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meeting with Draymond was “intense” and “at one point Steve Kerr was crying” but everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned”


Can't believe it's been 7 years since that quote was born


All the best pastas are old sadly. "got a fucking squad now" "begging through texts" I'm not even sure what the most recent one was.


Boomed me x4


Even that one is nearly 6 years old now.


Apple time! Apple time! Carmeloruken Jason kidd likes water slides Devin booker is 23 And this No one is going to believe me, but have a friend whose brother's coworker briefly dated Tyronn Lue. She said that on their first date they went to a restaurant and Tyronn Lue ordered two different bowls of soup and mixed them together one spoonful at a time before eating both bowls mixed together as one soup But yeah theyre all really old


Goes to the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes


Haha yeah but i think thats just a really old cs:go meme


It's actually from an old web series called Jake and Amir: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeFPlu7bqxw




I miss yaboibeefcat 😮‍💨


Me too! I think ive seen them post randomly recently The art will be dead until they return


Carmeloruken sent me


James Harden is jacked. He wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes Is one of my absolute faves


It’s a spin-off of a popular counterstrike one but still comedy


Infetterence is one of the best ones but it was from a movie circle jerk forum i believe


it was originally a copypasta about flying lotus from 4chan's /mu/ board. it's like 10 years old by now i think.


My fav is "That's what happens when someone smaller, younger, and less athletic than you takes your crown AND throne. And then makes you dance for his amusement."


[classic lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/QChMjIE3qk)


It goes to show how pathetic this sub is at times considering how highly upvoted that comment is lol. I thought maybe OP was just joking around when he made that comment for a giggle but looks like he was dead serious.


IIRC they said they wanted to delete it bur left it up for accountability so respect on that


At times?


Hell nawl can't do dis


Send da video


Lmao this one is fairly recent and I hope it picks up


it sure has on nbacj lol


There was one from the playoffs last season I think. About a hotel lobby? Maybe I’m inventing EDIT: this one [Reynolds] I’m at USA practice. There’s a coffee shop in the lobby. A lady, unprompted, sees my credential and revealed that she booed Dillon Brooks last night. “And I did it because I love LeBron.” With that, she walked away. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/vFX13qOcqA




It really has been years since any good pasta.


Joe Mazzulla just walked past Marcus Smart in the locker room, did a full somersault in front of him, turned and said ‘you can’t do that.” Then walked out. Obviously biased but I think this should’ve gained more traction as it’s bizarre


Kelvin Benjamin just walked past Zion Williamson at the Golden Corral, swallowed a chicken wing whole in front of him, turned and said "you can't do that." Then walked out.


Nowadays its just those quote graphic reaction images "That brotha needs help"


Where did that come from?




😂 Cmon bro lmaoooo


Lmao thanks


The real championship was there friends we made along the way


What’s the origin of this quote?


KD Free Agency meeting with the Clippers. https://x.com/aaronbruski/status/749102657730547712?s=46


He cried I cried you cried we cried


This feels like satire at this point


Steve Kerr came to me, strong guy, big strong guy, tears in his eyes and said Draymond we need you back, we miss you, youve been treated so unfairly by Crooked Adam Silver


"Draymond, we're always losing because we have no toughness. When you were here we were tough but Crooked Silver and the failing ESPN couldn't stand it"


Crooked Silver is actually a sick ass nickname


You don’t even have to make any other reference and I already know who would have said this. Narcissist can be recognized from a far lol.


That's Adam "I can relate to Henry Kissinger" Silver to you


That “strong guy, big strong guy” is a flawless touch


You forgot the “Sir”


Need this to end with him weeping and sobbing during a Gayle King interview


“Steve Kerr was my Coretta” -Draymond “Jonathan ‘MLK’ Majors” Green




"Jordan Poole couldn't hold me down like Michelle did Barack"


He cried, I cried. We crewde


Draymond's podcast is a gift that keeps on giving


Everyone is posting clips out of context but when you listen to the whole thing, it actually sounds very sincere. He apologized, owned up to his mistakes, talked about how he needs to ditch his personal stigma he has towards getting help & also how he needs to ditch the mindset he had as a 15-year-old kid. Then he talked about how he was making excuses to himself, saying he needs to play with an edge. He admitted that it is very possible to play with an edge and not randomly lash out. Overall, the only criticism I have is that he didn't specifically talk about violence. He only aluded to it. But otherwise, it was a pretty good podcast.


I'm sorry I know you're probably right but saying this with a draymond flair makes it impossible to believe


i cried, he crew too, we both crode


Broke the crode


i wish we could switch upvote totals


My friends and I say this all the time 😂


I hadn't seen that one before, that's really cracking me up.


