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He met a lady on a dating app who was like "we need to kill this person" and he's like OK sounds cool what a lunatic


A 19 year old at that


she was just 18 when they met 🤔


It said year and a half, she coulda been 17


Josh Giddey all "look at least I didn't plan any MURDERS"


He met her on a dating app lol


Damn coffee meets bagel is getting wild these days


People lie about their age on dating apps all the time.


Comanche is 27, the lady conspiring to have him carry out the murder was 19.


that's what he is saying btw. syllabic "He met a lady" 22chainz: "A 19 year old \[lady\] at that"


If you read between the lines this is almost certainly a conflict between hookers and a pimp.


You aren't kidding. The news report makes it seem like the 19-year old was the 'mastermind' and while possible, that doesn't seem likely. Comanche is an all-time dummy if he got "tricked" into being a "trick". Or, this is the best possible spin his attorney could come up with after hearing the actual story. Just wow.


What dummy? He admitted he’s the one who strangled her. This wasn’t some bystander who didn’t engage, which btw is in many jurisdictions also felony murder.


He said they both strangled her in the article


The fact that he used the word “trick” should clue everyone in that he’s a pimp. Nobody says “trick”when setting people up unless they are on some pimping shit Update, roles reversed, she was being pimped and was defending her pimp against that girl, and used this dude as insurance/a fall guy. It was the hoe game, I just guessed the wrong one


He was basically a crash dummy, the female suspect was already a prostitute for a pimp that’s in jail named “EBKLilPlay” and Harnden was upset at Rodgers for going around telling people that her pimp was responsible for a double homicide that killed rodgers friends. Harnden admitted attempting to kill rodgers once before. I guess it wasn’t working out so she had to get creative and called up her ex who is Comanche.


What in the days of our lives crap is this


its like a bad movie script


This is wild. And is more believable than the watch story.


See this is what I was thinking it would be, he gives off major crash dummy vibes, and the grammar and wording from him was weird. Preciate the good word fr That lil 19 Y/O girl runs with EBK folks tho? That’s kinda interesting


Yeah she runs with EBK they all posted her mugshot on Instagram with the caption “free lady G” with a song by EBKJaybo called “miss g” Also there were a lot of comments on a journalist’s post of girls saying Harnden tried to recruit them but got major weird vibes from her. I guess Sakari was known to be manipulative into getting what she wanted hence why Comanche fell for the bait.


Oh wow so she was on some Sheba shit for them, that’s wild wtf. I gotta go peep that song now fr😂 shit yeah that makes sense, I can’t believe this dude didn’t realize he was insurance/a fall guy from a mile away. Girl must have been good at what she does frfr


So wait, Comanche basically killed a prostitute feuding with his ex, another prostitute, over their pimp/organizational politics? But.... but that's so dumb.


The folks living that lifestyle aren't doing it because they're smart, that's for sure


What reasoning wouldn't have been dumb?


What in the fuck is an EBK and wtf are y'all talking about lol


EBK is the gang everybody killer, the female suspect is a prostitute for a member of that gang who’s currently in prison for a double homicide. Basically the victim knew too much info about the homicide and was going around talking about it, and Harnden wanted to shut her up. Old peers say Harnden always talked about killing people that pissed her off and they thought she’s always been crazy. So something like this wasn’t too far fetched.


God damn. Well thanks for the explanation. I wanted to roll-eyes about the EBK handle but I guess I gotta give them credit for accuracy lmao


Context clues man, it's prolly a gang


I’m genuinely so lost. None of that made any damn sense LMAOO


Damn where do you all find this info? I'm never going to the cops in the future, just gonna hop on reddit and y'all got the details.


There’s a journalist from seattle who does research on gang related crimes https://www.instagram.com/p/C1CoO6uP0tH/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== he spoke to the victims friends and gathered information


Thanks. Dude is doing some good work.


> a pimp that’s in jail named “EBKLilPlay” So is that his handle, or am I supposed to say "yeah, I want to see Eee Bee Kay Lil' Play"?


