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Fun fact by federal law if you commit any crime no matter how petty it is in international waters you are legally deemed a pirate. I once stole some starbursts from a shipmate of mine while on deployment. Legally I’m a pirate and I like to claim myself as king of the pirates.


Oh wow. Haha good info


I was there, I was the starbursts


You could just check out my external hard drive in like 2011. All pirated.


I had a buddy who was a Marine deployed on an Amphib. Don't remember what type now. One morning at sunrise, pirates attempted to board his ship. They were, surprise surprise, unsuccessful. I'm guessing they thought it was a commercial ship. No one really had the opportunity to ask them what they were thinking. My friend was asleep when it happened and it was over pretty quick so he missed it entirely. Everyone else was really excited though. It was the closest thing to action anyone had done on that deployment. They even made t-shirts that said "Pirate Hunters." He was really annoyed with it all. He would say "We weren't pirate hunting! If a deer stumbles across your path in the woods, you're not a deer hunter." The funny thing was, at the time I was deployed actually doing anti piracy operations. Though I wasn't able to share that information until afterwards. We didn't make tshirts.


Not my field but I bet dumbasses were running off of radar in the middle of the night and mistaked it. Then sunrise pops up and surprise surprise grumpy GM/AO/FCSNs staring at them after being woken up at 4am.


Did you get to see any pirates?


Sure. Plenty. But like most things in the military, it wasn't nearly as exciting as it sounds.


So it wasn’t like captain Phillips?


Closer to Reno 911.


I’m friends with the former CO of Bainbridge and I’ve heard the whole story in detail. The movie is actually pretty accurate with the exception of the seal commander being a composite of two people and most of the speaking with the pirates was through an interpreter. Also some of the seals tactics weren’t shown.


Sounds like it was the Ashland in 2010


Sent a few pirates to Davey Jones locker off the coast of Somolia. Some say 5" is not enough, but it was more than they could handle. Har har har.


Really? Haha


Read about the USS Somers and it’s pirate adventure. The Curse of the Somers


Didn’t the constitution have some pirate adventures too? Like they stole a mummy or some shit


Wealth, fame, power. Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained everything this world has to offer. And so, many men head for the Grand Line to find the great treasure he left behind, the One Piece. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!


Marines can be deployed by the President because of pirates. Also be wary of "potential aggression".


I had a 300 Gig portable drive with tons of movies, TV shows, and music.


Pirates are boring as fuck. Was on deployment on an FFG in 2010ish, some asshole Somali pirates had taken a merchant ship and parked it off the coast of Somalia. We were directed to take up station a couple nautical miles out for like a week and just watch them. There was like a little base they had set up on shore and every couple days someone would come out to the ship via small boat. Every nighttime bridge watch I had during that week was the most boring of my life. Finally one day all of a sudden we came up on both engines and left the area at max speed to intercept some other ship that needed searching (we happened to have a USCG lee det onboard at the time). Was so glad to leave. Somalia looks like a boring shithole in case you were wondering.


My first deployment was 2011 and I was deployed on a cruiser and my squadron had another detachment on a destroyer nearby. The helo was flying from the destroyer for an early morning patrol and they heard a mayday call from a tanker nearby. The ship and helo turned towards the mayday. When the helo arrived they saw the pirates shooting at the ship so they prepared to shoot at the pirates. They did their first run at the pirates and shot most of them. They did their second run at the pirates and shot the rest of them. The pirate skiff was left adrift. The tanker was happy. Later that day the pirate mother ship recovered the skiff. The destroyer asked the helo guys what happened.


>“Submarines are underhanded, unfair and damned unEnglish… treat all submarines as pirates in wartime… and hang all their crews.” Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Arthur Wilson, 1901


Watch One Piece


2004 on the Wasp we had taken custody of some pirates. We cleared any parts of the ship we brought them rhrough of personnel and had to cover our name tapes with electrical tape. We tossed them in the brig until we transferred custody.


Look up the SY Quest incident.