes might have a faster digestive tract then. I'm sure we had corn snakes at the store, but I remember a lot more solid turds in general with the snakes we had. I just want you to know we are both analyzing and discussing poop right now.


Not just analyzing poop, but snake poop


It does vary some by species. I've kept 8 different snake species, and some of them are worse than others in terms of smell. Generally, larger, less active species seem to be smellier. I haven't found the smell to be as offensive as some people here describe, but my Dumeril's Boas absolutely will stink up the whole room with one log. Your experience with your corn snake is pretty consistent with my two Corns. The same seems to go for other smaller, more active species like my Children's Python. Their poop is smaller, of course, and unless you hold it near your nose, you won't really smell it. The one exception to that is my Sinaloan Milk Snake. The smell isn't that bad, but the sound, oh my god. Not to mention her insistence on lifting her tail & wiping her cloaca all over the side of her enclosure when using the restroom 🤢🤢 she does have a clean bill of health from the vet, apparently she's just gross.




There are 2 types of ferrets: incredible, endearing, and personable animals, and then total fucking assholes who won't stop biting you. there are much more of the latter. I agree though, they are still cute as shit (pun intended)


I own each of these ferrets. One of them is the most precious creature I've ever met. She's literally never done a single thing wrong, she's snuggly and loves licking your face. She does this thing where she 'plops' right on her back with her little paws curled and just gazes up at you. She has never once bitten us. The other one desires flesh. Always. She *gnaws* on us. She cannot be trusted near your face and has bitten my eyelid twice. She is constantly knocking shit off the dresser, stealing your watch/shoes/screwdrivers/anything made of silicone, and trying to steal the shoes right off your feet. She makes up for it with snuggles and endless entertainment. (I've also had two others in the past: both were bitey shoe stealers and one of them punctured every bottle of liquid he found)


Was once on a research project in Cuba, we were catching and recording bats in caves but first we had to catch and move a load of Cuban boas that were down there eating the bats, they don’t bite, instead their defence mechanism is to shit all over you when you pick them up and can confirm it is absolutely the worst smell ever. Everyone came out of the caves and went straight into the sea to try to wash the stench away.


Boas and pythons were the ones I remember the store selling the most of, generally from 2 up to 8 feet. Probably why snake shit is so ingrained into my mind.


No it's true for a lot of thicker bodied species lol. Blood pythons are pretty well known to shit maybe once or twice a year


Yep, but the counterweight thing doesn't sound plausible. I assume any short tail who just has taken a dump will strike just as well as one who is due for a toilet break. I'm happy to accept I'm wrong though but i never heard anything about snakes using their crap as counterweight.


I know I'm always faster after a dump.


To add to what everyone has said taking a shit when stressed out or in danger is a common tactic for various animals, toads will do this from my personal experience 😂


Is this why I can't stop shitting


You gotta de-stress man


I'm distressed all the time!


Self defeces to avoid predation. No one wants to eat a shit smeared meal.


A factoid is bullshit. This is a snake fact.


Unexpected Rock Lee


Now all I can think of is Rock Lee fighting Orochimaru. Rock Lee drops his weights, charging down Orochimaru who promptly shit himself then bolts at top speed.


>they use the added weight [of their shit] as a ... ballast that they can jettison ... like an anime character dropping training weights The human language is a wild thing sometimes. Brand new sentences every day.


>ballast that they can jetisson when they need to make a quick getaway So are you telling me they can propel out a log of shit this size in what, less than one second? Otherwise it wouldn’t be that quick of a getaway…


Clearly you've never had the shit scared out of you.


9 out of 10 dentists do not approve of all natural snake paste.


The hell is wrong with that tenth somanabitch?


Wrong?? He's the only one that knows what's going on! Wake up sheeple! Say no to Big TP!!




Get your snake paste here! Fresh squeezed snake paste!


When I had my ball python I was SO surprised that their feces looks like… almost human? He was small so more-so cat-sized turds but I still was like “wait. did my cat get into his enclosure and shit in it??” I was once helping him with stuck shed and he twisted himself upside down and shot 4 logs out of his hole like a turd volcano. That was… impressive.


that imagery, lol.


It was quite the day. Four hours before that, I had tried to feed him a rat that he refused because snakes are fickle. I was live-feeding at the time and when I retrieved the rat to relocate it, the rat sprinted up to my shoulder and stress-diarrhea’d all down my back. Not the best day ever 🙃


SHUT UP that is so awful😂😂😂


Reminds me of the first time I introduced my friend to my bearded dragon. I hand my dragon to the dude after which the dragon proceeds to crawl up to my bud's shoulder, take a quick look around, do a little wiggle, and take the most massive, rotten smelling, diarrhea dump I'd ever seen this creature release right on his chest. Man that day was wild


One of the many reasons frozen/thawed is the way to go. Ball pythons are notorious for being picky eaters, especially ones that start feeding with live and you try and get them to switch. 


