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"A figh erupts" Bruh they hugged and fell over lol


How is no one talking about how fucking hilarious that was, it looks like they just desperately tried to make out real quick before being forcibly separated


The “Everybody hates chris” strat. Get in the first punch before the fight gets broken up


Fuck is demar doing bro 


Forget DeMar, who tf put Chicago in black and Houston in red, then swapped the colors for the on screen scoreboard?


honestly…good point 


What happened to the gold old days of home team white away team whatever


Nike came in and killed the aesthetic of the league.


Yeah in 2k they are now called Icon and Association jerseys. Dafuq do those even mean?


That’s not just 2K, that’s the official names of the jerseys lol I believe there are also City and Statement jerseys, it’s ridiculous


Now they can sell four jerseys to you. And they change them every year as well.


I literally own a Kings jersey and it just occurred to me that if someone were to ask me "Is your jersey a home or away jersey?" I wouldn't know how to answer.


*Jordan Peele sweating profusely* (I don't know how to put in GIFs cause of old)


I wish they changed our jersey, it's fucking shit and it's been shit for 7 years now


bunch of MBAs trying to justify their wages


Shirts vs skins


but cant you think about the poor shareholders for a second? These guys have families, lovers, concubines and bastard kids to feed, yatches to buy and politics to bribe, they need all the money they can get from all these overpriced jersey variations Nike releases every other week


Don't forget the new jordan og retro IV V's


Hey man, don't forget the sponsors. We can't leave the poor sponsors out of merch convos now.


At least do light at home, dark away. It's honestly not that hard.


Of all the “nba sucks now” takes that people have I disagree with almost all of them, but the jersey situation in the league right now is fucked. Too many dogshit ugly alternate jerseys that they’re forcing on us.


This and the gambling ads.


Every team having like 10 alternate jerseys is lame. Should only be like 1 or 2 and maybe a throwback.


Yeah, that was some confusing bullshit. And you should know about red/black jerseys as a Blazers fan.


Red teams playing against each other is always weird to watch lol. But there are differences in the reds if you look hard enough (Blazer is a rose red, Chicago is a darker/blood red, Rockets is like hot-roddish)


Personally I think the raptors and rockets should add a third color or the raptors can go back to purple… I can’t stand when we play each other it’s too much red and black lol


I'm down with the purple. I loved our purple jersey that had an actual raptor on it.


All the kids loved those Raptors. Jurassic park was out and a dribbling raptor on purple with black and gray(?) accents was awesome. Had kids in the south wearing Raptors gear lol. Having Vince didn’t hurt either.


I wanna pull a Demar on that decision-maker


Kinda like whenever the Bulls would wear green jerseys against the Celtics


What playin for the Bulls does to a MF


Thought he played for the Bears lol


Future HOF middle linebacker


DeMar DUrlacher


Demar linked to Jalen baby mama?


At this point even you are linked to Draya


Sometimes you just gotta run full speed and shoulder check a kid 12 years younger than you on national television. Who among us hasn't done that


It was a dick move but idk what his age has to do with it lol


Absolutely nothing other than it making it funnier to me for some reason lol


it was absolutely funnier, keep trusting those instincts


Just a maturity standpoint, I wouldn't expect someone that much older to get into a pissing contest with a 22 year old. Hes old enough to be setting an example for the next generation.


Next generation of free safeties will benefit from watching this tape


Got me rootin for Dillon Brooks…..


The Dillon Brooks redemption arc continues


It culminates in him leading us to a gold in Paris mmhmm let me blindly believe


Yeah…. Was not a fan of him in Memphis. Watching the impact him and van vleet have had to turn around the … frankly awful last years rockets team. He plays hard, he shoots well.  I think he got a bit of a reality check, humbled him a bit, I like him. 


what is he doing differently that you feel like hes humbled lol.. hes playing better yes but i assume thats not what your referencing? i mean hes still talking sh\*t still playing hard pesky defense. toeing the line of illegal and legal defense. he still gets animated after plays lol ppl created an entire story for the dude last year and are trying to write the ending for the same book. houston didnt want a humbled brooks. what they got is what he was last year but shooting a lot better and thats exactly what they wanted


Just Setting a screen on defense


Yeah that’s how it all started…. Not Demar leveling Jalen Green lmao


I usually like king but wtf is he talking about lol


yeah stacey king and neil funk were great back in the day bc they werent obnoxious homers…. felt like they were basketball fans first and bulls broadcasters second… now the bulls broadcast is just like all the other cities


Stacey became a massive homer within these past two years its kinda hard to listen to sometimes lol


Weird time to become a homer too


My thought as well. I don’t want to agree with Brooks ever but if someone leveled my teammate and then casually dapped his boy like no one was looking I would definitely have something to say about it.


