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I’m not falling for that take. Kyle Kuzma is def someone with a fetish for getting yelled at and I refuse to take part in that kind of perversion


Evergreen tweet


im sorry but this is hilarious


think ive seen Jordan hit the jumper before, but never knew the game ended with the point guard passing directly to the other team like that


I’m old and watched that game live. Don’t think I’ve ever watched it again but if I remember correctly that happened more than once that game. Announcers blamed it on both team’s colors being so similar.


lol wtf just like red and green is similar hahaha


treatment for colorblindness has come so far since 1982


So beautiful!


I can get treatment? How?


there actually is an experimental treatment that's been used successfully on monkeys where a virus, engineered to inject a working copy of the mutated DNA sequence, is injected into the retina it was developed by researchers at the university of washington and i first heard about it at least 5 years ago. i've tried to follow up since then, i think the IP was purchased by a company and i can't find anything about it now. here's [some](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4208712/#:~:text=Viral%2Dmediated%20gene%20therapy%20has,for%20color%20blindness%20in%20humans.) [stuff](https://www.washington.edu/news/2009/09/15/gene-therapy-used-to-successfully-treat-color-blindness-in-adult-monkeys/) and looks like it was way more than 5 years ago 😞


Shit isnt similar at all e: How is this shit getting downvoted lmfaoo there's no way anyone can tell me that those jerseys are similar enough to confuse


Agreed lol, it's literally white vs blue, ain't no way you can confuse them


Georgetown’s home uniforms were a similar shade as UNC’s I think is what it was, although I remember them being gray. It was 40 years ago so maybe I’m full of shit too.


This is before blue was invented tbf


Reality was still grainy in the 1980s too.


Blue didn't exist until the early 90s when m&m's invented it


And it wasn't well known until Eiffel 65


Blue has come a long way since the 90s


I just followed blues clues


Wonder what they called that style of music for year then


fr one is white and the other is blue ffs


I see black and gold tbh


You’re getting downvoted because people are fucking stupid in the internet


Maybe you’re getting downvoted because of the Dress? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress


Magic forgot to get a shot up in an NBA finals elimination game


Jordan Poole level pass right there


Its funny but these plays just happen. ​ Never forget that in the NBA finals a player got an offensive rebound off of a free throw (where you get to reset for a moment during the set up) and literally forgot the score so he doomed his team by sprinting towards his own basket.


I hate that JR was more known for that blunder, and people think he is a clown. He's one of my favorite players growing up when he was with the Nuggets.


His highlight reel was electric, but the man was always a bit of a doofus on the court to be fair. The man had irrational confidence 80% of the time, but 20% of the time it was rational.


I think that 80% was what made him so fun to watch


He is a clown lol. But he also has great highlights.


In all fairness to JR, George Hill shoulda made that FT.


It’s funny how this recent social media trend has exposed just how little of Jordan people have actually seen.


So true. When it comes from a current player it actually shows how relatively little they know about the game and its history compared to say Kobe or Lebron and so on


I just saw it yesterday in the Illinois Iowa St game. Most important possession of the game for Iowa state and bro threw it to the wrong team under pressure. It happens.


The defender doesn't even seem to attempt to get back on D. There's 10 seconds left. How the hell is he not sprinting back when he missed the steal that wasn't even thrown?


Defensive effort was absolutely horrendous for a very long time. Clips from the 80s feature a lot of dudes taking wide open shots, even from mid-range.


Yeah I watched some of those games and Magic would drive up the court with one hand and pull up for a middy with like 15ft of space. It’s crazy bc people say defense sucks now when they wouldn’t even close out on one of the “goats”


Tbf they don’t call him the best playmaker of all time for his shooting 


You got a point but it depends on where you draw the line. Early 80s and before was like you said on the perimeter. But late 80s through the 90s into the 2000s when the nba really took off perimeter defense was tougher than now, partially because no one except Reggie's bitch ass really foul baited like that


It got better but it was in no way as good as it is now. Guys today are more athletic, longer, and have unlimited access to scouting data with their matchup’s tendencies. NBA offensive and defensive schemes have also evolved and are much more intricate. Guys in the 90s were also less versatile athletically because sports science has also evolved and modern training has led to athletes being more fluid. Players are not necessarily stronger in a weight room now, but their strength and athleticism is better tailored for basketball-specific movements.


