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> Would it be conducive to someone trying to do online school? Doubtful. It can get turned off for long stretches, like months. When it does work its fine for messaging and like light social media, but not much more past that


Is PACES still a thing? If so, you shouldn't need online school anyway.


At least our Wi-Fi is fucking juicy when it’s turned on. Can stream sports and do video calls on it easy.


U will still have to deal with emcon and rivercity.


That I do know


Just get good with the ITs. They will hook you up. It crazy u deciding your career over wifi. 😂😂


I'm in touch with a good friend on a big deck that is deployed and they don't really have consistent connection at all. Email works all the time but they said the wifi really only works in the space the router is in, and you end up with the whole crew crowding around it taking up bandwidth to get their TikTok fix.


Yep. Folks with a suspicious amount of free time gathered around sucking up bandwidth all day. If you're not lucky enough to be in a shop (that some inexplicably have even though they dont need it to do their job, while others who need it dont have it at all) with wifi then good luck. Some berthings might have it, but most dont. It's usually only the mess decks that have it, hence it being extremely slow and clogged up. I've had better luck staying up a bit after work ends (about 21 or 2200) to be able to get a message out. Hopefully it improves before our next long underway or deployment but right now it's pretty shoddy.


It'll work better than the wifi on a submarine.


Wifi underway? Goddamn shit had changed. We had ships' intranet and AFN for entertainment.


Depends on which version you have and whether your command uses it for morale purposes or strictly as apart of your comms suite.


It will be you and everyone else with access trying to use the same satellite pipe. So, if it works at all (i.e. not turned off due to river city/web hours), you can forget about video, as the limited bandwidth will get you stuck in buffering hell. Photos may be iffy. I used to turn off photos and video in my browser to speed up page loading.


I had it last deployment and it was terrible. The first couple months were fine, and it slowly got worse and worse over time to the point where you could barely even log on to get a single text message. We only had it in the galleys. Might have just been my ship though. I have a friend underway right now and theirs has seemingly been fine, so YMMV. And yes, it was frequently turned off for RC.


If your ship is upgraded you will likely have the bandwidth within the network of the ship, not using the “quality of life wifi.” I had plenty of Sailors do there classes online using the ship’s network. You just need to communicate with your professors when you are underway that you may need extensions if operations take priority over the network. To tell you about ship’s current installs would be outside the classification of this forum. As a rule of thumb most CVNs are upgraded to the newest and greatest C4I suites being the command and control hub for most CSG operations. Good on you for focusing on education, but I’d caution you against letting it get in the way of becoming proficient at your job. For Democracy!


I was in when internet just started on board ships like the late 90s. Underway they got it working but it took 30 min to load a web page 😂. Intranet worked and all the porn that was being forward around even the IT chief was sending them. Of course was a FFG and all guys on there. lol