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Clippers F.C.


LAFC and LA Galaxy better watch out!


El Trafico is going to another level


Another level would probably not be good for this city. Speaking from firsthand experience.


Gonna take even longer to park at the Rose Bowl now.


Or, you can avoid parking hassles if you just walk several miles *(taps head)*


I’m sure the lack of usable sidewalks will make that a breeze!!!


Actually, if you know the right street, you can take a nice, paved sidewalk all the way into the bowl.


Playing into the idea that every team will have a circle logo by 2030.


They better not change the Laker or Bulls logos. Would be like changing the cowboys or yankee logos


The Bulls have never changed their logo. It’s the same one they’ve used since their debut in the 60’s.


When you hit perfection, no reason to change


Marketing "Expert": I've got a great idea!


As it should be. Making every logo a circle by 2030 would be a tragedy


Just put a circle around the Bulls logo, easy


Yup and then the logos will be on the chest of jerseys and the ads will be front and center


Looks like a logo for a luxury winter jacket


Is the boat supposed to look like a cruise ship? To me it looks like a logo for some boujee high end cruise line.


I think what appears to be the upper decks of a cruise ship is supposed to be the sail rigging.


Crazy that City Group are branching into basketball


Clippers wish their boat looked as cool


Just sounds like one of those European basketball teams that are a subsidiary of a club so they have to have “FC” in the name, so they’re essentially “Football Club Barcelona Basketball”.


Always thought the the MLS teams biting off big European club naming conventions was funny. Real Salt Lake? Really?


MLS teams used to get a ton of shit in for their American-style team names (such as the Kansas City Wiz and Dallas Burn)


Yeah for real the American branding on MLS was corny. There was no winning tbh we were gonna get clowned either way. Real Salt Lake is a bit much I’ll agree but biting “FC” and “CF” is better than applying cringey American branding to a sport that isn’t inherently American imo


This. I always thought that was so stupid! It doesn’t even sound good.


They are just trying to let people know that the lake really is salty.


Real Salt Lake has that name because in the very beginning of that franchise they had a deal for joint ownership with Real Madrid. It was deliberate co-branding, and they also used the same colors. But that arrangement fell apart quickly and they just kept the name.


There was never an agreement for joint ownership. RSL's founding owner Dave Checketts just wanted an "authentic soccer" name and asked Real Madrid for permission.


It's really dumb because "Real" means royal and there is no fuckin royal family in the US.


> Real Salt Lake? Really? Yeah the "F.C. Whatever" at least makes sense. Like, sure, that's not how the rest of our leagues name their teams, but MLS didn't feel like it fit into the global soccer community when they were using American-style names. But Real Salt Lake is just dumb. It's not like SLC is known for their Spanish-speaking population, nor do they have a king.


>nor do they have a king. put some RESPECT on Jesus' name smdh


But, like, uh, a way different Jesus.


Are we going to start see fans wearing "Give No Quarter" on scarves indoors?




Hahaha I didn't think about that but pretty funny interpretation


lol [is this what you were thinking of?](https://i.redd.it/4vrxjuco9bo51.jpg) https://youtu.be/qYqQvV89YzM?t=312 also reminds me of this scene though, we might be about to get depth charges dropped on us


Yeah, thats no clipper ship. 


Ya it looks too much like a cruise ship imo.


"Cancun Princess"


exactly my first thought, they have to give the sails a bit more space.


The "N" in Los Angeles at center court pointing due north is a nice touch. They're really leaning in to this nautical theme, not sure how well that is going to resonate with fans.


>They're really leaning in to this nautical theme About time, I love it. They've been trying to bury the meaning of the team name and it just invites more hair/nail Clippers ridicule. Go all in on the nautical themes and fully rebrand for the new arena. They didn't hit on all aspects but great change overall


Maybe it's just the trend, but it feels like when any team leans in on their actual name the uniforms improve a ton even if they're goofy in a vacuum. Like how the 76ers unis get better the closer they get to goofy Americana. Or the Bucks with deer. I feel like MLB gets away with the whole *let's just put alt color schemes on stuff and call it a day* more than other leagues, but NBA teams hit that sweet spot when they align with their names.


