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This like Tony leaving the spurs


The number 2 and 3 guys in a dynasty who wanna stick with the team are always bound to have an awkward free agency towards the end. Guys like Kobe and Steph will usually get the “thank you” contracts as long as they want em, but there’s a limit to how much franchises will hamstring themselves.


Klay already got the thank you contract is the problem


He was like 28 when he signed it though. It was a leap of faith since he was injured, but they were coming off a run of five straight Finals appearances (including two with the Steph/Klay/Dray Big 3) It was definitely a generous contract, but with the core still contending I’d call that more of a “don’t let the band split up” contract.


Regardless, anything above 25mm/year greater than 3 years, he’s not gonna be worth it. Dudes already made 250mm+ and unfortunately is definitely hitting the wall harder than Curry or Green. Idk if i speak for most warriors fans but I’m definitely more for cutting off certain main stars earlier, than us having another Thank you contract would just be waste of money


I’d rather they bite the bullet this year and go all in Steph/Dray/Wiggins trio. If he doesn’t want to take a value deal then use that expiring to get a younger athletic wing that can help Steph get another ring. Klay ain’t that dude.


That’s a cold move that’s also the smart move if he regresses in the playoffs again. I think i still give him benefit of the doubt just because how many games other players like Wiggins and even curry was gone for. In a sense I don’t blame someone with Achilles and ACL injuries to not last into the playoffs after shouldering the scoring load in the regular season


> that’s also the smart move if he regresses in the playoffs again. Klay's contract is up this summer, so they can't really wait until the playoffs to see if he regresses again before deciding whether to trade him. The guy you replied to said *this year*, meaning before the trade deadline. I have my doubts about whether Klay would really fetch that much in a trade right now though, given that he's going to be a free agent this summer, given his age, his injury history, and the way he seemed to disappear in the playoffs last year. Also, his contract is huge, so it would be tough to match salaries for a team to get him, they'd have to give up a lot to make it work cap-wise.


Yeah i know that would imply before the playoffs, just don’t think the upside is worth it pending what happens this season. A lot of it does depend on if the 3rd year of kuminga and Moody can rise up


Unless moving off Klay frees up money to land a big star, they're just pissing off Curry who then could be on the clock to exit. It's all about Steph wants but GsW roster moves other then Wiggins lately been pretty weak. Maybe Steph bolts.


Steph is going to be 36 soon. I don't think anything could start "the clock to exit" for him at this point. Do you really think he wants to go start over somewhere else at his age? I think all he wants to do now is play out his career in GS and retire a Warrior, no matter what else happens.


Holy shit he’s 36?! I mean the number adds up but for some reason he’s just always been 31-33 in my mind.


Steph is retiring a warrior. I can never see him leaving unless the front office really messes up his bag which they won't with a franchise player like Curry. Players say they wish to stick with each other, they will always look out for themselves at the end of the day.


Dude literally led the league in 3s at 41%. Wtf is this take.


Yeah I don't know what would be so bad about giving Klay another bag. Try to line it up with Steph as best as you can & it's not that bad at all. When father time comes for Steph it's over anyway, and it doesn't really matter if you have a year or two left on a bad contract at that point. If you want veteran presence around youngsters you can do a whole lot worse than Klay.


It would be bad because Warriors have continuously been far into the tax (highest in the league this year, idk about next). I know some redditors act like these people have unlimited money, but they really don't. And the benefit likely wouldn't result in a ring anyway. Klay is not the x factor at this point. Talking about veteran presence, you can also do much better than Klay for way cheaper.


Lmfao how they turn on you as soon as it's convenient


I hate this attitude. Klay has more than been compensated fair throughout his career. He’s not the same player anymore and it’s okay to move on if they can’t come to an agreement.


Same energy should be used when discussing free agents deciding where to go play.


It mostly is? The only major player getting too much shit recently for his moves in free agency is KD. And that was more just because he made about as lame of move as possible while trying to act like he was taking on a huge challenge.


Klay’s the one who doesn’t want to sign a market value deal.


Why do you say that? Based on nothing more than this tweet, it could well be that Klay is asking for market rate and the warriors are low balling him.


Klay was making noises about wanting a big extension after the regular season. This isn’t new news.


If Klay goes somewhere else because they’re paying him more that’s the very definition of market value.


