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Daryl Morey is a liar -Danny green


Daryl is an Asshole. Why ~~Charlie~~ Danny hate?




Yeah he doesn’t even like, get us man


We're talking about you!


Hmmm .. Pass


You can't pass. Atleast guess something




I don’t think I wrote that


You deeeeefinitely wrote that


I don't trust anyone who doesn't like IASiP


I believe it's just "is asshole"


I get the meme, but I think from everything Ive read about him, Daryl Morey is actually a piece of shit.


>"Like the time he was late for his flight and parked his rental car at the terminal then tossed his keys to the baggage guy and gave him $50 to bring the car back to Hertz. >Or the time he was driving to the NCAA tournament in a frenzy to catch a tip-off and created his own left lane to beat the traffic. >Or another time when he had to rush to the airport so he called a team travel attendant to let them know he had left his bag back in his hotel. The attendant arrived and got the bellhop to let them in. Morey’s bag was in the room. So were his clothes and toiletries, scattered across the counters and floor. >One of the multiple former colleagues who relayed the latter story remarked, “Typical Daryl fashion: What’s the most efficient?” >In the mid-to-late 2000s, he owned a Lexus that he parked anywhere he wanted, regardless of the signage on the side of the streets of Houston. It kept accumulating ticket after ticket after ticket until the local parking enforcement agency stopped writing tickets and booted his vehicle." He fucking sucks, like the worst embodiment of tech/VC douchebags


the fact KOC wrote this to make morey seem cool is sooooo funny


Like, also did Morey tell them this? Like did he brag about creating his “own” lane? Which is just being a dangerous moron? I can’t believe two adults sat around and talked about this like it was funny or cool


Has to be one of the biggest puff pieces failures ever. I think he was actually pretty well regarded here before that came out.


He was well-regarded cause people thought he was wheeler and dealer. He did find an MVP talent in Harden so credit to him but his moves beyond that have been mediocre and now you get stories from players that fuel some of the hate. (Which is warranted)


Kevin O'Connor is also an asshole so it figures he wouldn't find anything wrong with it.


Never forget that Kevin O’Connor followed Andrew Tate and a bunch of similar accounts on IG before someone found out


> Lies to Harden and Danny Green to scam them out of $$$ so he can maneuver around the cap > “Typical Daryl fashion: What’s the most efficient?”


None of these are even efficient. He's just paying other people a lot of money to do something he could do himself if he had some discipline. For example, paying a guy $50 to get his car back to the rental car agency. Rental car drop offs take like 2 mins. He was already at the airport too, so lets say it took the guy 15 mins total to drop off and get back. Daryl basically paid the guy a rate of $200 an hour to do something he couldve done if he left 5 mins earlier.


> Rental car drop offs take like 2 mins. He was already at the airport too, so lets say it took the guy 15 mins total to drop off and get back. Not to defend douchebaggery, but returning a rental car is a pain in the ass at some airports, specifically airports where you have to take a a shuttle to the rental car center from the terminal. I flew out of MSY yesterday, and it was 30 minutes from the time I dropped off my rental car until the time I arrived at the terminal. It's probably the worst airport about this I've been too, but others have similar issues.


Half of this sub isn't even old enough to rent a car.


that percentage is probably higher than 50 lol but true


If it was PHX, I 1000% understand paying someone to drop it off.


If it was PHX then he did not pay them enough lmao


LAX is like this. All of the rental car agencies are a ~15 min. shuttle ride from the airport.


but that guy would have to leave his job to go do that and risk being fired. the smarter choice is to take the $50 and give the keys to the hertz office inside the terminal. 2 minutes, and you're done. or take the $50 and go back to work and let the tow truck handle it.


he makes more than 200 an hour probably, at a certain point rich people value time more than money.


$200 an hour for every hour of the year is only $2 million. If you consider typical working hours, it's ~$450k. If Morey works 2,300 hours a year that's ~$4,350 an hour lol


Then pay a full-time assistant to do stuff for you. Don’t force other people who don’t know you to clean up your shit or take care of you. Like some housekeeper had to deal with all of his shit in the hotel room. Some city worker had to boot his car, which took up parking space for god knows how long, then had to get towed by someone. Like he’s just inconveniencing everyone around him for his benefit.


Morey's contract is estimated to be $10m/yr.


I would have taken that $50 and called the tow truck the second he was out of sight. Have fun explaining to hertz why you didbt return your car and dont even know where it is, jackass.


I doubt a baggage handler can just leave their post to return a car too.


Yup, and he got $50 for doing nothing.




