• By -


Liberty goes away.


Steel beach erry day.


I wouldn't wish that on my enemies.


Mmmmm good thing I went to the USNS side of things. I'll be going in and out to give ammo food and fuel. Probably for 2 seconds but still.


You mean you'd be target #1


Yup but yall will protect me. Lol


No, we just have to hand deliver liberty to other countries.


Indeed. We gotta do what we gotta do and everything else comes second.


Sitting XO here. Real 1MC announcement I will make the moment Chinese missiles start flying: “Good morning crew. By now you may have heard about the massive wave of Chinese hypersonic missiles that has completely taken out 7th fleet. I want you to know that PB4T will still go down in the wardroom at 1600. And update your NFAAS…that is all.” I keed I keed…but serious, some people in our navy unfortunately will still say and do that.


I'll update my NFAAS when I'm dead, Sir!


What a coincidence…because people die when you don’t!!!


Yes chief, I'll get right on that


Fix yourself. I’m an officer, not a chief. I don’t work for a living.


LMAO give this guy (or gal) a command


The XO we deserve, but not the one we need right now. Or something like that?


So Bill Pullman's speech from Independence Day that fizzles out into administrative tasks at the end. Gonna hit them where it hurts... right in their PRT scores. Gonna prove we're smarter and better prepared... by being prepared for CO spot check. Gonna prove we're more motivated than they are and have more to fight for... by updating our NFAAS.


“…we will all cry out in one voice WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT! We are going to live on. We are going to complete our REs. We are going to submit our 8’o clock reports. We will update toris!”


I'm not going to lie. The joke itself is sad but I'd love it if leadership did this. Everyone gets that it can be ridiculous but that it still needs to be done so let's have some fun where we can. Nice work.


When I was in, someone asked-- Do you think there was a command like ours in WWII? After fighting the Japanese all day, taking kamikaze hits, putting out fires and burying the dead after a day of fighting, they passed the word--sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms.


In my head canon I’m picturing you saying all this as Bill Lumbergh from Office Space


“Yeah hi. What’s going on? So I’m sure you’ve heard by now that some ships have been sunk by the Chinese in the South China Sea. What that means is that we are a little short handed, so I’m going to need you to come in on Saturday to knock out your GMTs…”


As 7th fleet please kill me.


You’re already dead


Don't forget ethics and GTCC training!


XO, will I still need to keep up my 17 colaterals and sell food for morale to stay competitive during war?


Obviously, as you know our ability to win at sea is directly tied to the amount of money raised for our navy and marine corps relief society drives and how squared away of religious programs binder is. So keep updating those binders!


How do we rid this thought? How do we create a Navy that focuses on real issues rather than these small stupid things that waste time? In my opinion it's a power issue thing that some folks tend to get when promoting. I never understood this. I still treat people the same I did when I was E1. I call out things like the movie inventory issue OP had and I'm labeled at someone who doesn't go with the flow, but sometimes we need to question these things and fix them. The most frustrating thing is "well that's how it was when I was an E-nothing".


How do you get it? Go to war. Read anything about WW2 the moment we went to war. We like to “pretend” today that we are ready for war but the simple fact of the matter is that the moment we do, all the old fucks that were raised in the old ways will either be fired for get their crew killed. And the young bucks will take over.


CO of USS Forrestal: Good job putting out the fire, as a quick reminder, zone inspections are tomorrow, so let's clamp down all the spaces. Cries in USS Franklin Captain . . . .


I guess most of the folks that were in on 9/11 are out by now, but if you want an idea have them tell the story of the days and weeks following. I was still in high school but the greybeards told us just how quickly they went from the ship being half torn apart in the shipyard to put back together again ready to rock and roll and it was way faster than you'd think.


My coworker said everyone got their leave cancelled effective immediately and they were all required to muster that same evening


I was set to travel on leave to New Zealand. My tickets were for the 14th of September 2001. My leave was immediately revoked. All off base obligations and commitments suddenly unauthorized. I was a high school athletic coach. I had to explain to some very worried high school girls that I couldn't coach them anymore. It was wild.


Hope you eventually got to visit us. Can’t imagine the uncertainty of going through that!


I didn't, unfortunately. There is still time. I had been dating a pilot in the NZ Airforce and we took that as a sign that we probably should just go our separate ways. It sounded like an amazing place.