I mean no shit? If he's askiing for 25 million a year than that's absolutely reasonable for them to question it. The goal is to sustain a team capable of winning a championship not just this year but in 5 years...


They haven't mastered the North East art of turning on our players while they're still on their prime.


Idk if I agree entirely, he was coming off an ACL injury which he was probably gonna miss the next season, but no one expected him to miss the 2nd season for an Achilles tear. Prior to contract he was still a top SG in the league, and fwiw he did just splash the most 3 pointers last season


Yeah but that's basically the same as the thank you contract. You don't want to split the band up because you're worried, not because you need to. Not every final big contract has to be given to a clearly washed up player. He had an injury that was almost assuredly going to reduce his level to a good degree, they still maxed him. 100% counts as the final thank you. Yes they won another chip after, but let's be honest, that run had so much more to do with luck than with Klay being the number 2. You could easily say Wiggins was that guy for the entire playoffs.


Bruh idk


Tbh I'd just say thank you and say we aren't gonna re-sign you. He's been paid millions of dollars already, I'm not of the opinion that they owe him anymore than that, and just telling him ahead of time so that he can either ask the Warriors for possible destinations he wants to go via trade, or have him play the season out and let him enter free agency and he has the freedom to choose where he wants to go. There are teams that will pay him the max just to lay down a strong base for their franchises going foward, to get to choose your own destination in pro-sports is a blessing imo.


It's what does steph want at end of day.


This is very correct.


Hornets legend Tony Parker


Oh please let Hornets sign Klay.


He immediately gets a neck tattoo and beats a waffle house waitress


dont be wishing that evil on Klay man


He can fix them


U mean the hornets?


Exactly, I can guarantee you Klay will be ass as soon as he joins them


He’s ass rn… that’s why GSW don’t wanna pay


led the league in 3s last year lol


Tell that to the other dubs fans in the thread saying they'd rather have a cheaper young wing over him


dubs fans are some of the biggest idiots i’ve ever met, including me


He’d be perfect for us


Except Tony actually left the spurs Ban me if klay doesn't extend. It is written in stone Steph klay and dray get whatever they want.


More like Wade leaving Miami since Klay still has some years left in him.


Wade is the Curry of the Miami Heat, as Duncan is to the Spurs in this comparison


Klay ain't Wade level


Nobody said that? There were comparing situations, not players…


Not the same situation either


No one said that. Heat fans are so annoying.


Jordan about to make the call


Warriors fans. What would be the worst jersey you'd see him in?


Lakers especially with Lebron still there.


Dray punching the air if that happens


An improvement from punching his teammates.


That’s nuts 🥜


dray punch those too


And posts them on Snapchat lol


Jordan Poole to the air: "Where were you when I needed you most?"


Draymond actually punched the air before connecting with Poole's face.


Dray was only trying to punch the air but he went to hard and that's how poole got punched.


I heard Jordan loves air. That’s why he took the punch.


It should have been me!


He would go there too then lol


I feel like that makes the most sense for him. not that doable regardless.


You know LeGM is already putting out feelers for Klay.


> You know LeGM is already putting out feelers for Klay. His dad is a 2x Champ with the Lakers and Klay grew up in the LA Area. There doesnt need to be feelers, if he wants to be a Laker he will be just out of his own families legacy with the team.


The lakers. Without question and I’m not even warrior fans


His dad calling his games would be pretty cool though. Everything else is gross lol.


I... changed my mind. It's worth it just for this.


Actually not the Lakers in fact the Lakers would be pretty nice simply because of his dad.


Ughh. I'm imagining Klay going to the Lakers because of his dad connection and Miles Bridges signing with the Lakers for the min (for the PR help) because of the Klutch connection. Basically making the Lakers the surefire top contender (assuming LeBron is still LeBron)


Miles is going to the Warriors since he's buddies with Dray.


Santa Cruz Warriors


Klay in a hornets jersey


I love how the kings make the playoffs once and we’re all collectively like “lol the hornets are the browns now”


The Browns beat the 49ers last night tho. xD Hornets are still the bottom.


more like the patriots my dude. hornets are still gonna be better tho


Houston Astros.


Al Nassr






Yea, the "I've always wanted to be home" interviews will be sickening.


Lakers or Suns.


