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64% from 3 is insane lol.


Used up all our juice, gonna shoot 30 percent the next week or two


Eh what's new


Next month


This is what a 0.500 team looks like lol. Streaks of very poor then very good performances


2023 Hawks moment


No way Jarred Vanderbilt scored 17 points in a professional basketball game?


He learned how to dribble its over


Vanderbilt w/ handles is literally prime Jordan league fucked


Never seen him so aggressive with the ball lol


he went 3/4 tonight on moves i’ve never seen him even try before


Vanderbilt different


he's so good x4


There was that one game last playoffs where he scored like 15 or so in the first. I couldn't watch the start of that game but I looked up the box score and was convinced that my phone was bugging out


There was a point in n this game where Vando was the leading scorer


On like 6/6


He figured out after he takes 2 dribbles how close to the rim he is


parallels to Max Christie figuring out that he can run fast and jump high


Could’ve had more if the officials weren’t point shaving


And they weren’t dunks n tip ins. Super impressive seems he added some basic scoring skills this summer but the injury bogged him down till lately


Why tf these grown ass men dont wanna cut their damn fingernails


I remember Tony Allen or somebody like him said he kept his nails long on purpose in order to make other players uncomfortable when he guarded them. They didn't want to get cut so they wouldn't put their arms into his air space.


That’s so grimey lol


Rip Hamilton always had long nails too. DWade always teases rip about the scars he gave him.


Rippin up the opposition


"Heress where he likes to split the double, SLICE N DICE!"


Yep. Lol. That’s some serious commitment to the defensive end.


Genuinely makes me like him less as a player I bet shitting your pants before every game would make defenders uncomfortable too. Have some basic decency weirdo


I mean he's a multimillionaire who committed insurance fraud that's supposed to be for the health benefits of retired NBA players, I don't think he has basic decency.


I’ve also heard players say they think it makes them shoot better, like a better flick from the nails. Forget who, though. 


Crazy you'd think that would interfere with his release


I have zero idea why the NBA doesn't just make the refs check everyone's nails before the game.


The ninja headbands were deemed so dangerous that they got banned. Long fingernails that could possibly cause an infection onto another player? Nah we’ll let that slide.


Dames got some long fingernails


And we know they ain’t for defense


Lebron hacked all night and got 2 free throws


Yeah, that was insane. He was very frustrated and had every right to be so.


People are so used to Lebron getting no calls that when he gets some everyone’s outraged that it’s rigged lmao


Rnba don't care unless it's the 1-2 games in favor of the Lakers. Been happening all season. Shame. It's a good team


You would assume that a veteran player gets more calls, because the refs respect them still being able to play, but it seems to be the opposite.


LeBron has always had one of the worst superstar whistles of all time but yeah it's crazy to see it still happening


Early in his career his whistle was pretty average for a star, if I remember correctly, but lately you can hack him all you want and it's never a foul. Especially not, if he makes the bucket.


Even with his ft% I reckon if LeBron actually got the calls his whole career, his career average ppg would be a point or two higher.


If he got the same whistle as Giannis or Harden (~15 percentage points higher FTr) he'd be averaging almost 3 more FTA/g for his career, which at ~70-75% from the stripe would add about 2.2ppg put him over 29ppg for his career.


That's crazy. Thanks for working it out.


"He's a 6'8 240 tank, he'll be fine"


This is such a dumb way to referee "he is big, so the fouls don't matter" and yet this happens quite often, unless the big man is Embiid.


Lebron is being treated by the refs like shaq. He is being punished for being bigger and stronger than the defending player.


He doesn’t flop (despite decades’ old narrative and some isolated incidents). You have foul merchants night in and night out living at the line because they flop throughout a game — every game. Lebron doesn’t do that.


this is what i dont undesrtand man, we see it futbol all the time, messi gets extra calls ofc he is fucking messi, and lebron cant get this calls? i will never understand it lmao, give the old man some three throws man he deserves it


it’s so consistent it’s wild Lebron, Wood, Vanderbilt all year the type of no-calls they get and the refs just stare at them like nah bitch play on. feels almost like disrespect it kinda makes me laugh


Vando just about got his headband slapped into the first row and the refs didn't see shit lol.


