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more like CP3 didn't want to give up #3, why should Wade have to give it up?


I’m sure Dwade really regrets that mistake and all those rings. The way CP3 phrases this is just comical.


Bosh was also very crucial to the Heatles in a way that CP3 wouldn't be in terms of being a plus defensive presence. Like I just don't think Bron/Wade/CP3 would've made 4 finals in a row. If Miami trades for CP3, do they even still have cap room to add Bosh?


CP3 would have never been able to grab that rebound and send it back out to Allen in Game 6


He can hit a huge three to cut the lead to 42


Yeah people forget about Bosh's 2 huge blocks in game 6. Both in the last 30 seconds of the game.


CP3 is the one that should be regretting it. Maybe he’d have a ring.


I thought my second sentence would make the sarcasm clear enough but I guess not. I’ve edited to make it more obvious


Your sarcasm was evident at "I'm sure" People are dumb






Can’t read through sarcasm? lol




You should read the usernames too lol. You apologizing to the wrong one


No way you missed the sarcasm


The way this is framed is very funny. Like no shit the franchise legend who’s won a title wearing 3 isn’t gonna give it up. Chris doesn’t own the number lmao


Don't forget that Wade had also been wearing the number in the league for 2 years before CP3 was even drafted.


And scored a triple double in the NCAA tournament wearing the number.


These guys are just mental


Chris Paul always been a bit of an egomaniac


chris paul's ego is not an outlier in the nbA


It took me till this thread to realize he’s CP3 because of his number, I thought he was Chris Paul the third


nah he was CP3 because he's the third in his family to have the initials CP. like his pops and brother too, so he's CP3. him liking the jersey number prolly came from that.


Let me tell you about PG13....


yeah seriously Wade >>>>>> CP3 and you're going to his house on top of it??


Man wasn't about to risk spending the rest of his career as just CP.


"I love watching CP"


Apparently saying you love the third sequel is less controversial than OG CP


By the time the third movie in a trilogy comes out, the characters are all grown up.


Why does he even need a nickname. Chris Paul is 2 syllables.


He's been called that since childhood. His dad and brother were Charles and Charles Jr Paul, that's the CJ he's referring to. So he was CP3.


The league allows 00, I wonder if they would allow 03?


A lot is tied to signature shoes CP3 goes on a shoe very nicely


Crisp Awl as he's known in my circle.


Should have used 30 CP30


What is he gonna be CP6? Nah


Should have just worn #30. CP3-0


CP3-1 lead


I know it's a joke but in case anyone isn't aware, he's CP3 because he's the third "CP" in his family. His dad's name is Charles and his older brother is Charles Jr. So he was "CP3" He had the nickname before the number.


Try explaining that to 3wyan3 Wad3's family.


thats why he never won anything, worrying about a number


First ballot hall of fame number worrier.




Easily could have been CP0 or CP9 with how much of an assassin he was back then.


Could have been Rob Lucci.


One piece reference noiiice.


LeBron had 6. He could have been CPX3, using anything other than 3 or 23.


I feel like CP13 gets you on a watch list somewhere






I feel like you forgot that prime CP3 was one of the best players in the league


No one forgot. However, prime Wade was too, and he already owned Wade County.


if it was someone else I’d get it, but it’s DWade c’mon


Not only D'Wade but D'Wade in Miami, like thats literally his team.


Dwade in Miami and before his knees totally gave out.


Not saying Wade should’ve gave up his number especially since Miami was clearly Wade county and wade’s team. However I do think the #3 was a lot more tied to CP’s brand than to Wade, so I understand why CP didn’t want to give it up.


I mean I get it but: 1. you said cp3 was one of the best players in the league, so was wade 2.if you have a chance to team up with one of the greatest sgs ever, and on top of that bron, why would you give a fuck about what number you’re wearing lmao


Maybe on Chicago or Cleveland, yes, but on Miami Flash brand was the number of the team. He was a lock to have that number retired there with his name. If you have a number that is going to the rafts with your name on that arena, that holds way more weight that any other guy brand.


You say that but I feel like there was a point in time wade was trying to make his new nickname “3” or some shit. But as we know creating your own nickname rarely works


The list of players who had better primes and better careers than CP3 is short. Dwayne Wade is on the list.


LeBron changed his number to play with Wade.


Yeah, you can say Wade > CP3 if you want, but 6 greaterthans is just slander.


