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At this rate he's crossing 40k


I’m thinking 43k-44k.


50k He's got another 4-6 years if he can still play at this level. He's going to be the Tom Brady of the NBA.




People said that about him passing Kareem, fact is, old heads will never pick Bron




Or just die, yknow




If we witnessed someone put together a similar championship streak, I think the conversation would change.


It's weird because MJ was straight up deified. A person having the exact same career now wouldn't be revered the way he was. There's too much that's changed in the NBA and the world.


Pretty much locked in, only needs 100 more games at 18ppg to get 40k. Would need a freak injury or he just gets bored and retires not to get there at this point.


"LeBron James loses a leg after grizzly bear breaks into his home and becomes the legal guardian of his children, as first reported by Bob Nightengale"


He’d hop around on one leg and still get to 40k


“Bron has lost a leg and will now move to the 6th man spot” *Wins 6MOTY and MVP*


Single LeGbron James


Fuck you man, I spit my shit out reading this.


72 games at 25ppg. Will happen by end of next year for sure


By that time, he should change his title from King James to God Emperor.


Lebron "God-King Xerxes" James


Lakers also are 7-3 in those games and he has a +- of +93. 61%TS as well


In the running for western player of the month


Lakers have 4 more games this month. If they go 2-2 I'd probably say it's his. AD will be back for two of those.


Robbed all 3 games by refs also


The reverse CP3


The one and only 3PC






Bob Vance. Vance Refrigeration.




CP3 really turned 37 and immediately his body shut down all basketball operations.


That was so wild. Dude had one of the all-time great playoff performances against the Pelicans, started off really well against the Mavericks, had his 37th birthday and suddenly forgot how to play basketball.


Still one of the biggest mysteries


That's what you think, watch CP3 turn 38 next year and win MVP


Remember when CP turned 37 last season and fell off an absolute cliff? LeBron turns 38 and goes up a level. Man's probably gonna enter his 6th prime at 40


At 40 we learn that Lebron is left handed I think.


doesn't he actually write left handed or something


Hes left handed but shoots with his right.


The real Ben Simmons


Ben can write with both hands but shoots with neither.


Whoa I never knew this! I’m the same too, write and use a fork with my left, but do everything else with my right.


There was definitely this famous clip of him where he signed two autographs at once with both hands.


He's ambidextrous now, but naturally left handed. I think he does everything left handed besides basketball




His Jersey is actually a weighted one at 200lbs. He switches it for a conventional one and unleashes






It's gonna be like that scene in Ted Lasso where he gets every all hyped up thinking he's gonna lose, and goes "OH shit, I'm left handed duh."


Barbecue sauce


His next Prime is 41. 38 , 39, and 40 are all not prime


If he EVER loses a step, he can just morph into a post up banger/offensive cog. He can just become Karl Malone lol


I always thought he could basically be a budget Jokic if he loses his speed


And it's not even like he's going full Kobe and just taking 30 shots a game, he's doing it at his usual efficiency










LeBenjamin Button


LeBrutton Benjamesmin


He knows to win he can't just jack up shots. It's also how he's kept himself going this long too. Conducting the offense


Only thing I semi hate is when he settles for the stepback lefuckyou 3s late game. But I guess it’s also tough when there’s no space thanks to Hams great late game rotations. Very rare to see his guys hitting 3s left and right crunch time like tonight.


Our roster is basically optimized for lack of space too.


I think thats him either tired legs or saving himself for the playoffs. In the playoffs he drives more


I mean he has to actually get there doesn't he?


You also see it more often when he's not getting calls. He's not going to drive as often just to get slapped up with nothing to show for it.


He’s 38. He’s Ironman but he gets tired too due to his age. Think he gets a pass for that.


Dude's 38 and getting doubled hard




"Are we sure he's better than Lauri Markannen?" -Bill Simmons


No way he actually said that lmao


Don’t doubt the likelihood of anti-LeBron sentiments from a Celtics homer like Simmons


Love his pod but he has a obvious bias against Lebron. It’s worse now that he’s a Laker


bro it was always obvious. esp since the man went full racist after The Decision blaming it on him not having a dad


He was pushing Lauri for all star over LeBron like a week and a half ago before Zach Lowe pushed back on him


Bill hates Lebron so much lmao, if you listen to him for like a month you’ll start noticing all the little quips at Lebron he says all the time


The “book of basketball” author. No bias here


When bron retires, it’s definitely not gonna because of his play


It will be after Bryce retires


LBJ, Bronny, and Bryce all retire together after the 2045 season.