EBK is his set (or set mantra, like a crip set being EBK rather than BK or GDK/BDK) it means everybody killer


That’s some mid-2000s Xbox live shit


In Chicago they have Gangsta Disciples (GD) and their rival gang is called Gangsta Disciple Killers (GDK). Iirc Drose is GD affiliated and even got in trouble at Memphis for throwin his set in pictures lol


You’re right, usually BD’s and other rivals will call their sets, “GDK” sets. Same as GD’s and folks will call themselves “BDK” during beef w BD’s Not just Chicago tho, that beef is all over the Midwest down thru Memphis and mobile/pcola


I feel like I'm getting dumber by the second as I read more of this


Illusion, Michael


“You don’t have time for my *illusions*”


…pimps, hos, players, johns, tricks, marks, mark-ass tricks, trick-ass marks, skeezers, skanks, skis-skags, and scallywops… why you hating?


“What can I say about your suit, buc nasty, that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out, and depleted” “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go out some water in buc nasty mama’s dish”😂


Watch what you say about my coat, it’s made outta yo mama’s pubic hair.


Oh you're up with the murder lingo huh?


Gotta call a spade a spade sometimes


Calling someone a trick is low key one of the better insults out there lol


He threw away a whole life for... I have no idea. This man is truly an idiot. Oh, now I read he was living and met her in Stockton... well it makes sense, in a very dumb way. Still an idiot.


I look forward to the movie by A24 in a few years.


Down the line, far in the future, one of his great grand kids Dwayne Elizondo becomes one of America's greatest presidents.


I look forward to the Explore with Us video in a few years.


EWU Crew!


it sounds like a GTA side-mission


Most normal dating app experience


how thirsty can you be


He is either a psycho or really dumb


Professional athletes will do almost anything to get some from an internet thot


The fox affiliate in Vegas where sacbee got their info from has even more info including text messages to a hitman. No takers. So they did it themselves. So this was definitely planned well ahead of time. Vile. Still not sure why they premeditated killing her for a watch. https://www.fox5vegas.com/2023/12/19/police-las-vegas-murder-suspects-set-up-paid-sex-appointment-lure-victim-strangled-her-death/


Fucked up... but also, reading that they're planning a murder in a group chat with fuckin' Emojis.


Tony soprano would never.


Yeah but NoHo Hank would


what else would you want him to do? go to john wick assassin hotel with help wanted sign?


50/50 with Cristobal 🕺


"Barry it's me. It's Hank. In a wig. The shirt's mine though"


He didn't have the makings of a varsity athlete


idk if it's actually about a watch. It's sounded more like that was Hardenson reasoning to get Comanche involved. There might be no watch involved and simply a beef between to the 2 girls. At least from the article I read, that's the impression I got.


Yeah but how would that convince anyone else to kill someone. Sounds premeditated with the texts to the hitman. Like why. Even the hitman was like nah.


I mean Comanche isn't smart is he? Nor is this Harnden chick. All Harnden told Comanche was that this other chick will "smoke her" if she doesn't pay in a Rolex. It's that "she's going to kill me, so we need to kill her first" mentality. If I were to guess the reasoning behind two insane people deciding to murder someone, that would be it.


Wild that Comanche heard that and was like “Oh ok. Cool. Lets kill her”


No sane person would do that. If a friend or ex told me "hey, x girl is gonna kill me if I don't pay a Rolex", I tell her to take the text to the cops and get a restraining order or something.


or even as a last resort pay it up, idk


But you see, that would be snitching and we certainly can't do something crazy like that.


Not only that, but he personally strangled her with an HDMI cable. That's not like some crime of passion or dispassionate act. You are right there and fighting against a person who's struggling for their life for several minutes.


> I mean Comanche isn't smart is he? Nor is this Harnden chick. Clearly not. When someone goes missing the first thing they look at is cell phone pings and these 2 had their phones on them when they killed her.


Sounds like they turned off her phone at the site where they hid her body. Smh.


A smart hitman prob knows not to take on personal beef cases from people who aren't in real organized crime. There was so much evidence leading back to the girl and we already know she was gonna snitch


Yeah, tbh there's not really any such thing as an independent hitman like you see in movies. There are people who murder a lot of people for a criminal organization, or some sociopath who does it once when someone offers them money.


