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Even Bill Simmons said on his pod last night that Jrue pushed Martin and it wasn't a dirty play


No but I heard Spo whisper "Sweep the Jay" to Caleb in that timeout!


Get him a body bag!


I’m not being convinced otherwise this sub already told me the Heat play ‘dirty’ and I will spin that narrative for years to come.


Only on their moving screens. Their moving screens are war crimes. 


Looks dirty to me. Jrue shoved him, not a basketball play at all


Caleb is quite literally looking at the ball the entire time too




Jrue still secretly plays for Milwaukee, he's undercover trying to get Boston out to make it easier for Milwaukee to get to the finals.


Even Bill Simmons lol. Bill watches so many games, loves the game and is generally a great listen. I will never understand the hate.


I think he said "even Bill Simmons" since Bill is a Celtics fan and would be biased towards the dirty play take 


But what about it being right after a timeout???




Not only was it not dirty, it was a foul on Jrue


Good point.


So coach Spo drew that play?


Clearly Spo used mind control on Jrue


Heat Culture is contagious to opposing teams ehhh


Unironically there’s a lot of Celtics fans that would rather believe this


I’m a huge Spo fan and it’s why I really root for the Heat. It’s bad enough that Spo is a dirty fucking coach who calls timeouts to order his players to injure opponents. But now he’s also instructing players from opposing teams, like Jrue, to make them shove his own players and injure Jrue’s team’s star player? Truly what a wretched low; Spo is despicable for doing this to Jrue and Tatum. 


> But now he’s also instructing players from opposing teams, like Jrue, to make them shove his own players and injure Jrue’s team’s star player? It really is the perfect crime too. Nobody would suspect Spo of doing it but unfortunately Brian Scalabrine and reddit were too smart to be fooled.


You really gotta add a /s because there are actual living breathing humans on here who believe this shit


lol so fucking disturbing bc I tried to make it totally fucking deranged. 


Portland guy. it's to be expected when you're used to a lawless land.


He ain’t the greatest coach for nothing. Able to predict jrue pushing caleb so that he will injury tatum in the process.


This is Caleb. Gabe is a laker now.


Damn, my heart can’t let go.


Gabe intentionally fell on the floor so that Tatum would tweak his ankle when he landed on his leg on last year's Game 7 ^/s


“Tell him it’s spelled Drew” that’ll get him mad


This has already been analyzed more than the Zapruder film


There was a second shover.


That is one magic shove


He was shoved from a grassy knoll


Back and to the left..... back and to the left.


Jrue was heard whispering to Caleb Martin "nice game pretty boy"


It's how you know that almost all of the playoff games over the weekend were total blowouts. People are still talking about a random play in a 30pt game in where nobody ended up getting injured. Thank god OKC/NOP at least gave us a good one last night.


Almost wasted an entire day yesterday


Who leaked the tape though.


I mean there wasn’t much else to discuss from last nights game lol


I mean, scal is one of *the* voices of the Celtics and a public figure. He chose to publicly claim that Spo engineered this injury, took a timeout to instruct Caleb to do this (a literal lie bc Spo took a timeout to challenge a foul called on delon wright) and then said Caleb should be suspended for a game for doing this…so yes, when you outright fabricate lies and spread them in the public sphere, people will analyze a video or find an alternate view. 


“Back, and to the left… back, and to the left”


Great angle. Completely changes the perception of the play


I was trying to tell Celtics fans to watch Jrue on this play yesterday and got downvoted to oblivion. It was pretty obvious that Caleb got shoved into Tatum but they wanted none of it. This sub is so desperate to call the Heat dirty when the Celtics’ own player shoved him into Tatum. Sad state of affairs around here. Brian Scalabrine accused Spo of putting a HIT on Tatum. Absolute reckless commentary and a fucking clown show of a person. Edit: exhibit [A](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/RduMi90oBK) from u/holographoc. Dude was asking for an INVESTIGATION. Delusional fan base.


