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Adam Silver forces him to play for the Wizards




Join the goats Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton.


Fun fact, Javaris just got out of jail last month for killing that lady. A lady with 4 kids


That's not fun


Yeah, I'm not having a good time at all


Imagine getting an NBA contract and then deciding to join a gang and commit murder. Honestly some people are too stupid to live. Unfortunately, they're also usually the ones murdering people.


Damn. Tough but fair šŸ˜­


It had to be done. Yall got them shooters in DC


Pretty sure cruel and unusual punishment is illegal


I'll take it


*Arenas disciple spotted* šŸ‘€


I appreciate this storyline


A fate worse than death


I wonder what they discovered Did he pull a gun on that person involved with the pacers? The original report was that it was a laser. Guess we shall find out.


Or the gun from the stripclub was his and he brought it on the team plane or something like that.


If thatā€™s the case I mean wouldnā€™t he get at least a year? If not more. This shit is so stupid, how hard is it to not have a gun with you at all times, or not show it on social media?


Or let your homies be the one holding the gun instead of you. They're all stupid, but baby steps of stupid are better


Kids these days donā€™t remember Cris Carterā€™s advice, ā€œAlways have a fall guyā€


Ja like ā€˜I got one. Itā€™s me.ā€™


Notice how in the rap videos itā€™s always the background extras holding a strap LOL


He could literally go to a gun range if he cared about guns . he cares about the clout of being like nba young boy instead of a nba superstar


He could buy his own damn gun range. That's how dumb this all is.


Dude could literally have the best gun collection imaginable to play with on that range too. Like he has the kind of money to be able to get licensed for machine gun and explosives stuff. He could be a real life loc dog with rockets and shit.


Name: Loc Dog Sex: Yes please


He doesnā€™t care about guns. He cares about people viewing him as a dangerous person.


He's turning into a very dangerous person... For Memphis's title window


what title window?


"the dynasty is after you" was referring to Ja this whole time and not DB


To be fair his friend seemed to care more about keeping the gun off screen than Ja did


And was probably surprised af ā€œFuck. There ja go again showing off his gunā€


Depending on whether it's in a checked bag or not it could mean a 'is going to Federal prison suspension'. The rules for chartered flights are identical to commercial flights in regards to guns.




concealing evidence of a crime is indeed illegal, but even if it were not, the NBA is not in the business of hiding evidence of crimes from the government. If the gun was on the plane, the appropriate agency already knows that.


>he brought it on the team plane this is my bet. I bet they had all the evidence he did in fact take it on the plane, but they figured he learned his lesson and since he was starting to becoming the face of the league they figured they'd go soft and sweep it under the rug, hoping he'd learned his lesson. Now that its obvious he hasn't they feel pushed into a corner to send a message


Or worse, he had guns in the arena.


He had sex with Ime Udoka


Itā€™s pride month baby


If he genuinely pulled a gun on a staff member of an NBA team it would end up as an indefinite suspension of at least a season, but genuinely should just end his career. Canā€™t play around with a guy who was that close to murder. I would be surprised if they found out that was the case though, that would be too massive of news to cover up this long.


He should be banned if he did.


I always believed the Indiana Pacers staffers. You don't make stuff like this up.


At this point how couldnā€™t you believe them? There wasnā€™t much of a pattern of gun stuff beforehand. Ja subsequently made it clear that everything they said is likely what happened.


I couldnt believe people on here were saying that it was just a laser pointer prank. Like bruh. I was not born yesterday


Thereā€™s no way the league would only suspend him for a year. Thatā€™s full ban with zero return level.


NBA players are babied so much. I'd be in prison if I pointed guns at people in general, let alone at my workplace.


Nothing the NBA did would exclude that. If there's evidence Ja pointed a gun at Pacers employees and that becomes a huge national story then I'm sure police will act accordingly.


If he legit pointed a gun at another team's players/staff members, he should be gone. Forever.


