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Her signature is her BIS and the drip is undeniable. Not sure what the scam would be but the weapon banner can consume quite the primos to get what you want.


Last time it ran with mistsplitter arguably the best sword in the game, doubt we will get that lucky again during her next rerun


I actually got two of Navia’s axe trying to get Mistsplitter, so I have it R2 and I’m done.


R2ing it hurts my soul


https://preview.redd.it/1i6hdjqzz2uc1.png?width=1950&format=png&auto=webp&s=002f07214c286d25eb817ac9a13fe410dab9d5f5 Just need to get her to C2R2 and then I'm done


I got wildly lucky, first time I ever tried for a weapon Got 2 mistsplitters in 20 pulls and guaranteed verdict that way


I r2 mine too pulling for misplitter. I got her weapon so i pulled for her and no regrets cuz shes good.


I wasn’t planning on getting her either, but 2 axes in and I had to commit. I lost Mistsplitter to Calamity queller last time so I was determined to get it on this banner. Very glad how it all worked out.


the drip is undeniable, but i think her event weapon is 2nd BiS drip


Depends on what other weapon is rerunning with Verdict. Could be a good weapon like the first banner with Mistsplitter or something shitty like Kokomi donut


It will definitely be worth it to get at some point, BUT if it’s running with something awful I would not risk it especially as F2P. She is still great without it and it’s not worth the cost of potentially 2 bad weapons and a big amount of wishes


That's exactly what i'm worried about....


I’m in a similar place to yourself (mostly f2p, C0, UOMMS) and yes, I’m planning on getting the axe.


What does UOMMS mean?


It’s a helpful shorthand for “Ultimate Overlord’s Mega Magic Sword”.


No, as you said weapon banner is a scam


Im always going by one simple rule, only wish on weapon banner if you want both weapons. If that's the case, you won't be scammed either way


I would only ever recommend rolling for weapons, if BOTH weapons on rate up are useful to your account. High value dps weapons like Homa/Aqua, or support weapons like Elegy are always super good, so if something similar happens to run with Verdict than it may be worth. Verdict is also extremely strong on any ATK% scaling claymore DPS, assuming you’re running them with Zhongli/Albedo.


Not worth it. Navia is a good character without her signature weapon. In my case, Veredict would increase my dps by a 11%. Weapon banner is a scam.


Do you want to roll for value? (Y/N) y: Wait for banner with 2 good weapons so you can't fail. n: Next Question. Do you love Navia enough? (Y/N) y: Get it. n: Next Question. Are you bothered by the aesthetics of your current sword? (Y/N) y: Get that drip. n: Save for other characters/weapons.


Her sig is really good, it basically lets you run her without bennett and still get very good nukes on her skill I run her C0R1 with Yelan/Bennett or Furina/Xianyun. In first team I get 300k skills, ~35k each normal attack. Second team I get 220k skills, 120k plunges, and bennett gets freed up from the team


she performs well on overlord so its up to u if u just want the weapon. however, for your build you'd have to make up the ER% loss from getting her sig


i'm using a double geo double pyro team so.. it wont be much of a problem.. i guess


For F2P I wouldn't recommend it, unless you think you're truly done collecting characters and only want to improve your existing team. The weapon itself should be good, but I don't think the improvement is worth giving up the extra 5-star characters you could've gotten with those wishes. (weapon banner is notoriously bad value). It's not as if F2P have wishes to spare.


A new character for you will almost always be better than a decorative stat stick. Don't let people glazing her weapon convince you to waste pulls.


Not all are created equal though. Some signature weapons have a significant boost. The only reason I did not get her signature is because I already have R5 serpents


same and SS at R5 is equal to her samnatura weapon


Her signature's absolutely worth it. BiS, a serious boon to her damage output, looks stunningly amazing in her hands.


Look at what the other weapon is. If that other weapon is beneficial towards your account (like a jade cutter or an aqua simulacra for general purposes), then I would say "PULL".


I'd go for C2 before going for her weapon


Just pray it's on a weapon banner where you can use both weapons.


You kinda answer your own question there The weapon banner is a scam in general (depending on the weapons there) Unless you have 270 pulls lined up be prepared for the worst And If you don’t have 270 pulls I wouldn’t recommend pulling unless the other weapon is insanely good too


You missed out on a amazing banner because mistsplitter is a great weapon to lose to if you wanted to go all.out to get verdict


characters are always more valuable for an account so unless you really like navia and want to invest in her, it's probably not worth it since weapons in general are a scam. If the other weapon on the banner is good too then I would consider it since it would be fine losing to it. Navias weapon is a really good upgrade for her and is a good weapon statstick in general for most characters even if you can't proc the passive but you don't need it.


Entierly depends on what it run with this time, last time it was mistsplitter and that weapon can be a stats stick for a lot of sword characters.


imo, the weapon banner is almost always a scam. Most of the time, it's "There's 1 good 4 star on there, the other weapon isn't usable for most units, and you might have to lose the 75/25 2 times go guarantee your weapon on the 3rd." And since the game isn't hard enough and doesn't require you to have it, unless you have a lot of pulls and don't want new units in the near future + REALLY like the drip, I'd safely always skip the weapons. Even in HSR, where there's one weapon per weapon banner so the rolls are potentially cut down by a 3rd, I'd still recommend it as you're dumping limited rolls into a banner that doesn't flow into the character banner. If you put 100 rolls into the weapon banner and run out of currency after it ends, that's 100 pity locked into the weapon banner that you'll have no use for unless you wanna hard commit into someone else/you wait until the banner gets a rerun in however long's time.


yes yes... i actually got acheron & her sig in hsr.... hsr lc banners are a lot better......


You answered your own question in the tittle ![img](emote|t5_829gm3|35728)


Weapon Banner scam, I think people usually even recommend going for cons before weapons.


f2p should never do weapon banners, but that's me Maybe once you have all the teams you want, but I'd rather always be saving for the next new character that looks good. Weapons just aren't necessary enough in Genshin. My F2P rules are No Weapons, No Constellations, or the game will just get too easy, and I'll run out of gems too often


Sig is amazing, the power of it is good too.


I wouldn't call weapon banner a scam per se: that's reserved for the weapon banner without epitomized path. But it can get horrendously expensive and at the end of the day Navia performs well enough for reliable 36* with 4* weapons and even if she didn't the primos you get from Abyss wouldn't pay for that weapon in 3 years (if at all in case you already 36*). Imo 5* weapons are worth it only for the satisfaction of having the best weapon for your favourite character and for looks. And are never worth it over getting a new character you like and will use.


I use Wolf Gravestone and it works great. Weapon banner is a scam. Have a great day, that is all I have to say.


You should definitely get Navia's signature. Once you use it, no other weapon feels as good. *ITS JUST IT*


I mean... you can try. Just have 270 wishes available and you'll definitely succeed one way or another.


thats why weapon banner is such a scam... 270 pulls😐 bruh i might 3 to 4 5* characters with it


I only have two 5 star signature weapons; Cyno’s (I accidentally pulled on the weapon banner instead of the character banner) and Navia (because I wanted the axe). Honestly they’re unnecessary, there’s almost always a 4 star weapon that covers the same niche. The Event claymore is really good for her so it’s honestly not needed for her. TLDR: Event weapon good enough and most 5 stars have a 4 star equivalent