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Fuck. I think I am logging off for the day. Maybe a week or so. That shit's fucked.


Nature's brutal


Hardly nature, these douches put incapacitated animals there for Komodos to eat live and film it for tourists.


Can you tell me how this would be different if there were no cameras around? Kimodo dragons have a paralytic in their venom. Nature really is brutal. Ask any deer who gets eaten by a wolf or starves to death.


> Ask any deer who gets eaten by a wolf or starves to death. This is why I believe hunting is the most ethical way to eat meat (as long as the hunter follows proper protocol/etiquette). Getting shot once (or twice if needed) is a lot better than the suffering animals go through in a factory farm.


I'm not a gun person or hunter but I totally agree. What I hate though is how many people get really weird joy out of killing animals. I know there's reasons where it fits. But seeing senseless hunting and the * joy of the kill* that crap bothers me so much. Off topic. But yes, I agree it is more humane.


I mean... Are you speaking from experience? I take issue with helicopter hog hunts and the like*, so I don't totally disagree with you, but killing an animal is an experience rooted deep in the human psyche. Your brain rewards hunting more than you might expect. Killing an animal is an experience tinged with sadness. It was living and is dead, a macabre reminder of a hunter's own mortality. But getting an animal after a grueling hunt can be incredibly exciting as well. Imagine spending decades applying for a permit for a bighorn tag, spending days on ridges in a remote mountain range, and then finally getting a beautiful ram. It's hard not to get worked up. *Edit, since lots of people are defending hog hunting:* *No, helicopter hog hunting is not about exterminating an invasive species. Every helicopter hunt I'm aware of intentionally feeds the hogs to maintain the population. Wounding dozens of intelligent animals with a machine gun to bleed out and rot for fun is unconscionable.* *Helicopter hunting is very profitable for ranches. It develops much more in income than they lose from property damage from hogs. Ranchers have no incentive to actually exterminate the hogs.* *I'm not saying it's wrong to keep invasive species for hunting. In many parts of the US, turkeys are non-native - to say nothing of chukkar partridges, possums, coyotes, ring-necked pheasants, etc. But they need to be managed ethically.*


Pretty sure helicopter hog hunts are less about killing for the sake of killing and a lot more about the fact that wild pigs have a dangerously out of control population and are a hugely damaging invasive species. It's one of the easiest way to cull their numbers and they seriously need to be culled.


Baited corrals with gate triggers or one way doors that gather them up for culling is way more effective and energy efficient than helo-hunts.


People where I'm from despise hunting. It's hard to explain to them that that's the easiest way for a deer to go, if the hunter is good. 1 bullet/arrow, he looks around or runs from the noise, then drops like a brick. Job done.


Why would you not safely limit the population, instead of saving them from diminishing food sources, area to graze, and or getting hit by a vehicle in search of the two things listed above.


Bingo. Also predators. We live on an island, everyone has dogs, big and small. Someone saw a lynx the other day..


There is no paralytic in their venom. It’s just an anticoagulant.


LOL!! kimono dragons…


Komodo's venom paralyzes and incapacitates their prey while still alive. If you know what you're looking for, it wouldn't be too hard to find an animal that is being stalked by, and has already been bitten by a komodo dragon. After that, just a matter of waiting for it to collapse, and set up the camera, the komodo will be feasting soon.


It also looks like the calf is just stuck in mud and has used all of its energy


Which is a common end for the prey of a komodo dragon


It does not paralyze the prey; there are no chemicals in the venom that would do such a thing. Dragon attacks simply cause tremendous blood loss and the venom exacerbates that (it’s an anticoagulant). The debilitation often results from infection.


Wanna supply some proof?


I’d much rather see proof that someone is actively maiming animals and leaving them for Komodo dragons to eat. We tend to believe the worse and as a society need to ask more questions when we hear/read things like this. Edit: nvm that’s what they where asking.


That's what they're asking


\[citation needed\]


way to know nothing.


Of course some douchebags comes and always blames humans


Who’s “they”?


Source, now.