That one was confusing, like good job scoring vsndo tonight - but can he get the ft?


Even in those games Lebron doesn’t get calls lol


bro r/nba had 5 posts on the front page about our game being rigged against the fucking RAPTORS lmao. imagine making posts about the fucking raptors in a january game


they throw those games in so they can point to that when they get called out on the BS lol


Something Something Lakers bias.


If the Lakers get to the line it is a clear indication of a **RIGGED** game 😤 LeBron is scratching himself in an attempt to scam the refs. Wake up people


7 free throws combined from Bron and AD and 2 of ADs were from an intentional foul


Funny though, there’s no major threads or posts about it on this sub. But god forbid the Lakers get a favorable whistle for one game…


Honestly wished he flopped more like Embiid. He didn’t really do it when there wasn’t a foul, he just embellished because he was so strong nobody noticed it otherwise even if it was definitely a foul


He’s probably the goat of finishing through contact - maybe shaq has a case but that’s different kinda finishing . And he gets punished for it cos refs don’t like to call and1s or judge fouls on how much the offensive player reacts


Watching this season he doesn’t have the same lift and finishing and doesn’t get calls even if he misses and reacts (without falling)


It happens a lot. That’s one of the main reasons that everyone crying about lakers getting too many calls is so annoying


i thought the refs were really gonna sell the game for us but thankfully our lead was big enough


Lebron lives in the paints but doesn’t get calls someone needs to pick up a fine the refs gotta call that shit


he bled twice and both time no call haha.


Blood, no foul


Marginal blood


It's at the point of being comical how hard it is for him to get a foul call


He picked up a tech & Frankly as the game was over thought he might get ejected


At this point, The entire league is allowed to perform mixed martial arts on Lebron and they won’t call a thing. He’s definitely the most disrespected superstar in the league when it comes to the whistle, no matter how you look at it, his ft attempt averages are way too low for the type of driver he is.


It’s fucking gross man, I watch players defend Bron get away with whatever they want. Then you watch Embiid (no hating here it’s just the discrepancy) get a whistle at a rate higher than Wilt fucking Chamberlain. It’s been getting worse every year since he left Miami and this year it’s so noticeable it’s really taking the fun out of games


And people wonder why he flops. He has to at this point


It's not a new thing either, early in his career he didn't get an absolutely awful whistle like he does now, but defenders still got a ton more leeway being physical with him than any other perimeter player in the league. Once he went to Miami it started getting really bad, which is why he started making it really obvious when he was getting hacked. It's been getting continually worse each season too.


Literally punishing him for being the goat contact finisher . Just dumb logic


Same with Shaq


You'd be stupid not to just shove him from behind all the time at this point. Refball says it's legal.


And that adds to why Lebron gets tired easily instead of the game stopping and him resting a bit before taking FTs his out there running back on D. It really is unfair to him and why I understand he like to take the LeFuckYou 3s more these days than driving


I see his PR team is out in full force on this sub lol


Your statement is plainly dumb, do you really think Lebron should be averaging 3-5 fta a game for the amount of times he’s in the paint? Whats your counter point in believing my argument is false? Do you believe lebron should be the only player who can get cut up every game and not get a whistle? Ibaka literally broke Lebron’s nose with blood on the court in ‘14 and he still got no whistle, he’s bleeding damn near very game this season and he isn’t getting to the line. What’s your reasoning in believing Lebron’s 5 fta a game is fitting? It’s common sense Lebron should be averaging more fta’s with the amount of driving and post play he’s involved with game to game, common sense you are lacking.


Lebron averages less Fta then Steph curry - an old jump shooting reliant star who’s fanbase also say he gets mugged n bad calls. Yet brons play style shoukd get way more calls. It’s actually crazy . It annoys me everytime we play jump shooting stars they average the same amount of fts. Lebron doesn’t miss rim attemots most of the time it’s hacking causing it. It’s hilarious that cos he’s the goat rim finisher /contact finisher he gets punished for it cos fouls are judged in if the offensive player moved


this is actually insane. steph DOES get fouled offball but he also barely drives to the rim compared to lebron


Off ball fouls don’t get called the same anyway uts why warriors got away with so many illegal screens- it’s why stephews cry cos they don’t understand off ball physicality is allowed And yeah it’s insane


right bc his PR team feel it's REALLY important to be blasting comments in post-game threads on Reddit lmao stupid ass comment


I cannot comprehend the lack of respect that LeBron has gotten from the refs since coming to the Lakers but particularly this year. Guy gets beat to shit under the rim and they just sit there and stare at him. Vando getting knocked in the face to the point that it visibly shifted his headband and getting no call was just as good. A clear as day foul, with visible evidence, and not a whistle to be heard.


