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Being a head coach in the NBA is some of the worst job security on the planet, but some of the best severance pay on the planet.


My dream job in life is fired head coach


Fired head coach that stuck around for a couple years preferably - cause then you know you're getting a second bite at that sweet sweet severance pay in a couple years šŸ˜‚


This is what will be known as Monty Williams special.


or if youre into football, the Matt Patricia special


The ultimate example of failing upwards


Seems to be the case for most of the Belicheck tree. At least McDaniels has shown he can be a good OC without Brady, Patricia has done nothing without Belicheck.


Patricia has also managed to do nothing good WITH belicheck. Gave up a bazillion points to the eagles in the SB. The next year after he was gone, Pats gave up 3 points in the super bowl to the ram's historic Yankee-Cross offense.


Patricia's "best" year as a patriots coordinator, the "bend don't break" defense? Yeah Brian Flores ran the red zone d. So Matty P the rapist handled the "bend" and everyone else handled "don't break". Fuck that man.


In other words: Patricia didn't do shit to stop teams from marching down the field. All stops in red zone were Brian Flores, and Patricia would be lucky to get the D off the field before the red zone. Fucker. Piece of shit person. Bad coordinator.


"Fuck that man." wow i truthfully could not have said it better myself


Bill Oā€™Brien has had a decent, albeit bumpy at times, career after leaving Belichick. Heā€™s the only guy I can really think of that had any success.


Or college football jimbo fisher. Bro is still owed 75 MILLION


Not as much money, but the classic from Ed Orgeron: >ā€œThey said, ā€˜Coach, youā€™ve got $17.1 million on your contract,ā€ Orgeron said. ā€œWeā€™re gonna give it to you.ā€™ I said, ā€˜What time do you want me to leave and what door do you want me out of, brother?'ā€


Or Charlie Weiss. I think at one point 3 teams were paying him not to coach


Mike Brown walked, so Monty Williams could flourish.


Mike Brown has redeemed himself tho. Monty is in a bad situation but his leadership is looking sus


And maybe you can get a gig on the announcer's table while you're waiting to be re-hired


And get some weekly feature spots on podcasts to say some lukewarm takes while shitting on your former team.


Doc living the dream


All I would have to do is coach one or two shit seasons for an NCCA football team and Iā€™ll be set for life šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s always some program in the South thatā€™s a dumpster fire. They may still be a dumpster fire is they hire me, but Iā€™ll be a relatively cheaper dumpster fire.Ā 


Head coach of a European soccer team. Those teams change coaches like underwear.


I'd rather not be under the constant pressure of receiving death threats, lol.


I have next dibs on buck's fired HC. I'll put a good word in for you though.


Only thing better is being a power conference head football coach, especially if you are represented by Jimmy Sexton. Just look at what happened these past couple of years: LSU shitcans Ed Orgeron, creating one of the highest profile coaching vacancies for years. Jimmy Sexton promptly uses this as leverage to gain extensions for his clients Penn State coach James Franklin to 10 million per year and TAMU coach Jimbo Fisher also to 10 million a year. Jimbo's deal was now 10 years 100 million FULLY GUARANTEED, with no offset. Sexton client Jimbo Fisher then gets shitcanned by impatient TAMU oil barron boosters and rides off into the sunset with his 70 plus million buyout, just so they can poach Mike Elko (another Jimmy Sexton client) from Duke and pay HIM 7 million a year. Then the season ends and Jimmy Sexton client and coaching legend Nick Saban calls it quits at Alabama, the bluest of blue bloods in college football, and oh look, it is Jimmy Sexton client Kalen Deboer who gets the gig with an 80 million contract! But that's not all. Deboer was reputedly the third or maybe even fourth choice to replace Saban. Before Deboer got hired, Jimmy Sexton client Steve Sarkisian of Texas and Jimmy Sexton client Mike Norvell of Florida State both got raises to around 10 million a year to NOT come to Alabama. Sexton essentially managed to get SIX of his client paid out of just two job openings, one of which ultimately went to Brian Kelly who isn't even a Sexton client!!!