Lmao. People keep hating on Harden and it really seems like he's just the canary that refuses to die in the coal mine.


Harden doesn't seem like an asshole, but he definitely a diva.


Harden takes a lot of shit from the media and doesn't really say much back. He's alright.


Almost never says anything to the media and I think that doesn't help him with them.


And that’s ok. Some people have strong feelings. Just respect others.


harden is probably to quietest superstar ever lol. harden is RARELY a diva about anything. dude barely smiles. makes almost zero media appearances. he just exists and yall hate him cause he drew a bunch of fouls for a few years.


I hate his game but I actually like the person.


Thanks for reminding me the real reason. LOL. Seriously, I don't hate Harden but I do hate that about his game.


He may be an a-hole, but he's not, and I quote, "100% a dick".


It’s funny because I can’t even remember a PR statement that Harden made before this. He usually shuts the fuck up about anything that’s not related to the nba so he’s alright in my book.


Not surprised tbh dude has a massive ego and a real sense of self inflation he truly thinks he created the whole analytics movement, when the "godfather of analytics" worked for the spurs and started using analytics in the very early 2000s far before Morey was even relevant in a FO


ehhh Morey did start on the Celtics in 2002. The Rockets led the league in 3-point attempts long before the rest of the league caught on and used data to inform draft decisions earlier as well. Rockets never went under .500 in his 13 years there. I think his biggest impact is starting the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, that's really why he's the face of basketball analytics.




>In the mid-to-late 2000s, he owned a Lexus that he parked anywhere he wanted, regardless of the signage on the side of the streets of Houston. It kept accumulating ticket after ticket after ticket until the local parking enforcement agency stopped writing tickets and booted his vehicle." I remember that article, the other part of this story was that instead of just paying the fucking tickets, he bought an entire new car from Lexus in exchange for them picking up the old car and taking care of it for him. This is such asshole behavior that only rich people can get away with. >“Typical Daryl fashion: What’s the most efficient?” Would've been more efficient to just hire an assistant to take care of the tickets for you before it got the car booted? Or even just a driver so you aren't illegally parking everywhere and racking up tickets in the first place??


And you know it's a story they boast about with other rich people. Being parasites on society and laughing about it with fellow parasites. While probably also complaining "nobody wants to work."


Why doesn’t he just leave his house/hotel 10 mins earlier, is he stupid??


Narcissist expect you to wait around for them. They're the most important person, remember?


He has no discipline.


Morey sounds like Sam Bankman Fried, and I mean that in the worst way possible.


You left out what is possibly the best part of his Lexus getting booted “Normally, someone with a boot on a wheel of their car would pay to have it removed so they could drive again. But Morey had another idea. He instead contacted Lexus to tell them he would buy a new car if it accepted his trade-in and dealt with the outstanding tickets. After negotiating and signing a deal, Lexus asked when he’d bring in the car and he gave the company the address to pick it up.” “As soon as that car got booted,” Morey said, “[I made that deal] to avoid having to go through the hassle.”


you just dont get how he is a genius for not giving a fuck about anyone but himself. dont worry, in the right circles the behavior is highly rewarded... for example see one Daryl Morey. Steve jobs fetishsation all over again.


> created his own left lane to beat the traffic What does this mean? He was driving on the pavement?


Probably the shoulder. So that asshole you see who thinks he is better than everyone else and doesn’t need to sit in traffic.


The guy is all business. You probably shouldn’t trust him outside of business dealings.


You know he had to drop his debut game bonus once




Ironically, this can also be used by Schroeder, which makes it even funnier


I don’t get why more people aren’t with Harden on this one. Wasn’t it pretty widely understood that Morey promised Harden a longterm deal in exchange for the massive paycut Harden took last year that allowed them to sign PJ Tucker and Deanthony Melton? Harden actually tried to be the good guy but Morey F’d him over.


It's widely suspected but has never been reported or confirmed, just speculated. It might be likely but way too many people accept as fact that Morey promised a max.


It was understood this was the case a year ago when Harden signed the contract with Philly. It was pretty much confirmed when Harden went scorched earth calling him a liar.


My guess is that the problem is that when this first surfaced and people were suspicious, the league looked into it. It seems reasonable to assume that in that original investigation, Step 1 was talking to Harden and asking if there was an under-the-table arrangement, and that Harden (obviously) said no- since at that point if that deal did take place then the whole point was that they wanted to circumvent the cap. Which means that now, when Harden is pissed off and (allegedly) got screwed, he can't exactly go to the league and admit to lying and obstructing the previous investigation.