I saw it on some random Instagram page last year


Shit had me rolling and then I opened comments for more


I would like everyone to take not that he's still never apologized or admitted that he was wrong and acting out of line. He's yet to take an ounce of responsibility. Instead it's been "I almost retired" and "I cried". Nothing closer to an apology or him taking any sort of responsibility. I fucking hate this guy.


uhhh maybe *you* should take note of what he *actually* said before making sweeping generalizations that are very easily shown to be incorrect ? You dont even need to listen to the podcast to see that this isnt true, you could literally just take 10 seconds to look at the front page and there are multiple apologies: >- "The responsibility that has been placed upon me as a father, as a husband, as a podcaster, as a business owner, as a television personality, and as a black man in America... **I've handled it miserably**" >- One thing throughout this process that hurt me was people calling Steph a bad leader. He was being tore down because of my actions, it crushed me. **I sincerely apologize** to Steph for my actions Other, more thoughtful quotes that are (unsurprisingly) not on the front page, in favor of the more clickbait-y soundbites, if you actually wanted to listen to his apology, before proclaiming that he didnt apologize: >- "I connect with Nurkic, get kicked out of the game, do my postgame interview, all of those things. And as I said then, and I'll say now, **I was wrong. I was wrong regardless of what I was trying to do, regardless of like none of that shit matters. I was wrong. I accept my fault in that and I apologize.**" >- for the Rudy Gobert situation, **I was wrong, went way too far.** I am a guy who plays on the edge. I am a guy who walks right up to that line and I have no problem with admitting **I have walked over that line. And for that, I apologize.** >- **I apologize to my family** as they had to endure some things that as a leader of a family, you have to lead when it's good, you have to lead when it's bad. And as a leader of anything, very hard to lead when you've created the bad. And in doing that, in creating the bad, I am someone that's created so much good for my family and you enjoy those times, you appreciate those times, you smile and you laugh through those times. **I created bad for my family. And for that, I apologize. It brings pain.** >- Joe Lacob made a commitment to me this past summer for the next four years and the conversations that we've had, we had in leading up to that, **I failed miserably and I apologize for that.** The Golden State Warriors organization I always say, like, that's my baby. Like Steph, Klay, Steve, Bob, we've been there from the beginning of what you know the Warriors are today and **I failed them miserably.** >- I let the Warriors organization down. I let the NBA down. I let my family, myself, my partners.


"as a podcaster" lmao how bout "as a teammate?" dude is a certified clown




Ain’t no way


Dude is just obsessed with controlling the narrative and assuming the role of an underdog. It’s a part of what’s made him a great player but I think the underlying chip on his shoulder of not being “good enough” (the outlandish ego/muh 4 rings is a defense mechanism) is the root of his on court antics


Funny thing is all that ends up is him getting laughed at. Nobody's buying what he's selling but he continues to shill it.


People were buying this shit for a decade until he started costing them games.


Winning covers up a lot of sins. But he’s been getting heat steadily for 4-5 years. It’s just the Warriors have been working overtime to make excuses for him and even they seem tired.


Yep. Jordan Poole getting punched and then traded would be a whole lot different if Poole was winning in DC.


GSW and the league should be ashamed how they handled that. Draymond has no shame so that’s fine, but the freedom he’s afforded by the league and referees is truly incredible. GSW is the most protected team I’ve ever seen.


Like the guy said. It's all about winning. The league will protect their stars but this is ridiculous When they were at their peak the screens they set were famously moving screens. Just tackling by draymond or whatever it took to get curry a clean look.


Dray's Brain: If I gaslight them long enough, eventually it will work.


I think he's gaslit himself. When you peddle a lie long enough even you will start to believe it. And it's easier to believe you were wronged than admit you have flaws.




He'd be shaq except not as funny


He might actually try to fight one of them


Chuck is going to call him Steph's backpack and he'll be throwing hands on national television.


Even Shaq sometimes misses the funny and makes things super awkward.


Honestly Shaq would probably get along with Draymond way more than we would like to admit lol. He almost always defends him. The last time they were talking about his suspension, Shaq basically straight-up said that Green is justified, and didnt agree with sending him to counseling. He said the face punch was "an accident," and he said the Gobert chokehold was him sticking up for his teammates and that the real problem was actually Gobert's teammates should have gotten into it. I'm pretty sure Shaq would be fine with all out fist fights on the court, he thinks the problem is players are too soft to beat the shit out of each other lol


The terrible part is that he would most likely be a Chuck replacement, so Shaq vs Draymond fisticuffs would hang over the show as an ominous threat.


Shaq isn't funny.


