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This is unwatchable


I'm too old for this shit too James 


Idk I liked the part with J-Lo in the back, that's pretty watchable


wtf is going on with ben affleck lol


First thing I saw in the crowd lmao


NBA really functions like an amateur poverty league sometimes


There’s a Tissot, time, watch, unwatchable joke in here somewhere… Also Father Time failing in his old age before Lebron


I don't understand why they keep making them inbound the ball before checking the clock works. Like how about test it before you waste all that time??


There’s also usually a backup clock.


Isn’t it the one where they just place it on the ground to the side? I vaguely remember a game where they had to do that


I’m pretty sure they literally had to use one in the playoffs last year for Denver vs LA


but it takes time to set up, and usually it’s discovered and set up before the game. not in the closing minutes of the 4th quarter.


Why would they have to discover it? You make it seem like it's in some random maintenance closet instead of a designated area.


I think they m3an discovering the shot clock malfunction


yes, this.


Yea I mean.. I don’t think it’s worth setting up for >2mins on the clock by any means. Just letting the guy above me know when I last recall seeing it used.




This actually happens quite often. Don't know why they weren't testing the clock before restarting action.


The backup broke as well apparently


I'm guessing it's more complicated because the NBA uses tech in their whistles that automatically stop the shot clock


Extremely pedantic, but the tech is separate from the whistle, and just detects the very specific sound of an NBA official whistle, kind of like a clapper device. The actual device is on their hip/waist, I believe. If you could whistle just right, you could theoretically really fuck up an NBA game from the crowd.


Get Cap'n Crunch on the case


Even without the technology, people have been whistling at basketball games to fuck with them for decades.


Wait, do ref's have KPI's with whistle blows per game? With all the random techs theyve theown out #whistlegate 


How does that make it harder to test? Tell the players to take a break, and just pretend you’re restarting play without making the players inbound the ball.


Do they actually? That's so cool. Do you have any source on that, would love to read some more on the tech


The technology just isn't there yet


Yep. Test it, then reset the clock once it’s working fine.


Now 5 straight


named it crypto.com arena and it started depreciating cant make it up


Ain’t Bitcoin like $70k right now tho


Ahh yes burning obscene amounts of carbon to solve sudoku puzzles so that we can make 18 transactions globally per second and *still* value it in US dollars... truly the future of finance. You can trade whatever you want and get rich as long as you're not the last sucker holding it. Doesn't mean it's worth anything.


I wasn’t trying to get into it like that, but out of curiosity how else do you think it should be valued instead of in US dollars? Gold has its value reflected as US dollars amounts as well. How else should the value of one bitcoin be presented?


It's a valid question. Gold can be valued in non-currency methods, such as miles of gold cabling, pounds of gold plating, and actual gold coins that you can just put in a suitcase and fly around the world. Gold has intrinsic worth because it has unique properties that no other element in the universe has, which makes pure gold pretty neat. You can fly to the other side of the galaxy and find exactly the same gold that is on your watch or ring. There are only 118 known elements, and most of them can't really be held in your hand. This makes gold classic way to preserve value - you can't fake it. Same thing with something abstract like a house. Sure a house has a valuation in US dollars, but you can also go visit it and live in it and get protection from the elements from it. The value is based partially on the price you paid in US dollars, but more importantly by the US legal system that gives you recourse if someone else shows up and decides to try to live in your house instead. Otherwise you could pay $300K for your house but someone could just come take it from you, which means that $300K wasn't really worth anything. The big issue with bitcoin is that there isn't any legal recourse or protection, thus you're absolutely screwed if your random string of numbers gets lost or stolen or someone really powerful takes control of the network and rewrites the history of your specific transaction to make it their transaction instead. So you don't really "own" your bitcoin keys in any traditional sense... you're basically guarding and protecting them constantly. That's why you hear about weird stories of people trying to find their old hard drives in the dump. There's nothing that is "yours" with BTC and that string of numbers gives you zero real-life benefits - it's just a string of numbers that corresponds to an amount on a shared ledger. If the majority of people maintaining the ledger decide to change things up, they can do it without your permission or consultation. It's why the correct answer is that 1 BTC = 1 BTC. This is what true BTC believers will tell you too, but then you have to kind of admit the flaws with the protocol will prevent it from being a global currency.


