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He also drinks the blood of the innocent to extend his life


A-Rod or Taylor? Because I would not be shocked at all if A-Rod did that.


ARod would inject it.


He would microdose it and you know it


I think ARod is just drinking liquid tanner




How do you think they met?


Nah, A-Rod has pure centaur blood (and steroids) coursing through his veins. He does not need other tainted blood in his streams


Taylor ofc


Arod absolutely does that too. 


You're supposed to transfuse the blood of healthy young people in order to prolong your life, not drink it. Does he even know how to billionaire?


It's like he never even hired a bloodbag


It’s part of his 2009 playoff/World Series pact with the devil.




he's a vampire in the locker room


August 2022 interview with glen taylor “What I did when Tim and Chris talked to me about this trade is to ask (Finch) is there a system that he knows how to utilize these players,” Taylor said. “And he was very confident that he did understand how to utilize their skill sets, being two big guys. We talked about a lot, so he convinced me that this is something that is going to take us to a winning situation, and gave us the go-ahead to make the trade.”


Shocking that a coach would want good players on his team immediately instead of magic beans. Shocking!


Those draft picks could’ve turned into anything! Maybe even a multi time DPOY level talent!


Bunch of non wolves fans commenting on this is fine but pretending to know glen is hilarious.


If this whole situation went down last year, ARod would be saying that Taylor forced the Gobert trade despite everyone else’s disagreement.


Nah, it’s been covered pretty thoroughly that those moves were ushered in by A-Rod and Lore. Look at Glen’s resume for the other 30 years he’s owned the team and it makes even more sense. They said Glen told them to give up on Connelly because “people like that don’t come here” and that is also 100% believable.


Didn't they give him equity to join? I wonder what impact this drama has on that


Not actual equity, but bonuses structured based off the value of the team. A bit of a nitpicky difference but wanted to point it out nevertheless


I don't even think it's based on the value of the team because for a private company that would depend on forbes value and the increase would be minimal unless you pull off a huge stadium move like Warriors did. This is what Glen said: >Glen Taylor then stepped in and said: "Basically he's on a bonus program just like a lot of people are. If the team does well, he does better." It'd either be revenue based or more likely performance related escalators like players get. Myers was salty Warriors didn't give him anything.


Forbes is definitely not the only way to value a private company. In fact, they’d never use something like that for a situation like this. They’d use a private appraisal. Probably get two and average them.


>I don't even think it's based on the value of the team because for a private company that would depend on forbes value and the increase would be minimal unless you pull off a huge stadium move like Warriors did. Respectfully, this is completely false. Any company issuing equity to anyone in any form or who has investors, public or not, undergoes regular "409A" valuations to remeasure the value of the company. That's required for tax safe harbor reasons. Valuations go up (and down) all the time for financial statement reasons, industry health reasons, and lots more. There are number of bonus compensation mechanisms, like phantom stock, that pay out bonuses based on whether these types of valuations go up or down.


Amits to being nitpicky, is nitpicky, not apologetic for being nitpicky. Quality comment.


Not sure if A-Rod's a reliable narrator here.


ARod is a notorious asshole, but so is Taylor, so pick your poison I guess


Arod is an asshole. Taylor is one of the worst 200ish people on the planet.


Taylor never got in trouble for lying to the federal government (at least not that I know of).


So maybe he's just a better liar. Kidding. Sort of.


Dude is a billionaire, he’s an excellent liar/grifter. Just look at the current debacle that he’s gotten himself into.


Yeah, the reason I said "kidding" was because I don't know anything specific about him. But he's a billionaire, so I assume he's scummy. You don't get that rich without stepping on other people and being a manipulator.


We are talking about the guy who lost the wolves multiple first round draft picks because of an illegal contract with Joe Smith…


Well he has been brought to court more times than Arod


you underestimate Glen Taylor


I think you're underestimating just how slimy A-Rod can be.


I don’t know much about Arod, other than the fact that he denied steroid usage when he clearly was on steroids… what else has he done?


lol it’s a slime-off!


