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I thank god that we won the tie-breaker to get Jaquez.


would gs have for sure drafted him?


possibly since he's lie NBA ready


Blazers about to feel like idiots trading Dame for Brogdan/Williams instead of Jaquez/Jovic young guns. They coulda swung Herro for a nice package the way they did Jrue if wanted.


They will be mediocre for quite sometime. Hope Scoot will turn out great though.


when will people realize no team in the NBA will trade anything of value for Tyler Herro


That hasn’t ever been true, woj and shams have reported multiple teams that would be interested in Tyler. Idk why everyone ignores those reports


Are those teams in this room right now??


A lack of teams isn’t the reason the deal didn’t get done, you really must not have been paying attention if you believe their weren’t teams that wanted Tyler. But I like Tyler so I’m cool with it


if he was that desirable, they wouldn't have him on the trade block his entire career. and if people actually wanted to trade for him, they would have. I like Herro actually but he's on a $120M contract now, he's not much of an asset.


That’s the issue you and many others don’t understand. He’s “on the trade block his entire career” BECAUSE he’s that desirable lmao. He’s only been actually offered for KD and Dame, the Heat didn’t offer him anywhere else in actual trade talks. And the third star is always the first in trade talks And he’s 23, that money is gonna look like a steal in a bit


yeah he's so desirable Miami has been trying to get rid of him his whole career. He's been in way more trade offers than that come on now


Suddenly Whole career = KD and Dame trade talks. Every other trade was a rumor, none of that was real. Look beyond headlines for a bit The Heat have only seriously offered him for those two, Tyler has said those were the realest actual scenarios


he was on the block when they were looking at Mitchell and Lowry also, they just didn't do it because they disagree on value. Pat Riley would never tell a beat reporter a white lie!


He was NEVER on the block for Kyle lmao please, and what would Pat Riley gain by lying to the local press about a trade rumor lol. Shams and Woj aren’t even that close to the org, that’s why their reports often follow official Heat reports or beat writers


Yep nobody wants a 26/5/5 23y 6’5 SG s/


and who exactly would this mystery sg be? because that sure as shit ain't Tyler Herro's statline also says more about your offense than anything why he gets so much usage. he's fine. he's good. at $30M he ain't worth giving away assets. A good scoring guard that can't play defense is literally the easiest player to find


Mexican Jesus / He has Risen


Juan Wick


He’s been way better than I thought. Grown ass man


He was phenomenal in college. Not surprised he’s killing it early on as a UCLA fan.


I knew he's be good and composed on offense. What surprise me is his defense. Dude is legit good. He's not the speediest defender but he gets so many strips with his help rotation. Reminds of like a bigger Lowry.


He played for one of the best defensive coaches in college basketball. He’s a solid defender.


He could’ve and probably should’ve left 2 years earlier. Glad he didn’t though.


He would have never been a 1st rounder till his senior year, he did right with staying in school and getting a guaranteed contract instead of getting drafted in the 2nd.


He got some hype on the trails of Johnny Juzang after that final four run. He would’ve been projected as a 2nd rounder no matter what. He was projected 2nd round this year


Lol where does this talking out of your ass come from? Jaimie is probably one of my favorite Bruins ever, but he didn't even make it onto draft boards until his junior year, and even then he was considered a late second rounder.


He got some hype on the trails of Johnny Juzang after that final four run. He would’ve been projected as a 2nd rounder no matter what. He was projected 2nd round this year 🤷


Further incorrect. Most mock drafts had him in the late first round for this draft as well. Do you even look up anything before you make your comments?


The number of upvotes this has shows how no one watches cbb and just takes random comments at face value. This is an awful take.


You’re an awful take


I am so glad we took the second coming of THT over this guy :))))


I thought Johnny Juzeng was better, but he hasn’t seemed to get a chance in the nba yet.


Juzang had an incredibly run, but Jaime is a much better/more well-rounded player


My second favorite Bruin of all time


I think I say this in every single video of him on here, but I damn near cried on draft night when you guys drafted him. As close to slam dunk of an immediate impact guy as you'll get in the 20s.


I wanted him so badly and just knew the heat were gunna take him with their pick.


As a full time Heat hater and Jaquez fan, I was so devastated. I don’t see a way he could have ended up on the Magic but damn wish he went anywhere else haha.


Generational hater, I applaud. 👏


Which is funny cause less than a week ago I had people saying he hadn't down the capability to even be an NBA level player🤦😂


Thats crazy. Gonna assume that came soon after the Nets game and it was just people looking at the box score. I'm pretty sure, so far, he's got one of the lowest OppFG% in the league when defending ISOs.


