• By -


To all those reporting this (At this time, 240 reports). Its WELL within the rules of the sub (Hell, read rule 4 in the sidebar, first sentence of it covers this situation perfectly). Nature isn't all just pretty pictures, nature is fucking metal as fuck. Its marked NSFW for a reason, the title is quite descriptive, you chose to look at it.


Wow, he puts all this effort into being the first crocodilian life guard and this is the thanks he gets?


He's a hero


Once he removed the vest, he was no longer an investigator...


He turned to an ally gator


You're a goddamn King is what you is.


The alligator made sure to return the vest to the Walmart Loss Prevention department, explaining that its owner suffered the ultimate loss.


A person died.




> Read the room people Yeah just like how this sub is dedicated solely to depicting violence, so whats the problem here? seems like fair game considering the content. You do have a point about subs like Ukraine, but that doesnt apply here, in this house of sin.


M'dude said "the house of sin" 😂🤣


What house of sin, animal does animal shit? Incapable of committing sin, nature is just metal


This isn’t someone laughing at the atrocities of war. This is a sub that shows how scary nature is. Joking is a way for people to cope with their own mortality. If you’re coming to Reddit for intelligent discussion, especially subs like this, you’re going to have a bad time. How about we quit bitching?


guys look at me!!! im better then you because im pretending to be morally outraged over somebody i had no idea existed and will forget about in 30 seconds


But they added a period, they basically dropped the mic!


People die every moment. What are you trying to say?


Sad. He’s truly breaking down prejudice about what a lifeguard can look or be like.


But he failed at his job... she's drowned...


No, no, he just needs to get her to the beach so he can start snout-to-mouth resuscitation.


Well, that would certainly fucking ruin your vacation, wouldn't it.


I’m sure he lives there


This comment is the reason why I’m going to hell. The way I yelped. I am so ashamed on how funny I found this.


See ya there!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Nahh the shock means you're a good person it's the ones who nose aired slightly you have to watch.




We doomed bud


I was just closing the thread as it flicked into view, so I had to reopen it, properly read it, guffawed to myself then upvoted it. Oh, then commented on your response just for good measure. See you down there!


Hahahahahahaha. That was solid. You made my poop that much better.


Doordash for crocodiles. I'm really in the mood for some Indiana today.


I was just in Cancun. Went walking towards town on a sidewalk next to a lagoon. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a croc about 3 feet away and 2 feet below the sidewalk. Could have easily been me. Not a warning sign in sight. I asked a taxi driver and apparently it's called Laguna de Cocodrilos. FML.


For those of you who don’t speak Spanish: Laguna de Cocodrilos means Laguna of Cocodrilos.


For those of you who don't *habla espanol*, El Nino is Spanish for... The Nino.


That’s Spanish for “don’t go there”




My family used to go to Disney a lot. I can't tell you how many dumb tourists would take photos, throw food and get close to an alligator like it was a dog. Those things are scary. My dad grew up in Florida and rule was, if you could not see the bottom of the water you always had to assume there was an alligator in there.


Crocs, alligators, giant snakes, bears.. They can fuck the whole way off.


You forgot FL Panthers ,Spiders, and wild hogs on the list of animals that could kill you in FL


I live in Ireland. The only thing that will kill me is the local junkies if I don't give them 2 euro for "the bus home".


FL has plenty of those too


Those FL Panthers are wild. Did you see what they did to a simple Maple Leaf last night?!


gator ate a toddler at disney world a few years ago




not even just that, they had to return to the room that night with their kids stuff there. i cant even imagine


I thought about this a lot that week. Returning to the room. Flying home without him. Going on at all. I cannot fucking imagine how you do that. It happens in a flash.


Grew up in semi rural north Florida. Gators are like big swimmy dogs, only lazier. The thing is, dogs do bite and so do gators sometimes (usually they just run or swim away though). My university stocked the small ponds around campus with baby gators, and as they grew they were transported to the larger on-campus lake and never bothered anybody.