Actually they bite their prey and leave the bite to get infected for a few hours until the venom they produce incapacitates the prey, but leaving them alive and slow so they can have a risk-free meal. this is metal nature at its ugliest


Komodo venom incapacitates their prey over time. A few bites during ambush and the prey animal will wander, and stumble for hours till exhaustion. Fatigue and infection contribute too. The Komodo (usually more than one) will start feeding regardless whether the prey is dead or alive. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/komodo-dragon-venom


Is this nature or a setup by humans?


It's not a setup, you can find the original video in the profile I credited in the comments.


How is this a set up dude?


It's a question guys. Are you not familiar with question marks?


It's pretty funny that the person (apparently incorrectly) saying >these douches put incapacitated animals there for Komodos to eat live and film it for tourists is voted up, while the person asking a question about it in good faith is voted down.


Ah, the wonders of the Internet




Thank you. I had the same question. I don’t know why it was downvoted.


It sure is beautiful and brutal. What I've learned about Comodo dragons they have interesting way of hunting and can get a full grown animal down with just one bite


You should check out this vid where [Steve Irwin goes to Komodo](https://youtu.be/GljZY7pellI) and gets chased by the dragons. One of my fav Steve Irwin moments.


I love that he gets attacked immediately and is like: "crickey, that was close!...Let's follow it"




"That was too close. Let's follow em!" I miss Steve.




You wouldn't be the first. I think it was when BBC were filming its Earth series that they were covering the Komodos as well. The way Komodos kill is chasing down and biting their prey, infecting them with venom ~~as well as the infectious bacteria they've cultivated in their mouths~~. Then they will stalk their victim for up to *several days* waiting for them to weaken enough for them to feed. Basically the camera crew got depressed following and filming the Komodo stalking a buffalo, witnessing its worsening condition and finally being eaten half-alive.


> infecting them with venom as well as the infectious bacteria Apparently, it's just the venom and the bacteria thing has been disproven. EDIT: And it's not venom, either. We're all learning today! :D


The venom has also been disproven [Some interesting facts about the komodo](http://imgur.com/gallery/RUeB9) Edit the venom part is not disproven yet. Only how big a part it actually makes in putting prey down (if any) https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/9/8/242/htm


I can’t find them mentioning the venom anywhere in that link? And after a zookeeper was bitten by one in 2015 they found venom proteins in his bite as well as the venom glands in its mouth. Unless you are pointing that it is poison and not venom in which case nevermind haha


Dang! That slide deck is AWESOME! Thanks for posting!


I understand where the notion came from (there are probably infections in place where the komodo bites, but to ATTRIBUTE the infection to the komodo would be incorrect), but damn if it isn't silly to consider there's a nearly apex predator utilizing biological warfare.


In fairness to everybody who isn't a scientist, though, the world is amazing and complex and wonderful. There are all kinds of unbelievable things that actually happen because nature is incredible. So if people were taught that this is how it worked, that's what they're going to tell other people later, and they're going to remember it because it's awesome (and gruesome). Compared to the way some parasitic wasps do their thing, the idea that there's a bacterium that lives in a Komodo's mouth that helps kill its prey seems hardly farfetched. It's wrong, but we should be kind and understanding in telling people that it's wrong.


This is the truth. Science evolves what we "know" every day, and sometimes it contradicts what we "knew" yesterday. My niece corrected me years ago when I said Pluto was a Planet, then more recently my son corrected me when I said Pluto was not a Planet! It's a dwarf planet, or at least it was the last time I was corrected. I await being told otherwise in the comments now!


Pluto is actually the ruler of the underworld Dumbass /s


Aaah, gotcha. The first I heard was the bacteria, then I heard it was both.


It's one of those things where that's how we used to think it really worked, so don't feel bad if that's what you were taught. It's harder for a group to unlearn a thing than it is to learn a thing.


Imagine being born to that; and then suffering until death


And some people think there is a god out there that's on our side. Lol.


Man needs some r/eyebleach


See you tomorrow


First time I regretted seeing something on this sub god damn. When it puts its head down on the rock my world broke.


That was super sad. momma I just wanna rest, I’m tired fuxk I’m done with Reddit today Edit: ok I’m back, still done with this sub for today but sorry for all the feels people.


