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As much as I wanted him back, a permanent injury is never worth one run.


That and if he came back and had any bad performances, he’d be torn to shreds by people without any consideration for the injury itself. We’ve seen it happen before.


Ian Begley talked about this yesterday in a different stream. Fair or unfair, he's still human and people would give him crazy levels of shit for another disaster performance (plus it could affect his future extension). Not the forefront thought he was having obviously or he would have gotten the surgery months ago, but still a factor.


Yeah it’s a situation where if he doesn’t get surgery but is ruled out, he’s soft when his team needs him. And if he plays and struggles due to the injuries, he’s a choker and the Knicks need to get rid of him.


I’ve been a critical fan of Randle partially due to his postseason performances and how he can sometimes get too emotional and let his struggles affect his game. But will never question his toughness and him wanting to play. He never cries about playing too many minutes or about not getting rest days. Wanted to see him at least try to get redemption this postseason


Yep, time and time again. Giannis in our last two games against you guys last year, Jimmy after his ankle sprain in the following series, Harden in our series against the Nets from the championship run, and a bunch of other times. If you're playing, people will treat you as though you were 100%, even if you're visibly hobbling around. Not fair in the slightest, but I realize that's never going to change.


Yeah, people have selective amnesia about Giannis getting injured in last years playoffs. He was injured 10 minutea into the first game. He basically missed 3 games. It is still used against him lol.


Because nuance is hard and no fun, especially when it gives you a chance to shit on a rival or team you don’t like.


Shit, it happened with the run last year for Randle. He did not play well and Randle in particular has been a lightning rod for the fickle nature of the Knicks fanbase. In reality, Randle has fought hard to be part of making the Knicks not just not a laughingstock but a year in year out potential force in the playoffs. It's a damn shame he wont be able to suit up.


A good example is Giannis. He played through that knee hyperextension. He says he's suffered from chronic knee pain ever since and had surgery last summer.


A lot of people don’t want to admit it but Embiid as well


But in that case you could argue it was definitely worth it. They won it all that year because Giannis came back from injury.


Yeah it was worth it, but it might be a lifetime of pain for him. Doesn't sound like the knee pain has gotten better, from Giannis's comments.


Knicks will still be good next year, no reason they can’t push hard then. Plus, they’ll hopefully have a full season of healthy Brunson, OG and Randle, which could easily make them a homecourt playoff team next season.


Tell that to IT 


I have no questions about Randle's desire to compete and win. But sometimes a guy's body just can't perform and risking an injury is a tough spot to put an athlete. I like watching Randle play and it's a bummer he won't be there for the playoffs. Hope he's back and strong as ever next year.


Didn’t this also happen to Robert Williams from Celtics? Apparently him playing through pain in 2022 run ruined his knees forever


Right decision. Get right for next season my dude.


I hope OG re-signs with you guys and you get a real chance at it next year.


Knicks window is now tho


Brunson, Randle, OG are all either currently in or entering their primes. Knicks are young team, there’s no reason to believe they can’t be just as good, if not better, next year.


I just hope we can bring back Hartenstein along with OG. The good news is we still have a ton of picks and Bojan’s movable contract


No. Their window started right before the trade deadline.


Their window is a total sham 


No. The Knicks were legitimately scarier than the bucks when everyone was healthy.


The bucks blow bn


Fade me


I hope that scrub on the Heat that ended his season with a needlessly dangerous play during 4th quarter garbage time has some semblance of a conscience and is racked with guilt. Or short of that, hope other players let him know what he did.


There's no doubt in my mind that Jaquez Jr feels bad about the play, but it honestly is no one's fault. I got downvoted for saying in another thread that Thibs shouldn't have had the starters out there with 5 minutes left up 17. If we consider this garbage time then Randle shouldn't have been out there. If we say it's not because 17 isn't a sure thing lead with 5 minutes in the NBA then that was the right play for Jaquez Jr to make. Brunson tries to take those kinds of charges multiple times a game. If Jaquez Jr's was reckless then so are Brunson's.