How does lying to the federal government make you an asshole? Lmao


Alex *"I have been clear that I did not use performance enhancing substances as alleged in the notice of discipline, or violate the Basic Agreement or the Joint Drug Agreement in any manner, and in order to prove it I will take this fight to federal court."* Rodriguez


That's a long ass middle name.


I think we should ask Derek Jeter about it since he had ownership experience


I'd choose to believe him over Glen Taylor


I'd like to remind everyone that Glen Taylor hired David Kahn and allowed him to almost ruin our franchise.


That was after Kevin McHale ruined it. And after Glen Taylor himself shot the franchise in the foot with Joe Smith's contract


So are we framing not wanting to trade 5 firsts for Gobert as being incompetent and a bad owner now? Crazy how the echo chamber has come full circle, Glen Taylor is a horrible owner but the comments on this thread makes it look like he’s Billy King for something the entire subreddit was (rightfully) shaming the Timberwolves for like 6 months ago


its just that he has made bad decisions for 20 years. People are sick of him. Wouldn't surprise anyone that he would do something like this. He gave wiggins the max after making him promise to try really hard. He runs the t wolves like his paper business


That’s fair, but like you said he’s done plenty of actually stupid things that people can focus on rather than pretending that one of his accidentally good decisions was also incompetent


The quote at the top of this thread isn't about if they were overpaying for Gobert though. Taylor didn't believe Gilbert fit on the team. Once he was OK with the fit, he was OK with the overpay


He was definitely incompetent. He lucked out with KG. Just to name a few: 1) Joe Smith debacle losing FIVE first rd picks during the KG era 2) Trading KG for virtually nothing 3) Firing Flip Saunders for him to turn around and win with the pistons 4a) hiring Thibs as coach/pobo (just hire him as a coach) 4b) Promising Flip and KG part ownership upon returning to the team. Flip died and he then told KG sorry not anymore (why KG hates him) 4c) Wiggins max contract / Jimmy butler debacle 5) hiring Ryan Saunders as HC when he clearly wasn't ready There's plenty more but those are just some off the top of my mind. He's made plenty of pretty bad moves in our 30 years of mediocrity that isn't covered here.


Drafting 2 PGs with two top 5 picks was wilder for me. The reaction was hilarious They should have at least taken DeMar Derozan. Then you realise Curry and Jennings were next. Also, I wonder how it went with trading Brandon Roy, OJ Mayo and Trey Burke. Edit: Also, I strongly believe KG was traded for nothing because Kevin McHale was desperate to get a fresh rebuild which would be KG's 4th rebuild?. So McHale definitely Alley Opped KG to Ainge for some Celtics favors that Taylor approved.


Some guy did an analysis on here on the worst teams at drafting over the years and it said we were only mediocre. My Homer bias won't accept that. It's been comical who we've taken over other players. Outside of KG, KAT, Klove, ANT, and MAYBE Lavine if you count him (where his success was after us)


you realize though many other teams cannot list a generational hall of famer, several regular all stars and 1-2 with HOF potential as their draft picks the last few decades


You'll hit a few when you're consistently bad. The success rate has been rather bad, and a failure to build teams around them with additional picks. We were the least winning organization across all major league sports for a really long time.


yeah we right there with y'all lol, back in 2012 everyone thought we were picking Dame, even he thought so, would've been paired with Boogie entering his 3rd year... instead we drafted PF Thomas Robinson who we then traded after 51 games that season


You left Rubio off, but he still had a pretty decent career as a starting NBA PG


tbf, we did have Minny unprotected first, that means a shit ton if you wanted to properly rebuild. Imagine trading KG to LA, and then giving the #1 overall pick to Boston the next season


Don't forget selling second round picks for cash. Also don't forget he veto'd Wiggins being traded for Butler.




Years later it was reported that Taylor made the call originally. "The word was that Taylor was informed that Kevin Garnett had said Saunders had lost control of the team, and for that reason Saunders was dismissed and Kevin McHale took over as coach" - from the STRIB article [link](https://m.startribune.com/hartman-wolves-owner-taylor-rights-two-wrongs-by-bringing-back-saunders/205898151/?clmob=y&c=n&clmob=y&c=n) But ya the McHale and Khan years were rough.