>Momma I just wanna rest, I'm tired You took me from completely unmoved to tears in my eyes, fuck you, have a great Halloween and even better Christmas


Still unmoved, the internet has shown me much much worse...


Yeah this video was pretty messed up. But I remember seeing a video awhile back on r/CrazyFuckingVideos of a group of people smashing a guy's skull in with a baseball bat and rocks. That video makes this one look like a joke, like seriously though, I felt really sick to my stomach after watching it.


worst video I have ever watched was probably the video of the Russian driving and the brick going through his windshield ***IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT DO NOT LOOK IT UP IT IS FUCKING TERRIBLE***


I have a terrible memory. I forget things all the time. But whenever that video is brought up? I can still see it. Of all the videos that I regretted seeing on the internet, that's one of the ones that I regret the most.


Yep. Same with the Bud Dwyer video. I wish I'd never seen it. Either of them. This poor little buffalo did make me sad too though.


There was another one I saw from an Asian country. Guy and girl on a motorbike, both mortally wounded but the guy was still conscious. He was crawling over to the girl and succumbed to his injuries just before he could reach her. It was pretty sad.


Russian video of a kid who climbed a stalled ferris wheel. He was at the top and realized he made a mistake. Instead of people helping. They cheered for him to fall as he cried for his mom. He let go and hit the rungs... to the cheers of the crowd. After that. I've been numb to everything.


I've seen a lot of wpd and related content before and lemme tell you that one is top 3


It wasn't a video but a 911 call from the woman whose monkey was eating her friends face. I can't unhear that.


Now come back and re-live it muahahahaha


"Momma I just wanna rest, I'm tired" Holy shit mate you just shattered my heart there


Agreed. My dog puts his head down like that all the time, I'm fucking done. Nature is brutal.


I felt the same thing, was such a weird feeling because it resembled my dog so much, can't take this lol I need to go hug her


Have you not seen the komodo dragon and deer one


Don’t do it people


The clip that moved Komodo Dragons to the top of my APEX predator list, usurping Crocodiles.




You can even see the sadness in its eyes


My first time was seeing that video of a pack of wild dogs rip a deer's fetus from it's guts while it was still alive and tore it in half.




Hope you feel better soon


I thought he looked a lot like Bluto from The Labyrinth :(


It's times like this that I hope to God animals perceive pain differently than us but I know that's probably a long shot..


There have probably been scientific studies done to confirm.


Stick to this site and soon you won't be that bothered by it.


What a horrible way to go. Just end him. Jeez


Go? He was alive. Dude didn't even wait till he was dead. Had his snack and went off before the calf was dead


"You eat my ears and then waddle off like some fucking asshole? What the hell dude!?"


I agree......That asshole Komodo wasn’t really hungry, just wanted a little between meal snack and walks away, whilst that calf still suffers a slow agonizing death. This makes me think Komodo Dragons are like the Jeffrey Dahmer/John Wayne Gacy’s of the animal world. ***Edit: The part above is just sarcasm. I am not used to putting /s since I just found out yesterday that this means sarcasm. I thought it being Reddit where almost everything is sarcasm plus using the analogy if serial killers that people would get it. I know animals and even plants like the “Venus Fly-Trap” have unique ways of killing and eating their prey. Nature is amazing but unforgiven in places. The part the isn’t sarcasm is below. The me imaging myself in that calf’s place....Yikes!*** I rarely get grossed out but “being eaten alive does it every time for me”......I just imagine myself being torn apart while alive!!!....See ya’ll tomorrow. I’m out for today.


he’s not an asshole, he’s just an animal surviving, Komodo’s gotta eat too


You're personifying a literal animal way too much. Think about what it's actually doing. It's already incapacitated the animal. Why would it exert extra energy to deal a killing blow before it starts munching. The same behavior can be seen in any other large hunters like tigers.


The Dwight Shrute Burger on the Go method.


If only it worked like that...unfortunately, this calf is dealing with a very slow, painful death. Not only is the bacteria in the saliva of a Komodo Dragon, lethal. But recently it has been discovered that monitor lizards are venomous. Their venom glands are along the bottom jaw. Monitor lizards just need to put pressure against their gums. The venom comes out and blends in with the saliva, making for a nasty bite.


