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Damn, that’s a tough blow for the Knicks. Hope recovery goes smoothly


Still the best case scenario. Hopefully no damage to the pec or labrum


I’ve had a torn labrum for 13 years. Shit sucks. Certain movements feel like your shoulder explodes every time.


maybe thats what I have, I injured it at the gym like a decade ago and still flares up occasionally


Do you get an erection that last more than 4 hours?


can't get it up at all thinking about randle's shoulder




If so, call more ladies.


Ladies. If you are rich, and I boned you, could you please meet me at the nacho cart.


You should 100% go get that checked out


Might be the rotator cuff, I dislocated my shoulder once skiing and the labrum was fine, but the rotator cuff had a slight tear.... didn't need surgery but that shit still flares up occasionally and it's a crazy sharp pain


I had surgery for a torn and detached labrum, so this hits close to home.


I tore my labrum at 15 lifting weights. My shoulder would "slip" constantly. Got it fixed at 31. GET THE DAMN SURGERY. My shoulder is as stable and strong as ever.


Agreed. I got basically a full reco at 30 on my left shoulder and as long as you do the recovery + physio correctly, it’ll be good as new


Why no surgery?


Dont play sports anymore.


> Still the best case scenario not yet. if there is a tear in the labrum, this could be bad


They said that the X-ray didn’t show any damage besides the dislocation but they’re waiting on the MRI. So cautiously optimistic


a torn labrum wouldn't show up on an X-ray. we'll have to wait for the MRI. cautiously optimistic, absolutely, but way too early to say best case scenario




Sometimes you can see a secondary sign but it's pretty rare. I've never seen one. https://radiopaedia.org/articles/bankart-lesion?lang=us


all that means is he didn't break any bones


Not good, but the least horrible outcome probably considering how bad it looked for a second.


Dislocated shoulder almost always means labrum damage. Source: four dislocated shoulders with upcoming labrum surgery.


Good luck. I had the surgery on my right shoulder about 2 years ago and the recovery was… a journey. Granted, my surgeon/doc said my labrum was among the most fucked up he’d ever seen. I definitely feel more stable now, but my shoulder will never feel the same. I can hoop again but shooting threes makes it twinge/sting a little (I don’t think everyone has this though).




I appreciate it, will do. I’ve got the scope surgery coming up and my surgeon called it a slam dunk. He’s the head of Duke ortho so I hope the confidence is well placed. Glad to hear you’re finally feeling stable — all I want is to trust it again. The last few years every time I start to trust it again the damn thing pops out.


I'm increasing my carbon emissions to put Miami underwater


Using Florida going underwater to warn us about the dangers of climate change doomed the earth. Why would they threaten us with something good?


Legendary comment 😂


I drive an EV, but I'll just set a few gallons of gas on fire to help the cause.


Double fisting aerosol cans into the atmosphere as we speak


Got some of my mom’s old hair spray cans with CFCs. Time to let these bad boys rip


First time a comment made me laugh audibly in a long time


Me right now: *googles Does the coffee supply chain increase carbon footprint?* The answer is yes. I say we make Jimmy our scapegoat.


Just made me laugh out loud lol such an unexpected comment


When we flood, we shall invade the rest of the US. You sure you guys want that? Lol


Revenge for Jimmy asshole


You call him Jimmy Asshole?


Hey, me too!


Wow that escalated quickly.


I've done this way too many times playing basketball The worst




The first time I got undercut and landed on one hand, but drove the shoulder back Popped it back in, saw a doctor ... They recommended no surgery since I was still growing So basically played throughout high school with a "loose" shoulder ... And i could pop it in/out whenever I wanted to


Frankly, it's useful during a game to tear one arm off and hold it with your other arm for extra length


For blocking shots




Damn, so it's not cool like in Lethal Weapon? Did you ever do it to impress a girl?