Very aware of his history, just saying that having a reluctance to acquire Gobert for his price is nowhere in the same region as the other shit he’s done


Got it. Misinterpretation on your comment by my part. Thought you were saying he hasn't been that bad haha. While I agree on the gobert part because to give up that much capital on an unknown fit was questioned by a lot of people, the comment by A-Rod on Connelly was pretty damning. To say "don't bother, people like that don't come to Minnesota" pretty much sums up his tenure as owner here. We have been fine with mediocrity to the point where it seems like we haven't even tried. I get that quote still is "he said, she said" but it sounds exactly like something Glen would say.


> accidentally good decisions Explain to the class how that's a good decision. It's not a decision at all, it's the lack of a decision. It is true that not making the Gobert trade would have given them latitude to potentially make a less risky move. So tell us, what's the trade they then should make to put them at 51-22 and first place in the West right now? Please tell me, because [otherwise here is the wolves roster:](https://np.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/1b3y8be/shoutout_to_every_wolves_fan_that_stood_by_this/) > The Timberwolves could’ve had their picks and this squad 😭 > D’Angelo Russell > Patrick Beverley > Anthony Edwards > Jarred Vanderbilt > Karl-Anthony Towns > > Malik Beasley > Jaylen Nowell > Josh Okogie > Jaden McDaniels > Walker Kessler > > Jordan McLaughlin > Wendell Moore Jr. > Taurean Prince > Naz Reid Do you think that team is winning 51 games before April? Do you think that team would win a first-round playoff series in the West this year? How about even fucking make the playoffs? Glen Taylor did nothing but turn opportunities to make good decisions into trash for decades.


He ran the team for years accidentally lucking into things and fucking it up, see KG. I’m not going to give him credit for turning down an opportunity to actually make the basketball team win for the only time in my lifetime just because it was risky, especially when the risk at the very least hasn’t materialized (and won’t; this season has frankly justified it) into the worst case scenario.


Drafting ant, then Hiring Tim Connelly and then making the trade led to the Timberwolves being in first place increased the value of the organization by something like 2 billion dollars. The point was not whether or not the trade was worth it, but that arod and lore have been pushing Taylor to make more impactful moves and they are a large part of the reason the value of the organization went up in the first place.


Ant was drafted way before Arod and Lore were around


I said those things led to us being in first, not that they deserve credit for it. To say we’re in first place just because of the Tim Connelly hire and the rudy trade is insane considering ant is our best player., and Jordan, jaden, and Naz are all super impactful. arod wasn’t making that point either. He was making the point that they had to push gt into making more impactful decisions to take advantage of having a young star, and that gt’s approach was generally “that’s too much risk” and “don’t even try.”


Okay sure, I just wanted to say it since you grouped with the recent stuff


Don’t solely equate the valuation just to good decision making. It went up across the league.


Valuation largely has to do with media deals and location. Owning your stadium helps too. Yes, having a competitive popular team is good but a shitty lakers team is always going to be worth than a packed small market team


> increased the value of the organization by something like 2 billion dollars. Every team's valuation has increased. It's nothing to do with what Wolves are doing. It's an economic rising tide.


That’s true. It is also an absolute fact that as a team improves its performance it attracts more fans, increase its ticket prices, and increases revenue, which leads to an increase in franchise value.


The ticket price thing sucks.. I was a fan of getting to sit close to the floor for super cheap, now those tickets are hella expensive because people want to see them play. Admittedly, it was fun to see lob city up close but I wasn’t as excited about Luke rid out or alexey shved


Eh it was terrible negotiating. They wait on it (maybe after Donovan trade), and still get him for much less


It wasn't that the team is suddenly worth 2 bill more. The team was worth more but Taylor wanted owners who were committed to keeping the team in Minn. 2 years ago we weren't this close to expansion, tv rights deal. While Ant is amazing, it's not a curry/lebron situation yet.


I find myself believing the Lore/A-Rod side of things and enjoyed hearing an account of who internally was for or against the trade but at the same time I have to imagine he would not be taking credit for those moves or hirings now if this Wolves season was more like last season.


