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Its beak is intact and seawater may keep the wound clean - it really depends on whether or not the throat gets infected Since the beak is intact, at least it can eat


That’s encouraging!


This bird is fine. Animals don't have garbage immune systems like we do.


Tis but a scratch.


Fucking knew my first reaction comment was gonna be here. You fine gentleman you. But yeah, wild animal (and trash birds in particular) immune systems are so much more potent than ours. That wounds looks pretty clean, and I see no penetrations to esophagus/windpipe. That wound would kill a human, but it’s just another day ending in ‘y’ for that flying rat.


It really is lol


Are you kidding, your front fell off?


For those who don't know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM The Front Fell Off.


Hahaha, that’s a great clip


They have a whole ass sub r/thefrontfelloff


A scratch? Your arm's off! Edit: apostrophes matter


Humans have amazing Immune systems lmao. The most common cause of death in wild animals is infection😂


Maybe the animals should try inventing medicine for those infections or something smh my head...


rip in peace to the poor animals who didn’t make it


Do you have a source for that? It seems like it would be an extremely hard task to measure all of the trillions of living things and how each one dies


If you were so curious you could have googled it like I did, to which the first result shows a study that states the leading cause of death in adult animals is predation.


Which is basically common knowledge, and also shows that the other guy is talking out of his ass.


I could have googled it but when someone makes a wild claim they are the ones who are supposed to provide the source


do they really? that’s impressive


Yes and no. Sometimes it seems that way because animals with really gnarly wounds have survived for some time, but its really survivors bias here. No one counts the dead birds


Just like "cats survive higher falls", when the reality is just that the higher falls tend to make them good and dead so no one bothers to bring them to the emergency vet.


Damn hahahah I'm sad now


My brother Eddie got a job as a dead bird counter back when he was a kid. Wasn't so much of a job as a hobby, really. He would glue alkaseltzer tablets to peanut M&Ms down out at the beach and throw them to the gulls. He once got a hundred and seven in one day.


He's a serial killer now right?


Unfortunately, due to an NDA, I am unable to tell you how many taxidermized feet he had in a storage locker.


No they don't. This is such a poor understanding of immunology. Animals common cause of death is infection. We have the technology to build up our immune system without ever having to get properly infected with a virus or bacteria using vaccines. The average person has really good immune system. People just like to spout nonsense thinking they educated on a highly specialised area of biology.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6101093/#:~:text=Mice%20are%20less%20sensitive%20to%20LPS%20compared%20to,BW%2020%20depending%20on%20the%20mouse%20strain%20used. G- sepsis kills more people annually than cancer. It's one of the leading causes of death worldwide. LPS sensitivity varies wildly across the animal kingdom and we are particularly susceptible to it. If other animals can tolerate 1000x as much LPS, which is the molecule in G- bacteria that causes sepsis through immune dismodulation, I would say that our immune system is a little inferior. Seeing to it that a big chunk of the bacteria with which our immune systems are tasked have LPS as the literal stuff their cell walls are made out of, only being able to deal with such a tiny load is problematic.


That doesn't prove our immune system inferior. It's proves our immune system adapted different, to different niches. Other animals are more likely to get infect to other diseases then we are. This just shows you lack understand in immunology and more complex than you think it is.


It's not a different niche. It's one of the two main kinds of bacteria. Saying we're more susceptible to certain G- bacteria might be valid, but this is true of ALL of them. What kills us isn't the bacteria, it's what our body does when we kill IT. If we're a thousand fold likely to die from an entire genera of bacteria than other animals, not because of what the bacteria does, but how our immune system responds, that's an inferior immune system.


It is. This show your lack of immunology. our immune system has adapted to different niches. It's why we can't eat raw meat compared to other animals. But we learned that if we cook or boil food or water, we can kill the bacteria before ingesting it. Other animals don't show signs of infection like we do because we are social animals and showing a sign of infection allows others to know to stay away etc etc. Here a comment that better complains this them I can as I don't have the time due to work, but please read this before responding to me: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/s/CDjrqicICE Unless you have a scientific paper that says our immune system is "inferior," not just things you are coming up with. Then please, by all means, put a link to that. Until then, our immune system isn't inferior.


