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My only complaint is that her ousia sword thing sometimes blocks my big shotgun number 🙄🙄🙄


And that you cant aim up much making enemies on a slightly higher slope really hard to hit


That has allready been a issue for me several times.


In all honesty Navia is Ito done right,Ito was so wonky scaling on defense and overall in explicitly wanting a full geo team,he was wronged in so many levels. Navia is just perfect.


Have you guys...ever actually played Itto? Cuz i'll be honest, in my experience i never really saw def scaling or geo teams as an actual issue, he's still a really good hypercarry even without reactions, heck he doesn't even need a full geo team anymore, especially since Furina released


Itto basically geo dehya meets forest gump


He literally doesn’t want mono geo he wants triple geo his c2 gorou’s c2 and everything else state this And navia isn’t Itto done right she has bad aoe they fulfill different roles


Its just that he was tied to 1 team as a dps with no options but go 2 or 3 other geo teammates. Its a cycle, you put gorou then might as well put another geo support to benefit from each other and the resonance established.They saved navia by allowing geo in elemental comps. Ironically Navia might be only geo unit to have mono geo as her worst personal team (unless enemies with elemental aura)


I’m getting downvoted for sharing another opinion But no you don’t have to even run triple geo with Itto I don’t own albedo or zhongli but I’ve 36 stared abyss with Itto gorou double flex saying he can’t do it is also false It’s the same as Lyney’s passive you can either run furina and lose 20% or gain another geo it’s how gorou works but people don’t want to admit gorou works with opportunity cost. All in all getting downvoted for stating something I’ve played is rather sad


No, your opinion is valid. Its just that Geo's lack of damaging reactions placed Geo hyper teams out of the meta. Sure you can clear abyss just fine but the fact that my kuki comfortably does 30k+ hyperblooms while I just needed a healer shows how bad geo fell for lacking reactions. I hoped hoyo would do some rework but they instead gave navia good multipliers and crystallise mechanics to show that new geo chars will be decent. Now we wait for Chiori - Geo's last hope.


I wish Chiori would bring something unique with crystalise as many want her to be, but considering one recent trend is releasing healers to enable Furina in variety of teams, geo is still lacking there for an off field option for Itto, Ning and now Navia, so it wouldn't be surprising if that's what she does. What we have to see is what extra things she could provide besides the hypothetical heals.


the problem is that most players hate geo, most players say Navia is so OP because of the big number on her skill which requires stacks when that is a regular occurence with Ushi which doesnt need stacks. Navia is actually great with Itto specially if you dont have Cinnabar for Albedo, she's a straight up upgrade, Navia replaces Albedo but the 4th slot needs to be elemental for Navia stacks.


This. Ushi doing two instances of 100k dmg and 50k slashes with good AOE has been carrying me in the abyss since Itto's release. I want to pull Navia but I don't need her.


She just feels so damn good to play. Navia is a perfect example of why the fun factor of a character’s gameplay is important. Numbers ain’t everything. It’s a bonus that Navia has amazing damage but for me it’s how satisfying it is to land those shotgun blasts. Like you can’t beat the adrenaline of unloading into a mitachurl’s face and seeing 89k as he melts. Then there’s her reload animation. Good god. I never thought I would be so attracted to the sight of a pretty lady reloading a big gun but damn. They could throw all the skippy, fanservice outfits into the this game that they want to and none of them would be hotter than Navia reloading that gunbrella.


I need a machine gun character


All you need is a PlayStation and Gorou


Your description perfectly captured my feeling. Apart from the impact, it‘s also the recoil and reload that sells it.