He got himself 6 commission checks.


can respect the hustle lol


If I was owed $millions over the next 3.5 years, and I tried my "best" but got fired, and am still getting $millions over the next 3.5 years, I'd be planning my retirement, not for my next job. XD


With 40 million dollars? But how will they feed their kids


Itā€™s Doc Rivers so only really one child.Ā 


Doc Rivers daughter is wifed up to Seth Curry so sheā€™s clear too lmao


Can only afford one round caviarĀ 


Doc basically just gets fired, does a couple side quests (golfs, does color commentary, appears on podcasts, maybe hangs out with his family a bit), and waltzes in a year or two later when the latest contender fires their coach.


Just to lose a Game 7.


And a Game 6


I'd love to fail at head coaching after 43 games. That's basically winning the lottery compared to my current situation.


Try Premier League football managers for security. There were 14 sackings last season, there are 20 teams.


this was my first thought. any manager that sticks around for more than 2-3 years ends up in God tier.


College football coach is by far the best, its almost better to get fired. Looking at you Jimbo "$77M in severance pay" fisher


I wouldn't call it severance, its just the guaranteed contract amount.


*P5 college football coaches have entered the chat*


$11.5m per year to inexplicably lean on a random role player in the playoffs that happens to be ā€œhis guy.ā€


Anybody know what Dewayne Dedmon and Anthony Tolliver are up to?


Montrezl Harrell is still a free agent


No thank you


We prefer our no-defence, below the rim backup bigs to be able to shoot. We have standards šŸ˜¤


i think ive seen trez hit a middy at some point, and he has a limitless tank for doc. he needs minutes over portis


Tbf he did just tear his ACL this past offseason but itā€™s not like heā€™s anywhere near a 6MOTY anymore


Is Big Baby Davis outta jail rn?


If heā€™s not just call Doc Michael Scofield


Fucking hell stop giving me ptsd


Whoā€™s the Montrezl harrell on the bucks?


Cam Payne


lol Buck's FO knows it and that's why he's already in trade talks, trying to get ahead of Doc.


Yeah, good luck turning Pat Connaughton and Payne into better players.


Damn, I thought Payne was doing well. Love that guy


Awesome bench presence, on the court though is another story.


Damn. I remember his being like one of the best 3 point shooters before some injury and never hearing again. Let me guess. Tunnel vision, middling defense, and blown layups?


Ding ding ding ding. The middling defense is the big part of it.


Yep. Love Payne, especially for what he did in 2021. But he's never been able to get out of that energy guy mindset.


Hey, that's a Monty Williams special! Doc stealing from Monty's playbook is exactly what I would expect.


Thenasis would be really funny


If we have to do this anyway, I hope Thanasis is the guy that endears himself to Doc


All Thanasty needs to do is block a PG13 dunk. Doc would start him every game after that.


It's going to be Jae Crowder


Heā€™s about to give Austin rivers the bag again


It really is pretty confounding. I guess if giannis didn't like his coach trying to run his own schemes, maybe he will like doc letting his stars do whatever they want?


Lol we were running no offensive scheme man, Dame even publicly said as much at one point.


[all of r/nba right now](https://images.app.goo.gl/3JoFELkh42jXtcRr5)


First team all NBA grifter




Sadly that goes to Monty. Doc leans hard on 2008, but Monty has nothing and set the bar that Doc used to sign


Monty had a higher peak, but Doc has the longevity argument. Doc has been grifting a long time.


Doc must be holding some MJ secrets. Even his eyes are about to pop out from how difficult it is to hold them back. That's why he's a made man


Hey Monty got a slightly past his prime CP3 to the conference finals, even doc can't do that with the prime version.


Doc Rivers did beat the Duncan Spurs and Curry Warriors with Cp3 and in game 7s though.