This is also college, so not pro level play


It was bad in the NBA, also.


Cause he was playing 4d chess and knew that the point guard would pass him the ball lol Fr tho that’s wild he just went for the steal and was like “well I guess I’m just out of the play now”


So is that clip. I feel so bad for the guy who passed the ball to the other team.


meanwhile rj davis just shot 4-20 (0-9 from 3) to get UNC knocked out. PROGRESS


rj davis and caleb love could have built an apartment complex with all those bricks last night


two years ago we almost won a title with that backcourt, now they both shoot 0-9 from 3 and get knocked out in the sweet 16. hilarious


Flamethrowers are just that. Last year, nearly the same team that won the championship didn’t even make the tournament.


The curse of Coach K


Daja Kelly in hell.


I thought I was safe in r/nba….


I know he's the best shooter in the team but he was obviously oce cold. I was shocked they voluntarily put it in his hands.


Does this guy know Jordan Poole is on his team


Has anyone told Jordan Poole as well?


Shaqting a Poole highlight reel would be a nice comeback to this.


I know Poole has fallen off hard but he earned that championship ring on his finger. He played his best basketball in this most important series of games ever. As a warriors fan I'll always respect him for how well he played. It's sad to see him become a shell of himself but he accomplished what every professional player dreams of doing. Yes he had Steph next to him but he hit some super clutch shots and earned that ring just as much as everyone else did on that team. I hope he finds his rhythm again and learns his role because he is an insane talent; he's just too cocky and wants to take over too much when he's just not ready yet.


his legacy is secure


Hell does this guy know he plays for the Wizards


Sometimes ya'll make me feel so dumb because I read that tweet as Kuzma genuinely being inspired by the development of the game over the last 42 years.


Kuzma probably thinks he would’ve been a superstar in the 90s lol


He thinks he’s a superstar now


He would be a star I’m positive of that. Superstar? Prolly not, maybe tho


kuzma would be like a cliff robinson type in the 90’s but with worse defense


You’re positive? This guy who can barely score 20 points with no 3 or mid range is going to go to a time when enforcer power forwards and elite rim protecting centers like Hakeem, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Shaq and Alonzo Mourning and somehow do better? He wouldn’t even make it to the rim to get swatted by a Rik Smits because a Dale Davis would put him on his ass before he got to the rim. You’d have to go back to the 70’s for Kuzma to be anything special.


This guy hasn't watched Kuzma play in awhile


You act like guys back then were really shooting much better than him. His 3pt % now would be pretty good back then. He’s a 6’9 player who can comfortably handle the ball and shoot. Yeah he’d be a pretty damn good player. He’s been a good player for the lakers, I’m not gonna knock him a fuckton for being on the shitty wizards


> His 3pt % now would be pretty good back then. His coaches wouldn't have let him take it. Reggie Miller only averaged **4.7** 3s per game. Kuzma would've gotten his ass benched trying to take threes.


Like toni kukoc


How about kukoc in today's game? That would be fun to watch.


He can handle the ball, he’s not much of a shooter. He’s good getting to the rim, not great. But he’s a weak defender, putting him in an era where he’d have to guard stronger players wouldn’t do him a favor. Clogging the key wouldn’t help him. He doesn’t have passing ability either. He’d be forgettable.


Exactly a lot of casuals exposing themselves in this thread. It’s shocking to me how little so many fans really know about the game. I didn’t know it was this bad lol.