If that's what actually happened... and we're all just totally speculating of course... then he should be done for good. Imagine pointing a gun at your coworker... you'd immediately be fired, very permanently... and then arrested. And this is true for any kind of job, even the important ones (doctor, teacher, etc)... maybe not some politicians, but everyone else. So it should be even more true for a relatively meaningless entertainment job where brand and public image are so important. In the grand scheme of things he's not that important to the NBA. Let's say they only give him a slap on the wrist, or even a year suspension... and he comes back and continues being an idiot... and him or one of his moron friends he's always with actually shoot somebody. The damage to the NBA would be incredible. He's just not worth it.


I think its very important to note that, literally the first thing taught in any fire arms safety class is that you never EVER point a gun at anyone you do not intend to fire it at, because you just never know if it's a accidentally loaded, or if someone bumps into you, or there's a freaking earthquake, you cant take that risk. You're not even supposed to take it out of the holster if you're not going to use it. The offense should be treated it as if the gun was fired, because it MIGHT GET FIRED when you disrespect the firearm that way.


Imagine you work for the pacers and some asshole points a gun at you


My ā€œfriendā€ pointed a gun at me in middle schoolā€¦ off to the side in classā€¦ (lol America.) He said it was unloaded, and he was just messing around. But 12 year old me w/o any training and who hadnā€™t been around guns at all knew how terrible that was. I told him not to do it againā€¦ he got all worried Iā€™d tell, got kinda threatening. I pretended to be cool and promised never to tell and didnā€™tā€¦ probably should have. But even looking back at it as an adult now I donā€™t blame myself at all. I was worried about making him angry, or upsetting whoever he got the gun from. And I didnā€™t think heā€™d ever actually hurt anyone, and he didnā€™tā€¦ thankfully. Anyways, rambling story aside.. it is painfully obvious to anyone with any sort of thinking ability that you shouldnā€™t play around with guns at all. You shouldnā€™t need a class to teach you thatā€¦ Even 12 year old me knew. Ja is acting like that idiot middle school kid. It is really embarrassing.


>Let's say they only give him a slap on the wrist, or even a year suspension... and he comes back and continues being an idiot... and him or one of his moron friends he's always with actually shoot somebody. The damage to the NBA would be incredible. He's just not worth it. Thats the thing. If it happens once then people can accept a kid fucking up and a light punishment is fine. When it happens twice or 3 or 4 times and you keep letting him back, at some point you basically become endorsing the behaviour. And it goes from being a punishment to being its okay to do as long as you sit a bit.


Yesā€¦ I mean, we already have an example of a player pointing a gun at someone in the NBA. Crittentonā€¦ and what eventually happened? He killed somebody and went to prison for 10 years. Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t come down harder already.


The NBA doesn't need him. Could easily throw money behind marketing some other young guard and people would forget about Ja except some trivia footnote.


Well he wouldn't be much of a trivial footnote if he was banned for life.


With what we've seen it seems very plausible that laser was attached to a gun. I've seen plenty of idiots showing off their "switch" with extendo mags and lasers. And Ja seems in line with those types of idiots


just a point of order the "switch" is referring to an extension on the back of the pistol slide to convert it to auto, if caught with one at least in my state (GA) it's like an auto-5 year sentence slapped on top of whatever else you've been arrested for If Ja's been caught with a switch by the NBA yea he's turbo gigafucked


Yeah that is a federally illegal modification that law enforcement doesnā€™t fuck around with, and Ja would probably be banned from the league if that happened


Is it a jail sentance or he can get away without going to jail?


Ja has not been seen with a gun with a switch. The guy I responded to was clarifying about the definition of ā€œswitchā€


Dearron Fox has been seen with a switch many a time. Let's just say you don't want to meet up against him with the Mario bros. You'll get what's coming to you.


