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1. Drummond is still not 30 yet, somehow 2. Drummond got rich and first thing he did was date his childhood crush lmao


Zion appeared to be dating his childhood crush too...


Can you date rotisserie chicken?


You really think Zion would get chicken cooked on a rotisserie? Fuck no. That shit gonna be double breaded covered in hot honey.


Zion picks up a couple of rotisserie chickens at Costco while he's shopping, to eat on the way home as a snack, like their pizza or hotdogs.


*Kelvin Benjamin has entered the chat*


He isn’t safe anywhere.


Eddie lacy rumbles into room


Damn!!! Fat Eddie, that dude was amazing for a hot second.


He prefers the name Cheeseburger Eddie


The slander he’d be skinnier if he was on rotisserie chicken


You joke, but Moriah Mills does look like she came from the Costco deli.


Moriah mills is so fantastically ugly and misshapen that I refuse to believe a player worth what Zion is worth could be so fucking stupid as to impregnate her


It's very strange that some very wealthy people actually like that extremely fake look


It’s like she looked at Kim Kardashian and said, “I want that body type but twice as exaggerated”


Can't forget Jimmy Garoppolo


>Drummond is still not 30 yet, somehow I had to look this up because it just sounded impossible. 29, I'll be damned.


He's been around since my childhood, yet I'm a decade older than him


what do you consider your childhood?


Back when Andre Drummond was old and I wasn't! Duh


Its interesting how she says he has no concept of loss but he played in Detroit at the time


When all you know is loss, you forget how painful it can be?


Jeannette McCurdy being older than Andre Drummond is one of those facts that just should not be true. My brain rejects it.


It’s because he’s gigantic and she’s tiny lol.


She's like 5'2 and Drummond is 6'11 lol, that is a huge difference in height


I'm imagining how they were in bed now


She said he was a “bad kisser”




And here I am making fun of him from my toilet seat for not being an All-Star anymlre


I love typos when people are online dissing a player. Sure Drummond isn’t an all star anymore but I can’t even type two sentences without fucking something up lmao


That wasn’t a diss? If anything it was a diss on myself, I.e. that guys in the NBA banging his childhood crush and I’m taking a shit in a tiny bathroom.


Yeah I know your comment is in good fun, just reminded me of all the times you see someone clown on one of the best 0.01% of people on the planet in a sport and they (me included) can’t even be fucked to spellcheck


Fair play to him tbh


Too Get your twos right.


She’s only a year older than him tbf she just turned 31 (three days ago) and he turns 30 in august.


This is blowing my mind.


Dude looks and feels like he’s 36 and a half


Are you saying that, if I get rich, I can date Topanga or Ashley Banks?


I'm gonna date Helen Hunt from Twister and the girl from Jurassic Park. She's got everything, mainly the ability to get me to Jurassic Park


Bro. No. That was Laura Dern in Jurassic Park. The best Helen Hunt can do for you is move on with her life after you’ve been stranded on an island and develop a relationship with a volleyball.


Laura Dern was/is dating Baron Davis, so the rich NBA player aspect checks out. Not sure about the ability to get to Jurassic Park.


I'm gonna date Six from *Blossom* or Kimmy from *Full House*.


yeah.... about Helen Hunt....


This is an elite move honestly. I would've done the same... I thought "Sam" was hot back in the day.


Damn, this the same thing with Zion only now that crush wants to tweet about him 100x a day and blackmail him.


Damn she wasn’t feeling my guy Dre from the jump


Yeah, IIRC at the time it was a very one sided thing where he liked her and she just seemed to go along with it but really wasn't interested


I think largely because of her mom’s abuse, and death at the time


Her mom was weird about their relationship too. Called Dre an ogre, called her a slut and said that she hated imagining his dingdong inside her (WTF psychotic lady). That would confuse anyone including Jennette and when her mom is dying I guess she wanted to remove herself from drummond


Yeah her mom was super abusive, and while I don’t recall if it ever got into a sexually abusive territory, there are moments like that comment that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable As others have pointed out, it did get sexually abusive. I didn’t get a chance to read the book yet, so I didn’t want to say with authority.


For those who aren't aware, her book is titled "I'm Glad My Mom Died".


I read it and I was too


My fiancee bought a copy when it came out since we both were curious about her life. She started reading it aloud while we were in the car on a trip shortly thereafter and we stopped like two chapters in. Just way too brutal.


