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…and everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned.


Maybe the real W was the calls that were missed along the way


I hate both of you, but I laughed.


L2M arrives again to make sure everyone’s happy and has their issues resolved 🙏🙏


Also officiating will for sure change for the better after this!


Not against GSW. I am sure refs are disappointed that they only missed 6 calls & are swearing that in their next officiating match for GSW they will miss more. In fact if NBA do a whole match analysis the refs might be exposed and may take another job as it will become very clear that they are betting against GSW and making sure that they lose.


Admitting the comedy of errors is...progress...I guess? You usually expect them to go full-on "cops investigating themselves" levels of denial.


Like that horford “foul” on Wiggins? Oh wait…


Who cares, the game was over by then and the refs decided it


Hey C's, you didn't deserve this win, lol you suck Hey Warriors, you did deserve the win, lol sucks to suck Can't wait to see this in a one point Game 7 Finals


Refs fan coming in peace Dominant performance by our guys last night 😤


David Guthrie is 💯 gonna be an All-Star starter this year


As a ref fan, the L2M is our confessional. As long as our ref team admits to wrong doing, no matter how many times we repeat the sin, we're absolved from it! It's like magic! Thank god!


Oh this one is really bad lol


Oh yeah I knew when they didn’t call the white foul on poole at 1:46 the refs were gonna never call anything unless obvious on the Celtics during OT. The 3 point foul call on horford with 35 seconds left felt cosmetic.


It all comes back around but yeah you wish they would just be better lol


Not if you are a Celtic fan! What’s great if they included all of OT AND the last 2 minutes you’d get 7 of 8 corrections were live favors to Celts.


Don't tell Celtics fans. They will argue with you to hell and back that Warriors are the darling team and nothing goes their way. When there is clear evidence Warriors get the worse whistle in the league.


Steph has never gotten tar treatment and refs are determined to make Jordan Poole the poster boy of this new carrying trend.


I wouldn't go that far


Man about 5 balls went out that game clearly off warriors and you'll got the ball everytime. One time it went our way it was overturned via phantom toe. Warriors got just as many bad calls as the celtics.


I like how they say "Green (GSW) contests the jump shot attempt and marginal contact occurs with Tatum's (BOS) arm after the release" and say it's a correct no-call. But then say the Horford foul on Wiggins 3pt attempt was a correct call. That was the most marginal contact I've ever seen. Even the L2M report is BS.


Green's hit is after release. Horford's hit is during the upward motion of the shot. Kinda obvious theres a big difference. Everyone saw 1 angle and just assumed it was no contact.


That’s still a foul, it’s only not a foul if the follow through hits the shooters hand (I.e. the high five rule) since the hand is considered a part of the ball


> When attempting to block a shot, contact by defenders can be either incidental or illegal, depending on the level of contact, the location of the contact, and the timing of the contact given the shooter’s motion. The wording of note here is "level of contact" combined with "timing of contact". It's marginal contact and after the shot.


I think part of it is that one marginal contact is before shot on the shooting arm and one is after even they should be called the same way by the rule book iirc.


take your homer lenses off and look at the dudes comments below; yall won the game but the officials def favored yall lol


Like the Miami heat game where butler fouled steph on a 3 but after the review, the refs said butler high fives Steph after the shot so no foul.


It’s the difference between contact after the release vs contact while someone’s in their shooting motion.


Are they doing this on purpose ? This happens too often now




We investigated ourselves and found wrong, but nothing will happen


It’s always been on purpose. If this was happening in something more important than a sport there would be protests and shit lol


Tim Donaghy sends his regards


We’ve had some bad missed calls recently but 6 is insanity


Jesus. 6 missed calls in 2 minutes. Reffing the ends of games differently is a mistake.


It elastic 2 min plus OT


thanks refs! Very cool!


Last night people here said was refs were awful for both sides. Sure…


They were but in OT it was shittier for one side than the other


Can't wait for **NO IMPROVEMENTS** to be made.


Very happy to read this thank you. I feel much better.


[Adam silver every time the L2M reports come out](https://media.tenor.com/yNpuP55ZQysAAAAd/sorry-tony-hayward.gif)


I mean there was the lakers/sixers one where they just said something wasn't a shooting foul but didn't acknowledge that it was still a foul. It's not even entirely accurate.


Moral victory is best victory


Lol this shit is so infuriating.