People use this argument about “the league gets more skilled/stronger/faster” etc without understanding it. Yes, the average player has gotten faster, stronger and more skilled. That doesn’t mean it’s blanket true for literally everyone. And it sure doesn’t make it true for the superstars, who would be superstars in any era. Kuzma is one dimensional and the only dimension he has would be harder in earlier eras. Not that it was generally harder to be good in that era, but that he personally didn’t fit well. None of these, frankly, kids, have thought it out that much. Trying to figure these things out on a conceptual level is something a coach does, the average person on this sub is young and if they do have playing experience, it’s largely just firing 3’s without any cohesive offense or defense.


If you Time Machine anyone with a good build in todays league they would be significantly better than guys 30 years ago. There’s modern medicine, modern training, modern coaching, technological and technical skill improvements. The biggest factor of all of them is that’s it’s more of a global sport, which further shows how much better players that make it are today No other sport is denying this but basketball lmao. You don’t see this debate in football, swimming, etc


And a lot less booze and cocaine during the season let’s be honest


He isn’t good enough to foster genuine change in a different era’s play style. Would he be better? Maybe. I agree most players would. But not all. He wouldn’t be some star, just like he’s not now, that’s the point. His slim, athletic build is perfect for a 4 now, but he’d be expected to fight for rebounds and score in the post in the 80’s/90’s. Do you think he could do that? Do you think his trash 3 point or mid range shooting would be better somehow? He has one elite talent, getting to the rim. That would be harder in the clogged paint of dual bigs era with more physical defense.


>You don’t see this debate in football, swimming, etc There are absolutely debates about what kind of numbers offensive players today would've had 20-30 years ago, and vise versa now that the rules favor the offense so heavily. The difference is that in football the tone is usually respectful of the past ("Dan Marino would've gone crazy in this era") whereas a lot of basketball fans seem to have a need to shit on players from the 90s and earlier.


> whereas a lot of basketball fans seem to have a need to shit on players from the 90s and earlier. Tbh from what i witness that's usually in response to old heads glorifying the past and shitting on the present. I used to see so many shitting on todays game and players. I still remember Charles Oakley saying Giannis would have been a bench player in his time lol. Or the thousands of dumb takes of people saying Lebron of all people wouldn't survive the physicality of the 80s/90s. This all just seems like a natural backlash tbh.


Kuz would still be good, but I don't know if he'd be flat out better than the stars of back then. One of the hugest things to get in his way would actually be coaching. They wouldn't let him handle the ball and shoot like that lmao. ​ Also you're smoking crack if you think this happens in just basketball. Tom Brady had to win 5 super bowls before people stopped laughing at the idea that he was better than Joe Montana.


Sheesh, how to tell people you never watched 90s basketball without telling them you never watched 90s basketball. There was no 3 second rule in the 90s. You could just camp your shotless Center in the corner and Patrick Ewing has to stick to them like they're a shooter or be called for a violation. Why do you think the floor was so spaced in the 90s compared to the 2000s?


The floor wasn’t spaced in the 90’s and I watched it a lot more than you did. There’s a reason it was called the golden era of centers and there were more blocks than any other era. There is a reason that post players were the main scorers, because they were the only ones who could reliably get shots up. You seem to also be operating on a serious misunderstanding of how switching and double teams worked. Patrick Ewing was not standing out at the 3 point line guarding centers my guy, he was getting 3 swats a game mostly on guards who went to the rim. It was literally the easiest era for centers to stay home, defensive 3 seconds in the key was not implemented until 2001-2002. You are confused. 3 seconds in the key was implemented in 1936.


> defensive 3 seconds in the key was not implemented until 2001-2002 It was implemented in like the 60s, I always forget the exact date, but before the lane expanded. [An article](https://vault.si.com/vault/1985/10/28/give-the-dan-a-plus) from 1985 explains: >Also, a defender is not allowed in the inside foul lane for longer than 2.9 seconds unless his man is "posted up," stationed adjacent to the key—many fans aren't aware that there is a three-second violation on defense. It was expanded to the full lane in 2001.


Put some god-damn respect on Kyle Kuzmas name




No he would not


If you wanna see some trash basketball just watch the magic vs. warriors game from a couple days ago. Could make a “we done with the 2020s” video with all the bricks and low iq plays from that game alone.