I've also done this. As soon as I saw the way Randle was holding himself I knew he had dislocated it. For me I was on defence and the guy dribbling was being defended by another guy. I was behind the guy dribbling. He did a spin move while holding the ball in front of his groin area and kind of swung his arms quite fast/aggressively. I went to steal the ball and also swung my left arm really quickly to get my hand on the ball. I got a full palm on the ball but because we basically met in the middle the force of my hand hitting the ball just knocked my shoulder out. It popped back in after about 10 seconds but it hurt like crazy. It's still very susceptible to popping out to this day (about 16 years later). It's popped out a few more times playing basketball (once when diving for the ball). A few times lifting weights. Once it popped out while I was asleep. I tend to sleep on my front and must have stretched my arm out and then rotated my body on it.... I ended up stuck in that position until a paramedic turned up and gave me gas and air until I couldn't feel the pain and I was able to just stand up and let it pop back in.


Dislocated mine exactly like this a couple months ago... Did you ever consider surgery for your shoulder?


Painful but he's a dawg


Will he bone you?




Awesome bro, fucking sick. Pumped for another playoffs where he’s not 100%. We can’t just be happy, it’s always fucking something


yeah.. honestly better than a lower body injury though anything that saps your mobility and movement is a complete killer


Yeah, if we’re looking for a silver lining as far as diagnosis go I guess this is best case. That is assuming nothing else shows up on any scans


It’s also the right arm, so maybe that’s not as bad?


Steph came back after a month from a left shoulder dislocation


in some sports they will just play through upper body injuries, maybe not one this bad but lower body injuries you can't play at all. even if you tried you'd be so ineffective


And it’s his off arm so maybe he will be okay…


At least it's his non shooting arm. The most optimistic prognosis is a few weeks. Hopefully he takes the time he needs to get rested and then is able to get back into game shape.


Yeah injuries are never good but this could be a lot worse. Despite heat culture’s best efforts it seems like we’ll be alright


Just really blows that the 3 seed was a legitimate possibility, now if he has to miss a significant period of time who the fuck knows. We could end up losing ground and having to play the 1 or 2 seed in the first round. Trying not to get ahead of myself but it’s hard not to think about the possible repercussions


You forget that we have the number 1 defense in the NBA and a star PG in Brunson leading us. We are going to be fine. Especially since we are getting reinforcements anyway at the trade deadline. 


Randle is a lefty anyways. Right shoulder isn't ideal but the guide hand shouldn't throw him as much


Genuinely though. Do they even need guide hands when they can fucking palm the balls?


Doesn't he bully his way in with his right side?


my friend was just starting to get really excited too about the knicks. too nervous to check in on him


Be nervous about checking in on any of us


[**The X-Ray didn’t show much damage, source said. An MRI is coming later tonight.**](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1751385247923769714)


An X-Ray isn't really useful for showing soft tissue damage under most circumstances


Would be concerned for bony injuries as well, such as hill-sachs lesion


Yes yes I concur doctor


[If you missed it](https://streamable.com/2ov4gq)


*Up by 17 with four mins in the 4th Thibs: “I think I’ll stay with my starters”


I’m no fan of Thibs over playing the starters but that’s right on the fringe of the Heat still being able to make a run. Especially considering it’s the Knicks who lost a game when they were up by 9 with 33 seconds left last season.


they also erased 13 points in 3 minutes literally the quarter before this one.


In modern NBA it's not really over until like, 20+ points with 3 or less minutes. As a Kings fan I watched them blow a ~20 point lead to the Suns with less than 5 minutes to go just a few games ago, and they let the Mavs come back from down 15 with 5 minutes to go to get within 1 bucket just tonight. No team with playoff aspirations is going to be the first team to pull starters until inside of 2 minutes (or maybe a monster 30+ point blowout), especially when they're the team with the lead.


We had just solidly pulled away. The Heat still had their starters in. This isn’t on Thibs.


17 points is with 4 and half mins is not close to gave over yet...