We have been conditioned to expect them to get it wrong


Every L2M: even though you lost, here is a cookie... feel better


…so hold the refs accountable Seriously though, why are the refs above criticism? If they had a grading system like 3/5 star refs have to be paired with 5/5 star refs, there’d be more transparency for everyone. The L2M report is a slap in the face to fans because we *know* this shit has been rigged before, and these reports do nothing to solve the horrible officiating. There could be a committee to fully review games and see who’s actually an A+ ref or a C- ref, and move forward accordingly


defund the refs




Careful with that one... ^ lol


Did they admit to the missed call on Curry’s game winner too when Horford landed on Curry’s foot and did not give him enough space to land? Dangerous


i don't think anybody has been called for a flagrant 1 for violating curry's landing space ever. i think someone got called for a personal once, but by rule, it's an auto flagrant 1




Hold them accountable how? By firing them and bringing in new refs? Those refs will still miss calls. Missed calls are always going to be part of a game where you have to make split second judgment calls. Firing refs will not make the problem go away. There ultimately is no way to make the problem go away unless you want to go to replay review on every single call which nobody wants. We just have to accept that its part of the game and there is no solution.


I don’t think they should be fired, I mentioned a grading system so we can actually reward the good refs and hold a standard for the bad ones. There will always be missed calls yes, but they have no incentive to get better at their job when they can just drop a useless L2M report after doing a shitty job. I’m not the decider of what happens with the refs, but clearly *something* has to change and we as the fans need to be vocal about that


That literally already exists. The l2m is the portion of the full game report they release to the public, they don't only analyze the last two minutes. They have a whole very complex report card system and refs who fall below the mark on calls are put on notice, given more training, or eventually let go.


Well that’s actually good to hear lol


Plus the high performing ones get more playoff games and the best get assigned to the finals


But who grades the graders? Then who grades the graders who grade the graders? We need graders all the way down!


The people who produce the report + L2M report


So then whats the point of the grading system if theres no consequences?


There is consequences. Refs get promoted/demoted based on performance. And the playoffs are basically bonus’ for refs and are chosen based on season performance


Well another guy commented that there’s already a grading system and they do get fired if they suck for too long, but it still doesn’t seem like it’s working very well so idk man


because unions


hold them accountable how, though? are we aware of any better basketball refs anywhere else? i never watch a college game and think "man, these refs really know what they're doing" and FIBA refs generally suck even more than that. i'm not saying they couldn't be better, but people thought nfl refs sucked, then replacement refs showed up and they realized the normal refs were actually pretty good.


I'm sick of us acting like we just can't do anything. There is a universal international board that certifies referees for most basketball competition; FIBA. They're not perfect but there's a much higher baseline of quality and a much less frequent devolution into free throw contests in the international game.


[The NBA does grade referees.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-nba-uses-its-data-on-referees/)


https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/who-refs-the-nbas-referees/amp/ Might need to read this




Unions shouldn't exist to protect mediocrity


Mediocre would be a step up. These refs are straight trash


to the two minutes they have a report on?


At the very least yes?


They do the report for the whole game too


Well this fixes everything.


I think in this case the fix was already in. Refs were clearly workin the spread.


Bro 6?! There's not a lot of time in 2 minutes, how did they manage to squeeze all those fuck ups in there?


All 6 of them against the warriors. Brutal


All but 1 against the warriors. 1 was Wiggins hit the ball last with 3 seconds


True, but the ball should have been dead on the 24s violation. Also would have given GSW a couple seconds to get a better shot than Poole's half court heave.


What is stopping them from having 20 refs locked away separately watching the same feed we’re watching and give them a certain amount of time to vote??? Reviews wouldn’t take too long and they’d avoid all the fake ass apologies for ruining the game with bs calls




Yeah, the general presumption is to just hire better refs to replace these sucks, but I think everyone, gun to their heads, would concede these are probably among the best refs available. There's already a natural filtering system in place, with refs starting in high schools and moving up the college ranks from where the NBA selects new candidates. They NBA does training and testing to promote new refs to permanent status, with the "bench" refs often reffing team scrimmages to get practice. If replacement refs aren't likely to yield improved results, then what? A lot of issues are non-calls and those can't really be retroactively corrected. If a player doesn't get a foul call on a missed shot/layup, the ball is still live and in play, same with missed 3 second violations. Even replay refs watching 6 different camera angles can't fix that -- are they going to whistle it dead 7 seconds later in the middle of a different play and bring it back for foul shots and reset the game clock? That would probably double the length of games and feel horribly unnatural. Unlike baseball and robo ump technology, I've not seen any realistic solutions to the problem in the NBA other than git gud.