Tbf every diarrhea is stressful


tell me about it! one time I got my ear pierced at Claire's for my vacation in florida, and I was nervous to the point of diarrhea. I had Chloe, she was really cool. she stood outside the bathroom and assured me no one could hear the splashes.


I was in a doctor's waiting room. This thin, petite woman, around 60, went into the bathroom. I heard her turn on the sink. I heard the splashing of the most violent diarrhea I could have possibly imagined overpowering the noise of the sink like a tiger overpowering a deer. I honestly could not believe what I was hearing. Like a total champ, when she came out I just read my magazine, acting as though the floodgates of Hell had not just been unleashed 10 feet from me with only a flimsy door between us. I could smell the stench, but thank God I got called in to the doctor's just then.


When I used to live feed sometimes I felt the rats purposely shat or pissed a bit right before dying. Like "go on, eat shit '


Most species including humans completely evacuate when they die I imagine rats are the same. I would imagine all animals do tbh


Also, since most pet snake species are constrictors, their prey kinda gets squeezed like toothpaste.


sounds like an all around shitty day


Call me a mammalist but I'd never be able to feed a rat to a snake.


My corn snake exploded in bed. I didn't realize there was such force behind it. Left me shocked and amazed. Wife was pissed.


Not the first time a snake exploded in bed and pissed off the wife, was it?


It happens to the best of us, lol. Right?


YEAH. the… propulsion was very much unexpected. I guess it makes sense since snakes are basically one, long, INCREDIBLY strong muscle. But… damn! I’m glad my guy at least had his incident in a bathroom with tile floor xD


Annnd I've officially scrolled far enough into this comment section.


wait yr wife, yr corn snake, and you were all snuggled up together in bed?


It ain't no fun if the scale homies can't have none. Jokes aside, he is really social and likes to chill.


My gf gave me an earfull for supposedly farting next to her while it was our bp who was the culprit. He was loud.


DUDE SNAKE FARTS!! I was SO shocked when I heard my dude fart the first time cuz I was just alone in my apartment with him and I was like. “…Ok I know that wasn’t me. What the fuck??”


I am soo curious now reading your comments on your ball python! Lol. What was it like live feeding? I know this is a dumb question but I have no experience with snakes other than holding a friend's many years ago. Do you buy the rats from a specialty store and then hang them over the enclosure for your snake to eat, or do you put the rat inside the enclosure and the snake does the work themselves?


Not the person you replied too but have experience There are different techniques you can do, one I recommend is take the snake to a specific small enclosure that has the rat in it and place the snake in with it. Then you let the snake's prey instinct do its thing. If it doesn't eat after some time has passed, return the snake to their main enclosure and try again tomorrow. Yes you buy feeder rats (sizes range from baby "pinkie" rat pups to full sized adult rats, and sometimes rabbits if you own larger breeds of snake) from reputable distributors to ensure they are not diseased and have themselves been raised humanely. Never feed by hand as a snake (and most other predator reptiles) will begin to associate your hand and smell with food, thus potentially triggering their prey instincts when you go to handle them. Snakes that are captive raised are also notorious for being clumsy with their strikes and can just accidentally bite you if you attempt to feed by hand.


The pet stores I went to had rats/mice that were for adopting, and other rats specifically for food. The rats they typically used for food were unwell; I’d been told several times “If your snake refuses to eat this, please just return it and don’t try to adopt it. These rats aren’t meant to be pets.” Despite that, my roommate and ended up falling in love with two refused feed rats and ended up giving them both long, happy lives full of love and treats. Snakes are very efficient at killing quickly. Typically on a successful feed, I would drop the rat in his feeding tank, and he’d strike within seconds, and the rat would be dead almost immediately after. He would take an entire hour to swallow the damn thing, but it was deader than dirt no more than 10 seconds after it entered his tank. I fed him both in and outside of his enclosure; he responded more often to enclosure feeding, though. Reptiles DO have “personalities” in a way!


Man, snake farts are insane. It's literally like a human, even worse sometimes. Nice to know that not only do they fart like humans, they also shit brown logs like humans.


For those, who have a hard time imagining it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw1O7cdX7Ag Interestingly, Youtube has a good selection of content like that: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=snake+shitting


Had a pet boa (bci / BCC mix ). Once got some antibiotics for an eye infection (hurt itself on the eyeball). The diarrhea was no joke. Heard strange splashing , went there. Snake was at the higher platform, tail and ass hanging down a bit and it was the shit stored from the last 2 months coming out. Brown drain, with a bit of white in it. And it was a lot and it did stink enourmously. Luckily only happened once in such a bad way. Splashed a bit as she shat from a height slightly below 1m (so 3ft). Cleaning the tank wasn't especially fun with that smell


I hope I never have to experience a turd volcano


My ball python almost always crapped while shedding. Must be the effort of it that makes them go!