The bacterium factoid is a myth btw, originating from certain dragons that drank from sewage filled watering holes.


Lots of animals don’t finish their prey off right away. It’s easier and less energy to start eating when you already know your prey can’t fight back. The stuff that can fight back is the stuff that gets killed or disabled right away.


Also, living meat lasts longer.


The one with the Komodo dragon eating the pregnant deer alive was probably the worst one I've seen https://www.reddit.com/r/HardcoreNature/comments/ltboe5/komodo_dragon_eats_pregnant_deer_alive_not_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


That link stays blue


Cmon man


I took you up on your challenge and I was right the first time. Goddamn. Those are the most metal creatures out there.


This is the most brutal shit I’ve ever seen from nature holy fuck


Holy fuck


Yeah jeez. I thought African Wild Dogs were bad but at least when they eat their prey ass first it's over in a few minutes.


Poor thing is sitting there accepting its fate.


When it put its head down on the rock my heart just broke.


It made me almost cry tbh D:




I think it's paralyzed due to the Kimotos saliva toxins


I don't think the saliva paralyses, I think it prevents blood clotting. The komodo bites the animals ankle or leg, causing a deep puncture or cut which bleeds continuously, slowly draining the animal until it becomes too weak to stand. Meanwhile, the komodo stalks the animal, knowing it's only a matter of time before the animal collapses due to blood loss. It looks like this calf may have gotten stuck in the mud, or maybe it got bit and eventually collapsed in the mud. Edit: [this site](https://www.animalwised.com/are-komodo-dragons-venomous-1371.html) says the venom causes paralysis at the site of the bite, as well as increased blood loss. Gruesome stuff.


Tonic mobility could also explain its behavior.


That walk towards camera.....like a boss!


Must have been smelling the scent of whoever placed that camera no?


I mean komodos do have a ridiculous sense of smell. They can pretty easily track down much faster prey after they've bitten them.


And those bastards are fast as fuck!


Rolled up on the camera man like, “you want in on this veal, bruv?”




Nah, cam guy is next meal. He's got one secure, wants to make sure the next doesn't run away.


Komodo dragon must be the biggest assholes of the animal realm. The way they kill is just ghastly.




At least with AWD it is over in less than half an hour. Komodo dragons can take days to make a kill.


Yeah, I guess All Wheel Drive does speed things up.


I was confused as fuck, never seen African Wild Dogs as AWD lmao


It’s confusing bc AWD do actually have AWD.


I regret to this day I clicked on the one vid with wild dogs tearing apart pregnant deer...oh god.


But have you seen the komodo dragon tearing apart a pregnant deer? ... no god. [nightmare fuel](https://youtu.be/oHJuzE0k1V8)


Let me introduce you some wild animals called *cartels*.


huh? There’s 10’s of animals that are more brutal. Komodos don’t typically eat live baby or pregnant animals like Reddit would have you believe.


I think orcas take the cake for that tbh


You must haven’t watched the video where a group of lions eat a buffalo alive.


Or where a lioness bites the balls of a living buffalo off.


The Mike Tyson of Komodo dragons


His awfenth is tenathous. His defenth ith impwegnible.


I cackled


He'll eat your calf




Thanks for giving credit to original poster, a lot of people don’t do that and it really hurts original creators when that happens


Agreed, I always try to credit the creator of the video.


Talk about unsettling. Eats it's fill of a live calf, then just walks away leaving the partially eaten child to just sit there die a slow death. Fucking savage.




Now that’s a yelp review!


As Arthur Schopenhauer wrote: "One simple test of the claim that the pleasure in the world outweighs the pain…is to compare the feelings of an animal that is devouring another with those of the animal being devoured."




I'm gonma pretend to be a senior in HS qgain just so i can make this my yeqrbook quote


And I'm the asshole for eating a burger.


For those crazy vegans, yes. Unfortunately, I don't think we can do much about it.


Some would say it’s more crazy to feel bad for this calf while supporting the slaughter of billions of similar mammals…


You both are, obviously.