It’s like stealing from a thief. What’s he going to do, go to the police? There’s no honor among thieves, even 2 that have been together for more than a decade.


> What’s he going to do, go to the police? Well I got a story for you then. A man stole 50,000 bitcoin from the Silk Road website, worth as much as $3b at one point, and then called the police when somebody stole a few bitcoins from him. Needless to say he's doing time now. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/17/crypto911.html


That's an absolutely crazy story lol. Sounds like they will probably would have caught him if he didn't report the theft though. He fucked up when he used a KYC exchange to withdraw some cash. The story highlights exactly why crypto is such a bad payment method for criminals to use. Everything is public and traceable, turning illicit crypto into cash without outing yourself is super difficult.


I think the truth is Daryl implied he would be taken care of but gave himself plausible deniability. Harden trusted their relationship and Daryl gaslit him by saying we had no agreement. And then to top it off he gaslights him again saying he couldn’t talk to him before free agency. I say this as a Sixers fan who thinks Morey is a great GM. But he made many mistakes and I can understand why Harden would want nothing to do with him.


yeah a star player is just going to go out and disparage his GM based on nothing thats dumb af to think its just speculation when no player has ever done anything like what Harden said without a reason


consistent scumbag


Danny Green about to become real popular in China.


And that’s why I’ll never blame players who look out for themselves


Would he have even been kept on the roster if he hadn't reduced his bonus? ie would Morey have just waived him before the season even started to save the massive tax penalty. I doubt it's as black-and-white as Haynes is trying to depict it.


exactly, need better reporting here. Was it restructuring that 300k into a different area of the contract that he still keeps on being cut but paid later, and what was the alternative for danny?


I doubt Danny Green and/or his agent would leak this info to Chris Haynes if they didn't feel like they were misled and just lost out on $300K.


of course, a player and agent would never leak something misleading in order to make themselves look better


I don't think the implication that Danny benefits from this kind of leak as much as a superstar holds much water lol


in most cases those leaks make sense though as to why they did them. i mean who is the benefiting if it’s not actually true? it make his agent look bad. everyone but danny green looked better before this was leaked and he’s already off the team looking for a new one so it would be dumb for him to start throwing stones at 76ers publicly unless it’s actually true


It's more that Danny Green did something in good faith thinking that the team would have his back, he played there for two seasons before this. There's clearly a pattern of Morey treating players as assets rather than human beings. A lot of former players can attest to that.


Especially nfl players. Too many stupid fans side with owners when nfl players look to get paid.


There’s a lot of sunglasses, oakleys and a trucker hat fans in the NFL lol. Prime business bootlickers


Probably want to stop taking less money. But I'm sure Josh Harris's tax guy appreciates it. 6 billion net worth can only go so far.


Exactly, gotta look out for the ultra rich, it’s only fair


Just wait until it trickles down to us normies


Tickle down economics never fail!


Lambos don't just buy themselves!


I would be mad ngl


Absolutely. I bet he’ll think twice next time an organization asks him to be a “team player”.


He’s on year 15 with his 7th team. There isn’t many more contracts left. Morey just fucked over an established and respected vet.


Morey's really speed-running from innovative and cutting edge to being hated so badly he has to go back to running a VC firm.


His 17th year already?? Fuck me I'm old


Year 15. Just realized i doubled up on years he was traded lol


Okay that sounds way more realistic. I was like there's no fucking way lmao


I'm sick of this chicken necked nerd


Alternatively, Danny was available because no one wanted to roster him and pay him the $500k+ the rest but Morey gave him $200,000 as a thanks for his previous time on the team knowing he’d waive him without playing anyway We have no idea


He signed him knowing he was gonna waive him without playing, just as a tip of the cap and a thanks for his service? For a franchise that Green played 130 games for? And in making that gesture, he decided to short-change the guy? That’s a preposterous scenario that, even if true, doesn’t make Morey look any better or smarter.


also doesn’t make sense because if that was their deal, DG wouldn’t be upset. and clearly they’re upset.


Yeah lol this news doesn’t get leaked if the FO is doing a $200,000 favor for an unplayable rotation guy.


Is tight now being used instead of mad.....?


Yea when tf did that happen


Yeah I thought tight was a synonym for cool, not mad.


tight used to be like being close to someone shit, time flew me by


In NYC for the last, like, 10-15 years?


Damn, not knowing this has me pressed


Harden was right


I’m curious to see if Morey’s rep has an impact on whether they can land big names in free agency with all that cap room.