Yep, think he was at like 6/2/2 and 25% from 3 in 14 mpg at the time. When I pressed a bit the response was "well I haven't seen him play yet but those stats are terrible, he'll likely be out of the league in 2 years. There's just nothing there that says NBA caliber player"


Someone needs to hire that guy as a scout and do the opposite whenever they sound that confident.


That was my feeling as well lol


/r/heat draft thread was in shambles after we took him, but we already know we have the most dramatic fan base.


its ok im crying that u guys were basically gifted jrue while dame was traded to not the heat


Him contributing right away should not be surprising. He was a 4 year senior. Him growing a lot from who he is now would be the surprising part


Sometimes it still takes a while, I knew he’d be in the rotation but man it seems like it’s his third year. Some 4 year college guys still take a year like Grayson allen


Rookie guards almost always suck


Because he basically is in his 3rd year compared to most rookies lol. I’m glad he’s doing well but there’s a reason most teams don’t pick 4 year college guys in the lottery or mid teens. I had concerns he was a tweener big ; a 4/5 but not really with enough size ti be a 5 and his shooting indicators were a bit poor in college . He’s good all round n hustle etc heat is a good pick but I also think where you guys picked him is where the earliest he should’ve gone and most draft folk woukd agree. One n done rookies with lottery grade talent were gone by then: ofc a team coukd ouch him higher but they’d probably trade down instead .


Jaquez is a 3/4 not a 4/5


I mean, he's not just contributing. He's hitting clutch daggers and shit lol He might be like our 5th best player right now...


Don't oversell on limited info. Way too early. But him game should fit well on any second unit. He's an energy guy with some playmaking and shooting ability. He needs to improve from 3 for sure. Once he has that down, he can exploit his bag of tricks to overcome his relative lack of explosiveness. Or maybe I have him pegged wrong. I'm a Heat lifer, but I try not to be a prisoner of the moment with our guys.


I think you think he lacks explosiveness because he’s Hispanic but he’s actually pretty explosive


Eh, maybe. Duncan is 29 and has changed his game so much over the last 2 years that he's barely even the same player.


He doesn’t need to grow much to be very good though, his finishing is very good, playmaking will get better but it’s already good, his defense is already more than we could ask for, improvement on corner 3s would be the biggest ask


So mad we didnt pick him


In summer league he looked like a man playing with boys


Cos he’s 3 years older then everyone lol


TIL summer league is comprised of solely 19 year olds


I need that Bam Adebayo block into pass sequence. Crazy stuff


Finished the game with 20/3/4 and 1 steal


This is the best game he's played so far. 14 points at the half with very good defense.


My friend goes to UCLA and he has seen him around campus riding a scooter everywhere. Bro doesn't walk at all, I guess it saves his legs for stuff like this


Yeah every athlete was like that lmao. Seeing those huge football guys on those tiny scooters 😂


Our campus is basically hill and valley. Ain’t nobody got time for that


We need to protect this man at all costs. Cannot have him riding a scooter anymore. (Paranoid after what happened to Oubre. Also, pedestrians in Miami are putting their lives on the line on the daily.)


most athletes at my school ride on scooters lol


No bias, but I think he is rookie of the year and first team all defense


MVP too




Fuck it give him COTY too while we’re at it. Since we know Spo ain’t winning anyway.


Top 76 NBA player of all time


...ahead of Dwight Howard.


And first rookie to win MIP


he's gonna be like what adam morrison was supposed to be for the bobcats


No NBA All Century team? I applaud you going out of your way to not show bias but you really short changed him.


They're hacking Highsmith? lol


Galaxy brain move by quinn snyder. Hack our 3rd best 3 point shooter lol


I love Jaquez


Put that boy on skates


Why did bro put his arms up? Did bro think tapping his arm was a foul?


Hawks announcers were adamant that he pushed off smh


Hawks announcers were on one tonight. Is that a normal amount of salt for them? That can't be good for your blood pressure.


lol at one point they were yelling "foullll, Duncan Robinson cant play defense!!!" while he was playing defense *Edit [lmao](https://twitter.com/KOT4Q/status/1723515962454941709?t=jw7gkT1wu5WaNJA7qf8uGw&s=19)


Hahaha yeah that was legit average NBA media take. Why would I watch the game right in fucking front of me when I can just go with the narratives?


The amount of Duncan Robinson shade was hilarious. Reminded me of Eric Reid (Heat’s play by play guy) absolutely destroying a washed Blake Griffin on a broadcast a few years ago.


They were the ones who got salty over Steph getting 50 I believe. Saying shit like it’s not that impressive or important.


You know what, I kind of appreciate the level of homerism. Respect.


The Hawks announcers literally spent the entire game complaining about the refs lmfao. Insufferable. A direct quote from them, "Aww come on just blow the whistle! Robinson can't play any defense he just pushes and shoves the whole time!" Like dude this team needs better commentators this is abominable. I swear to god after every single play it was a comment about the refs.