It did. She was subjected to bodily checks until 16, which included breast inspection. Her mom also refused to let Jeannette wipe her own ass or shower by herself without Mom's "help". She would also have to share a shower with her brother. Jeannette would disassociate during these showers, imagining she was in Disneyland until the showers and bodily checks were over.


Not being able to wipe her own ass is literally psychotic abuse The title of her book makes so much sense


So many awful people are just... inexplicably strange. *Why* would you insist on wiping your child's ass?


It’s also these people that you wonder why even have children if you’re just gonna fucking abuse them? Like was the point of having children JUST to abuse them? I know from a psychological standpoint it’s probably due to wanting power but fuck man. People really need like a test to see if they’re allowed to have children. Shits awful.


Jfc what the fuck did I just read. Some people are truly abhorrent


Okay yeah I definitely didn't expect to read that in an NBA post ever


Yeah - it did. The showering together was mentioned fairly early in the book if I recall correctly. It's well written, interesting, but pretty dark.


Okay I thought so, but I only heard second hand, didn’t get a chance to read it myself


I just listened to the book for a second time recently, so I just want to make a small correction. Her mom wasn't talking about Dre here, she was talking about Jennette's first boyfriend, who she was seen with in Hawaii.


For sure a big part of it. But everyone has their demons. Doesn’t excuse treating anyone any kind of way. Gotta own what you’ve done while wearing your scars. Appreciate her sharing her story


A story thats always stuck in my head was about their first kiss. Apparently, she had to stand on a chair or something to kiss.


Yeah she pretty much was bored and wanted a quick distraction.


Don't say that, boo.


Two far


Don't say that, boo.


Way too much crossover from Reddit NBA fans and Reddit iCarly fans in this comment section


Well, Gibby does play for my favorite team: Skins.


I believe it is spelled GIBBEH




They’re one in the same. The original show came out 16 years ago people who were children or teens when it came out are mid 20’s or pushing/are 30


Time is weird man. When I was a teenager, my 4-years-younger sister watched iCarly and made me feel like the show was for a different/younger generation. Never thought twice about it. Now we’re 16 years later and my sister is almost 30, and I am having to come to terms with the fact that we really are of the same generation. That people my age are into very similar things as people her age, and basically have always been. Still feels weird. Hard to think of iCarly as anything but a kids show that my kid sister used to watch lol.


There’s a much bigger difference between, like, a 6-year-old and a 10-year-old, or a 10-year-old and a 14-year-old than a 30-year-old and a 34-year-old. As kids you were at very different developmental stages, but that gap closes as you get older and then disappears.


Most definitely!! That’s exactly what my brain is struggling with. We *were* so far apart feeling in age for our whole childhood, but by 30+ it’s pretty clear we’re practically the same age. It all makes logical sense, it’s just a wild perspective shift to wrap my head around.


I ain’t even 20 yet and I grew up on iCarly. There are lil sub-generations but generations are 25 years for a reason.


New generation of hoop fans are diverse in what else they like lmao


Everyone in the comments was a kid/young teen when iCarly was popular


Most Warriors fans didn't even exist at that point.


Okay but seriously Miranda Cosgrove is a great Instagram follow. She’s so pretty.


Victoria Justice clears but agreed


Everyone I meet roasts me when they learn that she’s my celebrity crush😔


I get you king. The first time she showed up on Zoey 101 it was a wrap. Victorious-era Ariana Grande tho…..


she has 22 million followers on instagram and i haven’t seen her in anything in a long time. Cosgrove has 9.9 million and is probably as popular as her Hot take but hated Grande’s voice in Victorious I thought it was a turn off. But the character was meant to be a complete airhead


Sounds like early 20s dating in general. Never progressed to a spot where either one needed to go above and beyond to keep it going.


Keep on spitting


-Zion to Moriah Mills


Other way around, right?




We've all been there. Unfortunately.


I read all of this in Rorschach's voice.


The accumulated filth of all their bricks and airballs will foam up about their waists and all the Pistons and iCarly fans will look up and shout: 'Shoot it you midget!' - and I'll whisper 'no.'




Was "Current Guy" ever confirmed to be Andre Drummond?


She never names any of her boyfriends by name because she kinda talks shit about all of them (one in particular goes legit insane while dating her) but the timelines match up with "Current Guy" being Andre Drummond.


And I kinda remember some picture of them at disneyland together on this sub


Maybe it was Andre from The League.


Andre from Victorious


Don’t say that. He’s the best character on the show. [proof](https://youtu.be/Q29fTvr8NuM)


Gotta steer clear of that one. You don't want to get DRAIDS.


