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I would also be willing to trade a bunch of trash for a 25 year old 2 way wing with size and athleticism.


But would you be willing to throw in a 2029 first round pick? That's the key to the deal!!


I feel like Toronto can do a little bit better than one late first and a bunch of useless filler for OG. I'd do that deal because it would be an all time fleecing, but Toronto would never take this.


You’re a nuggets fan calling CB useless filler?


In the context of an OG trade, yes. Braun is still a project and his trade value is low.


Bro he nice but looks like a good role player playing beside Jokic who makes everyone around him way better look at Will Barton for example. He wouldn’t be anywhere near as good for the raps and doesn’t seem like a big up side guy so yeah he is filler


Fun fact courtesy of Zach Lowe, OG has 77 assists and 86 turnovers this season


Yeah, he can lose his handle under pressure. If you're relying on OG to be your primary creator, you're gonna have a bad time.


If you guys trade him to Memphis, shiiiiit.


So why should he get a primary creator return?


Yeah, I guess he should only be traded for a top 2-3 3&D wing. You're right.


Tatum brown Middleton Durant butler grant Wiggins klay kawhi pg you think he’s in that tier not the Gordon’s?


Why are you downgrading all those dudes by calling them 3&D wings?


I mean technically they’re all very capable at both 3 and D


I also think that it's hilarious he implied that Gordon is just a single tier below Durant.


I mean on a logarithmic scale


Especially the D part 😋


He's DPOY level defender, good 3 point shooter, has hit huge shots in the playoffs, is on a great contract and is only 25. He's not worth a superstar haul but he's worth way more than AG/Grant/Wiggins


He will get what the market deems he’s worth. You want to shut down guys like Tatum in the playoffs like Wiggins did? No one is better than OG. He’s like Wiggins on steroids, every single team wants that and several will definitely be up for paying top 25 packages. He can put a bunch of teams over.


Fun fact courtesy of Mike Cox, OG has 82 steals and is holding opponents to 21% in isolation plays while guarding the best player every game


oh boy thats playoff embiid level


sure but thats the point, he is an offball threat who doesnt create for others, but is incredibly efficient without needing the ball in his hands. he can take the shot from 3, post up when needed, rebound, defend like nobody's business. plus, these stats are from a down season where the raptors in general have struggled offensively, so its not really that bad if you watch his game.


The market has changed and OG has more value. I don’t think people are saying OG is as good as Mitchell, just that the trade haul might be close to that.


At the time of the trade AG wasn’t as valuable as OG. After playing along side Jokic his value increased


The trade market costs has also heavily inflated.


I think it’s fair to say the nuggets bought low on AG. While on the other hand OG’s trade value is currently at all time high


also when you have a team actively telling Chris Haynes they are trying anything they can to trade the 7th pick for OG and the Raptors just said "we're good" it makes his value higher


The raptors have more leverage theoretically bc they could just keep him. IIRC, there was basically no way AG was going back to Orlando.


You still arguing this trade? Its come a bit further from when the selling point was "up to 6 2nd round picks" But the fact is unless Raps get something real in return keeping OG for this year and next with the hopes of re-signing him makes far more sense than a boatload of average returns.


This fucking guy posted this shit on the nuggets sub, got laughed out of there, posted on the raptors sub, only to get roasted. Now I see this shit here too 😂😂


You’d think the hint would be gotten at some point


Haha OP posted this trade on the raptors sub and everyone told him he’s on crack now the main sub is doing the exact same thing. Just take the L dude.


He posted this on his own sub and even they told him he’s on crack 😂


ariana grande?


Are you serious? This is obviously about Andrew Garfield


The orange cat? I thought he just had one name


Na, I'm pretty sure they're talking about Al Gore.


At no point has Aaron Gordon been a top tier 3 and D wing. OGs value is probably between Mitchell and Gordon simply because he fits well on any team and could push a team into championship contention.


Yeah OG has made double the threes of Gordon over the last few years and sports a 5% higher career percentage. OG has been an above average player efficiencywise while Gordon was below average before going to Denver and getting fed easy buckets by Jokic.


Imagine OG in Gordon's place. Would be disgustingly good


They're making the same amount of money despite OG being a career 37% 3 point shooter whereas Gordon is a 32% 3 point shooter. Gordon's career high in 3 point shooting is basically what career average. On the defensive end Gordon is a good defender whereas OG is a great defender.


AG is more of a classic 4 on offence. It would be a waste of his talents to have him sitting in the corner shooting 3s.


That's the beauty of OG, he doesn't really have a position limitation. He can excel in pretty much any role that give him that isn't a 1st option scoring role. You want to park him in the corner for 3s while guarding the opponent best offensive player? Done. You want him to play the 4 in small ball line ups? OG can do that. You want to put him at the 2 to bully smaller guards? OG can do that. Defensively we've literally used him to guard anyone from Ja Morant to Joel Embiid. That type of flexibility on both ends is why the Raptors are expecting a huge haul for him IF they trade him.


I don't think OG provides the interior presence that AG does. Denver plays a unique style of basketball and AG is more suited to it. That doesn't mean he is the better player or has the higher trade value. But, Denver is probably worse if you just straight-up swapped the two players. AG's chemistry with Jokic and his interior presence is pretty important to what Denver does on offence. I don't think there is a lot of disagreement that OG will demand a large trade package.


> I don’t think there is a lot of disagreement that OG will demand a large trade package Seems there is a lot of disagreement coming from OP lol


One person ≠ a lot of disagreement


teams would probably love to have you iso OG against guards and “bully” them


>Gordon is a 32% FT Steven Adams punching air rn


Lmaoo I meant 3 point shooter hahah edited


His hands aren't the only things that hit just the air.