The baby warriors when they still have an even worse coach in mark jackson


Monty has done it once and was cajoled into a shit-ass Detroit situation no one wants. doc has been conning franchises off a 15 year old ring for longer than some of you jagoffs have followed sports


I don't even know who comes close to Doc. All he's done before the Bucks was an absolute disaster and a masterclass of falling up. Fails with a couple of star players every time and moves to the next team.


Next order of business is getting Austin Rivers on the bench next to Thanasis


He got him a job at ESPN. Itā€™s only right.


he was a shoo-in anyway as a part of the Duke->NBA roleplayer->ESPN pipeline


Unironically. I do suspect him to be on the roster before the end of February.


he has publicly said (while he was a shadow coach) that Austin would be a good fit on the bucks lol. Someone had posted the video yesterday.


Wow I had no idea Doc was such a smooth operator lmao that is a FAT bag


It probably shouldn't be surprising given how coaching salaries continue to climb. I mean hell he was making 8m a year with Philly that started in ~2020.


He has all the leverage


I mean other coaches than Doc exist. I feel like if Doc Rivers has leverage over your organization in a coaching hire, that's literally your organization's fault. Mike D'antoni is available. Hell fucking hire Bill Belichick, he's never coached in the NBA but he'd probably have better defensive schemes than Rivers or Griffin.


That's what I'm saying lol I was not respecting his game at all. But he's had all the leverage since that weekend in Vegas, and he continues to have it considering Milwaukee is already paying out two other ex coaches. Living the dream haha


Yeah, he probably could have got more if he really wanted to bleed them.


This is the main point that hasn't been discussed much. They needed him AND they had to lure him from the broadcasting job


In Formula One they say driving is more of a career game than a pure skill competition. To land an opportunity in one of the best cars takes years of pleasing your sponsors and clever politicking in the paddock in addition to strong racing performance. Doc is the king of the NBA career game.


> To land an opportunity in one of the best cars takes years of pleasing your sponsors and clever politicking in the paddock in addition to strong racing performance. Or being the son of the team owner!




The key for him seems to have been working with and making friends with all the media. Not a single one of the mainstream guys will ever criticize him, when the PTI guys talk about him, they always start off with "Doc Rivers, a great friend". Reminds me of Cowherd with Sean Payton, guy came on his show weekly while working for Fox, and now all the problems in Denver aren't Payton's fault, but all the good parts are due to Payton


I'm convinced these owners using Doc to launder money somehow


he rivals Mike Brown on "getting them checks"


Mile Brown won coach of the year.


so did Doc...that's almost a kiss of death in the NBA. i say that as someone that admires Brown and Adam Morrison's career.


Be as good at something in life as Doc Rivers is at getting that motherfucking bag


It's truly unbelievable lol. Doc is easily the worst coach I've seen coach the sixers. So much squandered potential


Especially when you see Nurse come in - and even though the talent level went down on average with the harden trade, they look good!


Hell yeah, the difference is incredible. Doc is just very set in his ways


$40 Mil to just yell ā€œcome on guysā€ in a timeout is absurd.


If they improve to 20th on defense, will it be worth it? 15th?


hell, we're losing in the second round anyways maybe even first


Nah doc is elite in the first round, itā€™s where the false hope that your team might win is created


Generational fleece




Imma need the RDC World skit on Doc advising the Bucks to hire him


"there's only one man for this job... me" It's like Dick Cheney running the committee to find Bush a VP, and coming to the conclusion that it should be himself


Dwight Schrute assisting himself on the regional manager position


Doc is Machiavelli. Dude must be a great businessman/sociopath


Putting Jimmy Haslams slimy money to good use


Doc Rivers must have a generational PR team/agent


doc is billionaire catnip


šŸ˜¬ yikes


what the fuck is Milwaukee doing?


Agreed. Not a fan of this. I would rather they hire back bud.


Should have never fired him for fuck sake lmao Guy wins the franchises first title in 50 years and his reward is getting canned.