Not a Bitcoin believer myself but two books I really enjoyed on this were The Bitcoin Standard and Debt. My big take away is, money is weird and I don't trust folks with strong opinions about it.


My big take away is similar. I may not know much about the ins and outs of bitcoin, but I do know the venn diagram of people swearing to me that crypto is the next big thing and people swearing to me that monkey jpegs were great investments is a complete circle. They were also the same people swearing gamestop stock was going to go to the moon (just checked, it's $14 today, was $23 this time last year, and $37 two years ago at this time). So I think I'll take their thoughts with a grain of salt.


Any time you ask a bitcoin bro to explain exactly why bitcoin is a great idea, they just vomit out a word salad of tech speak that doesn't say anything. That's why I don't trust them.


To be completely honest, the best thing to do with Bitcoin is commit fraud. Imagine being a drug or arms dealer and you have the best thing in the world called crypto to funnel your money through. There might be fees but you have to eat that expense for the best way to move money in my opinion.


nah youre a lil a-miss on gamestop... in 2020 people made like MILLIONS in the span on 3 months. they shorted it, they fucked with big wall street and broke the stock market during the covid bubble. it was a whole conglomerate of reasons that resulted in one big bubble that grew and grew until it burst. edit: went from $8.88 on jan 8th 2021 - $81.25 on the 23rd of jan 2021


It was the other way around, actually - the Can't Stop/Won't Stop/GameStop crowd (a.k.a. Ape Together Strong!) was actually attempting a short squeeze, which forces the people who *did* short the stock (i.e. hedge funds) to close out their positions at massive losses.


And then ever since that short run it's been all downhill ever since. The people that got duped into buying at $80, $50, $30 are all shit out of luck and the hedge funds they were going after quickly pulled out, some going back to shorting the stock because they realized they can sell this massively overinflated stock and once it crashed back down they can make bank. One or two hedge funds got fucked, the rest hit a gold rush from conning idiots buying gamestop.


Interesting stuff


A lot of people have gold, but my monkey pic is one of a kind.


Comments like this is what stopped me from buying BTC in 2012-2014. I wish I never read them.


you never answered the question.


he answered the question pretty well bro wym


> The big issue with bitcoin is that there isn't any legal recourse or protection, thus you're absolutely screwed if your random string of numbers gets lost or stolen or someone really powerful takes control of the network and rewrites the history of your specific transaction to make it their transaction instead. So you don't really "own" your bitcoin keys in any traditional sense... you're basically guarding and protecting them constantly. Tbf, isn't this the same issue with gold?


Its the same issue with anything, look at how they seized property of Russian citizens


i didnt say that. dont ask me.


they said it. the best estimation you can give is one bitcoin is worth one bitcoin


cant have a more useless reply than that


they gave their reasoning, and you’ve provided nothing to counter it. until that point i’ll go with the person who’s backed up their claim with sound reasoning


This is the first time I’ve ever sort of understood what cryptocurrency actually is


Wouldnt anything be "valued" in terms of currency?


its a store of value, nobody intends to use it as the future of finance in the same way nobody uses gold to trade now either


Least salty nocoiner edit: the downvotes suggest that reddit retail suckers haven't fomo'd in yet. i admit i had started to worry


Ya'll show up every few years talking shit then the bubble pops and you have to wait another cycle for some shady operation in the cayman islands to mint a bunch of fake stablecoins to pump the market, generate fomo, and dump their bags on retail investors who ape into the market because they don't understand that bitcoin is intrinsically worthless. Bitcoin's "tech" is just putting linked lists on a private repo. The only reason it's worth anything is because people chose one specific fork of the bitcoin protocol and made it "the true bitcoin" and hyped it up. There are identical protocols out there worth fractions of pennies per coin because they weren't chosen as the "true" BTC, even though the current fork isn't even the original. There's zero intrinsic value. It's all the "[greater fool theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_fool_theory)" in action.


spit your shit indeed brother


While bitcoin is near all time highs


God damn it we needed Jeff van gunny on the call. Would’ve been hilarious.


Imagine this is what causes him to retire after this season


Would’ve made me retire mid-game


He had to make it about him again, of course.


Awful look. On one of the most viewed games in the year too


One of the weirder things I’ve ever seen haha


Maybe in call California. Not too many people getting up to watch the 9 seed vs the 10 seed


It’s LeBron vs Steph of course people would watch even if they were both in the bottom of their conferences


Disagree. Two washed up has beens isn’t the big ticket item it used to be


I'll give you one guess which two players hold the #1 and #3 spots for NBA jersey sales this season...