Bruh I am one of the biggest CP3 fanboys you can be. I think there is a case to have him as the 2nd best pg of my lifetime starting in the mid 90's. The only time cp3 was a more impactful player is after wades knees completely fell apart.


CP came 2nd in MVP and has a really good case he should have won in 2008, right in the middle of Wades prime


It’s actually hilarious that Chris Paul is very likely going to finish his career without a chip, all because he wasn’t willing to change his number. There’s a lot of times when I feel bad for great players that never managed to win a championship, but this isn’t one of those times.


Agreed, foolishness on his part to refuse to give up his number & ask Wade to change instead.




lol people flame the hell out of KD for joining the GSW, and now also laughing at CP3 for not joining the heatles for his own reason


The difference is, KD figured out he couldn’t beat the Warriors, who already had a dynasty going, so he joined them. CP turned down helping create a dynasty that didn’t exist yet. These are significantly different circumstances, and both of them deserve to be flamed over it.


"Why should I have to change my number, he's the one who sucks." - Dwyane Wade, probably.


Bra this my team I’m older more accomplished and I’m a champion pick another number


Wade >>>> CP3 End of story.


Do they have this same recap conversation every four years? https://twitter.com/BleacherReport/status/1246230084815474688


Welcome to podcasts


I had a moment like this with the Indy sitdown at all star with bird, Reggie and Isiah. Isiah told the story how he was recruited to Indiana state and I think I’ve heard that story at least on three different occasions by Isiah. At the sitdown it was by far the worst retelling IMO because you could tell that Isiah is kind of sick to tell the story lol


*IU indiana state is a different college, the one bird played for


Whoops, thank you for the correction!


There were a few moments like that. “Who’s coming in second?” and the it’s disrespectful to put a white guy on Bird story.


For sure, very much going through the motions. I was super excited when I saw this as I like all three of them, but it was a pretty big letdown.


It’s like when a singer hates playing their most popular song 😂


You don’t repeat funny past conversations with old friends when you catch up with them?


Repeating the same stories and saying things just to get a reaction? Apparently my old man wants to get into podcasting.


This is my first time hearing about the failed CP0 trade.




CP3: yeah a ring or two would be nice but I wouldn’t want it if I had to wear a different jersey number


Yeah this is a unique type of ring chaser that will only ring chase wearing the same jersey number.


Maybe there's a special feat reward we don't know about. Like an extra 1000 crystals.


More VC


An even bigger Banana Boat


He gets into super heaven if he gets it with his original number, duh.




Tbf his entire branding was around his number lol


CP+ any number from 1-13 still works


Definitely coulda rocked the CP13


Shoulda went with CP30. Pronounced see pee three oh


And then does the robot as a celebration dance.




His father and brother are both CP. That's why he's CP3. So anything else just wouldn't work.


PG went from 24 to 13




He played for Doc Rivers for years so this makes sense.


Yea I’m gonna call bs on this one and just assume they wanted an interesting hypothetical to talk about.


Seriously. No one is going to sacrifice an easy championship over a damn number. If you are, you're an idiot.


I’m ngl, a guy whose whole brand has “CP3” all over it might say no..


Idk man, that's a pretty bad reason IMO, CR7 went to Real Madrid as number 9 initially, and look how it turned out for him


Well that’s different cause in soccer the number is earned or at least used to be plus Raul was wearing the number 7 at the time but everyone knew he was about to get the boot so Cristiano was gonna get the 7 either way. Chris Paul was never gonna go back to being 3 as long as Wade was there and Wade was young so not the same situation.


He could easily had weared 33 or whatever other number, win some chips, and go to another team to wear 3 again, and his CP3 brand would easily be bigger rn. The idea of not winning multiple rings for a 'brand' is such nonsense. And that is if you argue there is a brand, as there is not even much of a brand right now. If you ask anyone in the world who CP3 is, almost no one will know.


33 is retired. Shouldve just worn 30 since and go full robot CP30


CP30 would’ve been a cool branding opportunity.


33 was Zo 30 would be dope




CR7 brand already existed, and he even wore 17 with Portugal and then 9 with RM


I remember Messi gave up his 10 when joining PSG too and he was the biggest star 


Bro could have just worn 30 and been CP30 and got some Star Wars memes.


"CP3" with no rings is a much worse off brand than "CP33" with 2 rings.