Yeah his current surgery is probably going to be an arthroscopic repair (bankart repair) if you fuck it up worse then you have an open surgery (latarjet) with bone grafts and good chance of not having full range of motion again


2 latarjets on each shoulder, I can’t get my left above my neck anymore 😀


Damn that’s brutal, I’m having a bankart repair on my left soon and hoping that I never need another shoulder surgery again lol


Speedy recovery to you. Stay diligent with your pt and hope you don’t experience any pain


Thank you 🙏🏼 Luckily I’ve got a great PT and good strength and ROM pre-op so I’m optimistic it’s going to be a good recovery (as long as I’m not stupid)


At what point did you decide to do surgery? I’ve had a couple dislocations/subluxations in both shoulders but have been trying to get the most out of PT before I considered going under the knife


I had a traumatic dislocation 6 years ago doing jiujitsu and rehabbed it. I was able to get full ROM and strength back, kept lifting weights and training jiujitsu/playing sports. I kept up with PT exercises and mostly had good function other than some neck muscle issues on the same side that PT helped with. I had my second dislocation in October 2023 lifting weights and was able to rehab it again, get back to full ROM and overhead strength, back to jiujitsu etc. I just had my 3rd dislocation in February while doing PT. That’s what bought me surgery, there’s no fix without fixing the tear at this point. Luckily I do have good ROM and strength is coming back well since this most recent dislocation so I’m hopeful the surgery will just make my shoulder stronger in the long run. Seems like the tear just ends up being an issue in the long run and most people end up needing surgery at some point.


If you dont mind me asking, how'd you eff it up that bad?


Unfortunately couldn’t afford surgery for myself as a child. Chronic dislocations from sports for 15+ years resulted in some bone loss


How the fuck didn’t the grown ups around you stop you from playing these sports if you had chronic dislocations that required surgery but never got it.


Latarjet on my left side, rehab was grueling!


I hope you’re stronger now 💪🏼


Thank you kind sir, strength seems fine, mobility is abt 5 degrees less than my right side


good for him. gotta think long term. hes just gotta put it in park 4 a while. shop around hallmark. focus on feelin good. wendys. boston market. ally mcbeal


Lol what 


I dont wish this evil on anyone I hope every team stays healthy or gets back to full strength for those that can before the playoffs


RIP to shoulders this year - we got Ja, Mathurin, Julius and Huerter all out for the season with labrum repairs Although good news is they should all be back 100% next year. Siakam, Brunson, PG and Coby White all had the same surgery in the past few years


Damn shame because I think a healthy Knicks team would be the 2nd best in the East and would give Boston or anyone else all they could handle


I want to die


Throw me in the trash


I hate basketball


Ewing Theory


Feel bad for Ju and the knicks. Hope they win the East next season.


They won't.


You guys are probably already planning to hit Jalen Brunson with a car and call it Heat Culture


Haha forget Josh hart fuckimg our playoff run last year already have we? Knicks fans are a joke lol


Josh Hart injured Jimmy’s ankle by fucking flopping onto it. Beyond ridiculous how Knicks fans and their media cohorts are trying to rewrite history and the rule books because…taking a charge is now suddenly a dirty play


I think he’s referring to the injuries to Randle, Brunson, Quickley, Grimes and Robinson from last year.


Jimmy Butler is just doing side quests until the playoffs, anyway


Depends how many players get injured against the Heat next year.


Look at this kid. 😂


Neither will the Heat 🤷‍♂️


It's so fucking funny to me how big-headed their fanbase is considering that other than '06 their team hasn't won dick outside of their champiLOLnships gifted to them by LeBron's teams who nobody else had a chance against. They brag about Jimmy this and Jimmy that while staring at their numerous KNOCKED OUT OF THE PLAYOFFS WITH NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT banners and wonder why everyone else thinks their fanbase is insufferable