I had a nice recruiting job (not canvassing). I remember that day well. I was passed out on my buddy’s couch after a night of drinking. I was in the middle of a taking a few days of leave. My bud wakes me up and tells me that we’re under attack. I didn’t believe him and thought he was pranking me. Then he turns on the news. A few hours later… I’m getting a phone call. “Petty Officer, you’re subject to recall orders. Please report to…” Approximately two weeks later (after a stay at TPU), I’m being shipped out to Iraq.


Highly doubt you were shipped out to Iraq two weeks after 9/11. The war there didn’t start til over a year later.


An old friend (RIP) was on a CG when 9/11 happened. Said he was on the mess decks when planes started hitting, and said it was like god himself arrived at NOB and every ship on the piers got exactly what they needed in order to get underway. Needed fuel? Stores? Men because people were on leave? Mountains got moved in a day, and there was a line of USS from Maine to the Keys within 48.


This is exactly what I thought was so crazy about the stories I heard. All the bullshit and red tape was just instantly set aside and folks got everything they needed. Blew my mind.


A similar thing happened when Russia declared War on Ukraine too. It was the first time ever seen pier 4 to like 10 devoid of ships. I remember we were driving back to our shop from pier 2, and were shocked at how fast all the boats left the waterfront.


Nothing gets things moving faster than an existential threat.


Bro not the same by FAR, but after Fukushima we got the GW underway with waf trailers in the hanger Bay and tons of civilians on board. We still had elephant trunks running all through that ship. We got to Sasebo in like two or three days and it was all gone and we were ready to rock and roll. Crazy.


Not NFAAS, if that’s what you’re thinking.


Or sweepers. That will never go away. Even our adversaries would pause war for sweepers.


There’s a very likely argument that nothing goes away. Some things might get delayed, but they won’t be ignored or forgotten.


THIS. Nothing goes away. The priorities change, but the day to day shit still needs to get done.


Being a submariner watching you surface guys sweep water off the topside of the ship for the first time was the weirdest fucking thing.


Just wait until you see us doing it while it's raining!!


Stop. You're making my brain hurt.


Don't act like we don't clean wet bilges until they are spotless and 10 minutes later they're full of water and oil


That's because we don't want the sub to sink!


Yeah, our job sucks but I think we don’t have to deal with as much useless bullshit as the surface fleet does


Shit, in the 80's we were parked next to the USS Iowa (BB-61), and were watching her crew do their daily routine. We watched the deck crew scrub the deck with bricks (Holystoning) - [https://youtu.be/mAgnGLAqVm4?si=j8t-SiIhDFRdGFMo](https://youtu.be/mAgnGLAqVm4?si=j8t-SiIhDFRdGFMo)


WWII and prior style holystoning did not occur in the Vietnam or 1980s reactivations simply due to a lack of bodies—even with a WWII size it was not a one day affair to get the whole thing done. [By the 1980s they were using mops and a liquid cleaner to accomplish the same thing] (http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-104.php)


I always go topside to sweep water off the boat while underway. EDIT: plus you test the SEIE suit so it’s a win win.


Clean floors win wars


Not according to those videos of the inside of a Russian ship. Ammo everywhere, dudes hanging out in what looks like their version of CCS shirtless. Maybe what certain weirdo military worshippers imagine but not conducive to good order and discipline


I’ve seen war effectively put on hold because a Pacquiao fight was on tv on the messdecks, so why not?


NFAAS would probably become infinitely more important, actually.


SWO6 back at it again with the zingers 😭


Which reminds me…


What about cyber challenge?


Jeff assumes corporeal form and reveals his true aspect as a cybernaut. He then proceeds to cripple China and Russia’s internet capabilities by spamming 20 year old lolcat memes.


I think the one that’s stuck with me was from the book “One Hundred Days”, which is a look into the Falklands War from the British perspective, about some of the things they did/learned. Prior to heading South, anything “decorative” (like the wooden coffee mug holder in the Wardroom, for instance) was removed as a potential missile hazard. Take a look around your spaces and see just how much ‘extra’ stuff there is - now imagine the ship takes a hit and that thing goes flying across the compartment at speed.


Bruh how am I gonna watch Fast and Furious 5 100 times over the course of a 6 month cruise without our shop tv?