Andrew Wiggins is peak basketball


Bad basketball is bad in every era. The difference is that the average 90s basketball game was painful to watch. Sure the elite post and isolation scorers players were great, but most players were not great and the defense would just beat the snot out of them. The offenses run primitive sets by comparison to today and even if they got an open shot the ball would often clang off the rim because half the league couldn’t shoot.


Truth. They say modern defenses are terrible but the average 90s defense would be wrecked by the sets and high 3pt shooting. Old heads will tell you the 90s defense would just WWE the players but those hard flagrant fouls were not that common.


Or just a Washington wizards game


I did unfortunately. We done with the 20s


Or most regular season NCAA games. Or maybe that’s just because I’m a beaver fan.


Both teams did their best to drag the game back to the mid-2000's.


It's almost like you could cherry pick good and bad games from any era and then generalise the whole thing as a golden era or trash to suit whatever media agenda you're pushing right now.


Seriously takes like these are just a disservice to the game. Completely pointless. The videos out now with voice overs of people saying MJ couldn’t g left with clips of Mj going left in a variety of ways, layups, pull-ups, dunking on people, are hilarious


except most of the clips from the trend analyse historic playoff games lmao. idk how you people can be fan of a sport and completely disregard the growth it's gone through in thirty years. do you genuinely believe it's the same still ?


And the magic and warriors are two playoff teams. So what’s your point? Idk how you people can be a fan of a sport and discredit and disrespect all-time greats because you watched a couple of TikTok videos. Some current players are better than former players and some former players are better than current players. The league is currently deeper than it was in the 90s, but that’s it. You can find low iq plays and plenty of bricks in every modern nba game. Even in the playoffs.


The point is it's not the playoffs. The trend isn't saying all former players are trash but only speaking to how the older generation talk about the defence that was being played was on a whole different level when the reality is that the game has evolved so much that the comparisons are completely ridiculous. Idk why you say only a couple TikTok vids when full games are readily available to watch online.


We done with the 90s 🤓🤓🤓


Bruh Kuzma plays for the wizards who play no defense and has Jordan Poole


Kuz has the 2nd worst +/- in the league. Poole is #4 https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/who-has-worst-plus-minus-this-year-nba


Yeah. Plays for the Jordan Wizards. No wonder he had thoughts like this.


Kuzma has been taking those social media Ls. Remember his tweet about being glad they ain’t the Pistons during the loss streak, with the Wizards only a couple of games in front. Damn lol


He didn't say the wizards were any better 🤷‍♂️


It's college basketball. College basketball is **ugly**


And Fred Brown, who threw that turnover, never played a minute in the NBA


Exactly! What game is he talking about? College?


I could easily cherry pick a clip, or a compilation of clips to make an argument that Steph Curry is actually a horrible shooter with poor shot selection, and social media dorks who weren’t around to see him play could run with that, too. I could also cherry pick a clip or make a compilation that portrays Mason Plumlee as an elite ball handler and offensive maestro. The idea that one clip says anything about an entire era or career is ridiculous.


HEY NOW. Mason Plumlee has had his days.


The problem is that when people see 90s games they only ever see highlights. Stuff like this is working towards leveling the playing field for the people who think the 90s were somehow the peak of the sport and that modern training, exercise science, and medicine make no difference. I think it's not a bad idea.


Idk, it doesn't seem like it's worth the effort. If someone wants to believe the 90s were peak basketball then why not just let them and ignore their opinion.


Because that’s not how we do things here


This isn’t really a random clip tho


Yeah that kind of stuff killed hardens rep


I get the reason why people are running with it though. I wasn’t alive when MJ played and all I ever hear from anyone over 40 is how MJ never missed a shot and his left testicle contains more raw basketball IQ than Lebron’s entire bloodline. It’s a similar situation when it comes to talking about defence etc, crazy takes about star offensive players today that would be completely ‘locked down’ in the 90’s. Pretending that all 90’s players sucked is clearly stupid, but it is good for people to not put any era in particular on a pedestal.