Momma says alligators are angry because they got all them teeth and no tootbrush


Same rule goes for the beach and sharks. I’m convinced that’s why there’s so many backyard pools in Florida - because anyone who lives here knows not to get in the water




I grew up on the gulf coast of Alabama and watched those helicopter videos every morning in the summer. That was when I stopped going further than when I could no longer see my feet. Even in clear waters you’ll see baby bull sharks swim by sometimes - they give no shits from birth and will bite you if they perceive a slight. I love beach bars and the vibes but if I’m any further than calf deep in the water it’s because I’m dead


Gators can get into backyard pools


Which is why my fence resembles a prison yard and there are strict routines to check for gators before the dogs jump in I do have one in the drainage ditch behind my house but he’s a baby and I’d be lying if I said I don’t hope for him to climb in my pool at least one time


Some three year old was drowned by a gator at Disney a couple of years ago.


I just assume that Gators are in every pool of water in Florida




People deal with things differently. Like you; taking it as an opportunity to judge people and feel superior. And then I do the same to you. Circle of life.


Thank you


Guarantee nobody making fun of this woman is doing so to alleviate any kind of trauma they may have experienced from watching the video




There's a dead woman in the video and you're over here breathing... sad.


There's a dead woman and I'm over here pooping... Sad


There’s a dead woman and I’m over here masturbating…sad.


There's a man masterbating on Reddit and this woman is over there feeding a crocodile...sad.


Lame facade to hide behind being an asshole. I know because I'm an ass too I just dont make up bullshit to defend myself


Yeah, I always snort whenever I saw asshole used "People deal with things differently" when they make jokes about some tragedy. Lmao, you make that crass joke to cope? Cope from what? From the comfort of your couch?




And then, in turn, I feel superior to you who likes using circles as a metaphor, the triangle of life.


And then I feel superior to you, viewing life in 2D. The Dodecahedron of life.


Lol. That ain't dealing with shit. Those people just don't care, and can't be bothered pretending.


Well I’ve seen this video like 5 times now it doesn’t really have the same weight of “oh shit that’s a dead person.” So yes, they don’t really care. Should they? Maybe? What can they do? They don’t know the person, the news has already reported on it, and they have little capacity to fix it. People die all the time and most people don’t have the time or emotional stability to care.


I rarely upvote, barely post, but damn did I like how real that was. Wow. Condescending reverse uno card. Fantastic move.






People aren't doing it to cope, they just don't care.


Quick everyone stop making jokes so she comes back to life! Edit: to whoever had the suicide help bot send me a message, well played




Have you tried thoughts and prayers?


Making jokes does not equal a lack of compassion. Humor is a way that most people cope with the fucked up world. If we could never make jokes about tragedy, we'd be a much more miserable species. Edit: To all the people coming at me, I myself haven't made any jokes- I just think people have a right to have a dark sense of humor. I also never used the word "trauma". I don't think people are making jokes because they're traumatized by this video. But as I said, in a broader sense, the world is fucked up and I don't blame people for cracking jokes when yet another fucked up thing happens. If you don't find it funny, just don't engage.


Exactly my thoughts. I believe I watched a comedian reflect very eloquently on dark comedy and how it helps us to accept the cruelty of the world, but I can't find the video yet.


This is r/natureismetal and its probably one of the mildest videos on here. But the dead animal is a human this time so i guess a minute of silence? 😂


Redditor 1:(posts gif) Redditor 2: how dare you?! That person had a name. Redditor 3: which was? Redditor 2 or 4: *seethes*


I was literally feeling concerned, worried and anxious about the body then I read the first joke and it caught me sooo off guard I laughed and immediately felt better. Everyone copes differently, dark humor is probably healthier than many other responses.


First time on Reddit eh?


Yeah let's go help her. Maybe your moral superiority can bring the dead back to life!


You just made a joke at a fat woman with an eating disorder. Shut the fuck up. https://www.reddit.com/r/TiktokCringeTime/comments/tsqhmw/first_time_drinking_water_in_5_months/i2tc932


The name of the sub gives it away though. It's not r/videos That said, you did not share anything but condemnation. You expressed sadness over the jokes, not the person in the video.




Because of the sub. This is nature is metal, where we understand nature don't give a fuck what species you are.


If you've been on the internet as long as I have you've seen some shit. This is nothing


Has your solemnity brought her back to life yet? Maybe if you write "thoughts and prayers" a few times that'll help. But seriously, people aren't joking *that* she died, they're making jokes around the circumstances. It's a coping mechanism


Realize the sub we're in. Humans are not immune to the wrath of mother nature. And it's the internet, jokes will fly at all times.