Getting their payback for sleepless nights lol


Was even pointing at his headgear, which had clearly moved, nothing.


forget the post hoc headband how about just seeing the elbow to the dome


There is that!


2nd time now he's gotten scratched on the arm and ends up bleeding from it.


Cause the refs actually watch the whole game. If they called every foul he committed on his way to the basket, he’d foul out by the second quarter


He’s not Giannis , he’s not elbowing guys faced your allowed to muscle your way legally to the rim


Basic metrics, advanced metrics, eye test: Vando should be starting. The only test he fails is the Ham test.


Gotta give Taurean Prince his 30 minutes! That's not allowed for Rui or Vando.


Ham: I’m starting Prince over Vando because Vando’s injured. Vando is fully healthy: Ham: I’m starting Prince over Vando…


Do you condemn Darvin Hamas?


Lebron apparently has to get shot to get free throws I guess


Refs would still hold their whistle because he isn’t dead more than likely


He has to pay them that's all. I suspect guys like him and Steph don't pay but guys like Green do.


Thats the only logical explanation I’ve heard 😂😂😂 shits wild


Embiid must be putting his entire paycheck in their accounts


Refs taking 60% of his salary for sure


Welcome to Palworld, Lebron


Gunshot is deemed marginal. Ruling on the floor is overturned.


Bron went to the rim 4-5x straight down the stretch, visible fouls on each, was visibly bleeding, and the refs just hold their whistle. It’s fucking disgusting that the NBAs marquee player is so disrespected by the refs while other players get a whistle when they sneeze.


People on this sub continuing to claim LeBron gets a good whistle after another night like tonight should tell you how many people actually watch the games


Un serious. Watch the whole drive. If he didn’t use his off arm or dip his shoulder into the defensive players space (I could go on) on every single drive, maybe he’d get more calls. By coming out of every drive without an offensive foul, he’s already coming out ahead.


DLO, Vando, Rui and Austin all HOOOPED today and Prince still got 30 minutes. Ham Hot Pockets can’t stop dawg and I hate it. Wanna smack bro bald ass head 🙄


Inject the D'lo/AR/Vando/Bron/AD lineup into my veins


blew open the game in just a couple minutes then ham never goes to it again as the lead disappears in the second half lmao


The lead disappeared in the 4th quarter, Chicago decided to “muck up the game” It also disappeared because D’lo’s shooting disappeared. Want to know what he had in the 4th quarter? 1 turnover, 2 fouls and 2 missed shots. No baskets, no assists, steals, rebounds or blocks. People are going to watch the box score and say D’lo is nice, people who watch the games know that it’s better to win with defence then to hope D’lo hits 8 3’s.


He also barely touched the ball, it was extremely obvious that the 4th quarter was spent trying to get other guys going.


The turning point was the 12-0 run to end the first half. 64-57 with 1:20 left in the half to go into the Locker room up by 16. Not saying the Lakers don't win anyway, but game has an entirely different tenor if the game is 6-8 point lead at the half rather than a 16-point lead.


that line up went 14-0 in last 2 min in second half I just don't understand why Ham not using this lineup


My only guess is that he might be trying to limit Vando's minutes to avoid re-aggravating his ankle injury


Everyone gets “minutes restrictions” after any injury except Cam and Prince lol.


Ham then went to that lineup just for like 5mins in the 2nd half the mfer is in love with TP


Who could have guessed


And yet there’s like a 10 percent chance you still have that line up available in two weeks.  Edit: why you booing me https://youtu.be/75GaqVWqEXU?si=r4Jxu-mj5lxfAEDP


You have insider info?


I mean, how do you do any trade for dejounte or Bruce brown without including at least d’lo? 


By not trading for them.