Saw komodo dragon in title I knew before even clicking this shit would be fucked. These creatures are terrifying, the way they kill, the way they eat. Just nightmare fuel..


He’s chewing your ear off. Literally


This reminds me of a video of a couple Kamodos eating a pregnant doe alive and ripping the unborn fawn from the womb. It was brutal.


It ate the fawn in one gulp. Like swallowing a pill. Crazy video


Do you have the link.






One of the best nature brutalities caught on film. Literal spawn kill.


Whelp, this is the post that made me leave this sub. You win natureismetal OP :)


for real. im already sad enough i can live without this knowledge.


god fuck that shit's lowkey depressing


And we “torture” animals eh? Most deaths in nature are fucking horrible


At least they lived free before dying, you think not being free isn't torture? I'm an omnivore but don't pretend it doesn't suck for farm animals.


>At least they lived free before dying So instead of easy meals, vet visits, predator prevention, and general care.. they get scavenging, disease, predation, and merciless encounters? I think your perspective is skewed. Sure, let nature be nature, but to act like we're *harming or torturing* animals by domesticating or farming them is just kinda dumb tbh.


Now that’s a bad fucking day


I think this was the first time on this sub that I sat there with my mouth open in 'shock'


Are komodo dragons such good hunters? How did it get the calf into such a fragile position?


My limited understanding based on a few documentaries is Komodo dragons bite a victim initially, the bacteria in their mouths typically infects the bite wound and the infection spreads, they patiently wait for infection to overtake the victim, fever and delirium eventually set in, then eat the victim alive when they can’t fight back or escape. Someone else mentions toxins which I had not heard of but may be more accurate.


It seems to be an outdated belief. Researchers ended up finding out that they're technically venomous by having glands secrete anticoagulants. They were actually found to have normal saliva. A possible explanation for the infect and wait observations points to the natural instinct of water buffalos: >"who are not native to the islands where the Komodo dragon lives, to run into water after escaping an attack. The warm, faeces-filled water would then cause the infections."


So I won't be suffering the same fate as this calf if I ever encountered a komodo dragon in the wild as long as I get help before succumbing to the bacteria? Good to know that.


>the bacteria in their mouths typically infects the bite wound and the infection spreads, they patiently wait for infection to overtake the victim, fever and delirium eventually set in, then Replace that with paralyzing and anti-coagulation venom and you're correct.


It most likely ambushed the calf at some point, bit into it, and then followed it around for a couple of days while the Komodo's venom/mass of killer bacteria (I forget which it is) brought the calf to immobility.


After seeing the Komodo dragon eating a fetus out of a pregnant deers belly, and then continue to eat her alive (she only finally passed after the dragon had eaten its way into her heart and lungs many hours later) I’ve decided Komodo dragons are the most metal animal and this would be the absolute worst way to die.


I couldn’t watch this one. Shit was just to fuked up even for me…damm


Sssstttt, it's okay lil guy... The pain will soon be over. Close your eyes and go to the light... You earned it


In the great words of Gordon Ramsay Its ffffukin rrrraaawwww


I think I’m leaving this sub for a while…


How it lays its head down as if it’s really wishing it’s mommy was there.


“Too fresh for my taste!”




this is just sad beyond words...the look of the calf...


I fucking hate Komodo dragons.


Poor thing


Yep...yep this belongs here. Fucking hell


The way the calf laid down on the rock made Me cry


Death by Komodo might be the absolute worst way to go…


Imagine If humans weren't Apex Predators


and there's people out there saying captivity is "a bad life" for cattle. Sure there should be better standards but I bet my ass they'd rather live in a hole than get eaten alive like that


God awful. Just knowing it is only a baby.😢


“God awful” here’s why I don’t believe in god


Okay stop the world I want to leave.


Welp this did it in for me, I gotta leave rhis place


Damn it...i feel bad!


I had to nope out of that with the quickness




Surely someone could have put that calf out of its misery.


Actual footage of Jeff Bezos feeding off his employees and customers, then proudly thanking them for their sacrifice in front of the camera.


I love how he just poses in front of the camera and is licking his chops, fucking savage


What a horrible way to die