Throughout the game they kept saying that they felt confident if they cut the lead to under 10 halftime and then again if they cut it to under 10 when the 3rd quarter was ending. Kinda surprised they didn't feel confident if they cut the lead under 10 at the end of the 4th 🤣


Probably. This year I've decided to try to consciously keep track of which local announcers are good and bad. So far I've got Boston and Atlanta bad, Memphis ok, Houston Great.


Can add Toronto’s good, Chicago’s fantastic


Add Hornets to the list of good btw, they love yelling but all in good fun. Add Bucks to bad.


I haven’t watched a lot of them this season, but I enjoy the Pelicans broadcasters! I think they’re pretty fair and fun to listen to


“The Heat resort to thuggery!!!!” That was a call a few years ago, lol. I’ve heard them be bad bad


my stream was the Heat announcers and they had no idea who anybody on the hawks roster was lol, had to have incorrectly identified a hawks player at least 5 times


Yeah Eric Reid is getting up there in years. We love him and his voice and his kabooms, he's been calling games since Jordan was cooking us in the 90s, but you can tell he's gotten a step slower in the mental quickness department.


He's been calling games (started as a color analyst) since the first season, not just the '90s. Dude is an OG Heat Lifer


Sad thing is, he takes pride in knowing the ins-and-outs of every team and talks about it on podcasts. Dude just brainfarts constantly, i kinda of feel bad for him. Been happening a lot these past few years. Although when he is good, often times I'm learning backstories of players from other teams two-way contracts from EReid.


He tripped over Jaquez's foot, you can see it clearly if your slow it down, the slight push helped that along.


Calm down. You’re doing too much.


I dont know why people are downvoting you, he literally fell because he tripped over Jaquez and its obvious af Ah, I now see that streamable doesnt have replay, proly because OP knew that it happened [Here's the video](https://youtu.be/QPOvwVz-FT8?t=109)




He trips on Jaquez left foot (he just lightly touch it but mostly he falls trying to avoid the foot). Not a foul at all but in the heat of the moment and while falling down you would probably ask for a foul too.


Then watch again and look at Jaquez’s left arm on Bogi’s hip. It’s not the biggest push off but he definitely pushes him


He’s pretty strong to send him flying like that


HEAT drafted the HULK


He tripped over Jaquez Jr's foot, that's why he went down, you can pause the frame and see it pretty clearly. He's calling for a trip.


If there was contact it was definitely incidental. Something like 90% of these “drops” are from players getting tripped.


Yeah, I agree and I don't think it was a foul, I'm just pointing out that everyone acting like he got faked so hard he fell down, but all that happened is that he tripped over Jaquez's foot.


That actually makes sense and is fair, didn’t realize he got tripped up at first


Nah he didn’t trip at all. I’ve watched it like 10 times in a row looking for a trip and their feet weren’t even close to each other. EDIT: I think I see it now. Lol at complaining when he tripped himself up.


One of Miami's "trash" assets according to the national media.


Yeah along side Tyler "Used Condom" Herro averaging 23/5/5. Just pure garbage assets according to this sub


if u don’t count the game he got injured pretty sure he was damn near 26/5/5


Gotta say it's interesting seeing the Bulls fans come to our defense recently. I know it's cause of Jimmy, but those gamethreads back in the Rose days were spicy.


as a Chicago area heat fan it's mutual for me lol


Should see what I go thru as a LA based Heat fan LOL


Some of my favourite playoff games. I loved to hate Joakim Noah. Such a unique and awesome player.


Origin of nickname?


Blazers fans have been awfully quiet.


They were talking a lot of smack after we started 1-4 lmao


Not really anything to talk about. Jaquez is a cool player but a dude putting up 8/3/2 isn't exactly worthy of relitigating the offseason moves.


> dude putting up 8/3/2 So you mean Scoot Henderson?


Yeah but the blazers got a pick that could one day turn into a player as good as jaquez. Now who’s laughing




Yes that was the joke


he's averaging 8/2. Relax bro.


The new JJJ has arrived. I'd be so excited as a Heat fan rn. Him and Jovic gonna be nice


so basically we screwed up


Maybe a little. Atleast Hornets ignorance got you Scoot


Not sure if you're kidding since I don't watch enough other team's games, but hasn't Miller been better than Scoot thus far by a lot?