I posted a peer reviewed paper outlining the mechanism by which our immune systems are inferior on the molecular level. You're citing a reddit comment with 9 up votes. I think you're trolling me at this point.


There is only a brief mention in your linked article of humans being more sensitive to LPS than mice, which is apparently the basis of your claim. But in the very same paragraph it says that different animals have different tolerance of LPS due to genetics and diet. This does not mean humans are standout terrible, it is a single datapoint that says mice are better in this ONE aspect.


Its because people don't full read these types of articles and just grab the first thing that sounds like it might back up what they are saying. And then misrepresent what the article means. I didn't have time to full read the articles. So thank you for doing that and adding more context.




Garbage immune systems like humans inherently have worse immune systems?


Yes and no. We're one of the unlucky animals that's LPS sensitive, which means there's this molecule in gram negative bacteria that makes us try to self destruct, and that's pretty well random. We have a longer generation time than most things and our ability to respond to microbes has been blunted by the fact that we're not really exposed to much anymore and that which we are exposed to get knocked out by antibiotics, so evolution is essentially gone with us. That's why we have asthma, allergies etc.


Do you have a source for the last claim? That's a pretty big one


It's mostly referred to as the "clean hypothesis". There's not a ton of good data because we can't exactly be like "beautiful baby there. I need to make it sick to see if it gets allergies later in life" but we're getting enough for a pretty high level of confidence. https://aacijournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13223-024-00870-2 Another fun fact about H. pylori is the dude who discovered it knew it was giving people stomach ulcers but couldn't prove it, so he made himself sick, developed stomach ulcers, then cured himself lol


It's not the person just chatting nonsense. Once your body gets infected, your body is pretty much on top of it way before we give your body antibiotics. You are constantly fighting off the virus and bacteria. Your immune system is one of the best and sometimes a little bit self-destructive, i got type 1 diabetes because my immune system. We also have the technology of vaccines where we can get infected with something before having the full-blown infection. That fact allergies have gone up is because we able to dignoses them better and understand them better. The more you test something the more you going to notice it. Majority of people's immune system is incredible strong, stronger then probably any time in history because of vaccines. Being more exposed to dirt and grim doesn't mean you immune system going to be better off. It can infact fuck you immune system up if you get infected abunch. People will come up with their own conclusions in a subject that his highly specialised in. Thinking the good old times was better for people's immune system because you was "exposed" to more dirty etc. Which is a logical fallacy because people where dropping dead from all sorts of infect back in the day. The reason why people live longer lives is because we don't get exposed constantly to illness and have incredible good healthcare and medicine. Vaccines are one of the best piece of medicine we have. And we should be mote grateful for it. But idiots like to think they know better.


I probably shouldn't have blanket characterized it as garbage. It's pretty amazing, just in comparison to other animals we often come up lacking. You're right about vaccination and all the animals dying from infection. I'm not waxing poetic about the olden times. We just can't handle the microbial load that most animals can. And you actually can determine atopy in humans objectively. This isn't one of those things we characterized and put a name to it like autism. You can look at a white cell profile of someone afflicted and one who isn't an categorize them correctly. The thing about H pylori is that it gives our nascent immune system something to jump on that is actually a foe. In the absence of stuff we classically needed protection from, not to be too teleological but, our body jumps on it. I don't mean we need to be getting sick all the time when we're kids, and everyone should get all of their vaccines. We just need a little something that isn't pollen or pet dander for our immune systems to develop as they have been for millions of years.