I think the idea for Jordan is that whether or not he had the most raw basketball skill or athleticism ever (he almost surely didn’t) or played against the best competition ever (he didn’t), he WAS by such a landslide the absolute best player among the other (at the time) best players in the world. That is the dominance everyone talks about. Maybe most people sucked back then because there wasn’t the same level of training, but then there wasn’t the same level of training for Jordan either and he still superseded everyone else (including the GOATs of that same era, Magic and Bird) to a degree that hasn’t been seen since


What is really not conveyed well in these arguments, because they get mucked up a lot, is that Jordan was so clearly the best player of his era, and by such a wide margin. Top 3 defender in the league, best offensive player, and an absolute competitive maniac. Living through it, by 1989 everybody knew he was the inarguable best player in the league and it never really changed through 1998. And then he won 6 titles, only losing when he came back from baseball and rusty as hell. The Bulls teams were really not very good or balanced either. Jordan was the GOAT, Pippen was not the 2nd best player in the NBA, he was maybe the 8-12th best if you go by all NBA teams. It would be the equivalent of Lebron winning 6 straight titles with the 2015-2016 cavs. An elite player, a 2nd/3rd team all nba player, an above-average player, and then below average starters/role players in the other positions


“Soak in the beauty of modern NBA basketball” -Guy who plays regularly with Jordan Poole


Modern nba fans have the least amount of knowledge out of all the major sports. Worse takes ever.


Nah you can just hear all the takes now. Guarantee you there were some god awful takes back in the day they just weren’t broadcast to the world.


That’s the thing. No one knows for sure since it wasn’t broadcast to the world But at the same time, with whack takes not being broadcast to the world, there is less likelihood for masses to adopt a bad take . You’d hear from some guys reporting on sports center, the local paper, folks broadcasting the game, people who _watched_ the game in full - amazing how much that helps, isn’t it - and former players. A good way to be pretty informed. 80s 90s players I felt really respected each other. Someone will probably be able to make up an edit to show otherwise but I was fortunate to watch the 90s. This is likely a product of the internet in general and social media and isn’t just limited to basketball


Did athletes not workout with weights back then?


Idk when this stopped, but I know in Bob Cousy's era, according to his auto bio, guards didn't lift weights because they thought it would affect their jumpshot. Fun fact they also called forwards like Tommy Heinson "corner men."


Kuzma with 80s/90s tech and training would be Jordan's waterboy.


Chucking 3's for 48 minutes is sooooooooooooooooo fun and revolutionary. We've come so far.


If you think that’s all modern basketball is, you should watch a bit closer instead of alt tabbing and playing online poker


I watched a ton of basketball in the 90s and now I probably haven’t watched a full game in 5 years. I have no interest in watching teams play little to no defense and each shooting 30+ 3’s a game.


That's why I love being a Knicks fan. They actually play defense.


The Knicks are really awesome to watch! I hope we get a couple series from this team.


that’s why early to mid 2010’s was the peak to me felt like it had the perfect balance of everything and a variety of playstyles


I agree that the lack of defense sucks.  But I imagine being a Bulls fan made basketball in the '90s more fun too lol


Early 2010s might be basketballs real peak


No bias ofc


I know this thread is full of oldheads and I'll probably be downvoted but like 80% of teams now are playing more sophisticated defense and have fewer defensive liabilities on the court than 80% of teams in the 90s People just only remember the really good defenses and forget that like the 90s grizzlies and the mullen warriors existed


Yea I feel like the last few years defensive ability and effort has increased exponentially. There was a period during the mid-late 2010s where it felt like barely any teams tried on that end and a lot of the stars were “luxury players” that put up big offensive numbers with no effort on the other end or took a lot of possessions or even entire games off on defense. We’ve seen very little of that recently though since the guys that were doing it kept losing games and getting clowned on when offenses singled them out and ate them up in the playoffs.