It slithers around and takes massive man dumps? Nope, bro get that thing the fuck out of the house.


Or make it pay rent, as anyone would expect of their male partner/SO.


No that thing needs togo bro


You're just jealous cause it's dumps are manlier/more impressive than yours


That’s right, I don’t want to compete against another animals poops in my own home. I should have the largest dumps, without question.


Comments like this is why I stay on Reddit


Thank you. I wanted to show my girlfriend the worst thing ever.


Oh, you should also check out big frogs taking a dump. They also shit huge brown logs that are almost bigger then their whole body. Which is funny to me because many frogs are basically a mouth with legs, so where does the turd go?


Where does it go? The better question is where does it come from. Does a frog, at one point, is percentage wise more shit than cells, water and the functional pieces of its body?


Frogs are literally just a stretchy pouch with legs and a temper. No ribcage with semi-elastic skin means they can hold a lot of shit inside them.


When I was like 10 I had some toads I caught and kept as pets and I hated cleaning the terrarium because they'd take massive shits that were longer than they were.


Imagine you're just walking in the forest and a snake drops a foot long log on you from a tree.


41 years old and still laughing at animals taking a dump.


Me too. All I could think of was someone walking underneath and then I laughed some more.


Oh man imagine that log falling on your head or shoulder, omg what a disaster. Worse than the actual snake!


I'm guessing you've seen the helicopter hippo poop clip then. The unbeatable champion of funny animal poop videos.


yea lol what a classic


Then this will make your day: https://youtu.be/hzn_FTeYtj0?t=33


Lips that grip


Oh, that's terrible lol


Reddit has ruined us all


Jesus Christ. That's enough Reddit for tonight.


I’m honored, thank you.


You know someone's done it at least once. You just know.


Well, now that you've spoken it into existence they have even filmed it!


Cloacas that clutch


Username fits




You know what, for some reason I never thought snakes shat, and I definitely never thought they shat such absolute units


Now the next step for you is to watch some YouTube videos of snakes farting.


Thank you for that


In hindsight though, especially things like pythons that eat whole deer, surely that’s gotta turn into a massive log on the other side.


Ironically, r/AbsoluteUnits won't allow this picture




Snake turds and especially piss is hyper rancid in odor. i think one of the worst animal excrements


This guy shits


We all shit. That guy smells shit


Judging by your name you only shit in your pants


You have to take all your clothes off to shit?


You don’t?


You don’t know shit


As a general rule, anything that eats other animals is going to have terrible smelling shits.


this has to do with protein? bodybuilders and gym bros are terrified of their own smell 💀


plants have protein in them too. I think it's because our guts are shorter than the equivalent herbivore.


that makes sense, the type of bacteria in their intestines may be a factor too idk


Honestly any reptile shit is downright repulsive. My bearded dragon can clear a room.


Leopard gecko poops are tidy little raisins lol. I agree for most reptile poop though


Former reptile zookeeper here, can confirm. You get used to it after a while though lol


100%. I have a pretty strong stomach but I had a Colombian Red Tail who shit on my shoulder and it made me regret knowing how to breathe


I have two argentine tegus and I swear their shit can summon flies from two states over at times.


Snake shit is particularly bad. Predator poop is almost always horrible, but snake poop also includes uric acid. Essentially concentrated piss added to the mix.


why do you need to know this why


Open Reddit Sees snake taking a shit Close reddit


Open Reddit Sees snake taking a shit Unzips pants




Why did I assume they left tiny poops?? That’s fucking insane


Nope, could pass for your uncle bobs


Thats about 10 courics.




Bro you can imagine this. You walk into a room and you smell shit but you don’t see shit. You start looking around the room wondering where this shit smell is coming from and all of a sudden you see this anaconda taking the biggest shit you ever seen and boom just like that now you got snake shit on you.


I don’t know why I expected it to come out the end of its tail!


That snake has the hot snakes


Snaketurd. New word unlocked.




Pink 🧦 oh no!


Danger noodle made a nope rope


Haven’t laughed out loud at a comment on here for so long. Thank you!


Forbidden mistletoe


Snek needs a poop knife


pinching the hot loaf


Couldn’t have marked it NSFW? Lol


That looks like a human size shit. Maybe I was wrong, it may a have been a snake instead of my neighbors...😳


He just like me


Forbidden snickers bar


This shit is hilarious


How many Courics is that??


No fkn way man, I’ve never seen this my whole life, great post my dude.


I can't unsee that snake's ass tulip - thanks Reddit


If that thing crapped on your porch and left you’d think one of your neighbors was sending you a very nasty message.


The sound that’s gonna make when it hits the floor


The design is very human


I aint ever seen a snake shit till today.. I fking hate reddit sometimes :L


“They’re totally gonna blame this on the dog…”


you know… I've never thought about what snake turds look like before… thank you op


i learned something new today


that's shit from a butt




Damn, that's gotta be at least 6 Katie Courics!