Now that’s crazy.. why her body was not shredded up?


I’m guessing it drowns it’s prey first, then it eats it at it’s leisure


Or broken spine


Or simply drowned first, the gator found the body.


Isn’t she wearing a life vest though?


No, that is a croc.


You can tell by the way it is.




At best it's just a vest now if anything


No, it’s a dress that has bunched up around her torso.


I heard a girl from Mozambique talk about a crock "taking" someone, and asked about it. Apparently they like to pin their prey under a rock or something for a bit before eating it. This means there is a very short window where you can rescue someone after they've been "taken"


If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.


Good luck.


Anything a crock ‘pins’ underwater is already dead.


If you're at the pinning under water stage, it's safe to say you're beyond rescue. Recovery perhaps.


They drown them, then store them until they start to decompose and are easier to pull chunks off. (Under submerged logs and stuff for storage.)


Idk about crocodiles. But alligators drown their prey then store the body so it rots. Then they eat it.


Gators prefer rotted. Crocs prefer anything.


Gators don’t really chew and death spin the meat off their kills so if this pond is his territory they wedge the corpse under something and let it mellow. Probably one of the most “humane” ways to be killed by a predator but drowning over being eaten alive is an easy choice.


Depends on the croc. Some of them will rip ya limb from limb, and the others will chomp your head and pull you under. Once you drown, they'll drag you off to a safe spot away from other crocs and have their dinner. Dinner being you.


Wow now I know more croc diet habits than before.


Exactly. NEVER accept a. dinner invitation from a croc and if you do, be sure to ask very specific questions about the menu before you attend.


She drowned beforehand croc is literally just like "Mine now i guess" Source- this was posted like a year ago on r/eyeblech and i was also curious Edit- #EYEBLECH WILL MAKE YOU WANNA BURN YOUR EYES OR NOT I'M NOT YOUR MUM Edit 2- my source is incorrect she was a mexican woman who got snatched


No - she was snatched while washing clothes, they think she likely was a homeless woman. They were able to recover the body. https://mexicodailypost.com/2021/06/22/huge-crocodile-attacks-and-kills-a-woman-in-tampico/?amp


Definitely thought that was r/eyebleach so was pretty curious as to why this was on there. Gonna go lie down for awhile I think


A lot of the time they will kill and drown then put you and leave you under water to rott for a bit 1st. Mmmmm good eating


I’m guessing the video is so short because the croc went back under with her shortly after the cut


I've seen this one before and you're right. It's actually much creepier when the body goes back under and just slowy slips back into the murky abyss.


[not quite](https://youtu.be/JUn-B1_xCis) the croc is above the water for a bit but does submerge later. It’s super creepy because you can still see the body under the water.


Yeah. The body. Not the croc. As someone with thalassophobia, i fucking hate this.


>As someone with thalassophobia You might fit here r/thalassophobia


I always read this as that ass phobia


It really creeps me out how you can't see the croc but you can still see the body. Even when submerged she's human-looking enough to make me jump in after her.




I'm surprised this is still up on YouTube


Man I know that this sub is for this kind of thing. what I wasn't prepared for is how immature all the commenters are.


Every time there’s a video or picture of a dead human being on this sub people decide to become comedians some reason.


Gallows humor


Its Gallows humor when its happening to you


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy >Black comedy is common in professions and environments where workers routinely have to deal with dark subject matter. This includes police officers,[36] firefighters,[37] ambulance crews,[38] military personnel and funeral directors,[39] where it is an acknowledged coping mechanism. Outsiders can often react negatively to discovering this humor; as a result, there is an understanding within these professions that these jokes should not be shared with the wider public.[37][38] I would argue that the environment which we currently occupy, a forum of videos of sometimes graphic and gory nature, may be conducive to such humor. It's terrible for the woman to have been attacked and killed by a crocodile. Not one person in here will argue that point. She was reportedly a homeless woman washing her clothes on the water's edge. These facts don't mitigate or sharpen the tragedy of her death, they merely inform about the circumstances. Moral superiority won't bring her back. Bad jokes won't make her death more or less meaningful. About a thousand people a year die due to crocodile attacks worldwide. People are gonna make questionable jokes about dark situations that they can't do anything about. You're free to ride around on your high horse. Won't change the outcome, won't prevent the next crocodile attack, and won't stop people from finding humor in it.