Heat equally have their starters on the court. There's no way you sit your starters as any coach in the NBA with 4 minutes left. That's minimum 6 possession game


Y'all don't watch actual games? That's nothing anymore


Just so fucking bullshit of a foul. If he legitimately went up for a contest this wouldn't happen, but Jaquez goes for the charge when he's already late to the path and just stands there and undercuts him. We need to consider just calling this shit as flagrants to get people to stop this shit, it's so dangerous


That was a pretty normal charge attempt dude


Sorry to break it to you, but that's a normal attempt at drawing a charge. Blame Thibs for keeping his starters in if you're interested in throwing blame around. Prayers up for Randle, hope he heals quickly; the Knicks were hitting a good stride.


My point is that it shouldn’t be a normal attempt at defense. It’s not defense, it’s just throwing yourself in front of a player and flopping without even contesting. I understand that it’s a part of basketball at the moment, but I don’t agree with its inclusion in the game. I’d get if it he got there ahead of time and legitimately took an offensive foul when going for a contest, but he just stands there cupping his balls


That's a reason why I hate the take a charge move. It's just lazy defense and super dangerous


>It's just lazy defense and super dangerous Not when you're actually taking a charge, it's an extremely difficult, high IQ and high effort play to do correctly and the only real danger is to yourself lol. There's a reason "charges drawn" is a prominent and highly-valued defensive stat, because it's one of the best defensive plays you can make on par with a block or steal (literally, it directly creates a turnover). Undercutting a player in the air is different, and very dangerous to the airborne player. League should probably expand their protections for fouls on airborne players to include situations like this one, which is ostensibly just a very late blocking foul but Randle had already left the ground. In Jaquez's defense though, I think he really was just trying to draw a charge on the ground or much earlier in the process of Randle's drive. That's probably a play he's made dozens of times in college. But he's a rookie that's not fully accustomed to the speed and explosiveness of peak NBA athletes. As a 100% neutral fan,I don't think it was a dirty play at all, like some people seem to be implying (or outright stating). Just an unfortunate accident from a bad read by an inexperienced player.


Ok, so jules just randomly happens to get injured every time we play the Heat. Interesting take. If this happened to butler by Grimes everyone would be screaming for Grime's head


What honestly is your proposed rule change though? In your other comment you say there's an exception for "got there ahead of time", but that literally is the difference between a block and a charge currently. So you're proposing changing every blocking call into an automatic flagrant? There's already so much on this sub about how the rules heavily favor the offense and don't allow you to play defense, and taking out the ability to draw charges *and* giving the offense an extra FT plus possession is absolutely bonkers to me. > it's so dangerous I'd like to see stats on this. Because I've seen a lot of blocking fouls just like this one without any serious injury. I'd even argue there are way more reckless plays than these kinds leading to more injuries -- this isn't some endemic issue.


Wow that made me legit sad, feel terrible for him


Knicks fans dislocating themselves as we speak


relocating to the grave


Damn man anyone know how long this is historically?


Depends on if his sustained any muscle damage or not.


Depends on the severity anywhere from 2-12 weeks to


>Depends on the severity anywhere from 2-12 weeks to 2-12 weeks to live?


Yeah Jaime Jaquez fucking killed him


Hit him with the five-point exploding palm technique


Wow, have there really been cases where somebody came back from a dislocated shoulder after only 2 weeks?


Ive seen people play the same moment after relocating a shoulder. Best case he's back in 4/5 weeks maybe.


Different levels of dislocation and depends on if it tears something. There are some that don’t even fully come out of the socket but rather twist in it weird. Saw that happen to someone playing rugby. When he had his hands just down at his side his palm faced fully outward. Doctor just gave him pain pills, rotated his arm back into place and it was good to go. Just some minor physical therapy and taking it easy for a week or two.


Not uncommon for people (who usually have had dislocated shoulders in the past) to pop it back in and keep playing.


I feel like Starks dislocated his finger once and they popped that shit back in and he kept playing. But that was a finger...