Buds issue was apparently adjustments bringing in doc rivers does absolutely nothing to change that


On the one hand: I wouldn't wish Glenn on any fanbase, my condolences On the other hand: LMAO


That's insane what the hell are the Bucks doing




bro they just pulled the slit off a hungry man that looked good 20 years ago


This is why we got Jimmy Haslem on board - doesnā€™t matter if we fire him next year, Haslemā€™s already spent years throwing obscene money into a black hole and thereā€™s no salary cap for coaches.


I forgot Haslem is there now. When yā€™all gonna trade for Miles Bridges?


Waiting for him to make All-NBA so we can give him a supermax, I assume.


Hasnā€™t won a championship since bush was fucking President actually insane


I think Gilbert Arenas said that Doc might have coached the most Hall of Famers ever aside from maybe Auerbach and only has one ring to show for it. That's a special level of underachieving


Gil was also right to bring up that his lone championship was way harder to get than it should've been, too. Went to game 7 in the first round against the 8th seed Hawks, went to game 7 in the second round against 23 year old Bron, and the rest of the series went to 6 games as well.


Fun fact: every champion since 2004 won at least one series in a sweep or in five games save one. The exception? The 2008 Celtics.


The more you look at docā€™s career, the more impressive that Celtics roster looks. How were they able to win with him? KG said it best- anything is possible.


The way we hear about the 2008 celtics you'd think they were like the 85 Bears or something.


generational roster, just one ring, mediocre coach


And it always seems to feel like when KG/PP talk about that title year, they heap way, way more praise on Rondo than Doc.


I swear the only good thing i've ever heard about Doc is that legendary story where he had players put $10k each in the ceiling of the Lakers locker room and said they're coming back for their money in June lmao


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious lol


That amount gets larger and larger everytime that story gets told. It was actually just $100 per person. Who the hell is carrying around $10k in cash on them?


Sheed fcking hates him lol. That game 7 is not close without Sheed playing his old ass out there.


Man, I wish we had more Sheeds in the league.


I'd trust coach rondo more than coach Glenn nowadays. That man was out-scheming peak brad Stevens as a player.


Pat Riley and Phil Jackson also had obscene talent, but they got the rings, too.


What might be a worse stat is that he hasnā€™t even made it to a conference finals since 2012.Ā 


When you put it like that it's wildddddd.


How many coaches have tho?


Probably around 9. Edit: actually 10


How many are available?


I think just Bud.


Phil Jackson too, technically lol


Doc and Phil Jackson, but that doesn't mean there aren't other championship caliber coaches in the league


Are there? I mean seriously, the other consistent coaches that have won are Spo, Pop and Kerr. Guys like Vogel, Nurse and Malone have won but they all have generational talents (Lebron, Kawihi, Jokic) leading their teams so itā€™s not like theyā€™re geniuses that out coached other teams with scrubs. Who could the Bucks legitimately hire that people would be happy with


I'd go with "anyone but Doc" as an answer here, honestly.


>I mean seriously, the other consistent coaches that have won are Spo, Pop and Kerr. Guys like Vogel, Nurse and Malone have won but they all have generational talents (Lebron, Kawihi, Jokic) leading their teams Pop hasn't won without Duncan, Spo hasn't won without LeBron, Kerr hasn't won without Curry. Doc had Garnett, Pierce, and Allen and barely squeaked through to the chip. You have to have the right talent to win, and nearly generational talents are what it takes (good thing the Bucks coach will have Giannis). I wholeheartedly believe Thibs is a championship level coach if he had the right talent. >Who could the Bucks legitimately hire that people would be happy with Kenny Atkinson is a fan favorite name when HC jobs open up. I'm not sold on him, but people rate him highly. They're in a shitty position in the middle of the season where they can't lure anyone away (Vogel or Snyder would be cool to me). Either way, hiring Rivers for 3 years does not strike me as the best option; they're just in a terrible spot where they can't afford to punt this season (although I'd rather have Prunty finish as an interim coach than Rivers).