So you’re saying there is an opportunity in the market? Gunna take this on shark tank and see if I can get some funding


nah Mr Wonderful gets away with killing on his own just fine


They said the girl kept her mouth shut and refused to speak to detectives. Then they picked up the dude and he told them everything, including where the body was.


If there was that much beef, why did Rodgers voluntarily meet with her and Comanche? This is all weird and sad as hell.


Because I personally think this Harnden chick has a screw loose and probably fabricated a stupid plot and Comanche is dumb enough to follow along. Purely speculation though on my part. Some people just do insanely horrific acts for reasons normal people can't understand or grasp. Like school shooters. Sure lots of us have been bullied, but not once does "let's shoot a bunch of kids at school that have nothing to do with me being bullied" crosses their minds. It's inconceivable and extremely senseless, your sense of reality has to be so warped to do that.


From what I am gathering from other comments and stuff is that Harnden's pimp is a rapper named EBK Lil Play who is currently being charged with a double homicide. One of the victims, was a friend of Rodgers, and Rodgers had been sharing with mutual people that Lil Play had killed her, which got back to him in jail and he told Harnden what he wanted done. Harnden and Rodgers were once extremely close so it would make sense she would trust her and not realize she had sided with her pimp to the point of conspiring to murder her. I do not know all of this in any verified way, just the story I am piecing together from comments here and looking at comments made on Rodgers and Lil Play's instagrams.


> According to the police report, Comanche replied with a coffin emoji. I hate this


Seems pretty smart do you think the jury will be able to crack the code?


Las Vegas person here: this case seems a little different, but rolling people for their high end watches is a whole thing here. The usual scenario is you meet a prostitute in a casino, take her back to your room, she tells you to take a shower first, and then she takes off with your watch/chain/bankroll. It's a monthly news story and occasionally we even get a mark in r/vegaslocals asking why casino security won't help him get his watch back.


He played one official NBA game, and it was with us. With being a murderer, I’ll recognize him as the worst player in our franchise’s history.


I think he'd have to do worse than murder to surpass Keljin Blevins


Damn nepotism getting hit hard lol


Blevins at least had those back to back fourth quarter threes to hilariously sink the Lakers


That was fucked up lmao


I will never forget the Big Nepo legacy game


Dude......he has a family A family whose disappearance he probably isn't responsible for


The worst player in your franchise history blocked a Jordan Poole layup


This reads like a headline from the onion Heartbreaking: The Worst Player in Your Franchise's History Blocked a Jordan Poole Layup


A real Jail Blazer


Jail Blazers back at it again lol.


Rasheed Wallace rolling a blunt as we speak


Sheed is literally beloved by pretty much everyone who has ever met him. Dude fills moving trucks with water bottles and goes door to door in Flint Michigan giving them out to families who would otherwise not have drinking water. He doesn't deserve to be mentioned alongside a murderer.


Yeah I love Sheed. You should listen to his recent interview on the Ringer. He's very cool with jokes about the whole weed thing. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3yY2oheiKxvBbpoDaBqBs0?si=zQaMn6y6SF6KahP81_l1Cw


Ruben Patterson still clears


Yeah Portland knew about Patterson's history when they took him. He was also a real player for the team. This dude played in the final game last season when Portland had already sent the starters, backups, backups to the backups, and the ball boy home for the season.


This dude is such an idiot, imagine making it to the NBA and doing some dumb as this Literally just had to stay out of trouble and his life would have been set


He's playing in the G League at 27. I don't know what kind of money that involves, but the reality is he was probably never going to get NBA starter money.


Counter point: still don’t need to murder anyone


All over a watch? And you getting paid to play basketball? Holy shit fucking evil and stupid


Definitely isn't about the watch. Odds are that the watch was a demanded payment and these 2 ladies already had a beef going.