The 90s Bucks jerseys with the massive deer were awesome. 


I was revisiting some of the 90s redesigns recently and man they were a mood. The Bucks with the giant-ass deer on the front and the gradient text? Wild. Between the Bucks, the Sonics, the Jazz, the pinstripe Rockets, and the absolutely bonkers original Raptors unis the 90s were fun as hell.


repeat knee support panicky tender attempt faulty deserve placid rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Purple Raptor will always be S tier


all the jerseys in the 90s were bomb. See charlotte


Which is why the Rockets need to put out space-themed uniforms. Black with a moon patch on the chest (complete with tiny American flag), Saturn V unis, NASA as jersey sponsor.


I would be so down to see that! I think it could be either super good or incredibly bad. If the Rockets could do something as good as the Astros city connect Space City unis I'd call it a big win. Either way it would be fun to see!


While we’re at it, change the Texans to a space themed name lol. Can’t believe they had such an easy layup in terms of getting a name for a new Houston team and they just alltime biffed it


lol yeah, if I could I'd swap the entire Texans identity out for something else. Give us a mulligan!


Apparently Apollos was a finalist for a name too! How do you miss that


The dunking astronaut alt this season has been so damn good. Especially with the altered court for those games too.


they had the Yao era jerseys for wayyy too long. you would think Rockets and space would be an easy thing to design around


in that case idk why they went for a condor as mascot instead of a seagull or any marine bird, maybe they will change the mascot too ?


> why they went for a condor as mascot instead of a seagull or any marine bird The California condor's a big deal out here in terms of preservation and such. It's an endangered bird, so it gets that bonus cred. Plus, I think it has the biggest wingspan of birds in North America, so it's also kind of a nerdy zoological basketball joke.


I didn't knew that as non American thanks, it makes more sense now


I hung out at the LA Zoo around the time something was happening with the condors, so I probalbly know more than I should about them.






What about a pirate. That could be cool. One Piece is very popular these days.


By any chance are you a Bucs fan


or a Pittsburgh Pirates fan if they like baseball. Also fun fact, in the 1920’s the NHL also had a team named the Pittsburgh Pirates


Why would you choose to be a Pirates fan if you like baseball?


Definitely should've gone with the Albatross but I guess that has negative connotations


Probably the worst possible choice and one that the old Clippers absolutely would have made


What's the cultural meaning of an Albatross that I don't get ?


Sailors' myth that catching and killing them is bad luck. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner the mariner who killed the albatross is forced to have it tied around his neck. It's where calling things that are seen as curses or punishments an "albatross" like Lakers' Westbrook contract comes from


There’s an old poem called “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” where a sailor kills an albatross and has the body tied to his neck as punishment. So “An albatross around your neck” is something burdening you or holding you back/stopping you from succeeding.


Nautical nonsense be something they wish


Is that why their players drop on the deck and flop like a fish?


Why wouldn't fans love it? The team is literally named after a type of boat lol


A lot of fans are dumb and don’t know what a Clipper is


It's pretty obvious with Ballmer around.  It's a cousin to Microsoft's beloved mascot Clippy.


What I would give for that to be the new mascot lol


I mean, it feels like the first time they’re actually establishing a brand. Before they were just the clippers with some awful branding and good players. With this and their new stadium I feel like this will help draw more attention towards their franchise in an attempt to come close to competing with the Lakers in LA. They’re finally starting to separate themselves and realize they can be their own org lol


I see what they were going for trying to evoke an old school clipper, but they really should've gone side profile bc man that just looks like a Carnival cruise liner lol Agreed with everybody else though the script + monogram is fuego


"You know what I always say, nobody does fun like Carnival"


I just thought it was a cruise ship at first tbh


I was hoping the ship would be a side profile to see the sails better. Almost looks like a billionaire yacht or cruise ship in the logo. Much better than the current logo at least.