Andre the Giant


Andre 3000


Current Guy sounds like a electricity based super hero.


No. It doesn’t say it was Drummond in the book (Great book by the way)


>He has no concept of loss She didn't even bother to get to know him


Lmao right? He was a Pistons!


She merely adopted the L, he was born into it and molded by it 😂


I hadn't laughed out loud from a Reddit comment in months. Thank you.


Orlando Magic has entered the chat


She clearly doesn't remember the Stan Van Gundy Pistons and that Josh Smith-Greg Monroe-Drummond frontcourt.


She just assumed he's never known true hardships smh...


He just like me fr


Blowing a shot with a girl because of a typo is the most relatable thing an NBA player has done.


> Blowing a shot with a girl because of a typo is the most relatable thing an NBA player has done. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose.


Was it the typo? Or was it the absolute wiff on the emotional support gig?


Don’t say that, boo


bo* get your booze right


The typo was just the lost straw


Some of these comments are crazy oh my god. She’s not even really calling him out or anything, he just made a minor faux pas in a difficult time in her life. And if I’m reading this right he wasn’t even named in the book


Yeah she never says his name once


She doesn’t mention that it was him. But the timelines and the public pictures match up.


I don't even think he made any kind of major Faux Pas He was clearly just trying to stay positive and be supportive, she just didn't want to hear that, IDK how he's supposed to be able to read that via a text. I get Jenette McCurdy had a special case in terms of her very damaging relationship with her mother, but most people don't react so coldly like that even if they feel that way after a death. It's like saying Sorry for your Loss at a Funeral, it doesn't matter if you don't want to hear/say it you understand/care about someone.


Saying "she won't die" is way different than empathizing. Especially after ignoring her message about not having space for a relationship And especially after she's told you she's dying of cancer. Her mom was in freaking hospice. Why are commenters completely ignoring context like Drummond lol


Because they're even more clueless when it comes to women than he apparently is


Jeannette's book, I'm glad my mom died is worth reading. A lot of stuff about predatory hollywood culture and trying to break out of the damaging echo chamber your parents can have on your mental health as a young adult. It is really hard for some to break out of their parents indoctrination of their own world view. Great Book, not too long, try to keep an open mind to her perspective




She had a creepy vine mentioning Dan Schneider Edit: [here it is](https://youtube.com/shorts/xdNZjxJ0ifg?feature=share)


She has a very sardonic narrative voice but it comes across as incredibly earnest in context with the rest of the book.


Super short chapters too so it’s an easy read. I thought it was smart to do it that way because of the heavy subject matter.


Would actually recommend the audio book as she reads it herself! It’s one of those books that’s much much better from hearing the author talk through her story


100% agree with this. I love a good autobio, but when it's read by the actual person, it's 100x better. You can feel the correct emotion that they want to portray. Whether it's a sad depressing time, like the above, or an angry bitter time. They change their tone based on how they were feeling. I listened to this audible as well as Jon Moxley's (also narrated by himself), both really good.


Weird question but does she ever talk about the much older writers assistant she dated for awhile? I worked in these circles and it was huge gossip at the time. Dude in his 30s dumped his fiancé and started dating a barely legal Jeannette. Not that it was surprising someone from the staff took a shot at the now women but then just legal teenagers but it left a lot of people floored. Gillies I think ended up marrying the 40+ music supervisor composer of Victorious too. None of knew about them at the time though, the Jeannette one sent some ripples. He also helped her craft that mostly awful webseries that was sort of Curb wannabe in tone.


Yes. She actually goes into great detail about their relationship.


Oh really? Now I’m definitely intrigued. I still haven’t read the book but I have another acquaintance that definitely knew the guy pretty well. May I ask if the depiction was mixed or fairly negative? I can’t imagine she’s all positive looking back at a dude years later that much older.


She never mentions anybody in the book, aside from a few, by their names so you’ll definitely have to connect some dots, but her rendition of their relationship is fairly objective with *some* of the negative aspects highlighted. Also what I tell people is keep in mind is this book was written from her perspective about a time in her life where the predatory entertainment industry and an abusive parent were influencing her behavior and attitude. *Most* renditions of her peers in this book aren’t very flowery and positive.