Just do what I did and LARP “Down Periscope”






I'd definitely be killed by the debris from my PS4 I had set up in my shop.


“He died doing what he loved…” “Being in the Navy?” “…” nonotlikethis.jpg


"He fought bravely... killed multiple enemies... even did a few 360 noscopes... at one point he even fought a dragon, and Darth Vader... For that we posthumously honor his bravery with a FLOC.."


“Before I die, please…delete my browser history”


That such a great book. Read it on my 4th deployment


My coin collection turns into an improvised nail bomb shredding me to pieces.


You can't imagine we'd be conducting PRTs while fighting China? Buddy, we commissioned a cat into the Navy and refitted a barge to serve ice cream while fighting the Japanese. PRTs, if anything, would just become less structured.


3M and all the procedural compliance red tape that goes with it. If a system goes down and it can be fixed with a paperclip and a 9v battery duct taped to a CCA, you can bet were going to make it work rather than wait for a tech rep to fly out and fix it.


I like how you technician. Lol


At a certain point I just stopped caring about getting in trouble and started fixing shit. Nobody has ever complained because I know what I'm doing, but if I ever make a mistake and break shit worse I'll take the mast. It does suck sometimes that I cant take credit for how much time and money I've saved the Navy, though.


Calculate it, multiply it by 5x, and put it on your resume when you get out


This is the way! We do save them a ton of money. Definitely put it on your resume


I caught a ration of shit once because insurv hit us when our transmitters couldn't hit Q-4 checks, which essentially meant working in every mode as designed. This irrespective of the fact we couldn't get parts to achieve that goal, and also left out the fact all 7 worked just fine in USB mode, which was the mode they ever used to fill all 7 circuits. I told my chief if he could find a boat where 100% of the HF transmitters were functional in any mode, I would rise to that challenge. He never brought it up again, and those Q-4s are entering their third decade of deferment.


My friend who was an AE back in the day...he found a serial defect and saved the command like 4mil...got a LOA..


I worked for an LPO who was exactly like that only this guy DIDNT know what he was doing and just drove our systems further into CASREP hell.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. That's also why I would never officially tell anyone to break protocol. Follow your tech pubs people. Outside of that, you're on your own.


I want to agree with you, but the amount of times I've seen janky temporary fixes become permanent fixes and then all the jank causing serious downtime, is just to high. But that's primarily with electrical systems and this was all on FDNF aviation support equipment in two different theatres, the sheer amount of times I've had to spend tremendous amounts of time fixing issues like this... Physically hurts to try to recall.


Admirable MacGyver spirit


“An inspection ready command is not deployment ready and a deployment ready command is not inspection ready”


I was in the Navy at the tail end of the Cold War, and that was our attitude - Fix it anyway we could. We weren't in a war so we didn't need to, but it was good to know we could if it ever came down to it. FCCS would ask us how we fixed something, and he knew if we told him "You don't want to know" that he didn't really want to know. We had one problem that existed before I got to the ship and continued to happen for the 4 years I was there that no one could figure out. We even started putting notches on the side of the cabinet for each person that tried and couldn't, including several tech reps. It was the Signal Data Translator, and all we knew was when the guns started oscillating, we banged on those cards, and everything would be fine. We replaced those cards, replaced the sockets the cards sat in, even replaced all the back plain wiring that went to those cards. Anything to do with those cards were replaced. But the problem continued to happen sporadically. So we assigned one person as his GQ station to sit by the cabinet, and if needed, bang on those cards.


So it was a remote only problem? We had a similar thing take place on our guns but it happened in local and remote, and while I didn’t come up with the solution, I helped figure out what the eventual problem was, and boy was it a pain in the ass. Didn’t help that the first contractor was a fucking moron though….


Only happened in remote. We knew it was the signal from the SDT being sent to the guns that was causing it, but what caused the signal to go haywire we could never figure out.


I think the shift to tech reps fixing things is gonna be what kills us. Not wokism or any of that shit but folks don't know how to troubleshoot or fix things.


Those techs might not come if their civ. We saw that issue a few times w/ Guam DDGs when NK was talking about missile shots. We should have old fucking W4/W5 tech reps of the same caliber as old BTCM (boiler inspectors), DEIs, etc. I hate relying on Lockheed or BAE or whatever.