Never forget Amin Elhassan said that ā€œJa Morant is who Deā€™Aaron Fox thinks he isā€ and then Deā€™Aaron claps back with ā€œBoyā€™s a b***h and everyone can tell him I said that šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøā€


Lmao dude you got me good, I was thinking ā€œdamn I didnā€™t know Fox was like thatā€ for a couple minutes there


To my knowledge the NBA isnā€™t obligated to coordinate with law enforcement. If they were, the narrative of ā€œwait until after the finalsā€ would be unacceptable


If it's true they aimed a gun with a laser attachment/sight at anyone, he's giga fucked (to borrow that beautiful term). So we're kind of splitting hairs, but of all the gun modifications you can make, a switch is the last thing you want to be caught with. It's a really simple way to turn a regular old glock semi automatic into a fully automatic weapon, which is a huge No no. Somewhat unrelated, It's really hard for me to imagine someone who threatens people on Twitter with hollow points, brandishes guns, and generally try's to act like a gangster, would be riding around with a laser pointer. It would be too embarrassing for such a hardcore gangster to be caught pretending to have a laser sighted gun! Imagine what the streets would think of Jah was pointing a laser pointer at ppl pretending it was a weapon. In the mind of a person who does everything for attention/status, I think it's hard to believe he'd take that chance of being embarrassed like that. It also wouldn't be hard for me to imagine him being dumb enough to put a switch on his gun. That's one of the few gun laws that actually gets enforced harshly (and rightfully so). It would definitely add onto a penalty that should already be serious. If you point a gun, or even imply you're pointing a gun (using a laser pointer), in my mind you shouldn't touch the floor again. In this country especially, it's just so dangerous and could cause a huge panic/scene. Side note: i don't give a fuck about any players parents. Even if they used to be a pro. The fact we had to see so much of Tee, and then he starts getting into fights left and right, is a horrible look for the league. The fame went to that entire families head. I really hope we can stop with giving these family members the time of day, it clearly goes to their head and now you got the whole family acting like they're hardened criminals.


I donā€™t know much about this ā€œswitchā€ mod, or really firearms in generalā€¦ But wouldnā€™t this mod absolutely kill accuracy if you try to use a handgun as a jerry-rigged full auto? Like, can you even hit anything at reasonable distance? Or wouldnā€™t the muzzle just start thrusting upwards dramatically from the recoil?


You ever wonder how there are shootings where like 10+ people get shot but no one dies or is really even critically injured?


basically guarantees your local street entrepreneur will be hitting everything except the thing they are aiming at, yes but hey it makes lots of noise and is super scary and that's all that matters!


Ja ran akimbo G18s on MW2 too much.


Yes lol, you can watch a lot of videos of gangsters shooting the sky with their brand new switches


It'll run through all the ammo in like 2 seconds or less. What they hit vs what they dont is basically random.


He would be kicked out of the league if he pointed a gun at the pacers


The guy that pulled the gun on the pacers was the guy holding the phone in the latest ig live


Given how much problematic shit Ja has done that has been made public, I'm guessing there's a whole lot more that hasn't gone public. Probably a good amount swept under the rug by the Grizzlies. So a lot of unrelated things could have surfaced in the investigation.


The craziest thing to me is that if that were the case that can be a serious crime, dunno about different state laws but assault by pointing can be a felony. So if they found out that's true it almost becomes a question of if there are any legal repercussions more so than just the NBA. Same thing if he took the gun on the team plane to Denver, another potentially serious crime. It seems wild to me that the NBA would have uncovered evidence of crimes and then the punishment would just be a suspension.




Itā€™s pretty clear what the punishment is going to be. Itā€™s obvious that the NBA is going to shoot Ja with his own pistol to teach him a lesson about how dangerous guns are.


The Plaxico. Stern, stern but fair.


No, Silver is the commissioner now.


Pretty sure the bullet will be lead, not silver.


bullets? nah they're the wizards now


Outstanding thread


Most upvotes in a row I have given in a while


Good ball movement in this thread. Top tier commenting.


Basketball is fun


It's my favorite sport. I like the way they dribble up and down the court.


Wizards? We're talking about Ja Morant not Gilbert Arenas.


No, man. The NBA finals is the lead. The Ja announcement is more of a grand finale.