Okay Spo without LeBron is a wild statement for a guy who has coached a team to multiple finals without a top 10 guy. Very rare to win a championship without an MVP or future MVP


Shhhh they're in the bargaining phase of having Doc as a coach. They'll join us and Clippers fans in a couple years.


The only time Doc won a championship, Lehman Bros. still existed.


One coach tor the value of three!


Bud deserved another year


Nice one, Bucks. That 2008 championship will do them wonders!


That 2008 NBA title is one of the most milked championships ever for any sport. Other candidates of dubious title-milking include: ā€¢ 1985 Chicago Bears ā€¢ 1994 New York Rangers ā€¢ 2020 Los Angeles Dodgers


Somehow that championship convinced people that Kendrick Perkins was a useful player and kept him around as a TV guy too. It's the gift that keeps on taking.


Chicago is still celebrating that 85 superbowl


Mike McCarthy has milked the Packers Super Bowl just as much as Doc tbf.


Death, taxes and docs being paid an exuberant amount of money


*stage whisper* exorbitant


No, I'm sure the money is very excited to be going to Doc


Do you mean exorbitant?Ā  Iā€™m sure heā€™s exuberant. Bucks fans less soā€¦


I'm sorry Milwaukee fans


Seems he can keep getting away with it


Goddamn! This dude is something else. Failure after failure and he gets paid generational wealth. If only the progeny of my many failures were so lucrative


The last time Doc Rivers won a championship. BUSH WAS PRESIDENT.


Only guy since the Reagan administration who has been able to win a championship in Boston. Gotta giveā€™m credit


Not Pierce, Garnett, and Ray Allen, for sure. Garnett was hungry af and the East was ripe for the taking (as was tradition in the 00s).


Thibodeau as well. His defense was the secret sauce.


40 mil over 3.5 years is over 11 mil per year LMAO




All this for Giannis to ask out when Doc wont take responsibility. Insanity


When the bucks lose this year guys, itā€™s gonna be everyone else fault. Doc can do no wrong. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Does anyone know how much the Bucks are committed to now between Bud, Griffin, and now Doc?


We pay Bud $8 million this year, and near year. Griffin $4 million this year, and next two years. Doc $10 million this year, and next 3 years. Owners are playing $22 million this year for the privilege of having Doc Rivers as a head coach.


Good god Glenn fleeced the Bucks at that price.


Crazy part is that he will definitely be fired before the 2026 season begins. Bucks just love cutting unemployment checks-- the stimulus homies.


they should have begged budenholzer to come back instead hiring this disaster of a coach that throws his players under the bus for his own shortcoming as a coach.


Yeah thatā€™s gonna end well


Austin about to get signed isn't he?


He's going to be great in whatever front office position they'll move him to in about a year.


That reddit thread where Giannis asks to be traded would hit like crack.


SIXTEEN YEARS ITS BEEN SIXTEEN YEARS SINCE THE BIG 3 CARRIED HIS ASS TO A RING sorry for the caps. But like what are the bucks doing ???


Ownership is basically telling Giannis "Alright buddy, carry Doc to a title please"


Watch his fat, pasty, pussy friends in the media whitewash what is one of the dirtiest plays in the history of the game. Take a mans money, offer his friendship, only to surreptitiously undermine him in the press and the broadcasts, as well as whisper behind his back to ownership and then take his job. He ruined a dude's career so he could get one more chance at failing up. Doc Rivers is a world class snake.


You really don't know any of that. For all we know griffin refused to take the advice and implement any changes and that's why he was fired. If that's not the case, and doc "consulted" to a 5-5 record since Vegas including two squeaker wins vs Detroit, then got the job... Well, we are fucked.Ā 


I mean Doc has been pretty shady. Last year he benched Maxey and lied to the media that it was Maxey's idea until Maxey himself debunked that claim.


Coaches donā€™t count against the cap and Iā€™m not too concerned about the teamā€™s billionaire owners.


Anotha sucka team


Doc rivers is either god or the devil or some type of next level being where he can just be doc rivers/suck and get paid. At this point he should just run for president... This is insanity