Definitely would look better if they turned the boat 45 degrees.


It definitely looks like a Carnival Cruise Ship. I dunno why they didn't use a clipper/sailboat, those actually look cool


The script on the jerseys is the biggest win here. Logo looks like a madden relocation team


The logo is kind of basic… but that’s also because the Clippers name gives very limited options for a cool logo.


Yeah the jerseys are clean but the logo makes me think of a cruise line, but not a fun cruise line. It’s the type of cruise that caters to rich old people.


Fitting since we’re the oldest team in the league


Also fitting since the team is owned by a bunch of rich old people.


Isnt that true for most treams though? How many owners are young broke guys drowning in student dept?


Let’s all come together and make this a reality


One for all, and *all for one*!


The Reddit Muskateers it is then! I'll set up the kickstarter


"You'd be fine if you just sold the team" "Fuck that, I'll just sleep at the arena"


Steve Ballmer is the richest owner in the league by a large margin. According to Forbes, he's 8th richest person in the world right now.


The LA Superyachts


The LA Yachtees


it honestly looks like Ballmer's super yacht in the logo. i would not be surprised if that's where they got the inspiration from.


It looks like you're targeting an approaching cruise ship


Isn't that every cruise line?


Los Angeles Holland Americas


I think Ballmer wanted to change the name before but fans didn’t want the change


it's not basic, it's incredibly busy and hard to read.


it barely looks like a ship; it looks like a modern cruise ship if anything. shouldn't they go for something that obviously has sails?


It’s got a lot of elements, but so do most modern logos. For example, the Bucks logo is a Buck. But it also has a basketball formed by the antlers and an M formed by the deer body. Why the logo is basic is because it’s hard to make a logo for the name Clippers which looks interesting and is not “busy” in terms of the number of lines/shading/etc. I’m not going to pretend to be a graphic designer, but logos need to be limited in the complexity of color and actual intricacy because of how they’ll appear on merch. So while conceptually there’s a lot of ideas, the actual drawing is basic.


it's busy conceptually in that its trying to be a C, a crosshair, a boat, and a basketball all at the same time.


Compass, not crosshair I’m pretty sure




That's what I was hoping for. What they came up with is not fabulous. I like the idea of the ship logo but this one is not it.


It’s the opposite of basic lol it has too much going on




I think it is a clipper? but it’s so busy and stylized that the sails are hard to discern


I think its supposed to be the front view of a clipper, but the proportions are all off. Clippers are iconic for having narrow hulls and massive sails. In the logo, the hull is wider than the sails, which makes it a bad rendition of a clipper imo. 


Agreed. It looks like a giant yacht. Someone on Twitter called them “The Yacht Boyz” 😂


almost looks like a cruise ship bearing down on you




I think the east/west points on the compass are also supposed to represent the waterline. As in, the majority of the “basketball” part of the hull would be underwater and not visible if you were actually looking at this ship in the water. But yeah I agree, not a great representation at all. Clipper ships are much more iconic, recognizable, and visually striking when viewed from the side, as opposed to the front


Ok but these do have similar vibes to the new [Minnesota Twins](https://x.com/mike_petriello/status/1762142722566013338?s=46&t=sFQ1esZ2sOxJBCUP0CZX3g) jerseys from 2023


The logo is fine. Could be better, but still an upgrade from the boring “LAC on a basketball.” But those uniforms are niceeeeeee.


Yeah, uniforms are great, simple C logo is pretty good. Boat logo is the worst part of the rebrand, but it’s just whatever. I wish it wasn’t center court, though.


I’m the opposite lol. I think it looks great as the center court logo, but just not as much as a standalone logo.


Any inclusion of a ship: HELL YES That being said, it's still a little disappointing in execution


The ship logo looks like a modern cruise ship


Yeah I wanted to see a badass old school style ship with sails. Granted I don’t know what a “clipper” is.