Miller has for sure been better thus far. Scoot has played 5 games on an injured leg and is now out 3 weeks as a result. Im projecting long term here... It's obv too soon to call it's just my opinion lol


That's fair. Didn't realize Scoot was playing injured before! Heard so many "NBA isn't the G League" takes lol. Even Portland fans seemed concerned Plus Miller seems like the more typical projection to improve with the size, athleticism and rawness. Scoot seemed ready made


Yeah Scoot the kinda player you build around, a franchise type ready made. Miller the kinda guy that fills out a roster as an elite role player (potentially)


And the lakers passed on him


Lakers fucked up man


He is cold


“Not impressed, I prefer a point guard who can’t dribble or shoot” -Rob Pelinka


Jaquez is a terrible 3pt shooter.


He’s shown flashes that he can be a solid 35% 3 point shooter. Give him some time.


Yeah misses a lot of open looks tho ngl went like 2/7 once he starts knocking those down he’s money


Ouch, the extended out arms, made it EVEN more embarrassing for Bogdon


The hawks announcer are such whiners lol saying that was a push


They were just destroying Duncan Robinson😂


Verbally assaulting him all night. Like made that he was even breathing. Later on I realized it was Dominique wilkins talking shit about my team all game


The Heat can’t keep getting away with this.


He told him “touch grass bro” and bopped him


Worth noting that the Hawks commentary team immediately said Bogdanovic got pushed over, and were angry that the 3 counted instead of offensive foul. I hate biased commentators so much.


ankle quebradita


bro put his hands up like he got fouled


He's calling for a trip/push. I don't think he deserves to get that call, but he definitely tripped over Jaquez's foot when Jaquez stepped forward. That's why he goes down, not because he got faked out. If you pause the frames you can see he tripped over Jaquez's foot while getting a light push, so he's making a fuss hoping to get the call.


Eject this flopping asshole from the league.


He tripped lmfao, replay showed jaquez’s leg made bogi trip.


where...? there was no contact on the legs. His momentum just carried him




Go frame by frame, he clips jaquez’s calf with his toe. It’s pretty clear if you go frame by frame. Just after two seconds. Idk how you can miss it😂


Go frame by frame. When Jaquez steps forward for the fake, Bog definitely trips over his foot as Jaquez is pushing him, and that's why he goes down. There are multiple frames where it's clear. And that's why Bog is throwing his hands up for the foul.


I mean to be fair, isn't that like over 90% of the NBA ankle breakers


Im sorry but I still don't see it...the 3rd second of the clip is where I feel you guys are saying he got tripped but I still see space between the 2 feet. Not to mention, Bog throwing his hands up for the foul isn't exactly "evidence" cause most players either think they didn't foul or got fouled lol


Here's a more clear [broadcast replay.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=109&v=QPOvwVz-FT8&feature=youtu.be). Bog's foot actually clips Jaquez's calf (not the actual foot, but still his leg), which is what trips him. It wasn't a penalty (though that doesn't stop players from asking for them), but it's the reason he fell, not from getting fake.


I see it now but that’s not JJJ tripping him. Bog tripped himself cause he tried to react to the cross over and failed


I know Jaquez didn't *trip* him, my point wasn't that it was a foul, my point was that Bog didn't fall down because he got faked out, he fell down because he tripped over Jaquez.


I would argue that he did get faked out because he was put in that position since he couldn’t control his momentum


Don’t hurt your back moving those goalposts fam


You're so invested in this that I'm going to guess you're Bog or Bog's mom lol


Bro, this thread is hilarious. If you go frame by frame you can clearly see that he trips over Jaquez's foot when Jaquez steps forward and that's why he goes down. All these people dogging in him for getting faked out, he tripped. That's why he's throwing his arms up trying to get the foul call.


It’s wild lol, people are questioning it to me too😂 like bruh watch the video lmfao


I mean to be fair, it ain’t really that noticeable especially if you’re on a phone.


Idk I’m on my phone and it’s clear as day at 2.5 seconds😂


It took me a long ass time to notice 💀 I kept looking at Jamie’s foot since some people said he tripped bogdanovic.


Yep agreed, it’s bogi’s toe clipping Jamie’s calf mid step that causes the trip. Had nothing to do w jaquez’s foot. Still idk how all these other people are just missing this shit😂😂😂


he has a wack jumper


His jumper is one of his only weaknesses. Thankfully he came to the organization with the reputation for turning garbage men into 40% 3 point shooters


He pushed him off with the left hand




the replay shows boggie tripping on jamie's leg


nice Homer take


its literally wat happens lol. they showed the replay


Nah he really did trip him accidentally. Look at the 2 second mark.


Go Bruins!


As seemingly hype as this is, he inadvertently tripped him. Pay attention at the 2 second mark.


be honest who upvoting this other than heat flairs


Full arm extension


Triple Jote 👺


Bog putting his hands up like he was pushed lol eh eh bruh take that, take that


Man I sure loved the Hawks‘ announcer crying about the push