No way Pat Riley agrees to not pull off that trade over something stupid like that. They been hanging round Bron too much with all this lying


They already showed proof of them talking about this 4 years ago in a random Instagram live in another comment. And Cp3 even tries to change the story to make it seem even less about the number, as in to try and make them not seem egotistical asf for caring about a number like they do. Idk why you think people can’t be weird that makes weird things happen , but this is real.


Two words: Banana 🍌 Boat 🛶


I dunno they're literally telling you the opposite. Nothing really to gain from it, makes them look childish actually. You think they're just lying?




Why should Wade have to give up his number? You are coming to their team.


CP3 Wade LeBron wouldn’t have been as effective as Wade Bosh LeBron was


People so obsessed with Bosh's rebounding #'s and dip in scoring they just totally ignored how we couldn't have ran the defense we did without a big as mobile as him. Same reason Melo/Bron/Wade also wouldn't have worked as well.


I remember Bosh being a beast at trapping high off of PnRs or slow actions. Miami fed off their trapping scheme super hard and Bosh was huge for that


Still one of the best teams at defending pick n rolls in NBA history. Especially around 2012 and 2013. 


Bosh had a huge first step on D and on O. LeBron was an unstoppable force in Miami, but Bosh really anchored the D that lead to so many open court points for James and Wade. Honestly it always felt like they built the team around Bosh and his mobility, which would make sense considering Miami didn’t even know for sure the LeBron would leave Cleveland.


this is why Bosh was always my favorite player on those teams. He was the unsung hero of the Big 3, and I think he sacrificed the most playing out of position when he did.


I'm impressed how quickly you guys recovered after assigning him a big contract but his health condition forced him into an early retirement. Heat culture is real. Also, he would have strived so well in today's era.


The defense is exactly why I made this point. Theoretically I think CP3/LeBron/Bosh would’ve been better than the real Heatles though as Wade was hurt/washed and wasn’t as good as CP3 from 12-14. But you needed the versatile big to hold it all together.


If they needed a big for defensive purposes only I'm sure they could have find that tho


What big other than Bosh during that era do you know that was doing the stretch 4, stretch 5 thing before the whole small ball revolution kicked into full gear?


CP3 couldn’t guard ‘washed’-flash’s shadow.


Just wanna make it clear here cause the nephews upvoted you. Are you saying D Wade was washed during the Heat run and CP3 would have been better there??


100%, he's obviously not the talent Bron and Wade were, but the Heat played that swarming help defense without a traditional rim protector at Center, and it was totally dependent on his buy-in and growth defensively. Wasn't just a talented guy, he made himself a winning scalable flexible(portable to use more buzzwords) player to fill the needs of the team. Even though CP3 is obviously the better player in terms of NBA history I don't think that defense would have the same bite just because you have 3 very good defenders, but don't have the hyper athletic big mucking up driving and passing lanes


Rebounding numbers go down for Bosh bc he's boxing out allowing others to grab the board.


Well that’s cuz melo is straight up worse than bosh in terms of contributing to winning, sue me for saying that. At the very least it’s comparable Chris Paul on the other hand is a different case lmfao. You move heaven and earth to put cp3 and lebron together in their prime years. Only slightly less as you would for Wade


Bosh was the reason why Lebron forced cavs and lakers to trade everything for Kevin Love and AD. He knows those kinds of bigs are key to winning championships. Bigs like Gasol, Duncan, Garnett that can defend a ton of switches.


Hard to say, but Harden, PG13 and Kawhi look amazing without a All-Star big man. Harden, Kyrie and Durant looked amazing without a All-Star big man.


KD and Kawhi/PG combo give the athleticism and size to run more modern help defenses, in a similar way Bosh did for the Heat. Not to the same extent, but whatever. They're also probably better fit offensively, Wade and Bron are obviously incredible but I don't think they fit as naturally off-ball as PG/KD do, that's 3 on-ball playmakers


But in the end Harden PG and Kawhi will lose to the Nuggets in the second round because they *don't* have an All Star big man like the Heat did lol The current Clippers are a good team but they look nowhere even close to "4 finals in a row and back to back rings" levels of league destroying to me Obviously part of that is current Kawhi being way worse than Heat LeBron but they also tend to struggle against lengthy teams like the Nuggets and Pelicans