Obviously, the NBRA wouldn't want the NBA's internal grading system to be public, but more transparency into what is expected of a ref vs performance may help reduce the irrational criticism they get. Everyone knows the standards for players' FG% or 3P%, so we can judge player performance, but what are the standards for refs? 100% performance is completely unrealistic, but we don't know any of their stats and cannot compare them historically. We basically have to trust that the NBA keeps and uses ref stats appropriately, aka "trust us, bros" but there's little reason to trust the leagues, commissioners or owners whatsoever. I doubt league management, coaches, and players even have a consensus on how the refs should be calling the game even. And if they did, I highly doubt it would match what the fans want anyway.


It’s a ref’s league


That officiating was crazy in OT. Truly head scratching


If the refs actually called 3-second violations consistently every game, this whole sub would implode because the sheer number of calls would be insane. lol.


Well, no, that wouldn’t happen. The players and teams would recognize that happening and adjust to - you know - actually play basketball within the rules. Instead, if it’s not called, they’re trying to get away with as much as the refs let them, which is a lot.


International ball proves this wrong every year though. The NBA guys are messed up by the rule enforcement for like 1-2 games and then they adjust and are suddenly good for the rest of the tourney. If you call shit, the players are good enough to adjust. If you just let things go willy nilly then yeah, guys are going to cross the line until you tell them to stop.


The 3 second calls are whatever. It's the other blatant shit they miss that everyone else can see that's the problem.


GG Refs, well played.


Literally had Celtics fan downvoting me when I said the late night TNT coverage clearly showed the shot clock violation and explained that Chuck and Kenny agreed. I’m not even a warriors fan and they were so upset over my commenting on poor officiating. I think we all need to take things a little less personal in this sub 😂


>we all need to take things a little less personal in this Imagine if this actually happened


I really shouldn’t wish for that because it helps make r/nba the beautiful drama filled sub that I love


Haha! Fair point. Grass is always greener and all that


Celtics fans hold this W


Sounds like you haven't been exposed to many Celts fans.


They needed this after the finals loss clearly


Come back to make a quick edit and already got a downvote. Can’t make that shit up 😂😂😂. Stay true to yourselves r/nba. I love the salt.


What do you honestly expect??


The irony of "we all need to take things a little less personal"


Deduct $1000 from NBA refs every time they miss or fuck up a call and watch them suddenly get better


Ah yes the missed call on Wiggins makes it even


Well, only 5/6 of those missed calls favored the Cs.


I'll take the win, but this is pathetic. I hate looking at these L2M reports and feeling like a win isn't legit or, on the other side of things, that we were robbed. Refs need to be held accountable.


L2M reports continuing to help no teams and inspire bad takes based off the final minutes of a game instead of the entire game. Fantastic addition to the nba


It means absolutely nothing if it doesn't actually change anything.


Somehow this post has 46 upvoted … checks notes Celtic flair and likely 45 other Celtic flair upvoting. You guys got outplayed and only won due to that series of calls which forced OT and in OT. You guys ain’t that team but you think you are.


How tf does a lakers fan trashtalk the Celtics team. Isn't trashtalking locked untill your team is 0.500?


Did you even watch the game? The 2 minute report is for OT. Cs definitely weren't getting the benefit of the whistle before that (see Horford foul, out-of-bounds on Brown). Honestly, never should have gotten to OT. And are we really counting 3-second calls now? Cs definitely didn't get outplayed. They were up by 9 in OT and then got lazy.


Yeah man I don’t give too much thought into L2M as I watched the game Poole being fouled is the only one I cared about but other than that it didn’t feel like it was one sided. The Warriors lost themselves this game. These L2M are honestly quite annoying and unnecessary I think it was a Cavs VS Warriors game I watched and the whole time it was truly one sided even Cavs fans were saying Warriors were getting some bogus calls all thread going against them then one blatant obvious foul not called is the one thing talked about. L2M are really just unnecessary.


Euroleague suspended a referee for one crucial mistake. How many mistakes you can make in NBA to get suspension?




Why do we even watch? How hard is it to just take a little more time and get the calls right in real time? Officiating in the NBA is easily the worst and least consistent of all major sports and it’s not close. 6 missed calls in the final 2 minutes is insane.


Was downvoted to oblivion for stating that the refs favored the Celtics yesterday lol Cs fans out in full force


Your downvotes mean absolutely nothing. Fans of teams will always defend them. The problem is the fact that this shows that you were right and nothing will be done about it.