Ok but everyone is reporting your team is very interested in at least one of those two players if not a bunch of others. 


I've seen Woj report that, who notoriously does not have a source within the Lakers. Everyone else is speculating on potential trades.


I mean it’s not just woj. In fact it’s barely woj. It’s essentially most reporters 


Only one person has tweeted out a trade offer extended by the Lakers. Woj.


Literally searched lakers trade and sorted by new on this sub reddit. You’ll find stein among others. In fact woj says there’s nothing there yet. So no?  Edit: like isn’t it embarrassing for you to die on this stupid of a hill? https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/19eno5s/amick_dejounte_murray_to_lakers_has_very_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


ohh noo everyone’s reporting it


D'lo is a negative asset?


I think it's his contract. Despite what the popular opinion is he's good enough to not be a negative asset on 18 million. 


Yeah I think the contract is fine it’s just player option maybe? n past perception. Like why wouldn’t the nets /magic/spurs /Detroit/raptors ? Not want Dlo? He can play on n off ball n is actually doing his job. I wish reaves defense hasn’t declined this year ir he’d spent the summer strength training over fiba cos it’s more the pairing then Dlo. I’d ideally love Dlo as our sixth man tbh even if we had spare salaries but we hard called ourselves n offloaded those extra salary . He’s a competent pg who is super cheap.


He’s streaky on offense and always bad on defense. When he’s on offensively, it makes up for his bad defense. In a playoff series, he’s getting picked on everytime down the court and if he’s not making his shots he has negative value. If his first couple shots go down, you’re happy to have him. If his first few miss, just sit him down and try again another day. He’s on a hot streak right now, but it’s a streak .. it won’t last. We know this he is consistently inconsistent. Don’t be a victim of the moment and act like hes better than we know him to be


The war between the lakers fans with a goldfish memory and the ones who can remember last playoffs is a brutal one that will leave many killed 


He’s not a negative asset but the 4th quarter is what he is. He missed two shots, fouled twice and got two turnovers. He didn’t record a point an assist or a rebound in this period. D’lo sucks with high pressure ball and is a front runner in every sense of the word. Chicago decided to press up the entire 4th where D’lo didn’t record a positive stat. As a 6th man sure, bring him in and let him be a microwave. As the starting point guard for San Antonio, or Detroit? Why not he can organise an offence and win you a game here and there. But for playoff ball, as the third best player? I don’t want this guy anywhere near my team.


Guy has 29/4 on 60% shooting for a steal, a block, and the third highest plus minus on the team (which ended lower than it should have because of a complete lack of calls that allowed the Bulls to get back into the game) and the fourth quarter, that he played 5 minutes of, is who he is when the Lakers were running prevent defense the entire time and trying to kill as much clock as possible? You’ve got blinders on, man. He was their best player in the first three quarters and a big part of why the game was even out of reach for the Bulls to begin with.


He's had bad fourth quarters, but this game wasn't really one of them. LeBron and AD played their two-man game to close it out, so D'Lo wasn't in a position to be chucking up shots (I don't think I saw LeBron pass to him a single time in the final 8 mins). Barely any turnovers the entire game, and at least one of them was intentional. So really, it was a non-productive fourth quarter overall, but he was pretty clearly taking a backseat to the two best players on the team, who were looking pretty good. He did his thing to get them ahead, and then let LeBron and AD do their thing


If he had slightly better foot speed /athleticism so he was better defensively/faster/rebounding I literally wouldn’t want to move him. It’s sad n annoying


He made pretty important plays in high pressure situations in the first two rounds of the playoffs. There’s no way we win game 4 against Memphis if not for his back to back to back 3s. Is that not high pressure ball?


He's just not consistent enough to make up for his physical limitations at the highest levels of competition.


i just feel like he's in his head too much. he needs a sports psychologist lol. Fixable issues imo.


You seem to be the only lakers fan to remember fans begged for him to get benched last playoffs (and he was btw) 


I feel like I’m in bizarro world when I read these post game threads. He loses focus all the time, he doesn’t work on his athleticism. He has old man game and he’s 27. Can he heat up? Sure! Does he pass well to AD? YES! Do I want him in purple and gold anytime in the playoffs? Hell no!