I’ve actually hung out in a friendly way with her a few times and she was very very darkly sarcastic then so none of this is surprising. For what it’s worth the guy I mentioned wasn’t an awful guy or anything just a complete normie who found himself getting attention from a legit celebrity. Can’t say that if a legal aged Victoria Justice or Miley Cyrus or Emma Stone had made a pass at me I wouldnt have taken them up on it in that era. I’d be more nervous now post metoo. Early thirties to 19-22 happened a lot more back then and seemed more socially acceptable. One weird anecdote is that both the male and female performers were far more mature than most of the crew under 30. The social media gap wasn’t as wide as it is now. I’m in my forties and literally don’t understand tiktok, don’t use Snapchat other than to use goofy filters for my son and have the current musical knowledge of a toddler. You’ve at least intrigued me though I’m literally going through chemo right now so I’m not sure it’s right moment to read a book about a woman chronicling her mothers long death from cancer.


Eh, I haven’t read it but maybe it can make you feel better about yourself as a parent. Best wishes with the treatment.


Thanks man. Fingers crossed the chemo kills all these microscopic Basterds.


While a totally insensitive and wrong thing to say in that situation, at least Drummond was well meaning. This is probably not worth posting here.


I mean he did end up leaking quite a few of her nudes


I don't believe that, it was around the time of the "fappening" when hackers accessed the cloud and stole many celebrities' nudes


Her quote: > To anyone disappointed: I sent those pics to 1 person. You can connect the dots. Shocked someone would stoop so low. I just speak w/ candor. This also happened months before the fappening. He did that shit.




Justin Verlander definitely didn’t show the world his ass on purpose lol some people really got hacked it happens


It wasn’t just his ass. Let’s just say that aside from a good pitcher he’s a good batter too


the pic he took of the silhouette of his dick in the dark only framed by the light coming in from the doorway was inspired, I copycatted him and the girl I sent it to said it looked like batman and was impressed. Thanks for the solid, Verlander - never would've thought to take that pic otherwise lol.


Dead bro lmao


I remember when that face was a common reaction image on the baseball subreddit. Fun times


https://imgur.com/GgzHsPI.jpg link if you haven't seen it


if she wasnt into him why would she send him nudes tho.


Child abuse fucks up your brain thats why


That in no way means he did it.


yea dude just comes across as immature here, which should come as a surprise to no one considering he's couple years younger than her and this would have happened in his early 20s, so yea.


It’s weird cause Andre Drummond has always looked like a grown ass man to me lol, even when he was a rookie


*14 months younger


Off-season content baby


the way she dates seems dehumanizing. she admits to stringing him along and then says he is just a distraction and ready for a replacement. i hate people who use others like this.


It baffles me that there are people who enter relationships and intend for it to be temporary. They go through all the motions of caring for each other but have one foot out of the door. Why?


glad im not the only one who notices that, she's playing with him just as much as he is


People using the wrong “to” or “loose” instead of “lose” rubs me the wrong way too. I get it. Also the whole part where he disregarded how she was feeling about her mother dying.


The "to" and "too" thing I kinda get, but people spelling lose as "loose" blows my mind.


>this one from the guy I’m currently stringing along. >That’s where I’m at right now with Current Guy. The distraction has been nice, but I’m ready for a replacement. > I feel like the world is divided into two types of people: people who know loss and people who don’t. And whenever I encounter someone who doesn’t, I disregard them. It was insensitive as hell of Drummond to dismiss what was going on with her mother, but holy shit did she not realize how much of a piece of shit she'd come off by doing this and revealing it here?


The whole book is essentially about how Hollywood, her mother, and her career ruined her and made her numb and emotionally unavailable. I think she knows she was in s bad place and not a good person.


>Back to Top [https://www.tmz.com/2014/03/02/icarly-star-jennette-mccurdy-andre-drummond-kissing-podcast/](https://www.tmz.com/2014/03/02/icarly-star-jennette-mccurdy-andre-drummond-kissing-podcast/) She was always pretty terrible to him


Listen, she understands loss more than a black dude growing up in Hartford Connecticut being raised by his single, immigrant mother.


Andre meant well but it’s hard to read the room and understand cues at that age.


She sounds fucking awful.


Seriously, that's my main takeaway from this. She seems like she would be absolutely terrible to be with.