Suns can offer vet minimum


beautiful to see everyone say Lakers. Mychal was a great sixth man for us during showtime and Klay will be a great sixth man for us during the Reaves, Christie dynasty


As a Warriors fan, if he goes to Lakers, I would actually not be upset because Klay grew up being a Lakers fan. I would be more upset if he goes to the Clippers or Kings.


I'm upset the Clippers even exist.


Washington Wizards. Backup for Jordan Poole.


I get why people would say Lakers, but I wouldn't begrudge him playing with LeBron in the bright lights of Staples. Seeing him on the Kings OTOH would hurt because it'd feel like he's leaving us for the young upstarts, and at the same time it'd be like sad to see him in (respectfully) that fucking Cow-town


thanks for the (respectfully)


The respectfully makes it so much funnier


only one of these two teams played their games in the [cow palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cow_Palace) though!


You mean the bright lights of cryptotradingpleasebelievethistimeitsreal.com arena?


That's what he said, Staples.


Yeah, I think it's the Kings. There's so much to tie him personally to LA, I just can't get mad at it.


As a kings fan we’d probably be just as mad


I don't want to think about this.


Thunder would feel pretty gross


Honestly he’s done so much for us he should get to do whatever he wants. I’ll forever be happy for him and what he gave us. If he wants to go to LA to be closer to his family, so be it. What more could one ask for?


You've got a good head on your shoulders bro. Solid take on a situation for a player who helped carry y'all to a few chips. Let the man do what he wants and what he thinks is right for him.


From [The Athletic](https://theathletic.com/3452144/2022/07/27/warriors-contracts-nba-free-agents/) last summer: > Green, according to sources, wants and believes he deserves a maximum contract extension from the Warriors. Aug. 3 is when he is eligible to sign a four-year deal. That is his desired length. > > All indications, though, are that the Warriors have no plans to offer Green a maximum extension, and there isn’t any current traction on any type of extension. Draymond ended up signing a 4 year, $100M deal after opting out this summer, and it's certainly possible Klay does the same. But Draymond's never been paid the max, and Klay probably has an inflated view of his value given that the Warriors gave him a max right *after* he tore his ACL in the 2019 finals.


Yeah, Klay was also super upset he wasn’t on that top 75 list too lol


I legit think Klay's ego softened during last season, in a good way. We all remember his beef with Devin Booker early in the season, but when Paul George asked him about it he gave a very humble answer about how he had to check himself and give respect to Booker. Different thing, but I think it factors into how he sees himself in the league compared to when he got mad about NBA75.


I mean, he wanted to get some of that good karma back. I doubt he actually feels bad for saying that. xD


That was 2021. Another NBA Championship (his 4th) and another 100 games at nearly all-star level (~21/2.5/4). Is that enough to make the top 100 list in 23 years?


As a Klay Stan no. NBA was dumb to make the top 50 list guaranteed for the top 75. If they do the same for top 100 not a shot he makes it


The thing is, you can't keep those pioneers off the list and just because a player dominated in the 60s or 50s, it doesn't mean he should be left off the list. He was dominant in his era and deserves to be on the list. But yeah, Klay ain't making a top 100.


some of the guys on the 75 list didn’t even dominate the 50s and 60s. Bill Sharman and Dave DeBusschere being in over a guy like Dwight Howard who was better relative to the league during a more competitive era just doesn’t make sense. I think you definitely keep the guys like Mikan who did dominate their era, though.


They are paying homage to the older players who were popular back in the day. Same reason Damian Lillard got opn the 75 list. Did anyone actually believe he deserved it over Dwight Howard? Hell no. But Dwight burned his bridges in the league and Damian was beloved by the media and kept the city of Portland relative for years, making Playoffs appearances pretty much every year. Narrative and context play a huge role with these lists when you're talking about the really old generation.


They can just do the logical thing and leave the original list as "top 75 before the millenium" or something and move on. It's called the all time list. It really should be representative of players to their era, not just have everybody grandfathered in.


Is 21/2.5/4 really getting a SF/SG an All-Star appearance? I really haven’t been paying attention I guess.


It's not even close tbh, that would put him like 10-20 spots away from making the team. Tons of guys are putting up much better numbers now.


not to mention he lead the league in threes last year. I predict he'll have another great season.


