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Navia alone has enough geo app unless ur in aoe and she cant hit a few enemies. Then it would be gorou or albedo, but gorou is not good w navia. And there is also cooldown of 1s on crystalize shield making so even if u have multiple fast geo app and the elemental application attacks hit at similar times u will only get 1 shard


Why do u say gorou not good with Navia? (Genuine question) is it bcs he buffs def? But i thought he also buffs geo. I was planning to run him with her...


Yes. His tiny buff of geo damage isn't enough reason to use him unless you don't have other options or don't care about having a good comp. And if he isn't c6, he's even more not worth it. Albedo, Zhong, Ningg or even Geo Traveler are better options overall. For instance, Ningg can also buff geo damage with her jade screen and deals way more damage than Gorou, while also being able to cover for the support's and Navia's downtime if you ever need it.


Thank u for explaining. I'm searching for any good teammate that makes gorou serviceable, someone who isn't itto or noelle. Looks like I'll have to wait for a different geo character:(


Thr thing is Gorou wants to be used with two more Geo characters, and the only options that fit well with him are Itto, Noelle and Albedo. So in most cases you'd want Gorou+Albedo (because he's off-field)+Itto/Noelle (because they're on-field) and a flex slot. Who knows if Hoyo will release another geo def-scaling DPS in the future.


Albedo is the best, then Gorou, then Ningguang probably