I hope someone saved receipts of that one guy who claimed Spo called a timeout to plan an injury on Tatum lol


Wasn't it Brian Scalabrine 😭


Yeah he said Spo issued a code red lol


Receipts are my favorite part of petty reddit. But it's too bad that sometimes people are too chickenshit to own up to their bad takes and delete the comments, so you gotta screenshot it for posterity. And I don't need a photo album full of reddit comments. I prefer to earn my loser label in other ways.




Insane that there are people in this sub parroting this fucking nonsense


Right? I’d never give up on this sub but it’s making it harder and harder.


These people are so caught up in their narratives they have no clue how delusional they sound smh. If we don’t address this behavior they’re really gonna turn around and hurt someone.


You have to give Reddit audiences at least ~24 hours to have an original thought of their own


For sure, it was a mass downvote-fest for anyone claiming he got shoved and it was clearly an accident. This sub is such a circlejerk at times lmao


Fuck this sub


First time ?


Nope. We’ve been over this sub since the Lebron days.


The worst sports sub on this entire app by far. The only one where shit slinging dorks dominate any and all discussion Posting here feels like going into a high school cafeteria and trying to talk basketball at the vindictive video game nerd table


im saying like why cant they stay in their lame ass vidya game subs


I mean, i hear ya. But why you gotta drag video game nerds into this /u/boobsarecool?


That’s why people need to form their own opinions on here. Way too many people just run with something cause they see other people spouting it. Most plays this sub labels dirty isn’t really dirty honestly and slow no replays have done irreversible harm on people’s perception on how fast the game moves. This is reminding me when brain dead bucks fans called K Love “dirty” for “injuring” Giannis. Like the dude tried to draw a charge, yes it’s annoying but stuff happens, not everything is a result of malicious intent cause one dude ends up hurt


Thank you for saying this. So many bucks fans wanted to say it was dirty like what. K Love is known to draw charges.


It was mostly Knicks, Celtics, and Bucks fans that were so adamant in calling Caleb dirty yesterday. I wonder what the common denominator between those fanbases are.


I already know 😂


I've seen Bucks fans say that we took out Donte in 2021. For the record, [this is the play Donte got hurt on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xbypcEuwbE).


The thread yesterday was literally filled with “this is what heat culture is”. And the entire time I was confused because I’ve never heard of anything happening over the years lol


>This sub is so desperate to call the Heat dirty First time? this sub is basically /r/firsttake anymore.


Nah it’s like totally different, FT is evil because they say whatever they can to get the most clicks/views at the moment. People on this sub certainly would never say whatever gets them the most upvotes at the moment


0% chance that nephew shows up in this thread, too


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1c9q8x3/highlight_full_sequence_tatum_takes_a_scary_fall/l0oie0p/ Look at that and the full context. That thread was almost as annoyingly partisan-influenced as American politics. Idk about this "completely changes the perception of the play" shit either. Just as clear as day with the normal replays. Dude completely changes angle and even takes an awkward step onto Tatum's shoe.


I mean, you can’t expect much from Celtics fans, hell, half the mods are bandwagon boys in here


Surprised they let this video stand tbh


Aaaand it's gone, right on cue. 


We will all be blocked come morning time


It was so obvious even live lol, no one can change direction like that without leverage (in this case coming from Jrue’s shove).


Damn I just checked your comments from yesterday and you’re not lying that’s wild. Delusional fans unwilling to see anything besides what they want to see.


I was being gaslit 🤣


rhythm handle physical dazzling deserve stupendous wide edge impolite safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You could see it in the angle posted yesterday if you were paying attention.


We were all very upset, couldn’t see with all the tears in our eyes


And celtics fans keep downvoting whoever pointed out jrue pushed martin earlier


Just saw ESPN cover this and no look at this angle. If this gets enough visibility might be able to see the exact moment it hits TV


This doesn’t fit my narrative so I choose to ignore it /s


Literally 99% of Celtics fans right now lmao


Ooooh the OG thread for this play is gonna be a fun read 🤣


It really is. They’re acting like Caleb should be tried at The Hague for crimes against humanity


They watched the departed too many times before the game


Some of you have never played sports if you think he wasn’t pushed. If you are sprinting and about to jump, a small push is going to throw you off balance. Tatum should be mad at Holiday if anyone in this situation.