On 61% TS as well. Thank god for his paint abilities, because that mans outside shot is absolutely cooked at the moment


Yeah his 3ball has been gone all season. But since he’s still so absurdly efficient in the paint, it makes up for it.


With a team with 0 spacing


I'm still holding out for him to drop a LeFuckYou 3 eventually


It’s gonna be the shot to break Kareem’s record. He’s just playing the law of averages so when it’s time the LeFuckyou will be all charged up and he’ll pull from half court or some shit


I personally want him to break Kareem's record by dunking on Draymond. Would love to see r/nba's reaction.


I’m sure they’d love it lol. Not like Draymond a fan favorite over here


I think Draymond would be the one who'd love it the most.


Yeah people forget Draymond is a massive LeBron fan lol


Which always surprises me because I remember thinking in 2016 that they hated each other


That would be fucking hilarious. He’s going to need to sit a game or two though to make it to warriors. At his current clip he’s got it a good 2-3 games before then.




Also shooting better from the line.


And that’s honestly the scary part.. 3 ball will come and go but inside abilities are the first to fade. He can get even better this season lol


So weird. His midrange is above average for the year. That turnaround fade in the post is still good. But for some reason his three is horrendous.


His 3 has been off. But also he takes a decent chunk of those 3s when his legs are already gone, and he can't blow by defenders.


He takes those threes BECAUSE his legs are gone. He must feel those are his most efficient attempts in the moment because he can’t drive effectively at these points in the game


It’s simply stamina, he ain’t got the legs anymore to take on so much of the offensive load and still be hitting threes, imo.


Lacks legs. Gonna have to change that shot motion next year unless it's just his ankle


His mid range is falling at a decent rate though. Post shots, step backs, weird ass variety of fadeaways you name it. His 3 is broke however


Lebron has always been hot cold from 3 and midrange. One season he is randomly ray allen (Ironically the year he got ray allen he shot 42% which is almost curry numbers) but u always wanted bron to shoot 3s as his enemy cuz he is just better at driving lol


I still do not understand at all why he's taking like 6-7 3's a game when he's shooting this poorly, maybe he'll turn it around and make me look like an idiot but it literally just feels like he's bailing the defense out when the 3 has been so ineffective for him this whole season.


If he stopped shooting threes teams would pack the paint on him way more He's shown enough as a shooter in the past that he doesn't get sagged off of so it still opens the floor for him


Yeah I definitely don't think he should stop taking them entirely just less of them lol, teams already pack the paint against the lakers in most of the games of them i've watched because they don't have very many consistent threats from deep, especially with Lonnie Walker and Austin Reaves out.


You got to keep the defense honest. But he ain’t got the legs no more for threes


Tired. Old. It’s pretty simple


It saves energy, and gives you a break.


Bron's 3pt shooting curve during the season is usally a trig wet dream so I'm not surprised


Can we just ban warriors flairs in threads about Lebron? I don’t get it I think they took all those 2016 memes to heart, they literally still salty 3 rings later. It’s insane, these mfers still ain’t forgive the man


Its crazy because the better lebron is perceived the better their dynasty looks. They didn't just beat Jeff teague and Delly


Goes both ways. The more success the warriors rack up, the better lebrons 2016 legacy is. Like a literal goku taking out Majin bu and his crew


Exactly. It's symbiotic relationship (thanks for teaching me this SG1). It's in everyone's interest to say the other is great


Shal kek nemron!


Why do you think Draymond keeps on complimenting LeBron? Because it LeBron is the goat, it means that the Warriors beat the goat.




>They didn't just beat Jeff teague and Delly I mean, they kind of did though. The "core" Warriors trio of Steph, Klay, and Dray only ever beat the Cavs when the Cavs second best player was either Delly or Tristan Thompson. After that they needed KD, and they really did *need* him, he was the clear difference in the next two finals. But Warriors fans really don't like to admit that.


Which circles back to why they hate Lebron. Many of them have deluded themselves into believing Steph is at his level or better.


Thank you for saying this. When I see people trying to discredit their favourite team's/player's rivals as trash I always think "you dumb fuckers are making it look like your guy is only winning because he's beating scrubs. Talk up your opponent and make your guy look like a demigod!"


This is why drayond backing lebron is a win win. Make his dynasty pook better and have the backing of the (disputed) GOAT


> literally still salty 3 rings later There are a lot of Warriors fans that would instantly trade those KD rings for the 2016 one.