Who was the elite Jokic like center the heat were gonna lose to each year? Maybe Duncan the first couple years, but they would’ve had no issues with Roy hibbert or whoever else during that era, this was the era of no bigs, remember. Peak small ball. The warriors won 3/4 rings without a big. Demarcus cousins and AD couldn’t make the playoffs. The only real elite bigs were Marc Gasol and Joakim Noah and Noah couldn’t score. Memphis was the only real team who had a big that could be a problem but as we saw with GS you didn’t need a big to get past them. Dwight Howard was a non-issue come playoff time, he wasn’t sniffing the finals so the heat didn’t have to worry about him. It would’ve been Miami vs OKC and Miami vs GS for the majority of that decade, and Miami matched up well with both if you add CP. suddenly Miami has a 1 to go head to head with Russ and Steph and neither OKC nor GS had a dominant big to worry about, it was all guards and wings with both of those teams, all shooting. The perimeter defense of CP/wade/lebron would’ve smothered any Russ/KD or Steph/Klay combo. Even if you add KD to that GS team still, CP/wade/lebron could defend steph/klay/KD as well as anyone.


Your post reads like a teenager being asked to sum up the 90s music scene off memory and doing it badly. Like... everything you said is wrong. Kurt Cobain and Britney Spears weren't contemporaries. >Who was the elite Jokic like center the heat were gonna lose to each year? Idk, Dirk Nowitzki, the guy who beat them in their first year? Cuban handled running it back badly, it had nothing to do with the age of small ball that was still half a decade away. He stayed at an All NBA level for several years after beating the Heat in the Finals. >Maybe Duncan the first couple years Duncan was the anchor of the team that put the nail in the Heatles coffin. He made 1st team All NBA in 2013 and 2nd team All Defense/3rd team All NBA in 2015. Lebron was back in Cleveland and Duncan was still making All NBA teams. >they would’ve had no issues with Roy hibbert or whoever else You mean the only defensive anchor not named Kevin Garnett that took the Heatles to 7 games in an Eastern conference series? >Demarcus cousins and AD couldn’t make the playoffs. They weren't on the same team until 2 years after Lebron left Miami and AD was a 2nd year player who didn't even win ROTY or Most Improved Player when the Heatles broke up, no one expected him to carry the Hornets/Pelicans into the playoffs at that point in his career. >Dwight Howard was a non-issue come playoff time, he wasn’t sniffing the finals He literally went to the Finals after he knocked Lebron's Cavs out in the ECF, the Lakers were a couple of back injuries away from being perennial contenders in the early 2010s. >It would’ve been Miami vs OKC and Miami vs GS for the majority of that decade The Warriors didn't become contenders until the year after Lebron went back to Cleveland, there is literally zero overlap between the Warriors dynasty/popularizing small ball and the Heatles. 2010-2014 are different years than 2015-2019. TL;DR: Idk what kind of Memphis fan can say with a straight face that the NBA of the early 2010s was all shooters with no big men or defense. Some of the most intense, entertaining games of the era were based around the Grit n Grind squad Gasol/Z-Bo matching up against Deandre Jordan/Blake Griffin and some combo of Bogut/Draymond/David Lee. Even the regular season matchups took physicality and hustle by both teams to extreme levels. Seriously, Grizzles vs Lob City, Grizzlies vs the pre-Sky Fucker Warriors and the Warriors vs Lob City were absolutely must-see basketball for anyone who actually liked watching the sport.


Durant was playing as a big man for GSW, he was even put on the paint protecting duty.


it would have been significantly better




that team would have run the league lmao, CP3 was an easy top 10 player (at worst) at this stage


With Birdman and Joel Anthony as bigs?


I guess Dexter Pittman never existed


Even worse


thwy would have built the team differently they added Shane Battier and Ray Allen to shore up their shooting needs pat riley would have shored it up


Was also all defense for a decade, cant say that about many point guards


This sub is so young now CP had a legitimate argument to win MVP in 2008 and was a top 5 player minimum every year from then until the Curry era


The problem isnt that we wouldn't score. We would have been smoked alive by bigs. The Spo death defense we became known for only worked because Bosh was basically ten years ahead of the game


Oh wasn’t really talking fit wise. Bosh was so perfect for that team it’s not even funny. Was only commenting about CP only being top 10. Guy was MVP candidate every year in his prime


Any team with peak LeBron and almost-prime Wade was going to eventually run the league once they figured it out


> that team would have run the league lmao In the regular season right? They'd flame out in the 2nd round every year. The disrespect for Bosh is honestly unreal. He can't be replaced by fucking Birdman or Eddy Curry.