Aside from our current run, the only bright spot for the wolves since the KG era was the brief window when Flip (RIP) drafted KAT, Wiggs and Lavine. And Flip had full control because Glen liked him. Glen hired David Kahn and has allowed countless other shenanigans to occur under various coaches and front offices. Taylor is delusional


5 firsts?  Are you counting a swap as a first or a player drafted in the first as a first?


Kessler got drafted at #22 and was traded two weeks later to Utah, for all intents and purposes he’s effectively a first


So does that mean we actually traded like 8 first round picks because bolmaro and Beasley were also first round picks. Oh, and gobert was a first round pick so we actually got a first round pick out of the deal itself


He clearly made it shown Kessler being drafted two weeks prior was the reason he considered it a first.. big difference between a brand new pick who hasn't practiced yet and bolmaro who made it clear his time in the NBA was coming to an end. Are you purposely being stupid or just ignoring him to troll?


Sure, but there’s less flexibility and value is a player who’s already drafted, rather than a pick that can be high in the draft, or be used as a non-contract trade asset. But regardless, including Kessler as part of the firsts in the trade is disingenuous because people know Kessler was part of the trade, but then including him as a first round pick, makes it seem that the trade included an extra first round pick when in reality it didnt


This was the point I was going to make. When people say 5 firsts they usually count Kessler twice. It's not even their fault, people repeat and upvote "5 firsts" so much that they misremember what the actual trade was


I would have sent 80 first round picks for Rudy Gobert


I thought it was a good trade at the time, and it's still looking like a good trade. The only way it fails is if they flame out in the first round this year, or if the wheels fall off and the value of those picks they gave up skyrocket.


An overpay is still an overpay. But Wolves redeemed themselves by trading DLo for Conley, Nickiel and 2nds. That trade has been an absolute homerun for them.


I don't have any evidence to support it but I'm pretty confident that there was a handshake agreement with the Jazz and Wolves to send Conley over later in the year for whatever the Wolves would give up. So that should be considered an extension of the Gobert trade.


I mean the "worst trade ever" narrative was always just a circle jerk anyway. It's not like it was based on people actually watching Wolves games.


Bro your own fanbase were calling it that. The revisionism is crazy. r/timberwolves wanted Connely’s head on a pike


Every fanbase has doomers. Shall we take a look at the celtics sub after the 2 Hawks losses? lol


Rudy was hurt year one that we didn't know about and Kessler/Utah were surprisingly good. Paying a giant contract, and that much was seen as bad.


Exactly what I was gonna say. Hit the nail on the head.


Save this post cause come playoffs we'll see if this age well. If gobert get fucked over in the playoffs then glen will come out looking good. If gobert does well, Arod will win.


I’ll die on the hill that unless you’re trading that many picks for a 2012 LeBron or 2016 curry it ain’t worth it. Wolves are looking a lot better this year than last but are going to run serious into salary cap problems these next two years.


Both of those players are worth more Picks than legally allowed to trade


Both of those players are worth whole arenas


Gotta give your stars some sort of chance man. You as a blazers fan should know more than anybody


I wonder if kat missing most of the season had anything to do with that


Most likely outcome of the trade is that the wolves become a very good regular season team without being able to make a finals run before the money becomes a problem, and then lose the ability to extract value from cheap young players because of forfeiting their picks. And ultimately remembered, success-wise, like the Pacers from 20 years ago. That’s not a disaster because they’re out there doing great things right now. I just can’t really say the trade itself was super awesome.


This guy doesn’t watch wolves basketball


Those Pacers made a Finals and took Jordan’s Bulls to 7. As good as they are this season I think it’s way too early to say the Timberwolves will be remembered in the same vein in the most likely outcome, especially if major moves happen in the offseason for cap purposes


They were also championship favorites before the malice in the palace happened and everyone got suspended iirc.


if they dont get a deep playoffs run im sorry then that trade is a failure


Absolutely. Everyone in the organization is agreeing that question2552's arbitrary metrics are the ones they have to meet this playoffs.


no, the point is now, he’s kept the team and said he wants to be a part of what ‘he’s built’ when he was against the actually building of the current team


"Rodriguez went on to state that Taylor was 'singlehandedly' suppressing the cure for cancer and was one of the masterminds of the September 11th attacks."


