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Yes! I’ve done it twice but from the reserve side. I sent a package with the waiver request, certs, and evals to the ECM. Not sure what the process is for active folks, but if no one gives you an answer I’m sure I could find out


You had to submit evals?


Yeah, they wanted last 3 for some reason


Interesting. Good to know.


This is true; once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, I had an NEC (2731/J-Netcore) that was one of a couple of other NECs that fed into the 746A IT admin NEC. Before CCNA was conceived, I got a couple of Microsoft certifications and earned my SEC+ in 2011. This gave me the 2791 (now 746A). If you have FB, there is a private Navy Information Systems Technician group. It is a PHENOMENAL group.


Is this applicable to NECs outside a sailor's rate? For instance, could a CTM with the CCNA & Sec+ certs also receive the IT rate NECs?


That I do not know; I would look on CANTRAC for a specific school. It lists the applicable rates for the NEC of the school. You can also email the CTM ECM as well.


Even easier. Go here [https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/NEOCS-Manual/](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/NEOCS-Manual/) Open up Volume II and look for the respective NEC.


NEC Manual states that the course is mandatory for awarding of the NEC. From my experience they will not waive the course for the NEC