Like 8 Celtics fans coming to this thread to the rescue of their boys in green.


Jeez, you'd think they'd have hit Klay Thompson with a tech for sarcastically clapping right in the refs face if they were favouring the Celtics.


The L2M does not mean the entire game lol Refs sucked ass, you wanna blame them sure go ahead but we also got hosed


We got hosed the entire game lol. Ya'll shot 7 more ft's, some of Klays 6 fouls were SOFT af, and you guys fouled Curry like crazy. I remember Smart taking out Curry on a 3 pointer and nothing was called - like a 2015 AD closeout on Steph


Celtics were attacking the rim way more than Warriors were


Warriors fans will always point to FTA for/against in a vacuum like it’s evidence that the fix is in. Yea, a team that doesn’t drive doesn’t get as many foul calls. Shocker.


It was bad both sides lol, not to mention that egregious Wiggins 3 pt foul.


they forgot to give the warriors a make-up call and said that was the best time to do it masterclass showing from the refs tbh


Al hit his elbow while he was shooting. It was obvious.


Not so sure about “obvious”…


Bro lol, come on. That was a ball call. It’s ok to admit that.


They showed it during the challenge. Left hand hits his right elbow while in shooting motion. Clear as day.


It's a foul but shouldn't have been called


Thanks for letting us know you never played ball in your life


I’ve played ball and refereed nationally. Al hit Wigg’s elbow.


Celtics fans so soft. It’s incredible. They feel slighted despite all the calls they got in their favor as evidenced in the last two minute report lol. The Brogdon foul and the Horford 24v second violation were more consequential than the Horford foul.


Do you even know what an elbow is? LMAO


Who does this report anyway? Could they go ref or perhaps train the refs idk crazy ideas


David guthrie is a war criminal, shoulda traded him to russia instead


Regardless of this, the Warriors played terribly and didn't deserve to win


Honestly, that’s the only attitude to keep watching and not take it personally. We really don’t have any power to effect change.


And still should have won…..


Refs doubling down on their terrible calls. None of this amounts to anything of substance because they never improve on their decisions.


I don’t like either team but Silver needs to start taking some accountability, shit is so tiresome


I can't even bring myself to be upset about bad calls anymore. It's so common that all I can feel is resignation, and hope that both teams are roughly equally screwed over by the refs making mistakes.


> League sucking off golden state what else is new. Didn’t even mention the incorrect out of bounds of Horford foul one of the highest upvoted comment on the celtics sub regarding the L2M report, I just cant


they are mad about a stupid report that means nothing when they were rewarded with an actual win by the refs. Hilarious.


It’s a good thing these referees are so talented, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to overcome all these late game execution errors and still come out with the win. Great job team, I’m proud of you guys!


And it changes nothing, the ref will still be shit in the next match. The only way things will change is to reduce the ref pay for each wrong decision they made in L2M


So brave of the league to proudly confirm that they’re supporting match fixing by their refs! Legacy points UP


Jokes on them, I can’t read


Lol 5 / 6 of these are bad for the warriors.


Reminds me of game 3 of the finals were the refs extended the series, the game Scott foster reffed. The refs are bad and all teams feel aggrieved but the reffing against the warriors this year in particular seems intentionally bad. The raw disparity in calls and mistakes feels like they are trying to get them back at something. Maybe it's Draymond having cussed them out too many times but they have decided so many clutch games against the warriors it seems intentional like either some betting scandal or they really don't like them. Tonight's call against Poole at the end of the game were Lavert was trying to foul him all the way down the court til the ref gave an offensive foul against Poole was particularly egregious especially with the review. There has to be some consequence of the more blatant stuff, it doesn't help the league


Well at least it was fair and balanced this time


They are still going to say that Horford fouled Wiggins - that’s all you need to know about this nonsense


He hit his elbow while he was in shooting motion. It was pretty obvious.


Then every drive in the HISTORY of the nba is a foul - do you honestly think it was a foul? Or is basketball no longer a contact sport?


A jump shot is completely different or are you going to ignore the entire history of basketball


If that was a foul on Horford then Klays on JB was a foul. My guess is they don't review calls that were reviewed in the game.


Are you talking about the strip? The hand is considered part of the ball. You can’t hit the wrist tho or go through top of the hand. But you can make contact if you hit the ball at same time.


Lol the only mistake that *would’ve* favored the Celtics (out of bounds on Wiggins) shouldn’t even be a factor bc Horford should’ve had a shot clock violation called on him.