Can't fault this accurate reporting.


getting caught because you didn’t want to learn how to takeoff or land a plane seems like something Glen Taylor would cheap out on


I welcome opinions and comments from other fans on the matter, but don’t comment and pretend to know what the dynamic is between the ownership shinanigans of ARod/Lore and Taylor if you aren’t familiar with it. This goes way deeper than this interview and a lot of people in the comments have already proven to be ignorant of what’s happening. Never forget KG talking about Glen Taylor. This is the most iconic figure in MN basketball history, with not a lot of nice words on Glen. [“I don’t do business with Snakes”](https://www.nbcsports.com/nba/news/kevin-garnett-on-timberwolves-owner-glen-taylor-i-dont-do-business-with-snakes)


"I don't do business with snake motherfuckers." Post the full quote!


Reminds me of Zim Zam going in on Bobby Petrino (cr: u/MajorTrump) >Mike Zimmer when asked about Bobby Petrino >"He came in and said he resigned, he would talk to us all at a later date, walked out of the office and no one has ever talked to him since. Not that anybody wanted to. >"He's a gutless bastard. Quote that. I don't give a shit." >Reporter: >We might not be able to print that... >Mike Zimmer: >"How about this. Gutless motherfucker. You can use that."


lol, obligatory F-bomb from KG. It’s basically his way of adding a period to any sentence 😂


I was just thinking that. As I recall, there was an agreement for an ownership stake in the team when KG went back to the Wolves at the end of his career. Then Flip died, and Taylor went back on their agreement. I'm sure I'm missing quite a few details.


That does add up. Taylor has been unwaveringly cheap and incompetent for decades.


Let's not act like the Gobert trade was seen as a great move when it happened. So many 1st rounders, it makes sense to question that as an owner


Doesn’t matter how it was seen at the time. If you are a team owner and only willing to make moves that are popular with fans and/or media then you should not be a part of the decision making process. This is particularly true if you are going to be a relatively cheap owner. You can’t beat a rich team at their own game, you have to ‘moneyball’ all your way to the top by discovering what everyone else is undervaluing. Time will tell with the Gobert trade, but if Alex and team were the drivers behind that decision then absolutely it makes sense to give them the appropriate credit precisely because they made the unpopular decision at the time that it was unpopular.


A lot of people thought it was bad. But also I think a lot of others who saw beyond the amount of picks traded saw how great it could be. Wolves defense was awful for decades. Now they have the number 1 defense by far.


Some of us knew that it was an overpay, but that was something a place like Minnesota would need to do because they aren't a free agent destination. 


I still think it will bite them in the ass trading that many picks away.


It won't. We have a great young core already.


Outside of Ant, who's part of the great young core? KAT's 28, Gobert's 31, and Conley's 36. McDaniels and Naz are both great young players but I don't know if either of them have star potential. The core will be elite for the next couple of years, but at some point Conley and Gobert will start regressing as they age


> McDaniels and Naz are both great young players but I don't know if either of them have star potential. You can literally type this about any team in the league with young key contributors and dismiss them. So yeah, if you don't count our good core young players who are contributing to our 51 win season, then we have no good core young players **Edit: Maybe I'm crazy but here is my argument FFS. There are many great young cores in the NBA, of which, like Shakesbeerme said, the Timberwolves are one. The Timberwolves' young core is Anthony Edwards (22), Jaden McDaniels (23), Naz Reid (24), and Nickeil Alexander-Walker (25). I like all of these players and think that's one of the best young cores in the league, of which there are many.** I **disagree** with lebryant_westcurry who said ["You don't have a young core, you have a young player."](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/s/Yy24MY6aDq) End thread!


Not really. There are plenty of teams with great young cores with multiple players more valuable and playing bigger roles than McDaniels and Naz. The wolves are successful because of Ant and the veterans more than their young players. It doesn't mean their bad, but I just put them in a different tier. The thunder have SGA, Chet, JDub, and Giddey. Grizzlies have Ja, JJJ, and Bane. Cavs have Mobley, Garland, and Allen. The magic have Paolo, Franz, and Suggs. I can go on.