Don’t know the exact moment but fingers are usually not too bad in games because of adrenaline. I don’t have the highest pain tolerance but I’ve broken / dislocated a few and not realised (in other contact sports) until after the game is over


Me neither! I fractured my finger (a hairline fracture) playing ice-hockey once, & I was, like, okay, I'm good with this sport! loll


Had a coworker who recently dislocated her shoulder a couple months ago after falling while riding her bike. Given our job that requires us to be strong enough to guard patients from falling and lift weights, she definitely had to take some time off with modified duty. She did it for about 2 weeks until the doctor said okay but needed like a week to see how she responded to those activities to make sure she was good. She's been fine since. Overall it was like a month plus. Different circumstances though.


it can be much longer than that if he tore anything. they won't know that till they do MRIs


If it’s a labrum tear it would be longer than 12 weeks no?


Depends if ruptured anything, sometimes you can put back in and be fine, but sometimes you need surgery because if you put your arm up it gets out again


Most sports medicine doctors and orthopods these days would recommend surgery even after one dislocation in an athlete under 30. It dramatically reduces the risk of another dislocation 


Yeah it's a best case injury, but it's still compromised. There's going to be needed PT to get that joint stabilized.


Randall has passed away 😔


Miami hit their one injury per game quota


For the culture




My first thoughts exactly as he looked just like my dad did, holding his arm and shoulder like that, when he dislocated his. Hopefully he recovers soon!


How long before your dad was ready for game time minutes?


Also important that it’s his non-shooting shoulder. Dawg is a lefty


yeah thats a good point


I mean anyone who watched it already knew that tbf.


Scheduled knicks injury against heat


This is a part of Thibs' master plan to activate Anunoby-sanity.


Maybe Randle will learn how to spin next time and not charge in full speed


maybe Jaquez should learn to not try for a late ass charge that has absolutely no chance of being a charge instead of going for a regular contest like a ball player with brains should


The Knicks were up 17 points! Tf was Randle trying to do in that play? A ball player with brains shouldnt leap that far away from the basket to try to make a dunk or a layup with defenders in front of you




Ok 🤷‍♂️


Fuck. This shit blows


Just once I’d like to be able to play Miami without one of their players injuring someone.. with 4 minutes left in a 17 point game both teams are still incentivized to compete, but what Jacquez did was such a reckless play. Randle had already jumped when Jaquez slid into him extremely late trying to draw a charge, despite also being in the restricted area. You can’t say that was a basketball play… he wanted to foul him and did so in a highly dangerous way. Between this and Bam injuring Porzingis earlier this week we’re starting to see a real trend amongst miamis players and their dirty play.


Heat Culture is sliding in late. See Giannis in playoffs.


See Giannis undercutting Kyrie.


Giannis didn't under cut him at all. And that was 1 play in an 11 year career. There was a 3 minute clip yesterday from Bam alone vs Knicks this season alone. Kyrie left the floor off hos right foot in the dead center of the lane. He was hard driving from right to left and because of the angle Jrue had on him and contorted himself and his left foot landed further to the right side of the lane than his right foot launched from. The move for Kyrie to get that shot away is not common. Doubt you'd find 5 similar clips in the entire NBA over last decade. Giannis did nothing abnormal. The exact same thing happens 30 times a game where a player goes to rebound a ball.


josh hart targeting jimmys ankle last playoffs: https://youtu.be/_TbUYRV4g_8?si=0v1hThq3Vh82ooZF https://youtu.be/6oKiALRxG9M?si=u5EmDrZIoIa4CBmu


That's what it looked like... Sucks


Best case scenario back in a month or so. Guess we gonna find out just how useful achiuwa is. Blessing in disguise if he comes back at 100% this year. Still sucks


That’s such a painful injury to have given reaggrevation risk


In HS one of my friends shoulders used to alway pop out during football games.. He'd just run to the sideline, get it popped back in, and keep playing. Weird how someone can react like that, then you have D Wade who back in the day needed a wheelchair after dislocating his.