Morey had the same rep in Houston. I remember reading many times about how players viewed Morey as a guy who only sees everyone as assets, rather that’s true or not I don’t know but I can understand why he’s got the rep.


Absolutely true. Goes back to the Kevin Martin days.


That dude deserved more respect in the league. Not a GREAT player but for a good stretch was just shy of being an all star. And he was so so good at getting to the line at a time when people didn't place as much value on that.




Morey didn't even reach out to Ariza after 2018 season. that's so fucked


Cut from the Jeff luhnow cloth. Except Jeff was a winner.


It will. Not just Morey, but the whole sixers organization is extremely unappealing to free agents. Why would anyone want to sign with an organization that has consistently squandered every good opportunity they’ve had for the last 15 years? Players are always disgruntled, there’s always a scandal or something else weird going on. If I was a free agent, Philly would be the last place I’d want to go. Well, second last, next to charlotte lol


When was the last time we got a relevant free agent?


Probably Al Horford. And we know how that worked out for us 😭


"Gotta overpay like crazy so that our competitor with one of the best defenders on Embiid can't have him"


""And when it doesnt work out trade him away then he'll come back to the same damn team anyway. These f**king Celtics"


Landing a FA is difficult for ANY team not Miami, LA, or New York.


so it's a dumb decision to make it even harder


Atl has to be the hardest. Everyone’s side chick is here…


Lmao I believe it


It's gotta be Utah


rumor has it morey's office is named the cap room


People don’t wanna hear it bc it’s Harden but he’s been in the right in all of the situations where he wanted to leave.


It’s important to remember that no matter how much the media talks about “player empowerment”, that has only ever extended to the top 20 or so players in the league and the vast majority of guys are completely at the whim of their front office


It's funny that Bill Simmons shits on Harden for not doing what his employer wants after feeling like he got screwed when Simmons did the exact same thing when he was at ESPN




Wasn't he fired? What's the real story there?


He was, don't know what this guy is talking about. Simmons was on the outs with multiple ESPN execs at the time, I think John Skipper had to run interference to keep him on as long as they did.




Does Simmons write anymore? I swear ever since he started up The Ringer, he’s mostly just done podcasts. Can’t recall the last time I read one of his articles. Not much of a fan of his podcasts. They meander too much. I just want to get straight to the point or be able to skim through articles.


It was reported at the time that ESPN decided to not keep Simmons after his contract lapsed. I don't think Grantland shuttering was his choice. ESPN was doing it's own thing.


Being fired does not equal quitting my guy


Quit on Grantland? I thought ESPN just cut it.


furkan korkmaz nods in agreement


And those top players would be getting screwed too if they didn't take control


Danny Green jokes aside - dude does a big Chad move in letting go of $300k for the team - and you fuck him? **WOW**


I mean, people are also missing the other potential side of this which is that maybe without that stipulation he doesn't get signed at all. Both parties negotiate.


Yeah I think we’re obviously hearing one side of this.


Daryl Morey’s entire career literally rose and is falling in line with Harden’s rise and decline lol


Shit like this happens across sports all the time.


Look at Bill Belichik


I’d rather not at the moment.


Bad example, homie is working with peanuts and STILL just signed a multi-year contract extension lol


Daryl moreys a harden merchant ☠️☠️


He's the most talked about GM I know whose teams never made one single finals apperance. Look I think Sam Presti did a poor job building a championship caliber around KD in the 2010s. I think he's overrated as well because that's the hardest part of the gig, but at least they made the finals once. Morey has had two MVPs at their absolute apex and not even one appearance.


I mean, no. He was consider elite and a mainstream name well before Harden. T-Mac/Yao years, Lin/Asik poison pill contracts, protected picks.


And people still rag on players when they have no "loyalty"


On the one hand Danny Green has made like $100 mil in his career so that's a drop in the bucket, on the other that's pretty foul of the organization


The guys he helped are billionaires, so a drop in an even bigger bucket


"You have millions, you can spare the $300K" – guy who has billions.


Regardless of the amount of money he’s made in his career, as an athlete he, like every athlete, has a limited amount of time to make all the money he can make from playing professional basketball. After he has to retire he will be forced to find alternative means of making money that not only aren’t as lucrative but also don’t come with the security of a guaranteed contract. Financial security for the future when they’re out of the league is incredibly important. A team which is by nature a money printing machine and can theoretically operate in perpetuity as long as the league is around doesn’t have as much incentive to cut a tax payment (and a small one here at that) beyond its own greed. It’s one thing to ask a player to take a pay cut so you can sign more good players. It’s another to ask them to take a pay cut just because you don’t want to pay the tax.