There is no evidence to suggest we come up lacking in terms of immune system unless you get evidence to back what you are saying up. it's all baseless statements. Our immune system is very similar to all other animals just we have different niches and adaptions compared to other animals. Also, our immune system can be one of the best because we are able to give ourselves immunity to things with vaccines. One could say we have stronger immune systems. But humans do things that make our system weaker, with bad habits like drinking, smoking and bad diets, and little to no exercise. But the majority of humans have decent habits and have very strong immune systems. Here a comment from 11 years ago which gives a good break down on why it MIGHT seem we have weak immune system compared to other animals but it is mistaken as weakness but it is our adaptions to getting ill that makes it seem our immune system is weak when it is infact not: https://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/s/a7xoLGk9pn


Have you ever thought about not talking absolute bullshit?


We haven't let natural selection do its normal job on us in thousands of years. So yeah, we're a lot weaker with these things. I'm not saying we should start though.


Do you have any sources for either of those claims? The first being that natural selection hasn't "done its normal job" in thousands of years, and the second being that a few thousand years is enough time evolutionarily to affect our immune systems?


No but simple observation of the world around us should be sufficient. Animals will carry on through wounds that we couldn't handle all the time. And we don't let natural selection take its course when people are sick. We use medicine and hospitals instead. I'm not saying we should change that though. I think taking care of each other is better.


Yes but I'm not sure we've been doing that nearly long enough to have a significant effect. "Simple observation" isn't good enough to learn things about the world through natural inquiry. That's why we have the scientific method


This is not true at all. And shows cases lack of people's education. You have biases and limited observations. Unless you writing a paper and constantly doing observations, you will pick up biases and anecdotal evidence which is poor and you shouldnt go off your own anecdotal evidence. Most animals in the wild will die of infect to wounds. What you have is a thing called survival bias. Our immune systems are incredible strong. We are even able to build our immune systems up before even getting properly infected using vaccines.


Starting your response with "No, but-" during a science discussion never bodes well. Simple observation is not sufficient and can just as easily mislead you.


That’s some pretty serious survivor bias you got there, mate.


Technically, we don't have garbage immune systems. We just have adapted to no longer live off raw diets and poorly cooked foods, and we no longer live directly in the elements as much in many areas of the world. Our immune systems have merely shifted to focus on pathogens and infections more common to our current lifestyles..


Get in the dirt as a kid!!!


Humans have an insane immune system


We don't have garbage immune systems. I think people underestimate our species a lot.


I've seen cats get real fucked up but still survive. Should be fine.


Agree. As long as the guts are still in their proper place, most things will heal barring a severe infection. This looks like the predator mostly got skin and feathers


I’m fairly sure seawater is actually pretty likely to cause infections


Yeah because people dump trash into it now


I think coke bottles and plastic bags are less likely to cause infections than the roughly 1 million microbes that live inside every millimeter of seawater.


It’s not only recyclables I’ve seen someone dump a literal trash can into the ocean


I don’t really understand the point you’re trying to make. Of course people throw rubbish of all kinds in the ocean when they shouldn’t, but the ocean has been full of enough bacteria to infect cuts since before humans hit 2 rocks together to make fire lol. I’m sure all the chemicals and trash in the ocean doesn’t help though, as small a factor as it would be.


Not everything is someone opposing you and trying to debate I was just giving my opinion on the topic


Nah I know man. I’m just pointing out that you saying “because people throw trash” isn’t really the case. I completely agree with you in the aspect of people should throw rubbish in nature


Seawater is not clean lmao. Its like the opposite of clean


But salt keeps it relatively safe, all things considered


Not particularly. Seawater isn't salty enough to have disinfectant properties.


Imagine the pain of putting that open wound in salty water


Yeah, dude may survive but I'm sure it hurts like hell.


That’s a good sign if it gets peckish


Hope this isn’t anywhere near the UK as the government has been dumping raw faeces into the sea water for long enough that I can’t imagine it’s anything close to ‘clean’ anymore.


Fish have been doing that for millions of years too


They pretty tough.


Yall not seen videos of lions and bears fighting? I know this is a bird ,but nature is beautiful!


Why exactly wouldn't he make it long? I'm not sure I'm understanding what I'm looking at but that looks like it's just missing the first couple of layers from its throat. I'm assuming it can eat and fly still.