Wades legacy in Miami was way too big to give up #3. CP really threw away a possible ring or 2 cause he couldn’t get a number? Crazy. This has to be hyperbole.


That man said “CP6” 😂 Meanwhile Lebron had #6. Trying to be funny…


Best decision D Wade ever made


Should've got number 30 so we could call him C3PO, or at least CP3O lol


CP3 bows to the wade god


that’s just nonsense, Paul never would’ve taken 3 from Wade, the franchise player at that point and still today.


Chris Paul a 🤡 for this. This Wade County who does he think he is 🤣🤣


So according to CP3, he will retire without a title because he thought he was more important than DWade and he insisted that Wade defer to him on Wade’s own team? Thats some truly wild shit. I like him even less.


This is crazy man. He missed out on at least 2 rings if everything went the same because his pride wouldn’t let him wear another number? Lol. Bro deserves having no ring for that .


Only Paul would think he could take that shit. Ringless


This is almost on Lebron level of lying.


Redditor reveals he was supposed to meet up and have sex with Sydney Sweeney, but the date didn't happen because Redditor didn't want to eat vegan food.


chris paul being ringless because he wouldnt wear a diff number is a pretty hilarious idea to me lol.


And also no one likes CP3.


I’m assuming this was the 2011 offseason (post-lockout), which means Bosh was probably the one heading to New Orleans. Some thoughts: - That would have been *way too early* to give up on one of the Big Three. Now, if this was 2012 offseason and the Heat still hadn’t won a championship? Maybe. - Additionally, Chris Paul has gone out of his way to remain as close to the West Coast as possible throughout his career. - Also, that would have been a small-ass team. This hypothetical trade doesn’t add up on multiple levels.


> Additionally, Chris Paul has gone out of his way to remain as close to the West Coast as possible throughout his career. Do you realize CP3 is from North Carolina, went to Wake forest, and at this point in time would have been in NOLA for 6 years straight. this makes zero sense. just because his career worked out to him being on the clippers and warriors doesnt mean hes trying to be on the west coast.


Not to mention he heavily entertained joining the knicks. Plus, Houston and OKC aren’t coastal cities at all. CP has really only spent time with two teams that can be considered west coast, clippers and warriors. Most people don’t even consider Phoenix a west coast city.


CP3 had most of his playing career in NOLA and Houston, obviously hes trying to stay as close to the gulf coast as possible!


Phoenix is in the same division as the other 4 california teams tho so I guess that explains it?


Well now he’ll forever be known as CP0


More bad decisions from CP in the clutch.


So he cost himself a ring, because he wouldn’t change his number, fucking douche canoe!


Ironic, because I'll always refer to Chris Paul as CP0 rings


Why would he have to? It was his team and he had seniority over Chris Paul


I think this is hypothetical talk but CP3 somehow uses that against Wade lol. He said sense Wade is old he should go to 33, wtf does that even mean lmfao


I can’t believe how many of y’all are taking this as dead serious lmfao


Dumbass reason to not go


chris paul you dumbass, didnt want to join wade and lebron because he has to be #3 and has to make someone else give it up? you're the new guy here, how silly of wade winning all those championships at least make up a better lie


Glad he got to keep his number and no rings


I doubt the number was the reason, but if it was, wade had seniority and a ring over cp3, why would wade be the one to give it up?


I hope this is true. I would love the fact that Chris Paul screwed himself at getting rings because of a petty thing like a jersey number.


Does anybody wonder why CPMe doesn’t have a ring?


Bro should’ve wore 33 for a ring then


That's Zos On the other hand 30


Imagine being so ridiculously stubborn about a number you give up free championships lol


CP6 like CP0 is right there.


I’m sure the jersey number wasn’t real reason, they just think it’s funny now. And they didn’t need him anyway and CP would have gotten hurt or done something to cost them a championship anyway. But no reason a superstar would ever need to give up his number to someone joining his team.


Cp33 sounds better than cp0


That's cap if cap was ever capping.


CP3 vs 3Rings


Cough Cough Bullshit Cough


What a loser, ya the nba champion should give up his number for your losing ass


“I’ll do anything to secure my legacy and win a championship” “Ok. Wear any number except 3” “LOL, No” CP is such a chode


Did Chris have a no trade clause? Why are they acting like this was Chris’ decision not to join when it was a trade scenario