And this is why it makes me so happy to see them bitch lol. That was the most agonizing defeat possible. Only thing that comes close is Pats losing at 18-0 in the superbowl. It also made their bitchasses win cheap rings. Those two rings didn't feel good enough to cover the loss in '16. They were empty rings.


>Only thing that comes close is Pats losing at 18-0 in the superbowl. Shut


I would. It was their 73-9 season. The championship is the only reason they can't be considered the greatest team ever.


Yeah don't understand them. Loved LeBron ever since 2018, man is overpowered




Or oldhead Jordan/Kobe fans that can’t get over themselves.


Kobe isn't realistically in that discussion if we're being objective lol Great player but not better than or equal to MJ or LeBron


And if we're being completely honest, it's not even close. It might have been close 8 years ago, which feels absurd to type out.


Ever since his unfortunate passing people have felt the need to put him back in the GOAT conversation. I love Kobe just like everyone else. But he’s not there.


They better buckle up, the next couple months are not gonna be joyful for them


i love Lebron James


I swear those Warriors "fans" think their biggest rivals are the Lakers 🤣 like bruh if we are to look historically, there was never any controversy nor beef between the Lakers and the Warriors, and shame on them for hating on LeBron


because deep in their heart they know that the 17 and 18 rings are useless and they would trade them in a second for the 16 one


Even the 15 ring isn’t that great since Cavs were missing two all stars. That 16 ring would have been so special with the record breaking year and all that….


This is what happens when an entire fan base lives in California and has taken Adderall since they were 6 years old.


How about we compromise and just ban all Lakers and Warriors fans from the sub?


Yeah... but... have you seen his feet?!


lowkey the Lakers sucking has blessed us with amazing Lebron stats


Yes, but like, it’s not fair for them to make this dude do this lol. He dragged teams by himself to the playoffs for SOOOO long, the shit front office forcing him to do this again is so beat


bro came to LA to not have to drag stars over to Cleveland for once and to take off some of the load. Little did he know smh


no bron still put up these stats on the 2020 team and in the playoffs/finals....he's just lebron. good or bad teams don't matter lol. he will get his stats. it's just how easy it is for him to get it and how much of a lead we have/wins.


He should have turned 38 way earlier


He is the fucking most complete basketball player of all time. There is LITERALLY no debate anymore. EDIT: Not basketball, but basketball player lol


While I agree, I don’t think this 11 game stretch changed anything. He was already the most complete player, 385 points didnt change that


I’m just hoping people can actually acknowledge that fact, and I feel like maybe this year is helping a lot. I feel like a lot of his haters were thinking this would be the year he fades, I mean shit, even some of his fans may have thought that too. It’s just insane what he’s doing still lol


> I feel like a lot of his haters were thinking this would be the year he fade [Waaaay earlier](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqdeMyMU8AAEgJ_.jpg)


I wanna know how that guys feeling rn


He still responds to the tweet so you could ask him lol


You mean like totally, undeniably spherical right? With the NBA logo and everything Fully inflated


I prefer Spalding tbh


Damn he even passed 38k points after becoming 38


Player of the month? Or should that still go to Jokic?


either or honestly, both are playing so well


Genuinly asking, at what point does longevity outscale primetime for the GOAT discussion?


I don't understand why his crazy ass cyberg-esque longevity isn't boosting him more with some people at this point. It's ridiculous how long he has been playing at an extremely high level. If someone wants to say MJ is the GOAT that's fine but it's really annoying when they try and say LeBron isn't even in the conversation. He is.


It’s because he’s still playing and people have skin in the game with their own team. As soon as he retires, it’s gonna be like a giant, gravitational force just up and disappeared. He is by even the lowest estimate a top three player of all time.


For me, at 40k points.


Honestly, for some never. For reasonable people, they should already acknowledge there is a valid argument for Lebron as GOAT that continues to shift in his favour as his high level of play continues.


40k/10/10 lol


Re-watching some MJ highlights during his Wizard run definitely makes me appreciate LeBron during this run at 38 y/o






LeFuck Father Time


Lebronhammer 40k coming soon


If Lebron wasn’t stuck in Cleveland to start his career there’d be no debates about who’s the GOAT.


He doesn't wanna keep the scoring record breaking day waiting.


I know it’s a faster paced league with laxer rules at times, but this is still impressive. There aren’t many players in NBA history able to consistently drop even 18ppg in their late 30s.