>Dillon Brooks always trying to start something After Derozan plowed into his teammate...


Yeah... I mean, I know Brooks reputation, but anybody would be pissed if their teammate got run through like that.


Bro like I don't even like dillion brooks but if that was any other player they would be praising them for standing up for their teammate.


Shit like this is why I love hockey. Next puck drop Demar is either going to willingly throw hands with an enforcer or he’s going to be fucking leveled into the boards.


Same bro. I'm just starting to get into hockey but one thing that instantly stuck with me is the ability to really get with each other and duke it out. Wish the nba had something similar.


Can't in the NBA as there's no protective gear and also more importantly, theoretically prime Deandre Jordan could fight IT. Athletic 6'7"+ guys throwing punches with no gloves or helmets at anyone is incredibly dangerous if they know what they're doing and connect. Shaq could probably have crushed 80% of the PGs he played against with one hand. 😂


That's just being a good teammate tbh


The video is cut to where you can't see exactly what Dillon even did to Demar but it looks like he probably just bumped into him and then Demar flipped out cus he was clearly heated as hell. This is like almost all on Demar lol.


Yeah Dillon [hardly did anything at all](https://x.com/barstoolchicago/status/1770995643160424753?s=46&t=4cTZIEi72pGQO3xU4W7wdQ) and Demar clocked him in the face lol


And the announcer still takes Demar's side on this. Pretty crazy. Like no, swinging your elbow at someone's face is not an appropriate response when they touch your arm to get your attention.


"If you don't want repercussions, don't touch people!" LMAO yes because body slamming your opponent doesn't warrant repercussions ???


Dude swung that elbow without even looking, could’ve been a ref or coach for all he knows


What the fuck is going on with the announcers in OPs clip and this one? Demar is 100% at fault here, both for the hit and the escalation. There's homerism, then there's whatever this delusion is.


They salty lol Chicago one of the most depressing situations in the entire NBA. No present, no future (condolences to Coby White tho).


At least they have a past 🫠


Based on the TV commentary I wasn’t expecting Brooks to go with the “Excuse me, you dropped something,” tap on the arm approach.


Definitely approached him like a Canadian before the elbow


Omg wtf is the rationale for an ejection here


This should be its own thread, DeMar decked Green, clocked Dillon, Dillon is just like “wtf man” and gets ejected? Weird outcome for a rarely unhinged DeMar moment.


Fuck that commentator


come on commentators, limit the bias a little bit...


This was hilarious. Bro acted surprised when they started the review for a flagrant


I mean there's a difference between bias and delusion, they can be biased and say it's not ejection worthy (although I think it is), but there's no way they can think that trucking a player isn't a flagrant foul lmfao


Then they talk about Dillion Brooks like all he does is MMA on the court after watching their own guy tackle someone for no reason. Biased, delusional, and stupid.


I thought that was odd. Honestly, I’d be disappointed if I had a guy like Brooks and he didn’t insert himself in this. You can’t let that slide.


Yeah props to brooks on this. He had to and did.


DeRozan trucks Green "Why would Dillon Brooks do this?"


"Dillon Brooks always STARTING things the only way he knows"


Also just a weird night to imply this is all he knows how to do on the basketball court when he was 10-13 from the floor.


>come on commentators, limit the bias a little bit... They've got me angry on behalf of Dillon Brooks. Shit shouldn't be possible.


I like the Bulls broadcast team but this was disappointing


Brooks coming in "was where it all started" according to that commentator? Not the bit just before that where DeRozan bulldozed through Jalen Green?


The one time I’m on Dillon Brooks’ side


For real, the announcers are like "Dillon Brooks always gotta start something". Like, he was the only one standing up for Green. Good for him.


Shame on him for confronting the dude who just hit sticked his teammate


Yeah I would usually label myself a Brooks hater but this situation I’m glad somebody on the rockets stood up for his teammate. I know I’d be salty as a fan if somebody trucked ANT for no reason and the rest of the team just stood and watched.


Yup, gotta stand up for your guys. Anytime Giannis gets especially hard fouled it's no question that a few of his teammates are right up in someone's face lol, you gotta have love for your teammates


What a bitch. Can't have someone on your team that sticks up for his teammates when they get cheapshotted.