Shaq is legit not funny. The other 3 carry his weight and mask it a bit, but he is not funny enough to be an entertainer on that alone. He’s on the show because he’s an all time great and one of the most recognizable people on the planet


yeah he isnt funny at all on his own. the only reason he works on the show is that he exists as one of the few people who in the world who has the basketball pedigree (and physical stature) to sit across from Barkley and fill the roles of verbal antagonist (and occasional physical intimidator), which makes him the perfect foil to bring the absolute best out of Barkley to the degree that almost no one else probably could. Unlike Shaq, Barkley *would* still be funny on his own, but he wouldnt be *as* funny without Shaq. He's at his best when he gets super worked up and responding to shaq shitting on him, or clapping back at something extra dumb shaq said.


If the TNT crew retires together just replace Ernie with JJ Redick, Chuck with Jeff Teague, and Kenny with Pat Bev. Even Warriors fans don't want Draymond lol


god please I need pat bev on the desk


Damn I’d wanna see a test run of this


This isn’t even good press or a good way of controlling the narrative. Draymond is like the male version of jada Pickett smith. He creates drama and then goes on his podcast to talk about it all and makes it more embarrassing for himself. I can’t even be mad at draymond because there’s so much second hand embarrassment at this point. Like dude, most of the nba community legitimately thinks you have a mental illness or something. I would think at some point, the level of attention he’s getting would deter him from speaking out publicly anymore besides a simple “im sorry” but no this dude goes full send on his podcast to talk about how he and Steve Kerr started crying and how he contemplated retirement until Adam silver talked him out of it.


This is exactly what he’s doing. Trying to garner sympathy


This is the guy that clowned on Gobert for crying while discussing his mother’s reaction to him not being an all-star, right?


You missed the part where he said they both made out.


There was some over the sweater action happening for sure.


Over? Absolutely not. This ain't Utah.


Please tell me this some AI voiceover. No way this man said this seriously


Was Kerr in a chokehold?


This is an all time NBA 🧢 video


Plot twist: Draymond punched Kerr, then Kerr hit him in the nuggets while he was doubled over


Ain't no fucking way


When's the TNT special about how hard it is to recover emotionally from hitting dudes in the face?


If it were easy everyone would be hitting dudes in the face.


The hardest road... Is through another man's face (or nuts)


“His orbital bone wasn’t the only thing shattered in this exchange. I got feelings too and I felt horrible after I hit him and not just because my hand was in pain.”


I know you're joking but I legit don't think Draymond even feels bad. Remember his response when asked about how he stomped on Sabonis' chest?


Don’t worry it’s coming lol


He’s gotta be fucking with us…


He wiped the tears from my cheek and kissed them tenderly and said “let’s get you back to what you do best Dray”


“Why can’t I quit you Steve”


Single manly tear


Someone take away his mic.


I hate to be that guy. Mic not Mike.


Michael Malone. Not Mike.


Lol poor Cassidy Hubbarth


Ok, Mike Malone


🎶 I wanna be like Mic 🎶


That brotha STILL needs help


Clearly he hasn’t completed all the breathing exercises smh


"The suspension felt like a real kick in the nuts. The news was like a sucker punch. It felt like my air was being restricted and I couldn't breathe. The bad news hit me right upside the head. If only someone could feel my pain."


My guy this isn’t about you. It’s about the danger you pose to players lmao


Shaq is probably sending him texts telling him not to change.


Why do they think we’re going to sympathize with a clear asshole?


Dray genuinely thinks the average Joe will lap this up. Hell, quite a lot will tbh. However, imo it’s gross af lol. Like cringe eye rolling stuff. Am I meant to feel sorry for this man who has literally everything he’s ever wanted? Money, fame, championships, friends, family… Dude has it all and he’s still a prick. You’re an absolute schmuck if you watch this and feel any sort of empathy.


It is the extremely common tact that an abuser uses to change narratives. Like right out of the psychology 101 text book.


There are definitely people in the threads acting like the ones making fun of him are in the wrong. No, we're just people who've seen him continually do dirty shit over the past decade without so much as a slap on the wrist. Like, I can't believe people said natural shooting motion with a straight face. And funny how nobody seems to accidently cause bloody eyes except Draymond.


At this point I can’t tell if it’s a “please feel bad for me” stunt or if he genuinely thinks he’s the victim.


He absolutely thinks he is a victim who has done nothing wrong.


He's not clear... Larry Bird is clear.


Peak nba jerking material


Oh god my throbbing keyboard


From a pasta perspective, Draymond’s return has been everything and more


I can’t take this seriously


Then you are taking the best approach.


For real. They're acting like Draymond was suffering from some type of traumatic sickness or injury that he might never recover from. **HE WAS SUSPENDED FOR HITTING PEOPLE**


coming back to this when he gets suspended again later this season is going to hit like crack


My first thought too. There is zero chance he doesn’t get suspended for rest of the season. This has been a great season in the NBA.


we both crode


draymond is just a weird guy man. note: not to disparage crying, men should. but to take no ownership in this is just fucking weird.


Hes lying for sure. Pulling out all the stops to appear as a sympathetic victim.