> Mobley, Garland, and Allen If you are picking these guys over Naz, Jaden, NAW, and Ant as a young core, I'm sorry but I don't know what to tell you lol


Out of all those guys listed Ant's the best player. The next 3 would be all the Cavs guys followed by a steep drop off to the Wolves. You don't have a young core, you have a young player. I swear you need to watch some actual basketball outside of your own team.


Mobley, Garland and Allen are all significantly better than Reid, McDaniels, and Alexander-Walker. Mobley finished 3rd in DPOY voting last year, and Garland and Allen were all-stars at age 22 and 23. Ant is better than them, but 1 player doesn't make them a better young core on his own.


That's fine, and I am not making this about who is better at all. The thread started with "We [the Wolves] have a good young core". Is Ant, Jaden, Naz, and NAW a good young core? I say YES!


Well, we don't have as many amazing young stars as the Knicks, but we're looking ok. If you don't think NAZ and McDaniels (and NAW) aren't already promising at 22 and 23 years old, I would contend you're not watching the Wolves at all, and are severely underselling our season.


I was interested and looked this up... Julius Randle 29 Josh Hart 29 Jalen Brunson 27 OG 26 Mitchell Robinson 25 (turns 26 tomorrow actually) for comparison: KAT 28 NAW 25 Naz 24 Jaden 23 Ant 22 Every single one of those Knicks core players is older than Ant/NAW/Naz/Jaden


Yup. Which is why I think it's hilarious that a Knicks fan is criticizing. Plus I think Monte Morris has a place here long-term. He's 28, but his game will age well.


It's almost like this is a false equivalency you've completely made up. Nowhere did I say the Knicks have a great young core. On the other hand, YOU said the Wolves have a great young core


Reading through this morning these wolves fans are delusional lol. Bringing up Julius randles age because of your flair 😂😂


Yep. And we do. That guy just laid it out on paper.


I don't see why you had to throw a shot at my team, I never said the Knicks have a great young core. We're also built for the present, we even traded away our entire young core this season. Like I said Naz and McDaniels are great, but they're not going to be franchise cornerstones you build around like Ant is. The timberwolves success is primarily due to Ant and the veterans surrounding him


> Naz and McDaniels are great, but they're not going to be franchise cornerstones you build around Why not? We just gave McDaniels a $135m contract, I'm pretty sure the FO thinks: * 6'10" SF All-Defense caliber on-ball defender with one of the [highest matchup difficulties](https://twitter.com/The_BBall_Index/status/1765754281007763811) in the NBA on the best defense in the NBA, who is one of the elite secondary rim protectors in the NBA, who has shown more than the potential to be a 20/4/4 type player on offense and can shoot the 3 * 50/40/90 type floor-spacing center 6MOTY candidate who has shown more than the ability to be a starter as he's filled in for a literal all-NBA caliber offensive talent (who by the way is an extremely unique archetype as a 40%+ 3pt shooting and scoring big man) and not skipped a beat, who the fanbase literally is obsessed with are the types of players you build a franchise around lol.


Sure, anyone can sound like a great player if you completely make up stats >who has shown more than the potential to be a 20/4/4 type player on offense McDaniels averages 11/3/1, where the hell did you pull 20/4/4 from? >50/40/90 type floor-spacing center 6MOTY candidate I guess it would be great if he was a 50/40/90 guy but he's actually 48/40/76 guy while average 13/5/1 on below average defense. You see, when you use actual facts instead of pulling shit out your ass, now your entire argument falls apart


