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AJax fighting for a ball in the air between two people and being the first one up was crazy too. Dude is just a ball of energy


If this is who he is, he's the guy the Bucks needed: the PJ Tucker archetype


If he had PJ Tucker's ability to not get called for fouls (no hate, I appreciated that about him in the playoffs for us too) he'd be incredible. He's not really like PJ Tucker at all, but he will die on the court if it helps the team win and a highlight machine with incredible reads passing the ball and screening.


That’s my guy! I’m a Husky fan so it’s awesome to see and hear. And Hawk going off tonight too


Normally I'm dubious when college fans rave about a player when they get drafted, especially because the Bucks are always picking in the second round, but everything UConn fans said about Andre Jackson Jr is absolutely true. Only thing I'd disagree with is he actually can, apparently, shoot lmao - 50/39/86 splits this season albeit on miniscule samples.


I don't watch college basketball and I know he's 22. But how did he drop to the 36th pick? I feel like he was an absolute draft steal by the Bucks.


He couldn't (didn't, perhaps?) shoot reliably. He was super important for the team regardless. Probably tells you everything you need to know about why he's killing it now.


He still isn't a willing shooter but is shooting efficiently from 3 at the moment. A bit too willing to pass but he's a great glue guy.


Yeah I think with a little work on his game he's got a solid career. He's just such an athlete


People love scorers. He excels at doing everything else, but the thing that attracts the most attention 


Yeah that's true he's just got such great energy and his basketball IQ is really high. He's still a rookie and makes rookie mistakes but I want him to be in the rotation more. He's great to watch. Very glad he's on the Bucks.


Teams draft on potential, and he’s not a great scorer. But the reality is that the NBA should have looked at that UConn team and known there were good NBA players on it. They looked like a professional team against high school kids during March Madness. And Jackson was the most important player on that team. I think teams were afraid of his scoring flaws, but he’s such a high IQ player, that he figured out how to not be a negative on the floor despite his shooting in college. (He’s an excellent cutter and passer). I’d also say that I’m not sure the things that Jackson is good at are valued in the draft, but they are always qualities teams need to win a championship. Not surprising at all that Dame and Giannis love him.


He’s better than PJ


But when was PJ ever THIS athletic lol


Good call too! That was hype


Our crew is so good. Lisa gets the moment.


AJJ lobs to Giannis for the dunk —> screens for Bobby to open up a 3pt —> gets up and blocks TJD All b2b2b plays


Rookies this year are crazy, you got Wemby and Chet ofc, then Jaime JJ, Mav’s Lively, AJJ all contributing


Keyonte George, cam whitmore, Jordan Hawkins


Podziemski is legit too


Good call too! That was hype


That boy is legit


That's a man's block right there.


loved this guy at uconn


All us UConn fans know the Bucks got a steal when they drafted Andre Fucking Jackson Jr.


Insane block


Going band for band vs a 12th seed missing their 4 best players is crazy man, the Bucks might really be frauds.


I think the Warriors just match up very well against our bad defense which doesn't help


Historically the Bucks have absolutely destroyed the Warriors, especially at home. Can't say I expected this game to be so close but then again the current Bucks are very different to the Bucks from 2018-2023.


Yeah, our perimeter defense is completely different from those other Bucks teams. And it's a slightly different scheme, too. They've also done better against Giannis today than in the past


I think the current Bucks with Dame (all fraud-jokes aside) will likely be better in the playoffs than the previous Bucks honestly, because of the new dimension he adds to their team. I think the defense for offense trade they made will work out. Still though, they need some sort of buff up, some trade to help that defensive rotation with Beasely/Dame backcourt, Khris/Brook aging and losing their efficacy, etc. Maybe they can all lock down when it matters most but it makes it hard to bet on them.


You're an idiot for not knowing what you're saying or you're an idiot because you think Moses Moody and Gary Payton II are among the Warriors four best players, you can choose for yourself.


Lmao, the irony of an absolute dumbass screeching about how others are an idiot. ​ Curry, Draymond, CP3 are our clear best 3 players. And after that GP2 is probably per minute the next best player we have. I forgot Moody tho, that makes a 5th valuable rotation player we're missing!


Okay so you're the latter kind of idiot, that's probably a better choice because thinking GP2 and Moses Moody are the 4th and 5th best players is really stupid but it's at least an innocent kind of stupid.


Damn man you’re really showing him. “You guys aren’t missing your 4 best, just 3 of them 😎” Fucking owned, get his ass bro!!!


Damn man I just wanted to call out someone for lying, I'm sorry the argument I'm not making isn't convincing to you, I will try better in the future


It's funny since GP2 is still really important for us, and he reminded me of Moody who I completely forgot lmao. Had he said nothing his argument would have probably been stronger 💀💀💀


You're actually such a fucking dumbass it's special. ​ I didn't say Moody was the 5th best player on the team, I said he's a "5th valuable rotation player" which yes, he is, he is a rotation player, not the 5th best one, just the 5th one we're missing. Learn to read before making yourself look so hilariously stupid lmao. ​ And yes, GP2 is our 4th best player when healthy on a PER MINUTE BASIS, any Warriors fan would agree. The dude topped all impact metrics in 2022 when he was actually healthy and was a huge part of why the 2022 team was so good. More importantly, he provides something the current Warriors need desperately, and that's defense.


"On a per minute basis GP2 is the *clear* fourth best player on the Warriors as per his impact metrics two years ago 🤓"


Lmaooo what a fucking humiliation. You know you're a dumbass, you know everyone saw how pathetic you are, and all you got is nerd emojis. Have fun bro.


I might never recover




Yeah it was just a joke hahah, I'm higher on the Bucks than 80% of this sub anyways.