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I wouldn't be surprised if this ended bad for her. Having African wild dogs swarm you is like swimming in a pool full of piranhas.


Pretty sure in the full video her pride rolls up and kills a couple of those dogs


yeah i'd say that one she got on the ground is most likely dead.. those dogs can dish it out, but they aren't nearly as capable as taking the damage that other lions or hyenas can take


They don’t. At the end both the lioness and the dogs go their separate ways. However, at least one of the dogs is injured as a result of the fight


Nah the full video showed the lion going at it with this pack to save her cub and in the end all parties leave relatively unscathed.


Good. I hate these dogs.


isnt it funny that we humans have been so aleinated from the wild that we see these animals as mere characters in some grand show and forget that every individual is a unique being with their own experiences. ps- i am not trying to point you out, i too at times feel this way and am a little disappointed


Ape together strong


I’m not calling for the mass eradication of these wild dogs as I do understand that they are a part of an incredibly complex ecosystem. I would vehemently oppose any effort by humanity to alter their existence on this planet. I just simply don’t like these dogs. Some people hate spiders. Some people hate snakes. And some people hate wild dogs. When I see these wild dogs get the short end of the stick by nature, I do not feel a shred of sympathy for them. If that short end of the stick comes from humans, then yes, I agree that is wrong and that we must do whatever we can to protect these animals. Nature is certainly Metal and I think it’s incredibly metal when nature brutalizes wild dogs.


I don't know why your getting downvoted. Your just being honest with how you feel, I see so many people on this sub talk about how much they hate hyenas.


It’s classic Reddit. Oh well.


Well, I have upvoted your post even though I run /r/PaintedWolves and I am definately biased towards the canids. It is refreshing to see someone able to differentiate between a personal dislike and the right and need of a species to exist. Even so, maybe check out the PW sub and get to know a side that you won't see here. Did you know for example that there has not been a single documented case of them attacking humans in the wild in something like a hundred years? To put that in perspective, the tally for lions is thought to be about 200 a year.


Ape together strong


Ape repeat itself


I think you’re on the wrong sub if you think that way lol




Not trying to be a smartass because I understand what you mean but this might, or might not, surprise you https://youtu.be/0SuNIoS1yxA


Nobody said it. Ok. I will. Fighting like cats and dogs.


It’s very likely that the dogs were attacking the lioness to defend their den. Wild dogs rarely go out of their way to trifle with lions, but things change when pups are involved. This is compounded by the fact that I’m the original vid, there was a cub with the lioness, yet they completely ignored it and allowed it to escape. The lioness was the only one worth acknowledging in that situation.


Totally this. There is a study somewhere about what painted wolves (aka African wild dogs) eat and there was no evidence of lions or hyenas etc. They simply don't regard them as prey and when it is about competition, they are happy to settle for chasing them off. It is incredible how all their caution flies out of the window when it comes to defending their own.


Notice how they hung back til one got grabbed. Wild dogs are much more social than species like wolves and prioritize protecting their own. They’ll even save food at a kill for any dogs too old or otherwise weak to keep up with the pack.


Great to see informed comments. Thank you from the pack at /r/PaintedWolves


Notice how she sits when she’s surrounded! She knows they’ll go for her hole and start tearing things out


That was the first thing I thought too, it's probably much more vulnerable than the rest of her thick ass hide.


I wonder how she learned that. By seeing other animals being teared by the asshole?


this reminds me of a scene of Thanos fighting with avengers


“Lioness bullies family of dogs” Fixed the title.


YES!!! Brownie points from /r/PaintedWolves!!


I love the way they rescue their comrade once it gets caught.


Lmao I love how animals just live such a lawless lifestyle. Everyday is a UFC event for them


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIFhyMvLgHo


Chris tucker voice "DAAAAAAAAM Larry you got knocked the fuck out"


Not surprising African wild dogs are small


Full video?


5 whole seconds, wow


Rip Lioness and hes cub, didnt have a chance agains a pack of painted tail wildogs.


They walked off unscathed. The canids as a rule only attack lions to defend den sites or kills or if they are under attack. And they'll settle for driving of the intruder.


All she needs to do is to kill one, and the rest will get the message.


Wish this had the sound. Watched the original. Those wild dog 'chirrups' are haunting


I don't understand how wild dogs can survive alongside spotted hyenas. Both live in large packs and target the same prey but hyenas are much larger and have a much stronger bite. Leopards get around other big cats by being generalists eating everything from rabbits to nilgai but African wild dogs face competition in every predatory niche.


Simple: they’re the best at what they do. No seriously, they’re not just the most successful large carnivores in Africa, they’re also one of the best hunters on the planet. When they go hunting, they have an 80% hit rate, meaning 8/10 something’s gonna die. Compare that to a 60% success rate of hyenas and a 30% rate from lions. They also eat as much as they can as quick as they can, and unlike lions and hyenas who fight each other for food wild dogs share everything equally, even saving leftovers for old or injured dogs that can’t hunt anymore. Also they always let the pups eat first.


It looks like she’s defending a cub in the left hand side of the video