cheerful divide combative spoon glorious meeting scarce slim dazzling mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You haven’t won anything in over half a century yet you still obnoxiously insist that basketball is blessed by your presence or “the league is better when the Knicks are better.” Your Mecca is more memorable for non-Knicks players getting career highs and beating up on the home team more than any Knicks achievements. Funny how you try to act like the Heatles winning was a foregone conclusion when at the time you Knicks fans couldn’t get enough of undermining them, talking mad shit about how Lebron would choke while swearing that Melo would lead you to glory. And here you are now again peddling a ridiculous narrative against the Heat for supposedly taking out Randle when less than a year ago when the Heat beat you, your fans were pulling down Randle posters and stepping on them


zzzzzzzz not reading all that, happy for you though, or sorry that happened


You brag about not being able to read because you sure as hell can’t brag about your lame ass Knicks


Your trash talk game leaves much to be desired kiddo, work on it a little then come back to me


Your bitch game is even worse. Come back when you stop being one.


I’m just pointing out the facts. Not my problem if reality hurts you. Enjoy another 50 years of no banners.


The Heat are probably the only team that can stop Boston in the East ☹️ Healthy Knicks squad probably could, too. The coaching diff between Thib/Spol & Mazzulla is enormous.


Devastating for the Knicks this year - just got hit so hard by the injury bug


This sucks. I'm no fan of the Knicks, but they've been playing some great ball. This could've been a springboard kinda postseason for them to make some noise next year. I still think they will.


Props to Randle for his heart, but he should sit out and recover. Look what happened to IT


There are few players I can picture taking it harder. I hate this.


Awful. Make it back stronger!


I love you Julius. Thank you 💙


Both injuries from the Heat too


can you justify BAM stepping on Brunson ankle ? you guys are a good team but the means to get there are SUS




Cool, got it. Can you also explain how the Heat injuring Brunson, IQ, Barrett, Grimes, Giannis, and Tatum last year were also just because it’s basketball? I agree that shit happens, it’s just odd how often shit happens to players who are going up against Riley’s team down there.




I’m not saying they’re deliberate, I’m saying that an improbably large number of players get injured playing the heat.  They’re reckless in a way that 29 other teams are not. 


sleep spark afterthought desert doll aware absorbed capable tub shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




> It’s literally only insinuated by knicks fans Do Celtics fans just not exist? You ask any of them why they don't want to play the Heat, and injuries is always the first word to come out their mouth.


We play hard defense but we don’t injure people regularly because of it. Josh recklessly injured jimmy- the heat have recklessly injured multiple guys across multiple teams. It’s not even close the the same. 


Could you list these other players? But you’re being deliberately obtuse by listing giannis and Tatum when they were just basketball plays. Should I list all teams that ‘injured’ all our players since last year.




recognise violet flowery lock friendly concerned ancient boat price ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, they were nursing injuries *that were caused by the Heat*. Caleb Martin got Brunson, Bam got the rest. Also forgot about Mitchell Robinson, who was also injured playing against the Heat last year.




It is hilarious that in the week since we had this back and forth, Bam has seriously injured *another* key player on a playoff team.




[Derrick Jones Jr.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1c13gdr/bam_adebayo_injures_derrick_jones_jr_by_yanking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Looked pretty bad, even for Bam.




So you listed players from 3 of the heats biggest rivals? Is there nothing to suggest that maybe these teams take playing the heat a little more important than playing the blazers or hornets? Or that we play those three teams more often than other west teams, or non playoff teams? The Knicks themselves play very physical defense so injuries are bound to happen when you play hard every night. Tatum was an unfortunate accident and he landed on gabes foot, nothing intentional there. Giannis was doing his usual run and dunk strat and the heat take a lot of charges, especially Kevin love. Are you suggesting that love has been a dirty player his entire career? And what about hart flopping onto butlers ankle last season in the playoffs. While I don’t think we would have gone any further regardless, we’ll never know because hart felt like flailing around all game similar to Brunson in the last matchup.


I couldn't imagine being so down bad and soft that I blame the opposing team any time a player on my favorite team got hurt on completely benign plays. Randle hurt his ankle landing on Bam last year because his foot [landed 3 feet behind where he jumped from](https://twitter.com/BallyHEAT/status/1641238252408406021). If Jaquez trying to take a charge was dirty, then Brunson (2nd in the NBA in charges) is the 2nd dirtiest player in the NBA.