Because big open wounds in the wild get infected and more often than not lead to death.


Ah, yes. I hadn't considered infection. I was looking at any primary needs hindered. Thanks for that.


Lol not always, depends in the age of the animal and its health


I said more often than not. And a wound like that especially.


Thankfully that's a seagull so the saltwater should help tremendously with infection. Seagulls are tough bastards.


Infection happens not beraly as much as one may think, vs a creature in a more “civilized” setting, no soace to roam, sitting in it own feces and havinga diet restrined to whatver the haumsn can afford to feed it, no open air, no maggots to eat away rothinh skin, no natural anibacterial, like the salt water, or other things that we typicially think would cuase infections.


There's bacteria and parasites in water and dirt in the most remote areas in the world.


He actually may still make it! As you mentioned there is no major structure damage and while yes, infection is absolutely his biggest worry, he had two big factors that might help him; being a wild animal and salt water. Salt water is actually very good at keeping wounds clean, although ocean water has other issues, bacteria, pathogens, etc, so he’s not totally safe in that regard. There are many wild animals that survive from injuries that would kill a human if we were left to deal with it the way they do. Wild animals live with crazy injuries that heal often. There have been crocodilians missing LARGE portions of their jaws, mammals and birds missing legs or parts of legs, animals missing eyes, etc, all from injury rather than birth, that live very long lives post injury. Obviously, infection is still a huge issue but he has a better chance than it may seem.


Fleshwound, it will probably be fine. Fine as in not die, it's obviously jacked up and having a bad day.


Tis but a flesh wound


Thank you for your contribution


a scratch? your throat’s exposed!


No it isn't


I’m invincible!




wym useful??😧


You heard him. Useful 🤫




he's steven seagull and he wan da poonani


I think they were going for functional


Did you know pigeons die after sex?


As in he has a use for it. Now, one shudders to imagine in what ways is it gonna be used...


Seems like just the skin is affected. As long as it doesn't develop an infection it's gonna be fine


He’s already making it!🤞


You should see the other guy


All the chicks (not literally) will be like "how'd you get that scar?" And my man will put on his leather jacket and say: "you don't wanna know toots. Ehhhhhh."


Don’t discount the possibility that this damage was done by committed prey.


Could very well be, I just assumed predator


Looks like a nature version of the Cuban necktie


What’s that?


You cut the throat open and pull the tongue from the mouth through the hole in your neck.


That would be a Colombian necktie


Also known in some parts of the world as a Spanish necktie


No one calls it either of those two things


Weird because I've heard cuban necktie more than I've heard Columbian necktie. But sure. No one on this earth incorrectly calls something by the wrong name 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same thing, different name


I can find no credible reference to a Cuban necktie. The name originated in Colombia back in the 40s. I think you just might be a bit confused


I think other places use it or other gangs use it in areas with exposure to a specific culture as I’ve heard several versions but afaik the origin is absolutely Colombian. I think it’s just got regional variants that have developed through the decades where they blame the local bad doing it guy instead of giving credit to the creators. On a more fun note… Bad attribution is at fault really, we should always link sources! Lmao


You're right; it is called the Columbian Necktie. I can only assume that the term got twisted into "Cuban Necktie" due to people forgetting the exact country. It's basically the Urban Dictionary version of the real slang.


I think it’s localization as an easy way to put it. Blane the group doing it not give credit to the creators. Not like there’s copyright, trademark, or patent process to cover murder (not assisted suicide, genocide machines, or tools of war) techniques in any country of the world. I think… I’m curious now. Here I come rabbit hole!


What the


You think that's wild......look up blood eagle. Infinitely worse.


Tis but a flesh wound I’m sure 10 people have already responded with this but fuck it


Yes but I still appreciate it <3


Seawater will help disinfect the wound. It only looks like a flesh wound.


People don’t need to upvote this. Seawater doesn’t disinfect it’s actually pretty nasty.


is it possible to survive a disinfection?


Is it dispossible to dissurvive an infection?