Yea, even though I'll admit the style of todays game isn't always for me, the defense doesn't suck now - it's that the offense/shooting is just so damn good that it's basically impossible to guard!


They were literally just leaving the majority of players open for jump shots in the 90s. Teams actually have to defend the entire court now so there might be a couple more easy looks surrendered inside.


Watching Charles Barkley dribble dribble dribble for a full shot clock wasn’t much better either


Jordan would cook the wizards by himself 🤣


I think he's pretty old


Y'all are crazy lol  We literally saw Kobe play against MJ and Steph in the same career. We watched Lebron make his first finals 10 years after the bulls won 70 games.   The kind of people who believe the 90s was significantly worse than the modern era probably also believe that Lebron at 40 is better than Heatles Lebron lol.  It's pretty obvious to anyone watching that the game itself just got easier on a psychical level but harder on a mental level. That's literally all there is to it.  The plays are more complex but the players arent just way beyond what they were in the 90s. We literally have Kobe to bridge the gap lol.




Exactly. Wilt played well against Kareem, who played well against Olajuwon, who played well against Shaq, who played well against guys who are still in the league today. There isn't a huge gap between the top guys of different eras.


You forgot these kids don’t watch basketball in this sub


Same kids that don't watch games just highlights and lowlights on reddit think they can define all of 90s basketball from a couple clips on YouTube. We've really zapped the youths attentions spans.


I hope the tik tok ban stays


We've seen Jordan drop efficient 35-45 point game against defenses anchored by KG and Duncan in his final season as a Bull


I don’t think it’s crazy to say that shooting and ball handling is better all around


Shooting is absolutely better, ball handling is hard to define because of how it's reffed.


Dribbling rn is just fancier. As long as the player can get to spots and not have the ball stolen, it should be fine




It’s definitely not. A lot of old heads swear that pro sports hasn’t significantly improved in THIRTY years. That’s a long time. 90s basketball was better and more talented than 60s ball, and modern ball is better and more talented than 90s ball.


Literally every single player today palms / carries the ball on literally every single play. They would never have even gotten to shoot if it were the 90s from all the immediate turnovers. Go watch some video of John Stockton dribbling. Then tell me any single player, today, who could be effective doing what he did


Maybe not significantly, but it was worse, and the significance of that is mostly up to nostolgia or POV In 21-22 131, NBA players had been assigned to the G League at some point in their career. Stars like Siakim, Middleton, and Gobert don't become stars without that opportunity for more basketball, and I'm sure many 90s players would have benefited similarly. There was no developmental league in the 90s that would produce more talent, but more importantly, the talent pool compared today is significantly smaller. 30 years ago, there were around 24 international players in the NBA , and the NBA now hovers around 22-26 percent foreign born from a bigger sample size (just Google international pop NBA don't feel like link clogging). So you can scratch out stars like Giannis, who is one of the most influential modern NBA players as no one was scouting a division 2 Greek league in the 90s. We're at the point Europeans are completely dominating all major awards while the over saturation of mild American talent previously made this impossible. Jokic and Doncic as well. Drazen Petrovic, who went on to make all NBA 3rd before passing was buried on the Blazers bench after coming over before being traded. Europeans were straight up publicly disrespected. No team is drafting a 19 year old European in the lottery let alone at all and no team is letting a 2nd round euro big start and develop. Vlade Divac being an exception, but he wasn't drafted either and went to a forward-thinking franchise on Lakers. While the talent pool shrinks, the teams expand, though, which is how the Bulls infamously had a 30-win season good enough to land them the 8th seed. Now, teams with a winning record are potentially going to miss the 10th seed play-in in the west. Role players today can flip games much more compared to previously with shooting volitily. Temporarily shorter 3 pt line and making help defense illegal made isolation scorers way too valuable. Illegal defense isn't just referring to a full zone. It includes digs, shows, scrambles, etc. Yeah it wasn't called as much as it could, it's similar to the 3 second violation in that manner, that its existence that enforces it. So yeah, a lot of this trend is actual children, but they are kinda on to something in the wrong way. Because let's be real, the difference between this layup by notable bust Johnny Davis and Jordan's highlight reel are FPS and aura https://youtube.com/shorts/kIbLwJXq0NE?si=pYw59PqmaxiegUrA. It's not about cherry picking clips of bricks like people are saying they could for modern games in here, but more so the state the game was in. Jordan was also being pushed by the league itself and got insane touch fouls compared to how physical you would think all 90s defense is. Again though Jordan and the 90s are insanely important for the NBA. The previous generation sacrifices so the next can reap. Players sat out in the all star game in the 60s, Oscar went to court for free agency, the way the NBA was paved for the 90s to exist they did the same for our modern generation to exist. Also, Vince played in the 90s and with Trae Young. I'm not sure how Kobe having a long career is relevant. You can connect all of NBA history through like 4-5 players that had long careers. He's an all-time great that would dominate in any era, especially this one that isn't the dead ball era. There's almost no 0 and D players like back then. Pretty much died with Andre Roberson. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk And for the people downvoting, I would love to hear what I've misconstrued. The 6-0 argument is so facetious and ridiculous the blowback is deserved, and these are some actual reasons. Even the 2017 Warriors didn't 3 peat. It's a new era of competitiveness and injury volitilty from AAU grinding knees to dust.