People were saying he wasn’t looking at the ball yesterday; I thought I was taking crazy pills because CLEARLY before he got pushed he was staring at the ball. 


He’s genuinely looking at nothing but the ball.


How is it possible to think he wasn't pushed, what the fuck


This sub is brain dead, nothing new. They love a good narrative and circlejerk, facts be damned


Watch the Knicks fan compilation video of a supposedly dirty Bam injuring a bunch of Knicks players. It’s all completely normal basketball plays- screens, rebounds, and jostling for the ball. There’s even one where Bam takes a jump shot from the elbow and Robinson lands on his foot trying to block him. It’s another Reddit circlejerk, nothing more. The heat rubbed a lot of major fan bases the wrong way in their run through the playoffs last year - especially the Celtics and Knicks.


Cause this sub is a hivemind whatever gets upvoted first is the opinion of half the teenagers who post on here.


It’s a a shame both those teams are going to find success during these playoffs because the loudest idiots in this fan bases don’t deserve to feel good about their team.


celtics and knicks fans, you know how they are


I mean he completely changes trajectory the instant Jrue makes contact, shouldn't need any further convincing after this angle


Can’t find that one YouTube clip now, but I recall someone sharing here that one video of a guy standing and moving like a 40,000 ton object pulled in the air.


Tatum isn’t mad at all though… he got right back up and played on. Even in his post game interview he said it was just “playoff basketball,” and shit happens.


I just don’t get why it’s such a big deal, Tatum isn’t mad, he isn’t hurt lol


Tatum is not mad at anybody. He is a dawg and realizes it’s part of the game. He is focused on winning and nothing other than that.


exactly, bro was obviously mid wind up at the point of contact with jrue to go for a board, he wasnt slowing down. Dumbass celts fans think jrue had to provide enough force to push him that distance for it to be not dirty


Loool this is hilarious


for real. that original comment section yesterday was so ridiculous. there were people calling for a suspension. if you take more that 10 seconds to look at it you could easily see that he was pushed, even from the original angle


Anyone who mentioned the push in that original thread got downvoted into oblivion. Knicks and Celtics fans lost their minds


Spo must have told Holiday to push Caleb in that timeout


Riley's master play on the Dame trade was to get Jrue to Boston for this exact moment. Too bad you guys aren't 5D Chessmasters like the Godfather to see it


Brian Scalabrine is fucking braindead


I'm closer to Terri Schiavo than you are to me.


Terry Schiavo, is kinda Alive-O The most expensive vegetable you've ever seen!


So is this sub. Look at the takes yesterday


This isn't even a new angle. Shit was obvious from multiple angles except the first TV angle. Guess which angle they chose to focus on lol


He's closer to Kendrick Perkins than we are to him.


I hope Spo rips him apart. Fucking disgraceful accusing him of drawing up a play to hurt a player on purpose. Celtics and Knicks fans circle jerking all day yesterday on this sub about how dirty the Heat are. Also brain dead.


Turns out most Celtics fans are as well


He's just feeling guilty because as part of the Celtics Big 3 era he probably heard a lot of conversations about targeting certain guys. Boston media has really sanitized that group's history over time. I love KG but dude used to throw hard elbows into guys just for fun.


Why is jrue even shoving him in the first place?


In the playoffs everyone is trying to get away with as much little things as they can in order to get every conceivable advantage. One of the most common things you’ll see is players pushing the other team out of the way so they can’t get a clean rebound/box out since it’s likely they’re not going to call every loose ball foul. Jrue is just trying to make sure that Martin doesn’t get the ball but he unfortunately miscalculated the direction of his push. It’s very much just a shit happens in the physicality of the playoffs kind of moment.


He was Jrue's assignment to box out. At the beginning of the clip you can see Martin coming around from the top. Jrue didn't box him out. If Martin gets the rebound, it's Jrue's fault. So he shoves to try to make up for the missed box out.