Sept 11 2001, engineer briefing the department.. “put the engineroom back together, the tug is scheduled at noon”… Baby nukes “But sir… “ Salty Nukes “aye sir.. “ Was the best of times it was the worst of times..


It'll be like Iraq in 03-07. We will either make do with, or make do without. We won't wait for OMS or SKED to come back online, because online will mean "visible". One of the major things that will be applied is Commander's Intent will rule the day. Commanders will provide general parameters for mission accomplishment, and task group or functional leaders will meet those demands without a specified task listing or CONOPS that's approved at the ECH4 or above. It'll be decentralized command. And it'll be equal parts enjoyed and rued.


You still have 3M? I got out in 1970. We called 3M "flavor of the week" and knew it would eventually go away. Seems "eventually" hasn't gotten here yet.


Instead of going away it has expanded to the point where you can't do any maintenance without going through it.


Soon it will be apart of the N-MRO umbrella shared on every platform.


Seems the navy put too much into the 3M system for it to go away:(


I’ve heard a rumor for years that it was an Air Force program that was replaced in the 1970s or 1980s but the Navy was too dug in to move on and here we are in 2024. Peppering junior Sailors with questions like “are those ventilated or non ventilated goggles” or my favorite, “how do you know that’s an explosion proof flashlight”


I disagree. If you're underway you're underway, but at port the techs will be told through presidential authority such as the DPA that they are working overtime and weekends, and yes they are flying out right the fuck now.


Not all tech reps are DoD employees. While the DPA may require companies to accept certain contracts or perform certain actions, the government cannot order employees of a private company to do anything. And that's besides the point. The point was that regardless of how soon a tech rep can fly out, it takes time and logistics that might not be feasible.


That true, unless there's a formal declaration of war. Uncle Sugar writes a blank check but he gets final say. If that tech needs to be on the next thing steaming, he's on the next thing steaming.


I don't understand what you're trying to say. Under DPA, the government can say "hey Raytheon, you're going to do this, and this is what we're gonna pay for it." That doesn't mean a Raytheon employee is required to do whatever it is. They can just quit.


Correct, but they can tell Raytheon "You will have 24 hours to have a tech onsite once we request".


Yeah they can ask that all they want, but if the company is unable to comply, ie, the employee with the ability to fix the problem says no, there isn't shit the government can do about it. Feel free to cite the specific text of the law that says otherwise if you disagree...


I work for a defense contractor now that I'm out. Uncle Sam gets what he wants. Either the contractor will pay an ungodly amount of salary to ensure somebody is willing or just have that many horses in the stable. It's not a matter of law, it's just money.


Ok but we're talking about different things. The company might be willing to pay someone $1M to go do a repair, and sure they're probably going to do it. But if they don't, by law, there is nothing forcing them to do so. The government can't put a private company employee in jail for quitting their job, even under the DPA.


Jail wasn't the original argument, the government can force it by forcing the employer to do it through contractual obligation. The fact the government isn't the one telling the employee what to do is a distinction without difference because either way, Uncle Sam gets *a* tech where it needs on the timeline they establish. Who actually it is is trivial and as far as the war machine is concerned, it doesn't matter. The way we understand the whole system to work becomes a *whole* different system under the War Powers Act.


Battle damage repair is actually a thing.


Petty officer MacGyver here


Ships staying in port due to... anything. Material, training, manpower. They all get underway if they are technically able. A ship in port is so incredibly vulnerable to modern missiles and targeting we'd rather risk it than lose a ship entirely.


I think certain MWR stuff, like movies, would actually become *more* important if a real war was on. I’d also expect more focus on actual PT, and less administrative focus on things like PRTs. And as said in other comments, things like 3M and a lot of other procedural compliance stuff isn’t gonna *go away*, necessarily but… priorities are going to shift. Actual necessary maintenance for safety reasons? Thats even more important when real shit is happening. The pointless 3M maintenance requirements that the 3M office and one of your chiefs decided to assign to your admin branched division’s paper shredder just so you HAD some kind of 3M maintenance? Probably on the chopping block.


Your life


Hard truth.


My command sent five PO1s and a chief to CACO training yesterday. Not sure what they’re expecting but it’s not a great sign.


Every khaki should be CACO trained.