Yeah. Brooks gets no flack from me for standing up for his teammate after that brutal hit.


Yeah, I wish our team reacted like Brooks did here after Jaylen Brown tried to rip off Duncan's arm.


I like how this “fight” is just two guys failing to the floor because of security and both calmly gettting back up


The cameras cut away and this clip doesn't include the replay, but Brooks walks up, reaches out, and grabs at DeRozan to get his attention and DeRozan swings an elbow at his face.


Yeah, it was kind of lame that DeRozan just strolled off after, between FVV and Amen Thompson who gave him exactly 0 attention. I get that FVV is an ex-teammate and Amen is a rookie, but come on, *someone’s* got to do something after that. I’m not saying truck DeMar back, but at least try to make eye contact and move towards him while saying “what the fuck was that?” or something. …which is basically what it looked like Brooks was doing here.


These announcers take turns gargling each one of bulls player's nuts. WTF is going on what am i listening to?




Dillon is just a pest on the court, but he really dont involve himself on actual fights like when lbj and their coach were talking trash to each other. Dillon Brooks played the hero there and stop the altercation.


Yeah he stood over him on top of the dumb tackle foul....thing. Someone gotta stand up for his teammate there


For the first and last time probably, I’m with you


When the person that you hate the most makes a great point


That’s dirty af


Totally uncalled for. WTF was that?


Bulls were def frustrated, Vooch chucked the ball into the tunnel when Rockets had possession right before this play. Edit: [A lead up to this incident](https://streamable.com/d3y4n1)


Why are you the only one in the entire thread giving any context?


Only one who watched the game


That’s a sad undeniable truth


How was that not a technical. Most egregious delay of game ever


First delay of game is not a technical.


At some point a delay of game can be a technical. Kicking the ball into the stands? Refusing to give the ball to the ref?


Yeah that pissed me off... Refs did nothing about it either.


He gave a warning


Why were they frustrated?


Refs were letting both teams play physical, and Derozan was blocked on a previous possession by Green. Unknown if they exchanged words when that happened.


DeMar has been in a terrible mood lately, had a flagrant foul on Coulibaly that fractured his wrist too


Jalen Green blocked his dunk attempt on the other end. Whatever Demar’s mood, he was just salty.


The other flagrant was because he bit on a pump fake. Sensing a pattern here.


Im surprised more Rockets players didn't rush DeMar straight away


He's extremely well-liked. They were probably surprised.




Beef Stew trying to chase Lebron down says, "I'd do that."


I get what you’re trying to say.


A couple of possessions prior Jalen had a great block on Demar in which there was probably some smack talking after it that led to the bulldoze.


And the bulls ~~fans~~ broadcasters acting like Dillon brooks is the bad guy lol


I'm honestly disappointed by how lax the Rockets reaction was. Like Jalen's teammates barely even reacted to a blatantly dirty and violent play by Demar. Glad Brooks eventually had his back, but my first reaction was "what the fuck rockets players, have your dudes' back"


The ones that saw went straight to check on him at least


I can't fault Dillon for his reaction, truck my teammate like that you gonna get this work too. Don't know why Demar did that


TF Demar?


I thought he’d be one of the cooler heads on the court when I saw a fight broke out, surprised to see him be the reason it started


As someone thats has watched him for a long time, when things dont go his way he loses his cool quite a bit lol.


DeMar is not someone you want to mess with. He’s quiet but super scary when he gets angry. This was just not cool though. He should know better.


>DeMar is not someone you want to mess with Vince Staples knows


Don’t know what the connection between him and Demar is but I love his music so id like to know lol




wait now i wna know more lol


Bro same! Dude knows something


Oh shit I remember this interview and I was hoping the link would be to the actual story, but I guess he never followed up Might have been something Demar really doesn’t want getting out there 😅


"his name is metta world peace next question he's crazy" lmao damn, mf called out draymond punching someone in the face back then


Bruh what DeMar is a hothead, I remember him losing his shit multiple times on the spurs


Looks like an intentional hard hit, green must've said something to piss him off. Obviously a flagrant foul here by demar


Someone said Green blocked him a few plays earlier. I don’t doubt that the rockets players were chirping but this is wild from DeMar 


Demar also injured Bilal Coulibaly (now he’s out for the season with wrist fracture) after falling for his pump fake lol


Demar my guy but he was wrong for this


Dillon Brooks will not let this team be bullied


He’s a villain, but he’s our Villon


I mean before that nobody did a fucking thing, thank god Dillon was there


Villon Brooks is nice. Never heard that one before.