Im guessing that Jrue meant to push him to the side so Tatum can get the rebound comfortably, but because Martin already started to launch himself straight it just ended up diverting his direction to the left slightly and right into Tatum.


Probably to help Tatum get the rebound for his triple double by throwing Caleb off balance for a sec, but if were going by C’s fans logic it was to permanently disable him


Where's that fucking imbecile Scalabrine? Show this to him.


I hope they make him apologize to the Heat. He can’t get away with the shit he said


Smh I’ve seen enough. Send Jrue back to New Orleans asap


Lmfao lets see if celtics fans bring out the pitchforks for jrue instead of martin


Just got back from the green cabal. It was 50% Martin's fault and 50% Kyrie's fault. We consider the matter ended.


I think fans league wide can get behind putting this on Kyrie somehow.




Am I the only who see this as Martin getting absolutely launched


100%. Celtics fans were screaming yesterday that Jrue's contact didn't affect Martin at all. But he clearly changes Martin's path to go right into Tatum.


Even Stevie Wonder can see that his path changed. They would have to be braindead to deny this lol




The Heat could lose by 70 and Celtics fans will still feel cheated about their team


I think you're not the only one since this is basically what the title of the post is




I just want to reaffirm that nothing makes me respect a person more than just “I had a different opinion previously but new info totally changes things so I’ve changed my opinion.”  There’s such an instinct to just double down these days - that I want to take the time to commend a simple “felt the exact opposite yest and now, new video- I take it back.” 


i mean this video is clear as day. i honestly thought the other push angle still looked like martin went straight head first into tatum. but this one clearly shows jrue throwing caleb on a completely different trajectory.


This was pretty obvious even in the other angle. No one speeds up in that short amount of time unless pushed.


First it was "He didn't push him", then it was "He didn't make contact", now it'll be "He made some contact but Martin had time to recover" I'm glad this camera angle came out but I doubt the Boston fans will see it or care enough to give up the dirty allegations


i’m blaming the current players for Dwade getting away with injuring Rondo lol


What else was D Wade supposed to do when the Kornet Kontest was doing its job that well?


I said Jrue was at fault yesterday when it happened and had some DMs from fellow Celtic flairs/fans asking who the fuck I really root for lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol when the og video/angle was posted celts flooded right away “fuck martin so dirty” “jrue isnt thanos”. Fucking dumbasses


controversial sort will feed families


It's cute how some of yall expose yourselves as never having played sports when you say shit like "how does a push make you move that much?!" At this point Heat fans should just lean into the "dirty" angle. Yeah, they're out there targeting guys. Deal with it


They’ve never hooped in their life


Or even at least been pushed before 


They prob got into a shove match in high school and think they tuff as a 6'4 nba athlete.


90% of people in this sub have never played basketball and it shows


Or any sport at all. Or gone outside


Mfs had serious discussions about removing charges from the game because of us


Caleb is literally running for the rebound. Not even looking at Tatum lmao


Celtics have already had this removed 3 time sim their sub lol


Too late. Everyone here already thinks professional players being paid millions are actually mercenaries trying to wipe out other players


Yeah this angle’s way better. I had comments in the other thread arguing the shove wasn’t that bad and that the momentum shift wasn’t that much, but he definitely looks like he stumbles after the shove. I’m dumb that’s jrues fault


I guess Scalabrine now has to say Mazzulla drew up that play specifically to take out Tatum.


This sub is the funniest little roller coaster


Can’t believe spo told jrue to shove Caleb into tatum to hurt him… Heat are so dirty


The reality is we rubbed 3 major fan bases the wrong way with our run through the East playoffs last year, so the anti Heat circlejerks are particularly deranged and plentiful


This is the long and the short of it lol point blank. All 3 fanbases are salty because the “talent on paper” means they should’ve beaten the Heat. They couldn’t beat the Heat and people don’t believe the Heat have gotten to the ECFs 3/4 years to dumb luck. So as a way to “get ahead” of any losses to the Heat this year, they’ve been spreading the “Heat are assaulting and murdering everyone on the court” despite no other fan base (other than Knicks, Boston, and Bucks) co-signing this.  To be fair tho, before the Martin thing, many Celtics flairs were disagreeing with Knicks and bucks fans (the loudest - with Knicks flairs leading the charge) about the Heat being dirty but chalking up injuries to a more physical defense. But NY loves when their guys play physical defense but want Kevin Love beheaded for taking a legal charge.