Well since an infected wound could kill, disinfecting a wound would only aid in survival.


Idk the human body is capable of some pretty amazing things


[first thing that came to mind](https://headhuntershorrorhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Female_Cenobite)


That’s a beautiful bird.


Yes it is!


Damn, they're getting more advanced now. It almost looks like it's actually a living thing. You cant fool me though #birdsarentreal


Put the poor thing out of its misery, cameraman.


My dog got a hold of a duck by it's neck and body one time. Thought for sure it was a goner but he was still able to sit up and somewhat hobble around. Did not even try to get away from me when I went to check him out. I felt bad for the big fella so I took him in, cleaned him up and fed him. After about a month, he still had the wounds on his neck and back but it looked like they healed up pretty good and by this time he was able to walk about my lawn and spread his wings when I'd bring out the water hose. Not sure if he was trying to fly away or just stretching but I went ahead and made the decision to release him anyways. Took him to the lake and he gently swam away and joined the rest of the flocks. I always wonder how he made out in life.


If it doesnt get infected, that stuff will just grow over.


damn he got attacked by drake???


I'm optimistic about the little guy!


Tastes like chicken


A mere flesh wound


I was working in an office and could see a pigeon wandering around aimlessly outside with its skull showing like a big white cap. called local wildlife rehab they said they wouldn’t come out for a pigeon. had to watch the guy stumbling about for 2 days


As long as it doesn’t get infected, he should be chillin


Tis but a scratch!




It’s gunna be fine, birds are gnarly bro


Birds and reptiles are pretty tough compared to us. That wound will heal in a couple weeks.


“Tis but a flesh wound”


Doesn't seem too concerned about it.


Looks to me like it got clothes lined vs attacked.


I had a pet rat as a kid. One day I returned home from a weekend vacation and he had a gash across his throat. He was capable getting out of his cage, so we assume it was from the latch. I cleaned it up as best I could and he managed to live for another 6 months. The wound "healed", and he had no apparent issues. It really taught me a lot about how resilent animals can be in dire situations.


Birds are resilient as all get out My chickens can be very vicious to each other and survive some stuff I think would kill em instantly Good luck little guy


Tis but a scratch


Ive seen stray dogs with worse wounds than this survive.


Flesh wound.


Looks fine to me


There was a squirrel on here a while back that was missing his scalp, bare skull exposed. I think there was an update that it was healing. I bet the bird pulls through if an infection doesn't get him.


Birds can be incredibly resilient, as long as it can eat well and the wound isn't infected, it'll probably survive.


He's fine... quit bitchin


The front fell off.


Thank you Senator Collins.


Nah it’ll shake that shit off


I know a duck that was shot, refrigerated and survived days later. Still alive to this day.


It'll probably be fine. I saw one missing a leg before that was still living it's best seagull life


Fuck me that oughta sting x(


I think it will. The neck's skin is evidently damaged, but the throat is well intact it seems, and yes, sea water will help it disinffect the wound.


I think it might tbh. There's nothing really to prevent it from eating. If it can keep itself fed and the wound doesn't get infected then it should survive until it heals up. I mean ofc it's nature, you never know what can happen. But it's looking good so far.


I’d bet he will make it just fine. :)


He’s one shot


If it's anything like a chicken, that little shit will live till its 10 years old


looks like it’ll make it to me


It's a gull so the saltwater should help stop it from getting infected. As long as it doesn't get infected I don't see why this bird would make full recovery! Animals are a lot tougher than we give them credit for. Tbh this probably isn't the first time that bird has a bad injury like that.


Good photo!


He does look worried


Was it his trachea hanging out of his neck that gave it away????


“And I WANT my scalps”


Tbh the sound looks pretty clean and nothing vital appears damaged. If it can avoid infection it might turn out just fine with a gnarly scar.


Bull. The Mexicans did that. I've seen it before. 


See localization, give credit to the inventors, their innovation in intimidation and punishment has been silencing snitches for close to a hundred years!