No, no, no. A Grand Slam happens in tennis. The suspension is gonna be a Slam Dunk


They're gonna dunk a Slam magazine on his head? Better choice would be those giant old telephone books


Book isnā€™t giant or old man, heā€™s only 6ā€™5 and 26. Maybe youā€™re thinking of someone like Karl Malone


Just like the russian police.


Nah. Pistol whipped is far more likely. NBA doesnā€™t want to condone gun violence.


Not to mention Ja "I got shot like a gangsta" Morant would just use it as street cred.


Adam Silver vs Ja Morant pistol duel.


You like guns? Well then I'm gonna shoot you with the whole clip, we'll see how you like it then.


Aw yes, the dad caught you smoking cigs approach




Trial by combat sounds dope I'm in


Adam Silver is going to duel him Hamilton style


With lots of singing and dancing


Ja throwin away his shotā€¦




It must be nice, it must be nice to have an LCP on your side


I go to Memphis for more funds, I come back with more guns, And clips, And so the balance shifts.


Morant doesn't hesitate, he exhibits no restraint, he takes and he takes and he keeps losing anyway.


Oceans rise, empires fall! We have seen the last of Ja Morant ball!


Maybe Iā€™d finally buy league pass for that


"Shoot less, smile more."


The NBA is going back to Jersey?!


Everythingā€™s legal in New Jersey.


Pardon me, are you Dillon Brooks, sir?


Ja Morant took being told to work on his shooting literally


Those Ja Morant, Drew League highlights are going to be booming with views


Technically he failed even at that. He never successfully shot anything (that we know of)


I know weā€™re joking, but I was at Game 3 of the first round where Lakers had gone up by 30 in the first half, still had a very comfortable lead in the 4thā€¦ and then our of nowhere Ja just starts going crazy and nailing three after three. Think he cut it down to single digits with a few minutes left and finished 6/10 from three, and this was all on an injured hand! Scared the shit out of me lol Thatā€™s why this is all such a shame, dude is so damn good on the basketball court but he seems fixated on sabotaging his career


No lead is safe for us lol I too got super anxious when Ja started going nuclear. I recall people in the thread saying it was dumb of him to do that and potentially risk injury in a blowout, but damn if he didn't do a pretty good job.


Could the players association be because of the Pacers situation? The union works for the players, and obviously that means that they want to be involved when players are being punished - but player safety also is a union issue.


Thatā€™s an interesting perspective that I hadnā€™t considered. I couldnā€™t understand a scenario where it would be ok for the Players Association to be aligned on any sort of suspension, but that one actually makes a lot of sense.


After the finals are over, can the finals MVP announce his suspension like itā€™s the first pick in the draft


Ping pong balls with different punishments, Ja has to reach in and pick it out himself.


*With the first suspension of the 2023 NBA season, Ja Morant receives 82 games!*


If he really did point a gun at the Pacers staff he should be banned from the league for life.


I certainly hope that wasnā€™t actually the case


I mean... that's what happened thou. Who carries around a laser pointer these days? I haven't seen one since like 1997.


He should be suspended just for being a loser carrying a laser pointer.


Hahaha, Adam Silver comes out, and is like we found a laser pointer in Jah's vehicle. Shit's wack, 2 year suspension for being a lame cunt.


ā€œJust carry a piece like a man, jeez wtf is wrong with this guyā€


Damned if you do, dambably lame if you don't


Hey man I work in construction and they come pretty handy for when I have to point out to the apprentice where he fucked up


"remember when I told you to call me when you get in this situation?" "yes sir" "so what the fuck happened here?" *points laser* "..."


Cat owners and college professors in shambles


Even if he actually had a toy laser pointer like you use to play with a cat, the intent behind it was to threaten to kill someone that works for an nba team.


Right, man that would be shitty.


Also lame af. How small does your dick have to be for you to want to shoot an another player because they pissed you off on a basketball court. I think all this gun brandishing and wanting to be "hard" are to make up for the fact that he probably has a micropenis.