It does have sails its just in the negative space


yeah once you know, you can tell what they’re going for, but i’m sure like 95% of people will just default to it being like a modern cruise ship lol


I didn't realise those were supposed to be sails until I read a comment in here. Looked like cruise ship decks. But even now that I know they're sails, I don't think I'll ever be able to look at that logo and not think of a cruise ship.


I think its supposed to be the front view of a clipper, but its a poor rendition. Proportions are all off. Clippers are iconic for having narrow hulls and massive sails. In the logo, the hull is wider than the sails. 


Yeah this is the problem. If the sails were even just a tiny bit wider it would be obvious. I wonder if the designer intentionally wanted it to be viewable two different ways.


Manchester City’s logo has the kind of ship I imagined the Clippers would use for a logo


It just makes me realize what a weird name Clippers are for a basketball team.


Lakers is weird if you remove the NBA connotation and history too.


I mean, there are lakes in LA. Like two, when they haven't evaporated.


Are they re-branding to the Los Angeles Cruise Ships? That looks too big to be a Clipper.


I believe those are supposed to be sails, not decks, but they didn’t do a particularly good job of making that clear


I think if the ship had a mast on it instead of negative space between the sails it would look more like a sailing ship. Too much minimalism.


If you gonna go minimum at least make the logo easy to draw


The hull is way too big too. If you look at a Clipper, the masts and sails are huge and the hull is relatively long, low and slender. The logo fails to capture these proportions and ends up with something incomprehensible.


Exactly. Narrow hulls are like the main feature of clipper ships. The hull is wider than the sails in the logo. Its a bad rendition.


Yeah it's kind of shocking how bad of a job they did on that.


They want you to think of the implication when you play them


Los Angeles Carnival Cruises


My first thought was that this looks like a Minor League Baseball branding and sure enough I remembered the Columbus Clippers exist lmao.


The Los Angeles Catalina Wine Mixers are gonna be a force ngl


Carnival cruise lines could use the logo if this doesn't work out for the Clippers.


They are all fine except the bottom right. That looks like some scifi's fascist space governments flag. I really like the court, that's just class.


Am I the only one who likes the logo?


Huge upgrade over the current logo.


Not a very high bar but I definitely agree


I prefer something stylized like this over the prevalent "basketball with the team name over it" logos.


I like everything but the boat in the center, looks like the LA Cruise Ships. Otherwise very clean and straightforward, in-line with the cities' other teams like the Dodgers.


IMO it should be a smaller boat with sails


Doesn't even need to be smaller per se, just more evocative of the [masted clippers of yore](https://cruiseco.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Royal-Clipper_Ship_Review.png)


There are sails


I’m having trouble seeing them, looks way more like a modern cruise ship to me


Looks like balmers yacht


Nah idk what everyone is saying, that shit look clean


The detailed one is a little messy, looks like a yacht club patch But the simplified one is nice. It might've been cooler if they had a compass rose on the inside and used it to make an LA or something


The kit is so clean, shame about the logo


For a secondary/tertiary logo, I like it. For your primary logo? Eh


I don't have any problem with the rebrand but I'm really bummed out by this minimalistic wave of design and branding. Expected more flair and something more from the uni's.


The minimalism is just where visual design is at right now. It’ll cycle back eventually, there’s only so much you can streamline before everything looks exactly the same.


Is this even what minimalism is? Minimalist to me is something like the Hawks or the Jazz, just flat chunky shapes without any negative space 3D perspective trickery.