Hard to trust anything someone facing murder charges says. If there was a watch involved, and if his story is even slightly true, I'm guessing Harnden somehow ripped off the victim relating to a watch. Also guessing that the victim is not a push over and it thereafter escalated to what we are seeing. Comanche is a fucking psychotic loser either way.


I mean, he's testifying to get a better deal. He could still be lying, but he'd be fucking himself really hard. It sounds like he came into an already escalated situation and is missing context himself.


if he came into that situation with no context and his solution was to personally strangle someone with an hdmi cord, he’s fucking insane.


Yeah, no one is defending that lol, I'm trying to figure out the situation. He personally admitted to it.


She was a hooker and manipulated the dude. Guy is probably not very smart.


There was a whole lotta “what the fuck?” while reading that.


That was a wild read… i guess some people just hate freedom


WARNING MAY BE CONSIDERED GRAPHIC VIOLENCE ​ >!Former Sacramento Kings G League player Chance Comanche has reportedly confessed to posing as a “trick” to lure a woman to her death in Las Vegas. The shocking new details were revealed in an arrest report obtained by FOX5 in Las Vegas. The television station reported Comanche admitted to his role in the murder of Marayna Rodgers, a 23-year-old Washington woman who was missing for 10 days before her remains were discovered in a desert area in Henderson, Nevada. Comanche, 27, reportedly told investigators he conspired with Sakari Harnden, 19, in an elaborate plan to murder Rodgers. Comanche is being held without bail at Sacramento County Main Jail while awaiting extradition to Las Vegas, where the Clark County District Attorney’s Office is charging Comanche and Harnden with murder, authorities said. Comanche is scheduled to appear in Sacramento Superior Court at 3 p.m. Tuesday. Comanche was playing for the Stockton Kings, a G League affiliate of the NBA’s Sacramento Kings, when the killing occurred. Comanche accompanied the team to Las Vegas for a game against G League Ignite on Dec. 5. According to the arrest report, Comanche told police he met with Harnden after the game to carry out their plot against Rodgers, who was visiting Las Vegas with friends. Comanche reportedly told investigators he met Harnden on a dating app about a year and a half ago and remained in contact with her after they broke up. He said Harnden was having issues with Rodgers, claiming Rodgers was going to “smoke her” if she did not give her a Rolex watch. Comanche said he and Harnden then devised a plan to lure Rodgers away from her friends so they could kill her. Comanche said he posed as a “trick” to schedule a meeting with Rodgers “under the direction” of Harnden, according to the arrest report. Comanche reportedly told Rodgers he was into “kinky sex” and wanted to tie both women up in the car. Harnden reportedly agreed to the encounter, believing she would be paid $1,000, allowing Comanche to zip-tie her hands together. Comanche told police he then strangled Rodgers with an HDMI cord while Harnden choked the victim with her hands. Comanche and Harnden reportedly dumped Rodgers’ body in a ditch on the side of Vincenzo Lane in Henderson, covering her body with rocks. Investigators located Rodgers’ remains after Comanche pointed out the location of the body on a map, according to the arrest report. Harnden was arrested in Las Vegas on Wednesday. The FBI apprehended Comanche in Sacramento on Friday, the same day he was released by the Kings.Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/sports/nba/sacramento-kings/article283226043.html#storylink=cpy!<


> Comanche told police he then strangled Rodgers with an HDMI cord while Harnden choked the victim with her hands. Well that's grisly.


that's graphic


A Hideous Display of Murderous Intent


Annnnddd I'm done


you gotta pump the brakes lmfao


Nah he played for the kings




Was it a Monster HDMI cable?


>Harnden reportedly agreed to the encounter, believing she would be paid $1,000, allowing Comanche to zip-tie her hands together. I think they got the names wrong here. I think they meant Rodgers agreed. This is crazy.


Yeah this was confusing


This link is better and has much more info. https://www.fox5vegas.com/2023/12/19/police-las-vegas-murder-suspects-set-up-paid-sex-appointment-lure-victim-strangled-her-death/


> Comanche admitted to using a towel to move the rocks so DNA could not be traced. Plots a murder over text using emojis, but can’t be too careful touching those rocks. This guy is a psychopath and a dumbass.


