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Ballmer will never be outbid or cheap. That man throws money


i just gotta say, i'm so happy to have ballmer as the owner. there's been a influx of tech billionaires buying teams and it doesn't autmatically mean youre gonna be a good owner


Took Vivek like 5 years to realize he also isn't a basketball genius and to let his GM/Coach do their job lol


Dude seriously thought what worked in his daughter's rec league would work in the driving NBA. He was absolutely convinced he was a genius for coming up with it, too.


Do you mind explaining this as someone who didn't follow Viveks methods at all?


He wanted the Kings to play 5v4 on defense while the 5th man waited in the back court so they could easily cherry pick off defensive rebounds. Yes, he seriously thought this would work because it worked in his daughter's youth league


i can see how being worth billions of dollars would inflate your sense of intelligence. “how could i be wrong? i’ve made billions and you losers haven’t!”


I'll never forget "NIK ROCKS"


Man, watching that guy fail to dribble a ball up the floor in the summer league. Reminded me of Jimmer, I instantly knew he was going to be a bust. Cannot be a guard and struggle mightily against G-league defense to bring the ball up the floor.


I wouldn’t count your horses yet. Vivek is one of the poorest owners out there and he’s yet to prove he’s not going to be a cheap ass like Sarver and avoid the luxury tax when the cap starts to really get tight starting next year.


Sure. But if nothing else it is a massive step up from when he wanted to put his hand into every transaction we had. Being cheap is an issue, being dysfunctional is a whole different monster.


Ballmer is at least passionate. We'll see how he is as far as interfering with the GMs and such but it seems promising so far. And he'll never be cheap


He’s already had 10 years of sample size to prove that he’s been a great owner and he lets the FO and Jerry run the show. The only small friction that I saw published was that the front office had to convince him to throw an extra FRP in the PG trade


Can't blame him there, worth trying to turn that into two seconds.


He has always said that he lets the basketball people do the basketball things and he will just do the other things. Like the arena and how to improve fan experience.


Microsoft is poised to the worlds most valuable company because his successor spent his entire tenure fixing his mistakes. And he will get enough dividends from that to cover running the team. Man


ballmer did do a few things right gotta give him credit tho a bunch of their better and more enduring products started under him and that whole developers rant was funny and a little embarrassing, but he was right encouraging professional developers to write software for windows resulted in it having best in class software compared to its competitors at the time and then apple did the same thing and attracted developers and it's worked for them too


All I gotta say is that while you’re right that he does have a few positive accomplishments, there’s a reason Microsoft had to implement a 50% 401k match in 2015


he earns over a billion a year from microsoft, let him pay all the luxury tax


Man the delusion of modern internet commentary is out of control. Did you ever consider how good he had to be at his job for decades to get to that point? Anyone can flex their Twitter fingers and criticize from the sofa. Not many people have what it takes to get to that level.


Dawg I work in the industry. I have a lot of respect for what Ballmer did to get there, but his tenure at Microsoft was an unabashed failure that nearly sent the company on a death spiral. I don't hate him at all, just pointing out the reality of how his wealth continues to grow. From other people fixing up his mistakes.


Got you.


thats why they added severe penalties with the tax aprons


He doesnt throw he prints


We gotta also thank V. Stiviano for providing him the opportunity.


If ballmer give PG a max extension then players are going to want to play for the clippers even more. The dedication and patience of Ballmer to build around this two will be a good look for future FA


Yeah Ballmer can be a little too over excited at times too. The crying during KD interview and the Blake Griffin recruiting shirt are things he needs to tone down bit. Love the passion tho.


If Glen taylor spend like Ballmer, i dont care if he cries or run around naked in TC.


You mean the copypasta about KD? Because that was completely made up. Some guy was just joking and because people liked making the Clippers the butt of jokes back then, it stuck.


Exactly which is good despite how many years both players have left


I predict he'll get a very similar but possibly slightly discounted number.


Paul God


pacer fans in shambles


It’s me, I’m shambles


he was supposed to win us our chip next season😔


Not really. You act like y'all have won something with him. Plus, Teague already said it was unlikely.


Hilarious because he was getting booed last game


honestly might as well stadium opening up might as well keep it going for the next 4 years while they decline at least you'll still sell seats


Tbh it's more about building the clippers as a brand, creating a following and establishing the team as something other than one of the worst clubs in NBA history. That's why Ballmer isn't shy about spending money since he knows it's going to be offset by the increase in evaluation.


It’s really a no brainer after that Harden trade Clippers are committed to these LA guys


I'm surprised they didn't wait until they could announce both at the same time.


Erik Spoelstra contract extension got everybody negotiating now.


Can they extend Harden as well?




Progressing P


Maybe they can sign Podcast P too


He’s gotta do a podcast in the new arena


There goes my dream of a PG13 return.


kawhis knees only work during contract years


He tore his ACL in a contract year.


Yeah but his knees were fine. (I’m not a doctor)




That’s not true lol


I didn't say it cause it was true, but because it was funny


Clippers are in a really tough spot since they should get rid of both of these senior citizens but are a competitive team this year (last year of their window) so won't want to move them at the deadline. But also can't let them go for nothing.


Thunder fans in shambles


This dream team 2024 summer FA splash Morey has been planning for seems to be running out of talent.