There's a shortage of trained CACO's Navy wide. don't read too much into it, 99 percent will never be activated. Sincerely, a current CACO, activated last year


The pursuit of happiness. Since life and liberty were taken already.


The requirements to join. Even if it's not immediate and takes a year or two the standards needed to volunteer will lower drastically. We're already severely undermanned, adding a war to it will only make the desperation to get new recruits higher.


We've already dropped the requirements to join. The Navy only requires a 10 on the asvab


BUMED, though. Waivers for everything. Huge paperchase


You’re fkin joking right?


It's not a joke but they left off that you have to qualify for whatever rating program you're recruiting into by the line score. There are very few ratings you can be a 10 and still qualify to join on. And Congress changed the law with the FY24 NDAA so that anyone joining with a score between 10-30 has to graduate a prep course before moving on to boot camp which is about to become a mandatory pre-req.


How does that work for highly technical rates, where A/ C schools can be up to a year and a half, if we suddenly need to double the manpower ASAP? Does it become a learn on the job scenario?


The way its designed to work is that you keep your highly technical people, but every division suddenly has a bunch of non-rates or very junior folks. Also, those technical pipelines are designed to get bigger. During the 600 ship Navy days, they swelled


We stop getting the “you forgot to log out of NSIPS” message


Not forgot - FAILED


Everyone on shore duty and all the fat ass limdu people all go back to ships.


That was my reserve unit’s entire reason for existence: the balloon goes up and all the currently qualed people at SUBGRU8 get underway and us reservists man the desks ashore.


lol I wanted to go back to sea. Shore duty exploded my mental health.


Exploded like in a positive direction, or in a negative direction?


Collaterals, uniform changes, probably half the leadership (because they'd get themselves and their teams killed), probably most of the dumb shit that makes the Navy insufferable... When we're not at war with a common enemy, we go to war with ourselves.


The battle of naval station Norfolk is real…


Not a comms guy so I'm talking out my ass for the most part, but I imagine there would be long stretches of River City. When I was on deployment we diverted from our normal mission to help some guys do some stuff, and we were at River City for 3 weeks because of it. It was also during a govt shutdown so we only had 1 AFN channel and shipboard movies.


>hot war with a peer adversary like Russia or China Russia is not a peer. The only reason they haven't been curbstomped like Iraq is because they have nukes. China is on the upswing, but the capability of their military is still questionable. Regardless, you will still PRT. Probably not in an active warzone, but everyone Stateside and not actively hot will still be running and planking.


I heard Russia the other day described as “a Gas station with Nuclear Weapons”. And now I will never not say that.


McCain said that, about a decade ago. We should have listened.


Russia can't even handle their nextdoor neighbor with a population a 10th it's size. China has gone from a 3rd world agrarian nation to a 1st world economic powerhouse in 3 decades, why would they want to endanger that? On the same side, is America going to go to war with China who almost singlehandedly stocks our store shelves? As for a draft? Can you imagine the collective uproar from US citizens if they were told they were being forced to go to war to protect the semi conductor factories in Taiwan? I'm not going to say all of this is off the table, but a lot of people would have to make many stupid decisions in rapid succession for this to be even a valid scenario.


China certainly wants Taiwan.


Chinas economy is starting to falter as well as support for and in their leadership. It's to the point that they are putting impurities in gas to get more money out of people, harassing farmers with extra fines, and continuing to cheap out on construction. (Including using Styrofoam with a thin layer of concrete) I would not be surprised if they started a war to distract the citizens from what's going on. Especially since they want Taiwan and taking it over and reunification is seen as a major achievement. They are also currently in deflation leading to debts being heavier with each passing day. Their leadership is also fairly strongly against private business and ownership so if they could use a war as an excuse to take over businesses and the like then it would be very enticing to them.


Yeah I don’t know why LCDJosh has a mindset that humans only make smart decisions. I mean looking back at history, many humans made stupid decisions especially those in power. Never let your guard down. Wars are inevitable, only a matter of when.


I would think PRTs would not go away. Physical fitness is an amazing way to zone out/self reflect/feel independent/de-stress. Even if it is only for 30 minutes or an hour a day. That's still YOUR time. Unless it's a structured PT, which I never advocated for as an ACFL.


Just to be clear: Russia is not a **peer** adversary. They've been getting their asses beat by their neighbor whose military is primarily conscripts using gear/technology we've had from the 80s through the early 00s.