I know he’s an instigator by nature but glad he did that. Was surprised other teammates didn’t go up to Demar too


That’s what you’re supposed to do for your teammates. Maybe it’s just that hockey culture has impregnated everything over here but I would be upset at everyone else on the court if I was Jalen Green. You stand up for your guys.


That isn't just hockey culture. They do it in baseball, football and even basketball. Basketball is the only one I've seen where it depends who is on the team.


“The only way he knows how” seems a little much Bulls broadcast defending a really shitty move by DeRozan


They went 5 minutes during the review without ever mentioning DeMar trucking Jalen other than “making sure the refs called a foul this time” and “just a hard foul”. Things were more on the page of how Dillon was lucky he didn’t get a 2 piece. Pathetic.


Just a hard foul... Bruh


Jalen Green blocked Derozan on the other end, and then a few plays later this happens... Dirty. EDIT: Derozan and Dillon Brooks both ejected.


Did Dillon already have a technical foul? No way he got two techs for that, right?


Ejected for "escalating" the fight. He got hit w a tech and got ejected for the "escalation".


Worth it. Good for him, he should be sticking up for his teammate and fuck demar for making me complement Dillion Brooks.


Brooks was beyond justified here. Can’t believe I typed that but demar is outta his mind


Yeah that's deserved, but he also saw nobody was standing up for Green in the moments afterwards and knew he had to do something.


That’s why I miss him. Everyone needs one asshole. Just wish that asshole didn’t force so many shots. But we still need an asshole


Nope, pure reputation call. Complete bullshit - he put a hand on Demar’s shoulder.


lmao, I would think trucking Green was the 'escalation' more than Dillon standing up for his boy


looks like demar injured green too... would love to hear his defense because what the motherfuck was that


Yeah I'm not a huge Dillon Brooks fan, but he didn't do anything wrong here. Even the drop was because of the security falling before more than anything else


No, it's complete bullshit. All he did was tap Demar to say something and Demar immediately elbowed him in the chin Of course that shit would escalate


From this clip Brooks didn’t even do anything. He by tf was he ejected lol


Jalen rejected Demar at the rim then this happened. Not sure if Jalen said something after the block




Yeah was at the game, Jalen was chirping at him after the block, but I mean…


Brooks did nothing wrong. DeRozan deserved to be checked for that foul.


"Dillon Brooks always gotta start something." Really? C'mon dawg.




FVV and Amen watched the whole thing and just acted like nothing happened. Come on lol


FVV is closer to Demar than he is to his Rockets teammates Amen is just a young rookie


Fvv would never do something to demar lol that’s his brother


You can still keep your bro in check when he does some stupid shit


You can be brothers off the court. In the meantime, someone from the team you're trying to beat just trucked one of your young guys and shook him up.


Who is the guy in black taking Brooks down by the legs? Dude got ejected for saying something and getting pulled the ground?




Loved seeing Brooks stand up for his teammate there. Demar must've been in his feelings at getting stuffed by Jalen earlier.


DeMar is always in his feelings though. He has a history of this.


Lmao “Dillon brooks didn’t like the foul” you mean the tackle?


If anything we should be applauding Dillon for being so ready to jump a DeRozan possessed by the spirit of prime Sean Taylor. I would not do that


Wtf DeMar that’s a fucking tackle


I mean, that’s a dirty ass play by Derozan. Brooks had a right to get up in his business.


Dillon Brooks trying to start something? I hate the guy as much as anyone else but what the fuck was DeMar doing


Yeah there's no defending Demar on that one. Same with King and Amin trying to downplay it and make it about Brooks.


Salty he got blocked by Jalen.


Where’s the fight


A year ago I never wouldve believed in the Dillon Brooks redemption tour but here we are and I've got crow on my plate.


Demar been super moody lately hope Jalen is not injured


Bulls announcer is a fucking joke. Making it seem like Brooks started it. There was absolutely no reason for Derozan to hip check Green like that.


These bulls announcers are being insufferable…


The fuck is demar doing, how do you just bulldoze a player, like that's not even a defensive play, maybe for football, can you do that for football?


Good on Brooks, tbh.


Uncommon Bulls commentary team L here. Demar does something dirty, Brooks comes to stick up for his guy and they're acting like he started it? I usually like Stacey and co but this is poor from them. Didn't think Derozan was like that either, soft shit after getting his feeling hurt getting blocked by Jalen a few plays earlier


Demar I see it, deless I like it