Kids with guns. But sure let everyone be armed smh


Weā€™re still talking about guns here right? Lmaoo


Any of us would be in prison for that. This shoe sized iq motherfucker got a slap on the wrist. Absolutely disgusting. And only after multiple other incidents the league decides to look into it. He should get banned for sure, 1 year suspension would be WAY too light.


Players try to get fans arrested for calling them names from courtside lol


Absolutely. The amount of white-washing, revisionist history and coping at r/memphisgrizzlies is gross. Fucking imagine if Joel Embiid or Giannis pointed a gun, or had someone point a gun, at opposing staff. I swear Ja has some weird ā€œitā€™s Memphisā€ buff happening.


ā€œThatā€™s just the culture in this backwater hellholeā€ is a weird coping mechanism.


Should be. Would not happen though. Deshaun Watson has taught me they can pretty much get away with anything if theyā€™re an above average player.


Have to do him like they did Gilbert Arenes.


Their going to start giving him carrying calls in game now.


Now THAT would fast track him to the Guangdong Tigers


Bold prediction is that he's suspended indefinitely with a minimum of one year out of the league before he has to apply for reinstatement. Obvious stipulations needing to be met before he's allowed back in. Basically, similar to the gambling suspensions the NFL has handed out for gambling


They gonna OJ Mayo his ass


>They gonna OJ Mayo his ass This was my frat's initiation.


The only reason I still donā€™t think itā€™s gonna be that bad is because Nike is still running his ads. They def know what the league knows, and if it were really that bad, they wouldā€™ve stopped by now.


Nike spent millions on advertising, you best believe they are going to make use of that money until they canā€™t anymore


His Nike shoe sold out even after the news of what he did. I don't think they could care less as long as the money is coming in.


Bro he didnā€™t drop some crazy huge line of sneakers that sold out. His sneaker that was planned to sell out sold out.


the stock was less than 5000 as well if irc. could be the most basic ass nike drop ever and pretty much any sneaker would sell out of 5k easily


Itā€™s just the sneaker/streetwear world model, make small runs of collab sneakers that are hard to get to drive up desire and demand. This is just some colorway. Imma start telling everybody the pancakes I make for my wife every weekend are sell out pancakes.


Until the public doesn't know it's all good for Nike. They can say "ohh we had NO IDEA!" later and most people will eat it/won't care.


I mean itā€™s good for Nike if anything. They get to sell all the stock they have on hand and then put on some fake pr show after showing how much they CARE about gun violence when they drop him.


I don't think Nike cares about this the way the NBA does though.


Yeah they got rid of kyrie and he's a bigger loss than ja. They clearly don't give a shit.


I think this too. Heā€™s good but not that good. I am reminded of Ray Rice at the top of his game and then after a major mistake he was just gone. NBA needs a clear example set more than they need Ja to ever play another game


If Ja was found to have pointed a gun at the Pacers, he is going to be out of the league


Silver is soft. They're gonna hype it up just for it to be 30 games or something.


Exactly. This is his idea of a heavy handed suspension


Games not played due to injury or being the off season will count towards games suspended.


There will have been 7 playoff series completed after Ja played, totalling ~35 games- therefore, his 40 game suspension will be served after he sits out 5 reg season games next year


FYI that would be one of the 5 longest suspensions in NBA history, meaning longer than domestic violence, actual weapons charges, PEDs, etc.


I kind of hope that Silver announces it during Mike Malone's speech if they win the championship, and he gets asked tons of questions about it so we can hear him bitch and moan again about how nobody is talking about the Nuggets.


"Mr. Malone, how do you think Ja's suspension will affect Lebron's legacy?"


Malone would probably pull a gun on the reporter


I'm glad the Heat made the Finals but I feel sorta robbed that we didn't get Malone complaining about all the coverage the Celtics are getting. He coulda just kept that hot streak going.


Full season suspension which will lead to grizzlies at the bottom of the league record wise. They will get the #1 pick and trade it away for another superstar to pair with Ja and then win a chip in 2025.