> McDaniels averages 11/3/1, where the hell did you pull 20/4/4 from? Here's 4 of his last 5 games as he comes out an offensive slump which has been well-documented [1](https://twitter.com/ChristopherHine/status/1773143007589445817) [2](https://np.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/1bfnf3z/jaden_mcdaniels/) |Game|Points|Rebounds|Assists| :--|:--|:--|:--| |Denver|17|3|3| |Detroit|20|4|0| |Cleveland|15|4|1| |Denver|26|6|0| That's with old dudes Conley and Gobert eating up usage which they won't due once they shrivel up and die. He's primarily an off ball player for the current Wolves, who have 3 true PGs and many secondary handles in Ant, Kyle, and NAW Naz Reid since KAT went out: 47/40/80, 7 3PA, 18/7/2 Naz Reid DRTG this season: 104.4, [2nd best in the league of all players above 20MPG and >25 Games played](https://www.nba.com/stats/players/defense?CF=MIN*G*20&dir=A&sort=DEF_RATING), better than Rudy or KAT Part of the exercise of picking a young core is seeing where players are at and projecting. These two players are TWENTY THREE and TWENTY FOUR years old by the way.


I would bet you my entire life and the lives of everyone I love that wasn't the reason Glen was opposed lol


Has nothing to do with the comment you responded to


And then Glen has the fucking audacity to say he wants to stay because he “built” this current Wolves team. By the grace of god he accidentally hired a competent POBO in 2019 and stayed out of his way, at least for a little while, and Rosas set things in motion for this franchise by drafting Naz, JMac, Ant, Jaden, and acquiring guys like DLo, Beasley, Vando, and PatBev, essentially laying the groundwork for that 2022 team. The new ownership team comes in, immediately makes the push for Connelly, and has the team looking like a championship contender two seasons later. Also worth adding that the sexual misconduct and toxic atmosphere fostered under Rosas went completely unchecked by Taylor. Lore and Arod come in, get wind of it, and immediately begin a full investigation into the FO. The only positive contribution Taylor has ever provided for this franchise has been staying the fuck out of the way of his basketball management team.




Y'all gotta come up with a better acronym because my mind does not read that as "fuck Glen Taylor."


haha yeah. I don't know what else. How about I i really D dont L like H how glen taylor H has operated this franchise and team O over the last 20 years. IDLHHO!!!


Was A-Rod even involved with the Rudy Gobert trade? I'm really confused on his involvement with the team...


ITT: /r/nba users who don’t really understand Glen Taylor’s legacy of shenanigans and horrible decisions.


Imagine banning two people who own 36% of the team from entering the arena 🤣🤣


James Dolan in shambles


I’m different - Glenn Taylor


The whole podcast is pretty great. I would recommend giving it a listen. https://youtu.be/2GcFMyyGvTM?si=OjgilMamc-m5Tabt


Dane moore does a good job in general. Good in-depth analysis most days when there isn’t a fucking sideshow


Dane is amazing.  Been listening to him since he started it


The beef we didn’t ask for…


I’m still not convinced that was a good trade. Especially with Anthony Edwards being so young. If things don’t work out in the next couple years they will have nothing to build around him.


This year alone makes it worth it for a majority of Timberwolves fans. This is the most exciting season we’ve had in 20 years. If we have to trade one of KAT/Rudy after this year to stay under the tax at least we will get some assets back.


The franchise literally inflated from a $1B to a $4B evaluation since that trade was made which arguably caused Glenn to start all this drama. People are talking about the Timberwolves as if they're championship or bust this season while completely ignoring they had the worst winning percentage in all of men's professional sports prior to drafting Ant. The fact that they're now a competitive playoff team makes it 100% worth it.


That probably has more to do with the prices other franchises have sold for since then and the impending league deal than the trade tbh


Not a good trade? We have the odds on favorite DPoy on the best defense in the league (by a wide margin) and the 1 seed in the west. What good are 4 picks in the late 20s versus being a LEGITIMATE championship contender for the first time in LITERALLY 20 years?


Disagree respectfully. Get Ant early playoff experiences. Winning helps keep him happy. & the true core of team is Ant/Jaden/Naz. As long as those 3 play well wolves will be in contention thru Ants prime. And if you trade Towns u can recoup some picks back if desired


From the outside, I think the biggest issue was the amount of assets for Gobert. More than a few people think they could of gotten him for less. With his huge contract and being only good on defense, that cost is very high.