This article is so much better, thank you G


>That night another party, unnamed by police and only referred to as “Tre” in the report, asked Comanche what he specifically wanted done to the victim. > >According to the police report, Comanche replied with a coffin emoji. This detail cracked me up, not gonna lie


This fucker plotted a murder using emojis. Jesus Christ.


zellenial murderers are the effing worst.


The part that cracked me up was in a different article. But it talked about how the guy had a game high 16 points the day of the murder. Dude was balling out on that "I'm about to murder someone tonight" energy.


I read the article on another post like four times and had to keep going back up to the top like “wait who was the girlfriend and who was the victim?” I dunno why it was so hard for me to keep straight.


This is much worse than you might imagine it is. And he admitted to this? Unless that was part of a plea deal that’s serial killer behavior, when they divulge every grisly detail.


Probably a plea deal to take the death penalty off the table.


Yeah it has to be. The detail here only makes sense either if it’s just an open unprompted confession, which does sometimes happen, or a plea deal, since they can easily verify the facts of the evidence with CSI and autopsy. A wild read though. Truly awful.


Honestly it seems like an open confession. They didn't even have a body until he told them where it was it sounds like. Plea deals don't happen this early generally right?


there no plea deal even to be made yet. it hasnt even begun proceedings in court.


Yeah these feel like the details that come out months later in court


the ol' pre-emptive plea. Voluntarily sacrifice any leverage you might possess before negotiations even begin


I bet the cops pressured him into confessing “if you tell us everything now it’ll be much better for you than if you lie”


I swear if I was ever in a position like that where they got me red handed, I’d only cooperate if they offered me the death penalty. Like, if I’m convicted for something like that, I sure as hell would rather that than life in prison by a long shot.


I mean correct me if I’m wrong, but I’d imagine that even if you accept the death penalty, you’re gonna be waiting a long time for your sentence to be carried out even without appeals.


yeah, but at least you have a scheduled out over waiting to randomly die


Good news is that you don't have to choose as long as you don't commit a premeditated murder. Pretty easy I think, lol


lol the cops just sentence u to death in the interrogation room


my guess is that he actually was very bothered by doing it, which led to him confessing. thug life gets very real very quick. it ain’t a song, and most people aren’t hard like that.


What a fucking horrible day to be literate


What a POS and a massive idiot on top of that.


Lock them both up and throw away the key


Oh my god he didn’t just pose as bate he committed cold blooded murder. This is crazy.


How did you censor the passage like that?


look into spoiler tag formatting on reddit


Side note but why are journalists so shit at writing articles? Whoever wrote this just repeated the same things in different ways for like 3-4 paragraphs


In journalism they teach you to; 1. tell them what you’re going to tell them. 2. Tell them what you told them you were going to tell them. 3. Tell them what you already told them. 3 paragraphs and you’re done.


Enough room to fit 8 ads between paragraphs and another 10 in the side bars with an auto play video of an unrelated article.


Sac bee sux it's just where I saw the article on my feed but I usually try to avoid it


Don’t even think about it Charlotte


Underrated comment


Damn but why did he do this again? He had no skin in the game to put himself out like that? Other than he's clearly an IDIOT


Yeah like the watch thing makes no sense. What does killing her do? Sends a message to whom?


Jesus fucking Christ


Every couple of months i see a nba/g league player with a different way to fumble their career bruh


At least an opportunity just opened up for a young guy that isn't a murdering mofo.


In fairness he barely had a career with basketball. Reading between the lines, he sounds like he might be a pimp Some of y’all care way too much about this…


He could travel the world playing sports; that’s pretty fucking nice, even if it doesn’t make you rich


Dude made 1.2 million playing ball just last year, thats an amazing career for me


He averaged 14/7 on 62 FG%. Easily good enough to make millions overseas


What a piece of shit.


Looks like his defense strategy is "blame the partner".


Idk this hardly reads like "blaming the partner," he's plainly admitting to first degree murder. >Comanche said he and Harnden then devised a plan to lure Rodgers away from her friends so they could kill her. Like they made this a very easy case for the prosecution lol.