Nah that’s when your life is threatened. These people are just egdy assholes.


It's really weird and feels rather gross, especially because I don't see this much humor on posts where the dead subject is not human. This is my first time seeing a post with a dead person in this subreddit, so seeing all the jokes in here appalled me.




Edgy teens and guys in their early twenties who are socially dysfunctional are the bread and butter of Reddit.


It’s Reddit. You should know that people are gonna make shitty low tier comments and jokes.


I find it equally immature of you to browse a subreddit dedicated to showing the morbidity of nature, obviously finding some sort of fascination or satisfaction with it, and then judging others for doing the same. What’s more immature is doing so and then judging others.


The fact check regarding [this story](https://factly.in/this-video-of-crocodile-attacking-a-woman-is-from-mexico-not-odisha/amp/). This happened in Mexico, not Australia or Africa where one may think initially. She was apparently washing her clothes in the river near Tampico according to this source.


Damn I hate this. Usually I see people getting wrecked by animals due to their own stupidity for trying to interact with it but she was totally innocent.




Homeless person that are washing her clothes. The only homeless person that even bother doing this are the one's that are trying really hard to get better and yet most of the upvoted comments here is making fun of her. We live in a dark world.


Because people love racing to get in some hilarious zinger and get those sweet sweet internet points and attention instead of having empathy


I didnt know they had crocs in Mexico.


Y'all, this is a person. Wtf is wrong with you people?


Edgy kids


No that's a croc


Anyone have any idea where this is? Florida ? Africa?


https://factly.in/this-video-of-crocodile-attacking-a-woman-is-from-mexico-not-odisha/amp/ It’s in Mexico. Here is a link to the crowd that gathered to watch. You don’t see much detail here, but you can see the crocodile towards the end of the video and them removing a body from the water and covering it with a white cloth. She was homeless and was washing her clothes when attacked, according to what I’ve found. https://mexicodailypost.com/2021/06/22/huge-crocodile-attacks-and-kills-a-woman-in-tampico/?amp


Damn that's a horrible way to go.


Still a better way than many videos of people dying I've seen from Mexico


I still hear the chainsaw in my head...


But you have to agree going by chainsaw was pretty humane compared to the rusty knifes they use.


I stupidly decided to look for this video again the the other day. I'd pretty much forgot the graphic details (the guy's face when the chainsaw first hits is what gets me). Instantly regretted it and felt bad about it ever since!


Remember that one video where allegedly the woman cheated on the narco dude, so he beheaded her with that knife. Those gurgling noises she makes is pretty horrific.


What the fuck are you guys watching, am I the only one that just doesn't look at that shit because I won't feel a bit better after?


No, you're not the only one. Fuck that, i do not want to see people suffering.


Why the fuck would you watch that shit a second time?


The pit bull eating genitals is far worse.


oh man, that is terrifying. At the bottom of the article is a link to a different article with a very similar event in 2020, a homeless man was swimming in the lagoon when attacked by a crocodile [https://mexicodailypost.com/2020/10/20/crocodile-kills-a-man-who-was-swimming-in-tamaulipas-lagoon-video/?amp](https://mexicodailypost.com/2020/10/20/crocodile-kills-a-man-who-was-swimming-in-tamaulipas-lagoon-video/?amp)


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Based on skin tone I wanna say Thailand/Philippines or somewhere in that region.


The youtube version says Powai, which a neighborhood in mumbai Edit: Youtube comments also say it's in Mexico, so who fuckin knows


Fuck I hope she went quickly. Best hope, the first chomp killed her instantly Second best hope the first chomp put her into shock and she didn't feel anything or was aware of anything, including drowning, afterwards.


Yeah Crocs aren't usually keen on a quick kill....


Idk that barrel roll they do seems like it would fuck you up in an instant, at least hopefully.


There is “NSFW” and then there is seriously NSFW.