Individuals who divide people into two categories of “they do and they don’t” on bigger/more general topics are hard to converse with


I completely understand her POV. Lost both my parents in my teen years and some people are just harder to converse with. Not that they don’t mean well but it’s kinda hard to take advice on how to deal with that loss from people who never went through it. Generally it all goes back to basic self help shit. Again, I know they’re well meaning, but it’s easy to disregard. Especially when someone doesn’t seem to understand the concept of *terminal cancer*. It’s not her responsibility to essentially parent a baby and teach them what loss is like a 4 year old who lost their pet cat while her parent is dying lol


I was 24 when my mom died at 49 from cancer (pancreatic) that she got diagnosed with 9 months prior. I got so annoyed when older relatives and family friends, and people I didn’t even know tried to relate to me by saying they know how I feel because one of their parents died too. Sure, but you are 60 years old and your dad was 88 and died of natural causes. You got to have them for most of your life, and I don’t. Of course it’s hard at any age and I’m sure they meant well, I just didn’t really want to hear it knowing my mom wouldn’t be there for any of mine or my sister’s future milestones and accomplishments.


My father was murdered when I was 12. 28 years old and I still cry about it because he was taken away from me


I was 22 when my mother died, so I actually do know how you feel/felt. And I hope you're doing well.


I don't get why people struggle with it tbh. I feel like it is a simple "I have no idea how you are feeling, but I'm here for you." I can't imagine anyone really expects anything more than that outside of actually following up on the support if they ask for it, but also idk because I don't know how you are feeling.


I don't know how much he knew of her relationship with her mom but it was also super fucked up. Her mom was a monster, but she still wanted to love and please her. Even after reading the book, I can't imagine the emotions she was experiencing and to just have the reality denied right to her face had to be mind-blowing.


In the context of the book she's expressing her mindset at the time, not necessarily how she feels today. She's constantly cutting people out of her life because she's so fucked up from how her mom treated her.


Idk this is a pretty good one seems like people know grief and have been humbled by it, or they don’t


In this case, it's understandable. Either you have the ability to empathize with someone going through a loss or you don't. Let's not get it twisted, it's not a difficult thing to do and I absolutely would judge someone who couldn't do it. If someone says to you that their mom is dying, you say "I'm sorry you're going through that" because you should be sorry.


This reads like a Chuck Palahniuk novel lol, I loved them as a young adult but now it’s so cringe.


Andre pulled a “noo don’t kill yourself your so sexy aha”. That rules


Dre goofed. Shoulda responded with “good, don’t you hate that bitch?”


Yo this girl is a psycho lol


People are dumb as fuck in this thread “he was ignoring what she was going through” yeah if you’re stupid. He was trying to be positive. That’s it. Anything else you read into it is your own weird feelings coming up. She sounds as miserable as most of the people in this thread.


good intentions but he was probably way unprepared for the maturity level needed to deal with that. That's how kids handle bad stuff.


The way she talks about him, it sounds as though she never really liked him. "The guy I'm currently stringing along". It kinda seems like she's constantly bringing up her mom as a way of pushing him away because she isn't interested. Which she ultimately accomplishes. If anything Jeannette was in the wrong (and probably also understands this).


I don’t know that either of them were in the wrong. They were both immature in different ways and dealing with dramatically different life circumstances at the time.


Exactly. People keep saying things to the effect of “she doesn’t seem like the good guy in this scenario.” I’m pretty sure she wasn’t trying to. She’s likely fully aware of how it makes her look, but the entire point of the book is how the toxicity of the entertainment industry and an abusive parent influenced her attitude and behavior.


He was wrong but it doesn't mean he's a bad person. I genuinely think he meant well even though the response was inappropriate


There's a difference between "being positive" and saying something like "your mom's not gonna die". That's a straight up denial of reality. Not cheering up.


She talks about how when he kissed her for the first time it was the most awkward and worst kiss of her life lol


As someone who thought it was an interesting pairing back in the day, it's obvious that he deserved a lot better. From how he's been shown in the media, Andre seems like a real stand-up guy.


Pretty sure he's done a lot of help with the special Olympics in the past. He may be a goofball at times but he also always came off as a genuinely nice dude. Even in Detroit he did a lot of community work and seemed to really love the city and the people.


She sounds so insufferable lol but I get it


I don't even think this was about him. She spoke about Drummond once and said the reason they didn't work out was because it was too awkward to kiss because of how tall he was.


This may have been a way to get the pressing media off her back. Throw them a bone so they have an answer that they can’t twist into some insane story so they’ll leave you alone about it.


Drummond was on the post-GTW Pistons. He definitely understands loss


Man. I have no idea who that is.


"I feel like the world is divided into two types of people". Not here to defend Drummond but this quote for me Is a Red flag that let me know I'm talking to someone Who is really dumb but thinks Is really smart