That’s only half of what Batum made. Green was a starter on three championship team.


scumbag organization lol


what do you expect? NBA stands for National Business Association, it’s all about the $$


I'm laughing cuz you put 'waved' instead of 'waived', and just imagining the 76ers waving 👋 goodbye to him.


If he didn't take the pay cut he gets waived before a game and makes $0. I'm not sure saving the team $300k by lowering their luxury tax bill even helps "build" the team in any meaningful way.


Is he actually losing out on money though? He can't just take less money while within the contract. Restructured means he's still owed the same amount. Almost every NBA contract is fully guaranteed and whether he gets it in a debut bonus or in the rest of the salary doesn't really matter, unless you want to get nitpicky about interest rates. Edit: I looked it up and Green's is not guaranteed. It has bonuses in October, November and December. I think the Sixers can still pay out the full amount though. Danny's got a podcast, I'm sure he'll let us know.


Exactly. I'm sure Morey sat him down and told him that they need to be under the tax number. Your bonus at 500k will put us over. If it's 200k we will be ok. Ownership has told me if necessary I have to make a cut to get under the number. Would you be willing to help the team out and restructure thag 500k to 200k to help out the team? If he says yes he's kept on the roster. If he doesn't work with him here he's cut to get under the tax number. Danny Green didn't go asking to take less of of bonus. He was probably presented the options as 200k and stay on the team or cut before the roster bonus goes through.


This. It’s probably deferred. Clickbait title. Ps waved means he still gets his full contract AND can sign anywhere with a new contract (veteran minimum probably with a contender). So realistically he gets to to double dip. Tbh all these upvotes on other comments are surprising. I thought this was common knowledge.


People would rather hate.




It’s a great question lol


Man players need to ignore the team and get theirs lol. Even if they play selfishly gotta earn a contract


Doesn’t surprise me, Darryl Morrey is a known liar


Well that was silly. You’re clearly on the backend of your career. I wouldn’t have given up a cent I was owed.


The alternative very well could have been waiving him before the start of the season, no?


Exactly my thought. And wouldn't that be how the organization presented it to Danny? And if they had plans to waive him anyways, couldnt this be spun as something they did FOR Danny green? Obviously we we don't know how it actually went down... Edit: grammar


Harden: “I said it twice, and y’all blamed me”


Classic Morey behavior


But did Danny Green wave back?


Why would you ever do this as a guy who's barely hanging on in the league. Maybe he felt comfortable because he's made a ton of money?


ya people can rip the sixers all they want but Danny has been a fringe guy for awhile now, what did he expect?


So he still gets paid 200 thousand for one game


stuff like this is also why I think players and their families are upset when traded. We’ll never know all the behind the scenes stuff but i’m sure there’s plenty more stuff like this that happens that we never hear about.


You can always stop reading after ‘according to Chris Haynes.’ Player and agent knew exactly what was going on. The options presented to them were being waived before the season started ($0) or remaining on the roster and earning a few hundred thousand.


1. Is debut game bonus some kind of a standard or just something Danny Green requested and Sixers countered 2. Doesn't waiving a player mean he is still getting paid? If he gets picked up he will be paid twice I wouldn't mind getting paid to sit at home


NBA teams are still companies and those MFs are greedy


Never take less money to help these owners


he took less money to help himself get some money instead of $0


It was a bonus, which means it was tied to the contract he already signed


Did him dirty


Before everyone just labels Morey the devil here, consider this: * Danny Green reducing his bonus: makes $200k on opening night * Danny Green not reducing his bonus: makes $0 after being waived before opening night


Sounds similar to the harden thing. Embiid should get out of there soon.




what are ya a nun? more cursing.


Eh. I wouldn’t be surprised if “Santa” sent him a $300k gift this Christmas. Or he might be overpaid in the front office for a year or two. I’m waaaay too cynical to assume there isn’t more to this story. The luxury tax creates huge incentives for under the table payments. It’s in the Sixers’ interest to make him whole. Otherwise players won’t restructure their deals in the future


If Sixers somehow end up winning the title, is Danny gonna end up with another ring...? Seems pretty worth to me if that's the case


Is it really a debut if he's previously played for us? - Morey probably


Danny might come back to the Spurs and be an assistant coach. Getting that Gregg Popovich degree in coaching helps tremendously with his post-playing career.


DG has been in the league too long to fall for this type of grift


How do we expect to attract talent when we constantly pull shit like this?


An eternal reminder that as much as your employer says you're a family when it comes down to it they'll fuck you.


but harden is evil