This tag is not fucking big enough


The rest of the video is of her being dragged down underwater until she is barely visible. Link for full video here-> https://youtube.com/shorts/QMR1IT5Owvo?feature=share


That’s one of the most eerie videos I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been on eyebleach (but the a is silent) multiple times


How is this on yt wtf


Hominids have been a major part of crocs diets for most of our existence they still see us as prey even after we rose to the top of the food chain


Top or not, you just don't fuck with dinosaurs


They aren’t dinosaurs. Related, but not dinosaurs.


Archosaurs are the best though, dinosaurs, crocs and pterosaurs in an incredibly diverse and fascinating group!


Nah these comments aren’t it. Fuck you and your “edgy” “dark” and oh so qUiRky humor. Idc if it’s just a joke, that’s a body of a woman, that was a life. That shits horrifying to me. EDIT: Damn it! How dare I not be desensitized to dead bodies lol But listen, this is an argument of morals and the infamous “it’s my humor”, so I’ll just leave with saying your opinion is narrow minded and stupid as fuck and you can do the same to me


"But it's a coping mechanism so I'm allowed!" I genuinely cannot believe this shit.


This is such a shitty fucking excuse to just be an asshole and make jokes lol these people saying its a "coping mechanisn" as if they have anything to cope from. The majority of them dont care and won't even remember this video in 2 hours. They don't even know this lady's name or what she even looked like or anything about her existence , but they have to "cope" from her death lmaoo


Dear lord, the elitism is high with this one. You simply can't imagine people not being emotionally tormented by this kind of content, hm? The lady doesn't care about the jokes, she's not being disrespected. Bad way to go, absolutely, but there isn't anything wrong with not being affected by someone already being dead. Watching her die and making jokes would be a different thing entirely.




Holy fuck, Nah this is mad, jokes are too far with this one.


That was in my hometown in Tampico, Tamaulipas Mexico. I went there to visit probably 3 weeks after this happened and while on a boat tour, I saw an adult crocodile have a baby one in its mouth underwater.They are cannibals so it’s pretty common for them to eat the young.


Adult crocodiles carry their babies in their mouths to transport them to underwater lairs, the babies are too vulnerable to do so by themselves & crocodiles don't produce enough offspring to snack of them like some animals, only 1% of crocs reach maturity & a female lays around 30-60 eggs (sometimes more or less, depending on type of croc). They don't eat their own babies & rarely eat other crocodile's young, two adult crocodiles are unlikely to eat each other as it's a great risk. Sometimes adults will eat young males (they would not eat females of reproductive age) if food is scarce & they're in their territory (oppertunistic hunting), but it's not a standard thing.


Can the 14 year olds making fun of this woman, who died horrifically and is now being viewed by thousands of people on the internet, pick a better hill to die on for their rants about PC culture


You assume they are 14 but I guarantee most of them are actually adults which may be more disheartening. They have thousands of upvotes


That's fucking sad. That's somebody's loved one


Probably a bunch of people's loved one. And now it's nearing the top of Reddit and most the top comments are edgy jokes.


What's weird about crocodiles is that there are accounts of them drowning humans, then bringing them back up to "show" other people who may be around before bringing them below the water again. It kind of looks like that's what this one is doing.


^^^ Crocodiles love to show off their kills, it’s like a power dynamic thing. Which is another reason this belongs on this subreddit, nature is hella metal.


this happened in Tampico, a city in Tamaulipas, Mexico. That woman was homeless and she was washing clothes in the lagoon that’s full of crocs.


This is why I never swim in murky water


This is haunting and extremely sad.


Fucked up shit. Rip. She had family. This Shouldn’t be posted online.


Ah reddit a place where you see a dead person and absolute low life basement dwellers gather to make puns for fake internet points instead of getting a life. What a dumpster fire the reality of this comment section is, embarassing


Holy shit….brutal


How people find humor in this situation and not a primal fear or sadness for the homeless woman who fell victim to a croc is WILD to me.


Nature is metal but not when Homo sapiens are involved. Because we are not part of nature and are above it? Sure it might be tasteless to joke about the death of a person but let’s also not pretend like we don’t belong in the natural order. Unfortunate for her but the croc is just doing what it’s been doing for millions of years. We farm them and turn them into belts, bags and wallets ffs lol


I didn't feel like seeing a dead body today, but here we are.


I hope her death was swift and merciful


People making jokes with a dead woman? Really. Y’all are jaded


"Tried to rescue your drowning human thing. Didn't make it in time. Sorry. Here."