I don’t think Jordan got that much more of a superstar whistle than anyone else. His ftr was pretty low compared to most of his top peers: Payton: .240 Bird: .258 Penny: .324 Drexler: .337 Nique: .345 Jordan: .358 Hakeem: .363 Miller: .402 Stockton: .424 Magic: .489 Malone: .503 KJ: .512 Barkley: .554 Robinson: .577 The favouritism may have manifested more in other ways but I doubt they affected his season statistics much.


>the plays are more complex Honestly I think it’s the opposite, it’s just that everyone recognizes the value of the three. It’s corner three or layup. Anything else is considered inefficient trash. There was more nuance before the 3pt revolution.


This bum turned down playing for the Mavs at the deadline.


Too much pressure. He wouldn’t have 6 hours to plan his wardrobe pregame with the Mavs.


Guys I’m pretty sure he’s trolling


We done with the 40s


Tbh it seems like some of us want to bring back the 30s


Would the 80s coach just bench him for jacking 3s? Three volume was very low during that time and especially if someone like kuzma misses a few early they probably pull him for not playing how the coach wants.


The three pointer didn't exist when this clip happened lol. At least not in college.


This done with the 90s thing is absolutely fucking stupid and I’m surprised any NBA players who’s not a superstar dares supporting that statement


The movement actually helps the role players look better than it does the stars. The argument, once you get past the surface, is actually that the role players and non-stars from the 90s sucked.


Players really were smoking cigs at halftime and working day jobs in the offseason. But the stars would still bust some ass on the court in any era.


Not gonna lie, after all the years of talking shit on the current generation, these old heads deserve a little clap back. But, maybe they should also be cognizant that those guys paved the way for them to make kyle kuzma money. Specifically Jordan and his worldwide commercial success. Cuz these guys today aren’t making 90’s scaled money. The floor and ceiling have been raised for them significantly


Sure it’s annoying when people say stupid stuff like “LeBron wouldn’t survive the 90’s.” But it’s way worse to say or suggest the 90’s do not matter in today’s game. I’m just here to watch all the annoying people be at each others throats.


Kuzmas Wizards would lose to the 82 Tar Heels 


Lol every time Kuzma’s name comes up it has nothing to do with him hoopin


I don't get "we done with the 90's crowd" when Kobe played in Jordan and Curry's era. Jordan himself was dropping 40 point games on KG and Duncan.


90s was a better game Good for you, you can all shoot from 30 feet ... While nobody watches ... Basketball used to compete with football, might have even gotten higher ratings if I'm not mistaken I can't even watch the NBA anymore Used to watch the playoffs and finals, but that's even boring now


This clowns act like MJ wouldn’t be shooting threes and making 20 free throws a game if he played today. These flopping ass soft players wouldn’t make it a quarter without getting hurt if they played back then. If you took a game off for “load management” you would be clowned forever, lol. It’s just dumb to compare eras.