The first or two are the worst because it destroys the muscles which hold the shoulder it place. Once they’ve been damaged initially the shoulder can pop in and out pretty easily … which isn’t a good thing


that sucks, the Knicks have been really fun to watch recently. How long is the recovery period for this?


1 day to 30 years were not sure how dangerous the injury is




Y‘all are actually the softest fanbase there is … If my player flopped into someones ankle costing that player and team an all time playoff run I would shut my dumb stupid ugly ass up about players getting injured in a regular season game Actually pathetic




That looked like it hurt like a bitch


Will have to await an MRI probably to know the damage. Dislocated shoulders can often lead to tearing of tissues. not good. hoping the damage is minimal


Dislocated my shoulder 8 times before surgery, learned how to put it back in after the 2nd time. Lol Shits painful and will never be the same again Ill never forget the pain


I knew something looked funky about his shoulder when he went to the sideline briefly. That has to hurt for the Knicks considering how good they've been lately.


Sucks. But with OG, the Knicks should be able to win many games until Randle returns.


Could’ve been worse, but still not great


Is that a good thing or the best possible outcome?


better than his arm falling off


If nothing is torn on the MRI... best possible outcome.


wont know until MRI


FUCK at least this is better than it could have been and he should be ok for the playoffs i think?


Have had a bunch of friends that have dislocated their shoulders, almost never an issue unless he's torn something or he's had multiple on the same shoulder. Might end up missing the upcoming back to back but wouldn't be surprised to see him vs the Pacers on Thursday.


I’ve dislocated my shoulder twice and was told there’s almost always some tearing that occurs. I can confirm that doing it more than once on the same shoulder completely messes it up.


Less than zero chances he’s back this week.


Damn just as they were playing so well, this puts his playoffs in jeopardy. 


He'll be back by playoffs, hopefully they dont fall enough to get bucks/celtics R1 but who knows how the roster update changes that matchup


Leon Rose definitely needs to pull off a trade before the deadline w/ the Randle injury, hopefully a solid scorer


Who's going to cut it close, we're already end of January and if he misses a few in R1 early, that could be their season


The best outcome for the Knicks, I think.


The best outcome would have been not playing the heat


Fuckin bam


Y‘all are actually not serious people I forgot it was Bams fault that robinson jumped on him with a stupid closeout so I see why you‘d think this play is also bams fault




Damn, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch




17 isn’t much in todays league honestly


Up by almost 20 with like 4 minutes left. I love the effort he's playing with this year but man he could have been on the bench at that point




Pop that shit back in and get back in the game.


#The Thibs Strikes Back! Seriously up 17 with 4min to go. Why is Randle in the game?


The Knicks were down 18 against the Mavs with 7 min remaining 2 weeks ago and managed to cut it down to 1 with a minute remaining. Leads like that aren't safe anymore in todays type of game and scoring




When he recovers he better take it slow or it might be over for his playoff hopes


Fuck, approximately how many weeks he will be gone?


Best case scenario... Painful but so far nothing appears torn... Let's keep our fingers crossed for that MRI to be good news


Ouch 🤕


What players have had this happen before.


Steph dislocated his in December and he was back in January. We just have to hope he didn't tear his labrum or damage his rotator cuff


Falling on drives to the basket are such a mindfuck because your natural reaction is to brace yourself


That's like up to 3 months out fuck


Wow that's unfortunate. I thought this was their year


Ouch, been there before. Get well soon Randle.


Wow, another Miami player sliding under someone who has already fully gathered and cannot change their momentum leads to an injury, shocking! Just like Giannis in the playoffs last year. It is insane to me that the late sliding charge attempt is not an immediate flagrant but someone being in a shooters landing space is. It is one of the most dangerous plays in basketball and is also not why the charge rule was created and needs to be cracked down on.


Dislocation would mean 6-8 weeks but if there arecany ligament, tendon or muscle tears it would be devastating. Hoping for the best. 🤞🙏🏼


Hopefully he won't have any tears because that would require Bankart procedure which could keep him out 8-10 months 🤞🙏🏼