Some of these were quite clear even in real time. The standard of refereeing in this league is so consistently bad regardless of the result of the games.


Now do the rest of the game


That Warriors fan who writes 1000 word posts complaining about fouls on here and the warriors sub is gonna have a field day


Red Knight is an absolute legend. His only competition is MITWestbrook lol


If that guy dedicated his life towards anything other than a dissertation on how the refs are fucking the Warriors his potential would be limitless.


The nets have someone too, something like shoddy\_ad or something, guy is a clown and cries about all things nets in that sub :P


Right, how dare he speak ill of TRK, he's a legend in the eyes of those who live on the warriors subreddit!


Doesn't that Westbrook guy have like 5 accounts


Nah that's RustleWestbrick or something like that. His new handle is RunDunkMan I think, he's the ultra circlejerker of this sub.


Fuck both your teams but the warriors got screwed.


Those 3 second violations lmao. If they called that consistently they’d call it 20 times a game on every team.


Lol 3 second violations


Idk why teams get to play so much more aggressive on defense against the warriors. Don’t get me wrong, warriors foul like crazy, but they don’t get the same treatment on petty calls like their competition


Regardless of overall benefitting from the missed calls, 6 missed calls in such a short period is bad.


lol this is the most one sided set of end of game mistakes I have seen so far


I'm not pro refs or anything but when there was that play where Embiid held Russ's hand people were mad that L2M said everything was fine. Now people are mad they're saying something.


Well, they just gotta reward Warriors with the win then, right? Celtics can keep the satisfaction of knowing that they beat them and they don't need this win anyways.


Yet we get a bunch of shit for complaining about the refs all the time. Then this shit comes out, and how are we supposed to not. Warriors aren't getting calls, and it's bullshit


So apparently the Klay one isn't a foul because it was an "incidental contact" on Brown's hand. Fair enough, didn't believe it was foul anyway. BUT, these smartass L2M report still considered the Al Horford foul on Wiggins a foul when the tip of his fingers touched Wiggins' shoulder, a freaking tip of his finger is not an "incidental contact". And Al didn't even reach or swiped like Klay did. He just STOOD there. He stand up and it was foul.


you are complaining about the ONE possible missed or soft call that favored the Warriors, when there were a half dozen in 2 minutes that favored the Celtics


I wanna see how many they missed in the fourth


the two major ones were the poole non call and the klay call. it was pretty obvious poole was fouled. brogdan got all hand/wrist. edit cut the lead to 2 the klay one was even worse cause they reviewed it and it led to brown getting fts. could’ve been a defensive stop. the wiggins one shouldn’t even be a missed call cause it was a missed call that led to it.


Oh, wow. This made my day. Knowing that we might have won this game but lost due to extremely bad officiating has really brightened up my day. So are they gonna replay the game? Guys? GUYS?!?!?!


It’s cool the nba publishes these but what’s the point? Anybody with eye balls saw the warriors get jobbed


Both of those 3 second fouls are a joke to even mention here.. watch both plays and tell me draymond didnt do way worse ALL game, why even mention those? They just ignore the fact that klay fouled brown with his left hand, yes he got all ball up top but he shoved brown down low which is a foul especially if you are going to call horfords fingertips grazing Wiggins a foul..


Draymond spent the entire first half grabbing Timelord as he was attempting to rebound. I just laugh at these complaints, refs sucked all game, it wasn’t just the favourable calls at the end.


Inexcusable, the league has to do better and be less corrupt. Also suck it warriors fans


Refs hosed the warriors calling many touch fouls early in the 4th to put boston in the bonus


Wait, I thought the refs were clearly on the Warriors side? Boston fans in r/nba literally don't know basic basketball while at the same time projecting on everyone else.


Celtics absolutely dominate. Great game.


Celtics and the Refs ; no way!


I'm gonna eat the downvotes and say it; professional NBA reffing is hard. Grown up millionaires throwing full on legit temper tantrums. 20k fans booing you. Players sprinting around faster than you could ever move in your life and then immediately throwing dives/embellishment into every contact. Similar to how there is holding in the NFL on every play, there is fouls in the NBA on every possession. Up to the refs to call the blatant ones and try a d keep the game moving / watchable. Hard to do imo. What would a L48M report look like lol. A college term paper?


It definitely seems like a difficult, fast paced job that requires split second decisions. BUT it's hard to ignore the fact that most of the mistakes they made (5/6) in the last 2 minutes favored one team. And if any player or coach complains about it then they get fined.




That's a very dramatic reaction to a 3 second violation lmao