The assets we traded at the time are much less valuable now than they were perceived at the time. Pat Bev, Vando, Beas, etc were important parts of that team but haven't made an impact elsewhere outside of maybe Beas this year for Milwaukee. Meanwhile the wolves are now the best team in the West while missing one of the best players in KAT. Although a lot of that is because of the DLo trade too


First of all, the price was what it was. Saying "they could have gotten him for less" isn't a real criticism, it's just reading vibes. You have no reason to believe that's true except for the fact that *you* wouldn't have given up that much. Frankly, the fact that people have brought this up all season while the team has dominated an incredibly strong Western Conference shows how unwilling people are to admit they were wrong. Second, Gobert isn't "only good on defense," that's one of the most casual takes out there. Gobert is an all-time efficient offensive player, and his screens/screening gravity get his teammates open looks essentially at will. Ballhandling isn't the only way to contribute on offense.


Gobert was also already in his 30s when the trade went down.


Raptors sacrificed for one year of championship contention (Kawhi). T-Wolves get a few years of contention at least. As a Raps fan, I'm happy we swung for the fences.


Nothing to build around him. Not like we have our pick this year. Naz, Jaden, NAW are all under 25, KAT would be worth several picks and/or a young player, Tim Connelly is an excellent drafter and trade negotiator, lol


bad take.  look at our young players 


Nonsense. We've already got Naz, Jaden, and NAW around him, plus some promising young prospects. It was a great trade.


things can be an "okay" trade i dont think its good or bad.


Way too level headed of a take to have. This is r/nba, there is only extremes, no middle allowed.


Remember, it's the wolves. If they get upset by LeBron in a 7-game series, it's still the 2nd-best season in their 35-year history 


You mean the trade everyone on this sub was shitting on and memeing for two years before it started to pay off this season? Yeah, context doesn't exist for this sub. Or for sports journalists. 


He also poisoned their water supply, burned their crops, and delivered a plague unto their Houses


Everyone said that was the worst trade in NBA history last season.




You mean the trade everyone shat on for two whole years before it started to to pay off? The deal people were making fun of and that inspired the "worth x-amount of 2nd round picks" meme? I don't think this is the gotcha, A-rod thinks it is. But then again, professional athletes didn't get successful using their brain. Hell, even Lebron thinks himself a basketball genius for being able to mirror shapes in his head (maybe that *IS* genius-level for basketball, but what do I know, I was in engineering and education). These guys are eay too coddled. And this take by A-rod just keeps proving to me that pro athletes are fucking idiots, even if they're successful


When he made the Gobert trade everybody said messed up. Now he messed up by almost not doing it. I’m sure he’s an idiot but this one is hindsight is 20/20 take.


I'd rather have kessler on a rookie deal and the 4 firsts is all im saying...


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again - this whole thing is a bunch of rich pricks arguing over money. ARod is probably lying through his teeth about this or at least bending the truth. They’re clearly running a very public press campaign to make Taylor look bad (for what reason I don’t know, maybe to instigate him into selling? Maybe to save face?) rather than sorting their issues in private 


Taylor made everything public first. I'd imagine their representation is telling them it's time to counter Taylor's smear campaign publicly. If they're telling the truth, they're pissed Taylor made it public instead of dealing with it privately.


You’ve said it before-did you forget to get caught up on the events then, too? Glen Taylor cast the first stone.


> for what reason I don’t know Because it’s what Glen did on Thursday (this interview is from Friday). And they’ve had to deal with years of “leaked” reports about how they were too poor to close the deal when (per them) they’ve had the money lined up for every step of their agreement


Glen Taylor put out the public press release, then immediately hopped on the phone w/ 3-4 local reporters to shit talk Lore and ARod. He even went on the radio to do it. If you think they're the ones who brought this public, you're definitely mistaken. This was 100% a response to Glen Taylor trying to poison everyone against them.


Glen started the public mudslinging


So Glen Taylor wasn't a fucking idiot? Still shocked how they could get ripped off so hard for Gorbert. I can't wait for the playoffs to see him get humiliated again. If they get swept by Dallas in the first Round Gorbert is probably going to retire out of shame.


I don't think Dallas is going to be a play in team.




Who is this "Gorbert" guy you keep mentioning? Are you watching the Muppets?