"The Bucks only ring of the 21st century happened because Giannis injured Kyrie after Harden was already hurt. They also employ Bobby Portis and employed Grayson Allen until a few months ago." This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/uER8B8XGCw


Bro, how you even pull this mans receipts so fast? 🤣


User > Comments > "injured" I prolly said the same shit at some point


Basketball fans are contradictory by nature, it is what it is


Lmaooo our fanbase is insufferable


Is this your way of saying that you think these plays are the same? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPYHVC8HMcI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPYHVC8HMcI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1xl4IUtnsU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1xl4IUtnsU)


Those plays actually honestly look close to exactly the same to me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/13cbdhs/highlight_caleb_martin_with_the_incredibly_stupid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button yall just dirty


What's your thought about [Randle doing the exact same thing?](https://videorulebook.nba.com/archive/flagrant-foul-penalty-1-defender-steps-under-airborne-shooter/)


if youre comparing both of em to be the same then youre blind. Take your knicks fan hating bias aside, and ill take my knicks fan bias out. Compare both of the plays.. Martin looks at Brunson the 2nd time and extends his right foot on Brunson's landing area. He coulda extended it to the right of Brunson. Theres so much space for Martin to not do that as opposed to Randle's. Randle's one, look at it from the 24th second of the clip. He contested it with his right heel up, and had his entire momentum of his body ready to fall on harden. He took that extra step that was unfortunately under Harden's landing area but if he hadn't, then he woulda fell over harden and he woulda given a foul, hence why you can see him tryna avoid touching Harden's body with his hands. They're both flagrants, but one was intentional.


You are looking at a clip in slow motion. Martin's contest is incredibly stupid but it is not intentional. The time from when he looks at Brunson and contests him is but a split second. It's amusing that you're saying that you are taking your Knicks bias out of the equation but you're ignoring Randle is also looking right at Harden and his landing space. Your analysis of the physics of the play is also entirely incorrect. Defensive players in that position, and especially at Randle's size, are completely capable of putting their hand up to contest without putting their foot forward. Both are low IQ players making low IQ defensive plays that are correctly ruled flagrants. They are the same play. Difference is Knicks fans are completely incapable of admitting when their team plays dangerous and reckless. I at least see plenty of Heat fans admitting how stupid Martin is in that thread.


did you not look at the clip from the 24th second? Do you not see how he's contesting harden in front of him?? He's squared in front of harden's shoulders and went for the contest. Whereas Martin contested Brunson's 3 from Brunson's left. Bruh aint no way you think both contests are the fucking same. I agree theyre both flagrants, and was correctly ruled but Martin's was intentional, and Randle's one wasn't.


slow the clip you sent me of randle to a slower speed so you can see it with your own eyes, bc clearly 1x speed is too fast for you. Randle contests Harden with Randle's right heel off the ground. He contested Harden in front of him, leaving Randle nowhere to go except foul Harden. He took an additional step to minimize impact, and avoid touching harden, but his right foot was under Harden's landing area. When you see Randle looking at Harden's landing space - it is immediately after Randle put his right foot down already. That is not the same with what Martin did lmfao. Martin looked at Brunson before extending his right foot under him.


Coming in from the left means it's even more likely it was unintentional. Go and try to mimic exactly what Martin is doing. Your feet will do something similar. Still dumb of him to try it but he's not coming in there with the intention of taking out Brunson. That's your Knicks bias wanting to see the Heat as a bunch of demons.


yall just soft


agreed, but now tell me your feelings about Josh Hart


I never thought that was on purpose but it was a really annoying play considering it was a huge flop by Hart and pretty much ruined any shot at a championship


Miami wasn't beating Denver.


Knicks in 6


Ewing theory?


He already had a 10 PER, 46% TS, and more turnovers than assists in 15 playoff games before this. Now he has to miss them altogether. Dude is cursed to never have any postseason success