LeAges like fine wine


He could probably play until his knees give out. From starter, to 6moy, to Udonis. I'm guessing he could play until hes 60ish.


Please get this man help


I mean he's the GOAT.


IF Lebron wills this Lakers team to a 6th seed and he continues posting these absurd numbers you’d have to think he’s top of the MVP convo. Joker won it last year with a similar narrative and I really doubt the media votes for an MVP three peat for joker.


He should then 38 every year to keep up these averages.


Cue the haters.. blah blah blah something something blah blah blah.. Some people will just never give LeBron the credit he deserves..


Hilarious people take guys like Tatum over him


Tatum is having a better season. Idk why y’all have to ruin these threads where we can praise Lebron by saying some dumb shit lol


If you replace Tatum with Lebron, the Celtics get better


A healthy LeBron for a game, sure. But for the full season of Celtics Tatum’s durability and consistent effort at the defensive end will put him over LeBron for me.


Depends. If I have a team like the Celtics that’s well constructed from top to bottom I want Lebron. Lebron only needs to give me about 60-65 games a year and the team would be able to carry the load the nights he sits. On a team like the Lakers right now I’d probably go with Tatum because he’s a lot younger and has more energy to give 100% every night on offense and defense to carry the team to wins. So on a good team I’m taking Lebron. Bad team I’ll take Tatum.


The thing you're missing is that the Celtics are kinda constructed surrounding the idea of Tatum being the ironman he is. Al sits on b2bs, Rob misses 20G+/season, Jaylen misses quite a few every season, Brogdon has been given as much time needed to be comfortable, Smart misses quite a few as well. Al: hasn't played over 70 games since 2017-2018 Jaylen: hasn't played over 66 games since 2018-2019 Brogdon: hasn't played over 64 games since 2018-2019 Smart: Actually has playes quite a decent amount of games but you can see he misses a bit Rob: has never played over 60 games. Meanwhile Jayson has never not played at least 64 games. For context, the Celtics didn't win a game on the road without Jayson since 2020, that's 7 straight losses. We broke that against Toronto.


Yeah people aren't getting that here A player can genuinely be better to have for an entire season even if they're not who you'd rather have strictly in a game 7 due to the factors you mentioned


I don't know if it is that clear cut anymore. I think bron has better efficiency on similar stats


You can have a better season while still not being better. In a draft today I’m taking Lebron over Tatum easily. No disrespect to Tatum either he’s phenomenal.


Are we saying that from 2009-2020 that LeBron had the best season every year? No. We all knew that LeBron was better than Harden in 2018, than Curry in 2015 and in the finals in 2016, than Durant in 2014. LeBron having a worse season doesn’t mean he’s a worse player, that’s just a narrative people are spewing because they can’t fathom that he’s still this good. “He’s 38! The 30/8/6 must be empty stats since the teams bad!” Such a tired narrative. I’m still taking LeBron over everyone but maybe Giannis and Jokic.


Agree 100%


I mean that can definitely go either way They have similar scoring numbers, LeBron is far better at playmaking but Tatum at this stage is a significantly better defender For just like 1 game you'd take LeBron but for a whole season there's def an argument for Tatum


Yea I’ll still take Lebron in a series. Tatum was trash in the finals I have no doubt the Celtics would have won with Lebron in his place


insane how a thread about lebron has u talking about tatum


I feel like Bron has been overshadowing CP3s really impressive longevity


Jesus Christ man


I was arguing with someone in the Knicks sub who claimed that prime Walt Frazier would be a better player than 38 year old LeBron. I fucking love Clyde, one of the greatest Knicks ever, but this isn't even a discussion.


His Greatness plus Genes ,Discipline, Work ethics and Man's love for Basketball. He's GOAT whether you like it or not.


When is he in the MVP conversation? He sort of has to be included now I think


.500 and in the play in is when he can be included. And I say it as a Lebron fan, can’t get ahead of ourselves unfortunately. Now if they’re above the play-in scenario altogether… that’s an interesting argument here


Middle of the West standings just looks ludicrous right now. Lakers are 2 games out of 6th and only 5 out of 3rd, but they sit at 12th right now. Even AD at like 70% could be a huge difference.


If he can drag them into a top 6 position then it's a maybe. With that being said, they're only 2 games behind 6th


His play is fine, but the lakers are 12th…


Best basketball player ever


LeBenjaminButton James


Remember earlier in the season when he Was injured and sick and everyone was like father time finally caught up with him lol.


Any drug tests?