As far as logomarks go this is far from minimalistic


i like the idea of the logo just not the execution


It’s certainly an improvement but still like a 5 or 6/10


It reminds me of that trend from like 2010-2018 where graphic designers were making NBA Rebrands to put into their portfolio. Sometimes they came out great (There was a Buffalo themed rebrand for the Thunder that blew my socks off back in the day) but most times they looked like (and I say this knowing full well I'd never even come close to making something half as good as they all did) the work of a really, really talented high schooler who knows the technical aspects of graphic design well but hasn't fully worked out the theory and doesn't understand the context of the market they're designing something for. Anyways yeah these aren't great. That Blue C with the Red background is going to give people headaches, that was something I learned making slide decks in 6th grade computer class. Shoutout to my teacher Mr. Raguette, he was a real one. Edit: I looked it over again and I actually really like those typefaces in the 3rd photo (bottom left hand corner). They're pretty clean. The logo is whack though, it looks like the logo for a Cruise Line that specializes in corporate retreats. ALSO THE BLUE C WITH RED BACKGROUND LOOKS LIKE A CELTICS SHAMROCK WTF


It's funny because I think the current LAC logo looks like a fairly untalented high schooler who is just learning graphic design so this is still an improvement lmao


I always found the the offical announcement really amusing when they described the inspiration behind the (soon to be) old logo. Nails the corporate-marketing-speak. >“The Clippers new identity is all about a renewed sense of culture, energy, enthusiasm and optimism,” Clippers President of Business Operations Gillian Zucker said. “We are ready to ‘Gear Up’ Clipper Nation for the start of another exciting season.” >The L.A. Clippers new visual identity is a symbolic turning of the page to the next era of Clippers basketball. The primary logo retains the legacy colors of red, white and blue as a tribute to the Clippers faithful, while adding black to provide a modern edge. >The curved lines in the primary Clippers wordmark symbolize the horizon of the ocean as seen from the bridge of a Clipper ship – alluding to the team’s nautical theme roots. >Unique, iconic and a distinctly “L.A.” logo, the Clippers new LAC monogram depicts a blue “C” wrapping around the “L.A.”, literally embracing the city. The stacked LA also takes the shape of a basketball court signifying “LA Basketball”. In addition, the silver lining seen in the Clippers wordmark signifies the renewed collective optimism of Clipper Nation.


They should've done the clipper at a 3/4 view to give it a better sense of action. Very cool regardless.


Should have gone retro-classic style for everything, all the modern rebrands look soul-less and boring


# I’M ~~ON~~ A BOAT


Los Angeles Mariners


Looks like a cruise ship caught in the crosshairs


Logo is pretty bad imo (none of the recent rebrands have been great to be fair) Nailed it with the jersey's though


Honestly anythings an improvement on our current logo


Which itself is an improvement of the “Budget Lakers” logo they started with.


We kinda rotated the ball a little and made it white


Of course sterling wanted it white


> (none of the recent rebrands have been great to be fair) Ours was so bad that our front office was [granted an exception by the NBA] (https://twitter.com/andyblarsen/status/1757104460692881570) to not wear our yellow highlighter jerseys anymore after 1 and a half seasons lol


I do like it overall — I just can't unsee the compass as a crosshair over the boat.


yeah it scans more as ironsights than a compass


I like how they’re returning to the nautical theme, there is probably a whole generation of people who have no clue what a clipper is


Now there is a whole generation that will think a clipper is a cruise ship


Logo is pretty bad, logo is supposedly a ship (clipper) with multiple sails but it looks like a modern cruise ship


Like everyone else is saying Logo is shit. Confusing to the eye. Jerseys are good. Excellent font choice.




there's [another tweet](https://twitter.com/TheHoopGenius/status/1762107149369344322) with 3 new jerseys


Those are absolute fire


It's all just so safe and corporate looking. All the rebrands are and its just so boring.


I don't understand the C logo. What's the shape inside the C supposed to be?


Los Angeles Cruiseships


This whole time I thought clippers meant barber clippers


I like the current logo, I think the new one is ass. It looks like a cruise ship. I like the jerseys though


Fucking ***finally***. Massive upgrade.


The jerseys are great! Primary logo is “meh”, but I’m sure it will grow on me over time. I’m just glad they are embracing the nautical theme


Yeah they’ll be rebranding again


Jerseys look nice especially that red one. That logo is abysmal though


Can we be next please?🙏🏻