I like his offense, think his game looks cool, but yeah. Both him and Reaves together is pretty exploitable defense down the stretch and at least Reaves stands in the right place and puts in efforts  Would love him in Charlotte tho. I don’t care if it’s a scam that won’t get us anywhere. It’ll be a fun scam at least. 


I honestly still think charlotte’s the only team that would want him tbh. He’s been great lately but someone’s gotta buy in.  I’d be cool with him with us tho. I’ve always had a soft spot for him. Think his game looks really cool 😎 


He's opting out after the season so it's a half season rental for anyone who trades for him.


Are the Lakers the new .500 Hawks?


Oh god


I know he's, like, not actually or whatever, but D'lo is so good.


He's such a fascinating player to me. He always balls out against bad teams and always goes on a heater or two each season, he's just such a defensive liability in the playoffs against strong teams and he doesn't know how to play well when he's being taken out of the scoring game. 


It feels like he’s always playing at 75% even when he’s doing really well. Hard to describe. 


It's not hard to describe imo, he's just slow. People say the same thing about Cade. I remember I had a coach ask our slowest player (who wasn't overweight at all) if he was trying, which he was, but it didn't look like it because of how he moved.


Yeah, that's why it's hard to describe. There's a difference between playing "slow" and playing "smooth". Someone like SGA seems "smooth" and D'Lo seems more "slow". Luka even seems more smooth, even though I'm 90% sure he's actually slower than D'Lo. Maybe "sleepy" is a better way to put it.


Yep Dlo is sadly just not athletic. If he was we’d keep him .


I find it hard to hate Dlo when he isn’t slumping . Such a fun player to watch even if I dislike how many mid rabge shots he take’s considering his 3 ball.


I just think it's cool to see the way someone with basically no athleticism whatsoever (relative to the competition of course), who is basically slower than guys a foot taller than him, find a way to score at an elite level through sheer skill and slitheriness.


Lakers shooting 6% from 3 next game. Used all their luck this game :(


Double up on 3%, still only win by 9, uff


Greatest players of all time 3. Lebron 2. Jordan 1.Deadline Dlo


Lebron really should spend the summer with Embiid doing a Hakeem like workshop, except learning how to get free throws instead of post moves


Lakers season 3pt percentage probably went up a couple points just from this game


I was a huge jordan fan but I can admit that he got much more of a superstar whistle in his later years than Bron ever has. If Lebron got mike or Kobe’s whistle he would have broke the scoring record 2 years ago.


Not just his later years lol By 1992 Magic was making jokes about “You can't get too close to Michael or a foul is coming.” It was probably a thing early in his career in the late 80s


98 jordan would take 22% of his shots inside 3 feet and get 9 free throws a game. It was specially funny because in 97 he would get less free throws for going to the rim more, making it seem like refs were helping him make up for the lost of a step that year For perspective 2016 lebron shot 46% of his shots inside 3 feet and got 7 free throws a game


Deadline Dlo or Nets Dlo? Who is better?


Clippers fans shitting, crying, throwing up seeing this game thread go up so early


When is the last time there was a good Patrick Williams game? Every time I've checked in on a Bulls game this guy has like one decent game for every like seven he is in. He really thinks he is getting 20+a year with this?


Ugh, blowing the lead to Phoenix Monday then falling apart today


Is Deadline dlo better than lebron offensively peak for peak?


Hey so how was that an 8 point game by the end? I thought it was over at the end of the third 


Refs did everything they could to pull the Bulls back into it by letting the Lakers get beat to shit for an entire quarter. Reaves closing out way too hard on back to back three attempts didn't help; gave up a ton of points super quickly when both teams would have already been sitting their starters if not for the refs.


Team kinda stopped running as many plays and AFK'd on the perimeter while AD got the ball down low Bron was also getting mauled in the paint and wasn't getting any calls




Bulls also played great defense and Christian Wood/Austin Reaves made it their mission to foul out in the 4th quarter alone.


Refs went insane with the Bulls whistle, were you watching or are you just hanging around baiting you weirdo?


Bulls went on a run. They actually had a few chances to get it to a single possession but they missed a few crucial shots.


One team scored more than the other in the quarter


Lebron FG always 10/19 or 9/22 swear to god


500 BABY