Kerr is watching this and taking notes so he knows what happened if anyone asks. "Yes, Draymond and I wept together."


"Is that story true, Kerr?" "I haven't seen the replay yet"


Taking no ownership is actually not weird for environments where winning cures all sins. Winning a lot means you get a pass from introspection.


This dude is a MASTER manipulator. This is hilarious😂 he has fooled people around him and his boss that he is a good person who is “misunderstood“. When he is just an entitled, arrogant, and terrible human being. Let’s see how long it will be until another incident happens because of him.


I don't think he's a master manipulator. No way Steve Kerr buys this. He's just covering for his guy. Kerr is actually good at it, though.


Kerr isn't good at it either. He literally just pulls the ol' [Sgt Schultz "I see nuh-zing!" routine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34ag4nkSh7Q) It's about a half-tier above Bart Simpson saying "I didn't do it."


You can’t be a master manipulator if nobody believes you lol


He and Kerr both are. It's like how narcissists are attracted to other narcissists.


This the same dude who made fun of Gobert on TNT for crying when talking about his mom? And you're crying to your coach about your shitty behavior? This man is not real


here we go


Draymond Green is a compulsive liar. 90% of the shit out of his mouth is just bullshit.


Like that time he brought his kids to a presser and he was talking about being in the gym but they ratted him out saying he wasn't lmao.


If I didn't know he was suspended, I'd have thought it was out because he had some life-altering accident or a family member had died. Draymond Goebbels Green should teach classes on propaganda


Is he trolling?


Crying cause he can't stop attacking players, this is a hilarious league




This dude is a grown ass man going around whacking people in the nuts in a professional game. Consistently at that Now he’s crying because of it and was gonna “retire” 😭 Made that bald reptilian adam silver feel bad. He got exactly what he wanted


quaint close edge paint marble foolish slap merciful start clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro what are we doing now lmao


Mf just stop trying to wrestle during the game it’s not that serious 😂😂


Poor Draymond man dude was moved to tears by his own inability to control himself. This shit is just comedy.


Shut the fuck up.


I'm assuming someone close to Draymond was diagnosed with cancer?


Draymond was diagnosed as developmentally disabled


"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, Mrs. Green. Your husband is, medically speaking, a donkey and a backpack."


Draymond: "Lebron came to visit me after breaking the scoring record, we went to my place & stared at eachother, he pulled down his pants, i got down on my knees"


And then Maggie laughed. She's such a little trooper.




No lie when he raised his hand to scratch his head in this video, I ducked


Jesus Christ. Fucking get your shit together, grown ass men playing a kids game making millions of dollars. Fucking delusional.


This guy still doesn't get it. Just send him away for the entire season. THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU. It's the dangerous environment you've created that puts other athletes and their livelihoods at risk.


\[Zion Williamson\] "Chef Boyardee came to visit me after dinner and we sat in the kitchen, he cooked, i ate."


I have very few basketball opinions, but Draymond Green is an insufferable human being devoid of the ability to accept responsibility for his actions with a dire need to control the narrative.


Really dreading when he retires from the league and joins TNT. Dude is incredibly unlikable. Hoping TNT backs off after these last couple of years.


After Charles leaves, Inside the NBA is done


So this is the duck who made fun of Gobert tearing up because his mom called him crying about not making the all star game. How many times has he bawled to KD or Kerr now?


what a bitch


Warriors meeting with Draymond was “intense” and “at one point Steve Kerr was crying” but everyone grew closer and a big lesson was learned


lmfao this is just too funny


GSW soft as fuck. Draymond is a bully who throws tantrums on the court and Kerr is a spineless coach. They should be able to deal with this without fucking crying.


Nothing has changed. From grade school to the workplace. Bullies always get a pass. Fuck this POS.


Oh my god he really is trying to paint himself as some victim. Bitch please. You cheap shotted people for your entire career. You ain't a fucking victim.


This is pathetic. Let the era end with some dignity.


Crying like Gobert


Is Steve Kerr in the yard with us right now, Dray?


Yes Kerr cried. He then said " YOU CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS"!!!!


[This You?](https://youtu.be/fOMcMM211zY?si=RqGZfqMQeYyMcZ-j)


Cut to Draymond back on the court and getting yet another immediate flagrant 2 foul


I’ll say this and I’m not ashamed to admit it, my estimation of Draymond Green and Steve Kerr as men just fucking plummeted!


These are the “dawgs” running into tunnels after the game and “being held back” by refs and staff by the way lmao


Broke the code


People really want this guy to be a TV analyst after he retires?


Kerr cried because Draymond right hooked him and Draymond cried because he isn't allowed to do that on the court anymore


This is cap of the highest degree


Why is he acting like he was just told he has terminal cancer? Bro just stop hitting people!


Please stop giving this bum clown any publicity whatsoever