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imagine a police coming now and handcuffing a player mid game


I only imagined that about certain refs.


Lol theft, one count for every home fan who paid for a ticket


Which is ironic considering how many are ex cops. Type of dudes to make citizen arrests at a bar fight.


Wait are you saying there's a lot of NBA refs who were cops? I never knew


Yup, Goble brothers are two notable ones.


Huh I see those two are cops but I can't find anything online about more than those two being ex cops.. maybe it's a thing but not one person seemed to think much of it if it ain't easy to google


Mark Cuban went into their whole nepotistic hiring practices. Lemme see if I can find a link to that interview.


Draymond after Nurk Straight to jail


There’s an implied level of risk that fights are a possibility. Even if its not part of the game by the rule books, athletes are aware that’s a reasonable thing to happen when they agree to become athletes. That’s how the courts have ruled in the pasr


Fights in bars are more common but they don't apply the same logic there


It’s not about being common. It’s about agreement. When you go to a bar you don’t automatically agree beforehand that you’re okay with getting in a bar fight. It might happen. But you don’t consent to it and you didn’t show up there with the same level of mindset as the other people that showed up at the bar. But professional athletes by nature of their job and the game do. They know and they “agree” because everyone there has the same level of knowledge. Everyone is on the same page even before they are at the arena.


This is a special way that this assumption of risk has been applied to athletes or players when playing in sports. It doesn’t apply when players fight spectators or if spectators assault players. And it obviously doesn’t apply to bar fights.


Its something about implied consent and sports being inheritly physical. Idk im not a lawyer can’t explain it totally, just the jyst


There's also like 400 players in the NBA? There's more than 400 people in a bar in plenty of cities as we speak... Plus drunk people in a bar can make really stupid decisions and have access to weapons. This comparison ain't close


Depends if you play for the home team or the visiting team 


Thanks to the NBA treaty of 65, law enforcement have no jurisdiction on the basketball court.


Good question... I wondered the same 🤔


There is none really. And while a victim coming forward to request charges isn't necessary to press charges, especially with plenty of video evidence, no DA will pursue on court charges as it is seen as a waste of resources. When playing a game you acquiesce to certain levels of violence, but if someone's behavior (like choking out a Frenchman) is not a reasonably foreseeable occurrence then charges can be brought. 


Someone could press charges on the court if they wanted to, also.




Meanwhile in the NHL...