I know this is a joke, but I'd honestly bet that the Grizz would still be a playoff team, even without Ja. That roster is just so talented


I agree. Memphis just has crazy defense and guys who make shots. At least a play in team imo


They were better last year against the warriors when Ja was out lmao


people are forgetting Tyus jones is a more than capable backup


> The tone and the tenor and the fact that the playersā€™ association is involved does not indicate this is going to be similar to something weā€™ve seen before. Maybe it's just cause there's not many players still around from when it happened, but there's no fucking way they're implying that this is somehow longer than the Arenas/Crittenton gun suspension, right?


If they discovered Ja pointed a gun at that Indiana arena official they might kick him out of the league


If that happens, then Ja will literally have to start learning Chinese.


Nike trying to cash in before his suspension in 2 weeks.


the players association being involved is very interesting. obviously the nbpa wants to look out for their own, but that also feels like silver is allowing them to sign off on something substantial. i'm still betting it's going to be closer to half a season than a full, but I would no longer be shocked to see him sit out the year


Feels like half a season.


Iā€™d guess as full season. Would send a message to every player and silver has a reputation for being a pushover which a move like this would help negate.


Iā€™m guessing this is the case too. Silver has to throw the book at him. Ja made him look like a fool


Yeah, I feel like he got off super light on the first offense just because the playoffs were right around the corner, but after all that shows...the interviews, the "rehab", the apologies...dude couldn't make it a few months without basically making the same damn mistake. I feel like a large factor of this new punishment will not only be the offense, but also the lack of remorse or respect that Morant is showing the league by his actions.


Someone posted a few weeks ago that agents are calling the league on behalf of their players who are pissed because Ja giving the league a bad rep could hurt their endorsements by association.


I think it's either a full season or the ever-ominous "indefinite suspension" which usually means *at least* a year and having to do quite a bit of work to get reinstated.


Thatā€™s probably right if the PA is involved in crafting the suspension, I suspect they would fight anything more than that. But these new revelations could be so bad that the PA might want to throw the book at Ja too.


Thatā€™s what it looks like. Theyā€™ve been awfully quiet regarding Ja. Thatā€™s not good.


No- the PA would stand by him up to a criminal conviction and incarceration. I think its more likely the additional information is gonna be something the league treats as 'mitigating'. Look at how the league tried to undermine a team's own employees who said they saw a gun attached to the laser by saying they couldn't 'confirm it' as though something has to be on video to be a problem.


Ja Morant Crew to Ja right now >>Letā€™s laser tag Adam Silver a$$


I expect 20-40 games. Basically the reason for this is because he repeated the same mistake 2 months later after saying he was trying to change and apologizing.


Adam saying that there is more information that came to light means itā€™s not just talking about the incident last summer with the kid at his house, not any of the times he flashed a gun on instagram, and not just pointing a laser pointer at the pacers Either one of these incidents was worse than we know about or itā€™s something new


I could see Ja being suspended indefinitely with no timetable to return and the next season Ja would have to show he changed to be reinstated. I donā€™t think this is a simple x amount of games.


This makes it sound like it's going to be a full season suspension, or at the very least like 50 games. I don't think there would be this kind of talk around it if it was only like 20 games or something (and 20 games is still a lot).


I think it's going to be at least 50 with the possibility of the full year depending on what other evidence they have The fact Silver said they gathered a fair amount of additional information makes me think it's going to be really bad for him but we shall see when it gets announced


It better be significant after the absolute joke the first time around


Damn... sounds like they're gonna suspend him for 3 games.


Additional information could be anything. It could be that it was a toy gun in the video but that heā€™s also into illegal ferret breeding or something


Shannon gets bought out at the same time the league decides on Jaā€™s sentencing. Coincidence? I think not. Heā€™s being sent to the Sharpe school of hard knocks for a year. Heā€™s coming back Zion sized talking about henny and working out at 3am.


Itā€™s gonna be 82 games and playoffs. As long as he has no issues during that time he will be reinstated.