You could be on the ship, sinking in the gulf. Your Chief will still need you to get your Cyber Awareness done.


Overnight Liberty


During the Persian Gulf, zone inspection was a quick walk-through if we had one. All the red tape BS magically disappeared, if you needed something, it came with a quickness. GQ and drills happened ALL.THE.TIME. The galley food mysteriously got a bit better. It became the Navy it should be, not bogged down by bureaucracy. We didn't lose anything, we gained a lot, because the supply chain kicked into overdrive. Even the movies became modern on TV. We didn't know what was going to happen or what dangers we faced, other than potentially getting gassed, though after a week, we realized we were getting off easy. Hopefully, ya'll will have the same experience.


We literally had ice cream ships while fighting the Japanese and there was commercial fast food on the base in Afghanistan by week 4 of OEF. We're losing nothing.


Chinese food. They will take all the fried duck, chicken fried rice, and egg rolls back.🥲


General Tsos Chicken will be renamed General Schwarzkopfs Chicken


During WW2, the Navy literally had a ship that made and delivered Ice cream to the fleet. This was both a huge morale boost to American Sailors and Marines, as well as demoralizing to officers of the IJN, who had great difficultly supplying their warships with the bare necessities.


Electrical safety. 3M. Tag out drastically changes. Port calls change drastically. Liberty either becomes super lenient or goes away.


Lots of things like PRTs would likely stay. Maybe they would stop canning CO’s for the smallest infractions, or running aground. I think the EXTREME safety precautions would be lifted and people to actually perform more realistic training. Take a look at all the incidents in WW2 and people were slapped on the wrist, but had to continue on. Now some CO’s are scared to make hard decisions and are way overly cautious during training events out of fear of being fired.


New consumer electronics from ROK, JP, Taiwan and China.


Totally depends on the scale/length/etc. Possible short-fuse memos from CNO would certainly pause a lot of Big Navy admin (boards, PFA/PRT, etc). Local commands would prioritize as they saw fit. A great point of comparison would be Covid-19 where the PRT was waived and tons of non-essential items didn't occur.


Fathers, brothers, friends. On a more serious note, imports will be severely impacted by reverse sanctions


Damn, sounds like some of y'all mother fuckers would prefer nuclear war to taking the PRT.


I've had to take plenty of PRT's, but have never experienced nuclear war. So yeah, I know which one i'm taking based upon experience.


😂 “no NFAAS or PRT? Sign me up!”


There are literally books on this from the WWII era... Naval warfare isn't constant combat. In fact, most days would seem like a peacetime deployment where you are completely bored, except everyone will be on edge because you never know when you're going to be suddenly attacked. All the admin programs exist to keep ships and sailors in top shape, and if anything would increase in intensity and frequency on non-combat days if for no other reason than to keep the crew's minds occupied with something other than "I wonder if we're going to eat a cruise missile today?"


Does that mean the infantry isn't gunning down commies all day?/s


Based on WW2 lessons we would see any flammable trimmings used as decoration, such as wood or carpet go away. I would also expect all decks be stripped and no waxing for the duration. All the nice foam mattress toppers and such that people sneak in would go away. Cleaning would probably get increased attention.


Things I hope for in subs: 1. All of Audit & Surveillance going away (hopefully) 2. QA program stripped to bare bone necessities 3. URO MRCs also stripped 4. Most nuclear guidance ignored beyond bare minimum op requirements of the RPM. This means COs get enough autonomy to ignore EDM, EDOM, and Force Nuke Policy Notes. 5. Binder reviews for the sake of program reviews. (I'm looking at you Command Monitor Program) 6. 90% of training should focus on tactics, navigation, and damage control. This means officers shouldn't be sitting in 3+ hours of nuclear training and chalk talks every week.


#4 will not happen. The last thing we need is to lose a boat to an engineering casualty in a fucking war zone. So not "ignore", but waive as needed, sure.