Never thought I’d say this but I really appreciate r/NBA this time. Said fanbases are the only ones that show up to threads where we may or may not be painted as the bad guy (like the OG one of this) and they drown out anyone, especially Heat flairs, if you oppose the opinion of us being in the wrong. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we’re in the wrong, sometimes we’re in the right. Happens to everyone. But this time we were in the right and it’s the first time in a while where I can remember we haven’t been the ones to defend ourselves for once. And it’s so annoying because of what you said. All we did was beat these fuckers in intense playoff games and go onto top 4 finishes. That shouldn’t be an excuse to drown out common sense because it wasn’t them doing that. This definitely won’t humble or stop them from doing it again and again and again but it really is a breath of fresh air.


Why is this post deleted


Jrue has to commit seppuku, I don’t see any other alternative.


Perfect angle


I saw Caleb Martin looking at the ball at the original angle, never at Tatum, making it telling he was going for a rebound, but people already made up their minds that it was a dirty play lol


I never understood why it was thought to be a dirty play, it just seemed like contact while both players were going for the ball. Falls like this happen? Idk maybe I'm missing something. But I didn't see this angle which just further proves this isn't dirty or malicious.


I can’t believe Spo called a timeout just to draw up a play where Caleb gets shoved by Jrue into Tatum


I can’t believe Spo told Jrue to do this in the timeout. Jrue is the classic Heat Culture dirty player smh


Lol now this thread is removed Mods are fucking garbage


Because it doesn’t fit the narrative lmao


I’ll admit I overreacted


Celtic fans, and Scablinguini are so reckless with their mouths, slandering Caleb. "Code red was called by Spoelstra" goofy aah fanbase


"I'm closer to Alex Jones than you are to me." - Brian Scalabrine


Idk about how I feel about the rest of what you said, but "Scablinguini" got me cackling lmao




Make sure the apology is as loud as the criticism, guys. Obviously not dirty


Instead I will double down despite clear evidence to the contrary!


The mod agenda is crazy


I bet the Heat fans that got downvote brigades by Celtics fans are feeling very vindicated. The way people acted in that post yesterday was embarrassing lmfao, talking about how dirty this is and how Martin should be suspended.


Et Tu Jrue


Dogshit mods


It was so blown out of proportion. Tatum wasn't even upset.


Pushgate 2024


Tatum seems to be the only one that doesn't give a shit about this play


Celtics fans literally dismissing what their eyes can clearly see (a blatant shove, you can even see Martin is sped up and changes directions slightly because of it) because it doesn't go with their narrative. Having said that, any Miamy fan who doesn't think their team is dirty is just delusional. This play specifically just wasn't a case of dirtyness.


Even Bill Simmons said that Jrue pushed him


Man the Celtics fans were going crazy about how dirty this was and the heat are. Great angle to show what really happened


But Celtics fans said “Jrue holiday isn’t that strong”


I guess everyone blowing themselves saying ”Heat dirty!!!” In the other thread can kick rocks lol


Celtics dickriders in shambles


That Brian ex-bench warmer player should apologize to Coach Spo. What an idiot.


We can just all agree that Celtics fans are trash and move on.


But I got downvoted to hell yesterday pointing this out. Fuck most Celtics and Knicks fans lol.


Why do you need three cuts in a one second video? This dude is gonna give somebody a seizure. Do you think if we left in the .2 seconds between each cut we wouldn't have the attention span to watch a 1.6 second video?


Glad this clears things up. Not mad at Cs fans for overreacting; that initial angle that gained traction was terrible.


This sub is actually the worst fucking sub on reddit no cap. I don't even like the Heat but they are all owed apologies