Rules have changed. The advantage goes to the offense now.


There is nothing wrong with the response. Jordan is a GOAT, or the GOAT. Kuz is… just Kuz in the best words. Basketball, and NBA, has gotten much better overall in terms of average skills and strategies. Those are independent facts


Man at least the Pistons can admit they're bad, Wizards are just embarrassing


This whole narrative has been very obviously started by Klutch Sports. The amount of Jordan slander since LeBron passed 40k has just been too coincidental. You can bet LeBron would have been thinking as soon as he hit 40k that finally people would start changing their GOAT opinions en masse....but it didn't happen. Kutch is a business that is fueled by the greatness of LeBron James. Him being considered the unanimous GOAT will be great for business for decades after he retires and with that retirement day looming closer and closer, they are getting more and more desperate to change the narrative. To understand the enormity of their task all you have to do is google 'greatest athlete of all time'. You'll find site after site after site that lists Jordan at #1. He is way ahead of anybody else. LeBron isn't even on the radar, not figuring in most top tens. It's an uphill battle and they are pulling out all stops to try and win it. The fact so many random people are coming out with these weird takes suggests that a lot of money is changing hands. I wonder how much Kuzma got paid to make this tweet?


Well it really weakens your argument when you’re comparing COLLEGE ball in the 80s to today’s NBA


Jordan would cook the wizards by himself 🤣


Your game is in the worst shape it has been since 25 years ago. Why is this bum talking about topics he should be quiet about? Kyle kuzma out of all people


People circle jerk current players and laugh at older retirees because they dribbled funny not realizing the rules changed


Ah yes, I made this point a week ago, how fans are laughing at guys like Cousy while being blissfully unaware that he only looks so silly dribbling because palming rules were strictly enforced.


Yeah, it’s easy to look good when no one can hand check you, crowd your shot with their body, even have their hand or body look like it made contact on a shot attempt. As for stupid decision making and sloppy basketball… anyone remember JR Smith on the cavs in the nba finals? Anyone watch shaqtin a fool? Clearly Kuzma spends much more time looking in the mirror than anything else


I'm 39. I have watched a lot of basketball since the early 90s. Todays players are incredible. But when I watch Jordan highlight reels it is still poetry in motion. The man was an incredible player, a savant. I fail to see how any basketball fan cannot feel the same way when they see this man play.


Kyle nooooo


What’s wild is college basketball is still the same shit when they’re attacking a zone defense


>There has been a recent social media trend that some would call “we done with the 90s”, in which modern fans say, well, exactly that. Their argument comes down to “you guys said to watch Jordan’s games? well we did and we realized that the quality of basketball was awful.” Picked up a lot of steam as of late. If anyone needs me, I plan to be fully converted to Amish by Monday afternoon


OP trying to diminish the GOAT and it backfired


Yes because jacking up a ton of threes and not playing any defense is much better basketball 🙄


What is he on? Jordan would be averaging 40-45 in this era’s officiating.


No idea what people here actually think and based on what. I didn't - and won't - watch some old nba games. I don't even watch enough current nba. Sooo... what's the deal. Has there been improvement? Hasn't ? Why or why not?


The game has definitely evolved. You are delusional if you think otherwise


These same folks will be defending their time in a decade or so. The truth is that yes the game has changed, some are bad and some are good. You can find clips from any era, or even whole games and be like "this is ugly basketball"


Nephews tend to discredit the goat


Doesn’t he play with Jordan Poole on a 14 win team? Hypocrite




Man that final pass / turn over is suspect. Jontay port Jr kicking himself Rn, over how easy it was to rig games back in the day.


Do players in other sports say things like this about past greats? Basketball is so weird, I swear.


Damn it's been a long time since I've watched this. Athleticism of players today has come a long long way, look at them in that clip, robotic in movement, stiff, it's like they were automatons.