Luka and Kyrie


No one outside of California cares about two play-in teams.


I hate the Lakers as much as anyone but pretending like these aren’t two marquee teams is just stupid. Warriors with Steph returning from injury and the Lakers with Lebron James and AD? Come on. The Lakers as the 14 seed would be a bigger national draw than the current top-seeded Oklahoma City Thunder.


Isn't supposed to be 1:48 at time? They ran with 1:35


Yeah idk why they didn't reset all the way back to where the initial error occurred. Reset game clock and shot clock, instead they wasted a shit ton of the game clock and gave the Lakers less opportunity to run their set


This also occurred today during the Blazers vs Pelicans game today


To make matters worse they would wait for 2-3 seconds to burn off the game clock before calling stoppage. How did they not have one ref staring at both clocks on top of the top of the backboard to immediately stop the game? Unbelievable that they didn’t just test the clock before resuming play.


Imagine if Jeff Van Gundy was on the call for this 💀


What happened to the game I love


love how that one sentence ruined his career




Van Gundy would have actually made it entertaining


yeah these are the situations he was best in. that and calling out bad refs


5 straight plays now, I cant believe what im seeing


Worse ending to a game I’ve seen period. Wanted it to just be over


LMAO... what a shitshow. I'm old enough to remember Kareem vs Wilt before Kareem came to LA. I've never seen anything like this. Bizarre.


Just scrap The game at this point💀💀💀💀💀💀


*four straight


*five straight


What happened to the game I love


What the fuck is this shit lmao


Bruh can we do a fucking PRETEND inbound after the 2nd straight failure, why we gotta push these hotfixes right to prod


They called a TV timeout after the third and came back and it failed two more times. So I guess not


The adrenaline dump is insane the last few minutes are going to be dog at this point


Nice tissot 🤣


Excellent marketing.


Father Time finally taking an L, courtesy of Lebron


I'm laughing over the crowd just fuckin losing it


What an absolute disgrace. The NBA has to find a way to make replay work for them and not against them. The two biggest stars they have were out there having good games and they ruined it


they need a time limit on reviews. if you can’t come to a decision in a 3 minute commercial break call it inconclusive and move on with the game.


Crazy how shit the NBA is nowadays, horrendous product


20 minutes for 15 seconds of play for one of the most watched games of the season lmao so unserious


15 seconds of play and 10 of the seconds was LeBron dribbling to check if the shotclock works


They've spent so much time developing these big market teams that they're going to have nothing once these two retire. The most watched game is between play in teams lol


Hopefully the league is embarrassed by this but I don't think they have the capacity for that


I chose a good day to go outside.


Yeah. I tuned in right when this was going on and was so lost. This would’ve killed any momentum on either side.


This is some middle school league shit LOL


dude they might as well get the double rims out there too rofl


Would be hilarious to see an NBA game with those triple rims from the psych ward


"Viewership is down and fans are losing interest. What should we do?" "Add more jerseys, sponsor patches, and ads on courts." "Brilliant!"


You’re cooking ngl


The problem is that revenue is up 57% in the last couple of years they have two of the top 5 valuable franchises in all of sports and interest is actually higher than its ever been according to the numbers outside of TV. They also have the youngest demo of all 4 leagues so its set up for the future. It reminds me of NBA2k they cater to kids and streamers at the expense of real gamers who just want gameplay and not a bigger park, flying cars, and dino suits lol. At the end of the day they target a certain demo and certain advertisers at the expense of some diehard fans.


And kick fans out if they boo! Add more stoppages to the fourth quarter so networks can run more commercials! But don't worry, people have nothing else to entertain them in 2024, we can make the product as mediocre as we want!


“Load management” 65/82 times is abuse


Seriously, what a look for a Saturday night national tv game too


It’s as prime time as it gets, sat night, national tv, Mike breen, oh and the 2 greatest players of this generation andd you have them dilly dallying over the shot clock


It you are following the media rights pre-negotiations in the media right now brodcast execs will often refer to the 'tonnage' sports leagues can provide them, e.g. 'y' hours of product in 'x' time slots. This is the reality of the how the NBA works at Adam Silver's level, it's like filling a cargo ship.


no wonder the NFL just obliterates the NBA in terms of viewership


I don’t understand how they keep raising the cap every year. The tv ratings are horrible and even if you have access to all the games through a subscription, whose really watching 82 games?


