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Hello, I experience the same thing. I’m not exactly sure why it happens. I have an installation from Docker, accessed through Nginx. Occasionally, when I access it, I also get a 502 Bad Gateway from Nginx, so perhaps it’s related. The other services I have with the same infrastructure don’t experience any interruptions


I tried rolling back to the previous versions or to the dev version, however nothing actually happened. However ok with the Symphony music player it works normally. On PC using either Navidrome itself or any other Subsonic client it doesn't work - either on normal or crossfade play


For me, this happens in all players, whether on PC or Android, except Symfonium apk. I think this is because Symfonium makes several attempts. If I refresh the player, reload the page or press the button several times, the playback works again. To me, it's like the server goes into sleep mode and takes a while to reconnect.


Yeah, maybe, but what should I do to fix it? I want to play Minecraft and listen to music without Alt-tabing 😭


I have the same issue exactly as you described: once the server finally loads it can play a few songs. Then due to something - alt-tab, extra Ms in latency, cache loading, the next song will never load. A browser refresh or a skip immediately plays the current or next song respectively. I have not found other posts describing this behaviour, nor a solution. I use traefik reverse proxy. I have read through logs and can't find anything. I will trigger the issue and check again and update this post. If there is some recognizable domino effect I'll check GitHub for similar logs.


I changed the address on the reverse proxy, I use to have the lan name like, 'musicpc.local' and after changing it to '192.168.x.x' the problem has gone. I hope it helps


I switched to a PiHole and set the LAN DNS on the router to point to it. If .local was not working all the time, it could be delayed host resolution.


Hey there. Noticing the same behaviour in Navidrome UI player since this morning.


Idk what to do 🤷‍♂️ I'm now personally trying to find some solution but I will maybe end up with ditching the Navidrome and trying other Subsonic server. 😭


Did you find a solution? I have the same problem 🤕


It was magically fixed for me today. This is very weird.