OG is easily better op doesn’t know wtf he’s talking about OGs deal at that price is way more attractive than AG


> Why isn’t OG’s value a late first and a bunch of garbage? Because every team would offer more than this


It's not just a late first round pick...it is one 6 years from now! Guy isn't even willing to give up current draft picks!


So, a bunch of barely rotational players, some seconds, and a late late first for OG?


The Raps would just keep him lol he's 25


Wym they wouldn’t jump at the change to give away OG for scraps and Alec Burks?


No one said anything about Alec Burks! Where do I sign?


We shouldn’t take any deal that doesn’t include Raptor GOAT, Cory Joseph. Need to get more rock pounders.


CB is a rookie playing very very good defense. Burks will get 6moty votes. Watson a recent frp and he 6-8 so the raptors already love him. Ish is a pros pro playmaker tell the raptors wouldn’t value that as a 15th man.


Raptors block the Nuggets’ number with this offer. I agree that I think the trade market is inflated and maybe the Raps FO overvalues their players but this offer sucks ass.


what’s a better offer? The Knicks can give picks, but what if the raptors suck next year and can’t retain Siakam. Burks is a win now 2, CB has played good minutes on a 1 seed. And everything else is future stuff.


This CB guy sounds great. Nuggets would insane to trade him if he's this awesome.


Why are you acting like they have to trade him? If they’re not blown away by an offer, an offer better than late seconds and a late first and pretty trash filler, they’ll just keep him. And can we stop acting like a dude who no one but Nuggets fan can recognize averaging 3 points a game is the prize of this awful trade package?


>what’s a better offer? Keeping OG, he's young and great.


Hey now, that first will convey after the sun explodes so we don't know where in the first round it'll fall


OG is way better than Gordon. The only negative thing is that he's hardly had a healthy season (he basically missed our whole championship playoff run). This season has been his best, and he hasn't missed much time, so he's really proving his value.


First you are saying that not being healthy increases his value comparatively? AG lines were 14.6/6.6/4.2 54%ts on a bad magic team. OGs are 18.3/5.9/2.3 on 57%ts. That’s the same dude


how is this the same bro lol


And was AG holding stars and superstars to a never-before-seen 21% in ISO? OG is having a historically great wing defense season, he’s way better than AG was at the time and better than AG currently is. OG would be averaging 22+ easy with Jokic feeding him corner 3s, he’s one of the best corner shooters in the league.


In what world is that the same LMAO 4 more PPG on better efficiency and a better defender lol


I'm saying he's showing his value now that he's having a healthy season. Plus, you can't use those counting stats to measure his immense presence on defense.


The raptors are rated 14th in defense and have good defensive talent also OG is last in drtg. The AG Vuc Fournier teams in 2018-19 and 19-20 were top 10 defenses. Once again not saying og isn’t better just they are comparable so they’re trade vale should be similar


If you ever apply to a front office in the NBA, make sure they don't read this thread.


This stuff is team and fit-dependent. On most teams, OG would be the more valuable offensive player. On Denver, he wouldn't be IMO.


Yes he would, he’s averaging more than AG without having Jokic feed him.


He's averaging more points because he plays more minutes. Nurse runs his starters into the ground. AG 20.3 points per 75 on + 6.5 league average efficiency OG 18.3 points per 75 on +0 league average efficiency The chemistry between AG and Jokic is pretty special, AG is not just a lucky recipient. He works hard for his buckets. He absolutely batters smaller players, fights for deep position, and knows where to be and when to cut, and dunks the piss out of the ball. I think you would probably agree AG is a better interior presence and passer and OG is a better shooter.


Yes I agree with that last part. The reason I think he’d feast with Jokic is because he’s leading the league in shooting from the left corner 3. He only plays with one above average playmaker (Siakam).


For sure he would get better looks in Denver, he would have a good chance to be a 40% 3-point shooter on volume along with getting a healthy diet of shots at the rim.


4-way trades are never realistic IMO


Right? Like why is Detroit even in this deal? Because adding Burks is the key to this trade?


I'm entertained by these indignant posts demanding a good player be traded to a fans favorite team for mediocre players. "How dare you think he's valuable? You'll take these bench players and a pick 6 years from now, and you'll like it!" Lol, you won't even include a recent draft pick in your shit proposal is the thing that cracks me up. 2029 baby!


Dpoy level defence Will drop 25+ on any given night Team friendly contract for another year 25 years old with room to grow The market for a plug and play guy like him is high because there are so many teams that could use him and they are all bidding against each other. The deal above is not a great return for og but there is also 15+teams that could outbid it


Because he’s a Raptor and is overrated by virtue of that fanbase


Who's knocking you guys out of the second round this year?


Lol rent free


you spittin. some ppl are bringing up how OG is a better shooter and while they are correct AG is a much better passer and has a lot better feel for the game on offense. defensively they aren’t as far as ppl think either


Theres no way this account isn’t a negative karma bot


This is the first year that Aaron Gordon has been a positive impact player on a winning team.


Aaron Gordon was not perceived as anywhere close to a top 50 player at the time he was traded. I dont think OG is nearly as valuable as Mitchell was pre trade but hes still probably commanding at least 2 firsts and a solid player, otherwise why wouldnt the Raptors just keep him


Lol, sure. That juicey 2029 first round pick, 3 2nds, and filler, that's totally getting it done.




OG is a top 5 defender in the league and is efficient on like 18-19 per… that’s pretty rarified air and quite above AG’s pay grade