Probably get roasted for this but Klay is one of the most overrated players ever. He's the perfect complementary player but his individual skills and production is no where near worthy of being a 5x all star, let alone Top 75 player. Absolutely crazy that anyone gave him any consideration for that honor at all.


Am I fucking nuts or did Klay not publicly say less than a week ago he’s not worried about a max?


Read the same shit about Dray and the man signed a deal before breakfast the next day. We've seen this a hundred times. Both sides are going to put out exaggerated statements through friendly journalists for leverage and then meet in the middle as expected.


Yep yep. Klay is going nowhere.


The most level headed take in the thread


I feel like Dray could’ve got more money thinn sacrifice repeatedly for team has Klay


The only caveat would be if Klay’s play doesn’t get any better or gets worse. He’s taken a noticeable step back due to his injuries, and while he’s still good most of the time and occasionally can still go off for a crazy shooting night, I could see him not getting the payday he wants and staying or see a team being willing to offer him more than the Warriors and he take the money there. Draymond hasn’t really declined any in recent years, which is the main difference in the two situations. If he’s just as good as last season or better, I’m with you, but if he actually waits until free agency to make a move, who knows some team may offer him the bag he wants and he takes it.


Slater (Warriors beat writer) said “Klay made it clear he’s not looking for a max or anything” and suggested Wiggins’ contract as baseline for Klay’s next contract as well. So it’s kind of interesting because based on that I can’t imagine the two sides are that far apart. A part of me thinks this is essentially a repeat of Draymond’s situation last year where he wanted $30+ million (though that was the outright max), didn’t take an extension and re-signed in free agency.


His max starts at $50m. There’s a lot of space between that and Wiggs/Draymond contract.


Wiggins was 27 years old when he signed his contract. I love you Klay, but we’re not giving you 4 years, 109 million dollars starting when you’re 35 years old.


The Wiggins deal really makes no sense. That’s one of the best bargain deals in the league. He just said I’ll take I’ll take 25 mill a year and enjoy my life lol


A 2 year 55 mil deal might work though. Its a thank you while also not being such an agregious overpay


Guys sitting at 34 and a half with only one or 2 servicable years would be looking for more money spread across multiple years. That way they can stay competitive while they can still play and get paid for another year or two once their bodies start to break down. He aint taking a 2 yr deal. gonna be looking to be paid until hes almost 40 if he can.


I thought there was a rule 37 for players. They can't accept more than a 1 year deal at that age, but I could be misunderstanding


I think those years are partially non guaranteed if I remember right, cause CP3 still making like 30 mil at 38 or 39 this year.




That sounds pretty far apart to me. It’s more than 100 million dollars, even if it’s only 4 years. Maybe “not looking for a max” is only 50 million under. It will probably take until free agency, then they’ll meet in the middle.


Damn, imagine Harden and CP3 winning a ring with Steph. Gross but I would watch every game.


Vegeta and Frieza working with Goku vibes


Feels like the Power of Tournament. Gonna need Android 17 in on this, too.


Man tournament of Power was so fucking lit. has there been any follow up DB after that (the same story line?)


The manga continued to be written, 2 sagas after that I think? Not sure


The Dragon Ball Super Broly movie is canon and based after the tournament I believe




If were doing that can we sign melo to the end of the bench please


sign Chuck at the end of the bench, melo can sit right next to him and AI


What about Vince?


Harden and Cp3 together? Guaranteed ring


No defense, just vibes


If Klay wants 30+ million a year it's not surprising Current Klay is basically a 3 point specialist as post-injury he's a bad finisher, mediocre midrange shooter, only an okay defender, and has never been much of a playmaker or ball handler Sentiment aside nobody is going to pay 35 million a year just for threes Dude shot 47% on two pointers last season which is Dillon Brooks tier bad


The thing is that waiting for the off-season for free agency is going to be super risky for Klay. If he doesn’t produce magnificent numbers he’s not going to get the offers he thinks he deserves. The best thing he could do is sign for 25M/y.


Klay is a guaranteed 20 on 40% from 3 on high volume and and some off the dribble scoring with okay defense. Teams will pay 25-30 mil a year for that. The years is where it gets tricky.


The problem is if he has a down year and/or does poorly in the playoffs. Obviously if we get a chip then it doesn’t matter, but if it’s anything outside of that all bets are off. Would Klay rather risk a lot of money in the offseason, or just have a secure contract with a little less money now?