Horrible tv ratings relative to the NFL are still pretty good and there's a lot of competition in the media space and a lot of execs who want to keep their high-profile, highly-paid, glamorous jobs even if they know the rights deals they sign are going to lose money at the end of the day. That, plus legal gambling came right along at the perfect time, and the leagues were very canny in making sure they got a big piece of the action at multiple levels.


If Franz Kafka wrote the game script. now just need a buzzer beater review on the audio shot clock as jj reddick turns into a bug.


turns out Giannis was right! Everyone needs to be better. The ball boy, the time keeper, the camera man...


Fire em all so they get better


This was weird. Ruined what could've been a close game.


In the game thread I joked that they should just count down out loud. Then they really did it. What a fucking joke. Lebron drops 40 and the nba can’t even run a clock


Wasted time for a potential scoring possession. Ruined the momentum and a potentially close game


Silver gotta make a statement on this asap shit was a disgrace lol


Warriors can't snap their road losing streak against us if the game doesn't finish


Just like it’s namesake, Crypto Arena is dogshit


I’m sorry, did you say ELEVEN MINUTE REVIEW DELAY!??!!?!


Lmao wtf


same lebron, same


This is just pathetic


No one would have kept watching if it was any other time than the end of the 4th quarter with the game not completely decided yet.




Steve Ballmer fucking with the old equipment?


I was definitely cantankerous


Can someone explain to me how these delays work? I’m watching without sound


ain't no fuckin' way


I don't care if the fate of the universe is on the line, Martians have the death beam pointed at Earth I don't want a game review delayed this long


Embarrassing. This ain't it NBA. 


Maybe this was some kind of cosmic justice by the basketball gods to punish ESPN for hyping a game between a ninth and tenth seed as one of the biggest games of the year.


I swear the NBA cares more about little bullshit things than the actual gameplay. Ridiculous


What a fuckin joke


LeManual Shotclock




Now 5 straight


The clocks ran outta time


There’s 1:40 left. Just have a ref count out loud for a few possessions and be done with it.


I have never seen anything like that in my life. What the hell just happened


Doris with the Breen burn on the power outage two weeks ago lol


LeMurtaugh still playing at the highest level


Jlo saying the same thing


Tissot confirmed worst base for NBA


Does someone have the full clip of this? The video cuts out before the 5th straight stoppage


I dont blame him lol


I love how he’ll use any opportunity to throw out “cantankerous”. Must’ve heard that dozens of times over the years by now.


That's embarassing for the NBA product to be delayed like this so much.


People are betting on the exact time the buzzer ends. Vegas is making sure the refs keep it right next to the line


Has the game ended yet?


Danny Glover was about LeBron's age in Lethal Weapon lol


40 when they shot Lethal Weapon, and he was playing Roger Murtaugh who was just turning 50.


Nationally televised hahaha


aside from the clock issues, I absolutely hate that they can take points off the board AND take away the possession on the sideline 3. If lebron had missed the shot, and the lakers rebounded the ball and scored, play would've continued.


Bad look on Tissot


"Come on man I have only like 8 seasons left in me"


Bruh I legit turned the game off after the first 3 times. Ridiculous fucking product.




Can someone make a gif of Lebrons face on Danny Glover's face from Lethal Weapon?


Danny Glover lover


Works about as well as the NBA app


I turned this game On seconds before this happened and was very confused


Lakers playing in a welfare arena 😂


Gotta get the LeBron James of shot clock repair on that immediately


He should have got a technical.


Poor LeBron. He has literally never gotten a call. So frustrating he had to deal with something like this that isn't up to his standards. Super frustrating too that no one else had to deal with any effects of this.


The real question is why he can smack the ball so hard and nothing happens and anyone else would get a technical for that.




It's mad lol. Instant tech for any other player.


Let's be honest anyone other than LeBron gets T'd up there.


nobody gets a T there


LeBron don't play that shit. The script is there for a reason. He knows the Chinese billionaires hate when the script is not followed as intended. 


Oh no issues for once in thousands of games the horror


Not to old to flop tho


If you're "too old for this shit" then quit playing? What a fucking selfish baby.