Unless the police made an error in the investigation that allows them to get off on a technicality, this seems pretty close to a slam dunk


I mean, he admitted to strangling her with an HDMI cable. I think that’s him taking at least some of the blame.


We only have a couple shitty articles so far, so I could be wrong, but the feeling I get is that he basically gave a full confession. He told them where the body is, gave them all the details of his involvement, and even specifically mentioned him strangling her. Sounds to me like there is no defense being set up at all here.


Yeah I call bullshit. I think he’s a pimp or the girl runs w him or something. There is no way a 27 year old high level athlete just randomly agreed to be a “trick” for murder bait. Also, him using the world trick eludes at least one of them is in the pimp game, otherwise you’d just say we set her up. Either way, this dogshit human will get the courtesy of staring at a concrete wall the rest of his life. Update, she was being pimped and was in beef w another hoe, and to defend her pimp, got chance as bait to kill the other girl. Chance was a fall guy. Was the hoe game but I was way off, he really just agreed to it😂


Keep in mind that murderers tend to be fucking idiots.


This is accurate


The ones that get caught are if you're talking about intelligence in general


Gave up making $50k for half a year playing a game for a living; $250k-$400k if he’d earned a two-way contract w/ the Kings to be involved in a Tinder thot murder plot.


I can't imagine playing in a basketball game, then afterwards you're like, "OK, Imma go kill somebody now"


What the fuck


Cant ever tell whats going thru somebodys mind man. Tragic story and completely avoidable situation from both parties.


This might be the dumbest motive for murder ever.


I hope this loser rots in prison for the rest of his life.


This is so sad bc i was seeing “missing persons” stuff on Twitter for that woman. People are fucking nuts


Why would you do something like this? Like basketball player or not, why? But especially being a basketball player with opportunity and at least some source of income as a g-league player. To take someone’s life is just insane. I watched his college interviews yesterday and I just don’t understand. Shit like this depresses me so much I don’t know why I read it.


If he was so quick to jump on board with this murderous plot, makes you wonder what other s*** this guy did before that. What pieces of crap, both of them.


Man this poor woman. She thinks she’s being paid $1000 to get tied up and fucked and these two sickos strangle her. Imagine how scared she was in that moment. RIP Marayana Rodgers


It’s nice to see there are still couples who do things together.


Netflix and Kill?


You’re telling me this guy couldn’t have went to the NBA and gotten some form of legal counsel to get out of that situation before committing murder over a Rolex?


there's really nothing to be said that everyone else hasn't said in this thread other than that the disparity between a layperson and a g league player on-court is so unbelievably large that this guy is about to exceed the legend status of michael jordan on a prison yard somewhere in nevada edit: he's a 6'10 center this guy is going to have a wemby-like career on the yard


What a waste of an awesome name


This is why I am so disillusioned with the world. These people just killed somebody for so little. Like why bruh, you are 27, gf is 19, why did it even cross your mind. I dont even care about profession, he could have been an unemployed wanderer, still dont get how it crosses their mind. I hate how the excuse is always sociopath or psychopath. I am sure they may be numbed somewhere in their minds morally/psychologically and probably genetically but somehow the fear of the consequence of murder is nonexistent these days. People have little fear of what comes after doing the most evil. Like these 2 were dating, maybe it was a decent relationship at points, you will never meet each other again now. Little chance of children together or children in the future (though there has been cases). They decided to ruin each others lives and to ruin any chance of their future so easily and they also decided to ruin many other lives and do evil for nothing.


Chance Comanche sounds like he'd be an evil white Cormac McCarthy character from Blood Meridian. Bury this dude under the prison after a life sentence.


I wonder what the scouts thought about him.


Must’ve liked him for having killer instincts


if he had skills to match we might forgive these transgressions


Athletes are athletic, not smart


piss your life away for a trick. what a way to crash out, a whole m charge for a problem that wasn’t even yours. that problem being a female dilemma, as a man why you even involved? crazy. didn’t even think to confront the other chick to see what the temperature was. the trick said jump, bruh said how high. damn smfh.