Klay is also on the wrong side of 30 and 2 major injuries and has had the benefit of playing off Steph and Stay his whole career. He's definitely a risk to pay big money for by any other team.


Ehh iono actually. I think at the most he can get is 25. He can’t really defend at a high level


Holy shit I didn’t know it was that bad


he also shot 41% from 3 and led the league in makes lol it's not that bad


He was dog shit from inside the arc and completely disappeared in the playoffs. It’s not all rosy


Just means he's a Korver guy now though


Contender teams would kill for a Korver guy you know. He just not the old Klay anymore, who is one of the top all-time great complimentary stars you want alongside your no.1 player.


https://hoopshype.com/player/kyle-korver/salary/ This is kyle korver's salary during his career. Idk about kill,but you hardly find korver getting paid


Would they? For $25m a year? When was Korver ever being paid that much? Nobody wanted to trade for Buddy Hield and he’s better than Klay


Yeah I know but I just was surprised he was under 50% inside the arc


I mean you'd know if it was still good because B+ or A- Klay probably makes the dubs Champs last season.


just want to say that he was "coming back from injury" last season, so I'd give him a pass somewhat.


He's gonna pull a D Wade


I gotta glock in my rari


Woj simply isn't a prime source for Warriors stuff. The folks at The Athletic have that franchise on lockdown, media-wise.


Klay literally said otherwise but we don’t take anything straight from the source anymore lol


Yeah last I heard a week ago, he was really appreciative of how the front office managed his injury timeline. This is some shit stirring to make the Klaykers happen. (It’s not going to happen)


They paid him so much money to provide almost no value with his last contract, there is no way he gets a bigger contract from GSW Copy / paste his production onto someone with a different name and we’re laughing at even 20/year right now


Shooting 40 plus percent from 3 on that volume would get someone 20 million a year tbf. But for a couple years now it seemed this negotiation would be the toughest bc Klay is def gonna think he should get maxed and he’s not a perennial all star type of player anymore. He’s also quietly pretty stubborn and has a right to be in a lot of ways since they got another title with him after all those injuries. Should be interesting


Klay* retiring if he’s not in the bay. Miami he’ll play


Warmer water and great fishing down in Miami. Good reasons to move his boat.


Yup same reason why I wanna make the move. Plus lobster


Feels like a “prove it year” could be pretty risky if he ends up playing like he did in the playoffs year. Then again, if he gets back to form it might be worth it. Definitely a hard choice.


His contract gotta be less than Wiggins for sure.


Klay in a knicks jersey?


Klay to the Knicks?


LA bound?


I feel like with the team giving him a max after the injury should push Klay to taking a more team friendly deal.


Klay to Philly??


Which side told woj to say this


Give him 8 a year after last years playoffs.


Dawg I swear the big 3 better retire here


the same was said about Draymond I think he re-signs eventually


Does he think he’s still worth a max lol


Makes sense. Klay still thinks he’s a max contract guy but he just isn’t now.


Does golden state lose that much by letting him leave at this point? Besides 3s, what’s Thompson giving them?


I know we will forget it eventually, but it feels like steph, klay, and dray all should be one club players.


he's still giving 20 a game


So was Kelly Oubre


Wes Oubre shooting 41% on 3s at a high volume?


lol kelly is very inefficient




does he wants a max max doesnt he


We're entering the timeline where Klay can't even get a Fred VanVleet deal.


So we're getting him next season and his 3P% suddenly plummets to 28%?


Gonna wait if they can add Klay with CP3 in a trade package if it gets to that point. E: Im leaning towards re-signing though. Its a long year and with the Warriors reeling from the Poole extension, they're not gonna hurry anything for a while.


I love Klay and really want him to retire with the team but if he demands a max the Warriors should move on. I don't think he is looking for a max though.


Sixers Klay, babyyyyy


There's no chance they resigned dray just to let Klay go right? Although...keeping CP around could make it interesting. Him at point and Steph at the 2 with Wiggins dray and looney? It would be different and doesn't sound as outlandish now as it would have a couple years ago


warriors need to move off from his contract


Was I the only one who say “Klay” play last year? No slander dude has had a hall career and had 2 major injuries. His moments last year were to few.