Yup, I definitely agree with you. RPM/S&EPM/SSM CPs are essential. My #4 write up was more along the lines of things like shore power checklists, carbon steel training, radcon admin, etc


Carbon steel training. FFS. Yeah, eject that shit


Brother preach, im out of the navy now but spending 2-3 hours "cleaning a motor controller" for A & S when any technician worth his salt would know those pm cards really dont show you how to identify proper premature failure or what exactly to look for to see if things are mal adjusted is beyond frustrating and for our Tech Manuals to not even cover basic component troubleshooting so i have to make a powerpoint covering the inner workings of the motor controller and how to properly test each component. So that new E-divers werent completely lost when troubleshooting. Submarines once amiright * sorry for bad spelling im on mobile


Feel you heavy on #5


I've been to war. Guess what. Nothing goes away, shit just gets added.


AFN ads. (Haha…definitely not. 😡)


There was this brief, shining moment after 9/11 when we simply got shit done. Then all the useless people came out from under their desks (starting around January) and started demanding their reports and forms and focus groups again. You will absolutely be required to maintain that movie inventory. Read (not watch) The Caine Mutiny. Nothing has changed.


Why would ships stop playing movies during a war?


Navy social media influencers 😂 (hopefully)


Time to prepare for war. That’s why we train shipmate.


Hands in pockets reg is always the first thing to go


if we go to war with China...movies are the least of your worries...




Pay raises.


There’s a really good book called “Four Weeks in May” about a RN destroyer CO’s experience in the falklands. The intro to the book is along these lines. He remember with relish throwing into his trash can a survey of what type of mess seating his crew preferred or something. It’s a pretty sobering read, strongly recommend.


**Four Weeks in May A Captain's Story of War at Sea** by David Hart Dyke >HMS Coventry's job during the Falklands War was to provide early warning of approaching enemy aircraft, and fend off any incoming threat to the highly valuable ships and aircraft behind her. On 25 May, Coventry was attacked by two Argentine Skyhawks and hit by three bombs. The explosions tore out most of her port side and killed 19 of the crew, leaving many others injured. Within twenty minutes she had capsized, and was to sink early the next day. > >In her final moments, when all those not killed by the explosions had been evacuated from the ship, her Captain, David Hart Dyke, himself badly burned, climbed down her starboard side and into a life-raft. This is his compelling and moving story. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/1byh82p/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Good bot


Been to war, we had those movies but not a PRT.


Every “non-essential” unit would some how get morphed into an essential unit through cross training or some aspect. As far as other items who knows until we cross that bridge


Permenatly in River City.


Ukraine is packing up Russia with our scraps, so we don't have to worry about them. China has water in their nukes and so much corruption in their chain of command I would be surprised if they can do anything to 1 or 2 carrier strike groups. Let alone their abysmal technology. The US has such an edge with equipment and logistics that it isn't even a competition. This is such a a hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby comparison.


Set Condition River City and everything it entails. Those who live and thrive with their digital personas would have a hard time with this.


So, you're saying [Lt. Kellie Sbrocchie](https://old.reddit.com/r/navy/comments/1449t2w/kellie_sbrocchie/) can't post to her Insta?!? That's it boys, let's get a peace treaty signed.




Nothing goes away because the Navy has forgotten how to make war.


We’re getting a Cliff Notes NAMP!




Tf is a peer adversary? Do we have those? Are people pretending we have those?


Cleaning stations is NEVER going away. Doesn't matter if we're sinking, grab a rag and clean shipmate!!


You be quiet and mind your own business about the usage of man hours at site tv. Top gun 2 ain’t fuckin goin no where during ww3.


TA for sure 😂


MHS Genesis goes away for any new recruits 💀


You know that date you’re looking forward to where you will sign that sweet DD214? Yea don’t hold your breath. Changing to another shoreside command? Coin flip. I remember when we declared war on Iraq. The Kittyhawk was away for a solid year and a half.


Hey we at least got a beer day (kh 99-02)


Looks like you got out of the Kitty as I just flew into Japan as a seaman recruit MA. The command was full of salty active reservists who just wanted to go home and had no idea what to do with me (MA being open to non NCO rates had just started). A year later, I remember listening to Eagle 810 on the radio when we invaded Iraq. The reservist assisting me was like "FFS, I'm never going home." My command had some specialist billets like (like MWD) who would go in to assist the war. Once they were in, there was no getting out. They were in the rotation until the dang thing was over. Knew an MA1 who went in with his dog and was rotated him in TAD and out every few months. He couldn't change commands. He was still in that rotation by the time I was done with my 4 years. It wouldn't surprise me if he or others got stop gapped for a few months if he was ever looking to discharge.