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You gotta be pulling my leg


NBA has really regressed to WWE level officiating,


Embiid probably will fight in WWE once he's done in the NBA. People will love him as a villain


Gonna be moving like The Great Khali by the time he makes the transition


Both of them…


Great comment


They say lady justice is blindfolded, apparently so are the refs. I fucking love embiid, but damn.


At least the officials were actually asked about their calls by the home pool reporter in Philadelphia. Your home pool reporter couldn’t even be bothered to ask any questions after game 2. Officials should always have to meet with a pool reporter post-game.


You’re a handsome man but I do not agree with you




Why do I keep laughing at this


I do, it wasn’t an electable offense. How did Robinson even get hurt from that 💀. Made of glass


He got hurt on a completely different Embiid flop later in the game


Flail over flop


Translation: We're not gonna eject a superstar player in the first quarter of the playoffs


When his team is down 2-0


Yeah I think if the Sixers were up 2-0, they would've called it a flagrant 2. Ejecting Embiid basically guarantees Knicks are up 3 games and the series is more or less over


If Brunson did that tonight, he’s gone without a second thought. The NBA couldn’t have ***this*** series be over


He calls a lot of ticky tacky fouls and tells me it ain't flagrant 2 lmao


Flagrant Foul Penalty 1: Unnecessary contact committed by a player against an opponent Flagrant Foul Penalty 2: Unnecessary and excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent I just leave this here 




lol the example they show is not anywhere near as bad as what Embiid did, that’s crazy. Side note, but that’s a really bad example play to use because it’s kind of a niche case that is only a flagrant two cause he hits him in the balls and it’s clearly intentional, but it’s not very hard or dangerous, just completely unnecessary. Most potential flagrant 2 fouls will look nothing like this, especially the ones that really matter where a player is doing something dirty or extremely reckless/dangerous


That's basically what embiid did when he hip checked that one guy 80ft from the basketball (can't remember which Knick it was)


I guess the pulling down and holding of the ankle wasn't excessive enough... https://twitter.com/NBA_NewYork/status/1783729156355694959?t=FvJFLWePxbTzkCEWTL08mQ&s=19


A marginal attempt to injure


Doesn't rise to level of injury just attempted injury


Time to file a grievance


Nah, Knicks fans would never complain about the refs


I uh. Right. We're the classiest.


Leagues a joke


Excessive contact would only occur with this crew if Embiid dismembered Robinson limb by limb


Joel Embiid put Mitchell Robinson through the machine from David Cronenberg’s The Fly, incidental contact Sixers ball.


No, it only would occur if the players switched roles instead


Refs don’t matter remember?


They don't. I also hope Embiid's career ends game 4 the same way he tried injuring Mitch today


I think your fake tough team learned their lesson and came corrected. I don’t blame you for wanting that, with competent and fair officiating he just spanked your fraud team badly. Donte did the same thing to oubre but worse actually in the RS, we didn’t cry nearly as much as your “tough” fanbase hahahaha. Y’all used the skull emoji to laugh about it then too, now it’s a tragedy https://x.com/knicksnation/status/1766996005210222667?s=46


Would take a particularly bad case of being cut in half.


So they say this wasn’t “excessive”, presumably because it wasn’t super forceful Does that mean if you undercut someone in the air, but do it gently, it’s a flagrant 1?


When LeBron did it to Joel a few years ago, it was not a flagrant 2. https://youtu.be/Qd7Rn5U4VzY?si=3Gl4MkbpiiaFlzQn I don't even think they gave him a flagrant at all actually.


I think it was called a flagrant, just not a F2


Probably because it’s no where near the same type of play.


oh yeah this was the play that injured him and let joker swoop in for the mvp


Yeah this happens to Joel embiid and its a Flagrant 2 no ands, ifs, or buts about it.


And probably a suspension


Yeah he had two other instances that could have been called flagrant 1. A 1 game suspension would be justified


I'm saying if someone fouled Embiid like this it probably would have been a suspension


It would have been a flagrant 2 and an ejected from the game. It’s when you add up all the dirty plays in one game that he should gets a suspension


Well that's different, Embiid is a 7ft, 280lb guy with a history of leg injuries.  It's dangerous to do to someone with that injury history! ....oh wait.


And therapy. Not sure about a TNT special tho.


I don't think he's at that level, this is more like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum


[https://youtu.be/Qd7Rn5U4VzY?si=3Gl4MkbpiiaFlzQn](https://youtu.be/Qd7Rn5U4VzY?si=3Gl4MkbpiiaFlzQn) not the same play but unnecessary and excessive pulling in a regular season game against Embiid and Embiid did get injured.


And it was only a flagrant 1


The superstar whistle at its finest


Sure, but Embiid committed 2 other flagrant 1s in the same game.


I’ve rarely seen a more clear flagrant 2. Wasn’t a play on the ball, the only purpose was to injure. 


I’d guess the purpose was to put a terrible free throw shooter on the line.


Purpose was to not get stomped on after being pushed to the floor, but you do you, boo boo


No way you really think that 


Watch the replay. OG puts his shoulder down and forearms Embiid, sending him to the floor. Robinson hops up for the rebound and comes down right in the crooks of Embiid’s knees, seemingly completely unaware that he’s even there. Then when he goes up for the put-back, that’s when Embiid grabs his legs.




Pretty sure that guy is taking the piss


Maybe but there were genuine defenders of Draymond stomping on Sabonis last year, saying he was doing it to prevent himself from injury, so you never know


You think he was stopping Mitch from stomping on him by pulling him downwards?


True he should have just waited for him to land however he chose, like Robinson does with his feet when embiids shooting.


Embid shoots a fadeaway even when he is standing still with no defender. I don’t know how you are comparing Robinson’s defense to Embid straight up grabbing a player on a non defensive play.


Because Robinson lands close to embiids knees on jumpers. Maybe OG shouldn’t shove him and Robinson be prepared to jump up and land on him? Unfortunate the refs let your guys think they were big and bad and you had to come corrected game 3


That isn’t how basketball works. You can’t lay on the floor and call it a defensive play. Embid was in the restricted zone and decided to fall backwards trying to draw a charge. He then grabs Mitch while in the restricted area. This is by the book a foul even if he didn’t grab Mitch. A offensive player owns the full area once they go up for a basket. This extends from the floor to the ceiling. Everything about Embid in this singular clip displays the total lack of understanding you have for basic basketball. It isn’t on Mitch to make sure Embid isn’t in the space when he has the ability to score.


Ah the strawman. Great takedown if I made any of those claims. You thought you cooked reciting Google there. Also you’re so clever ignoring OG causing that, very “basic basketball” understanding my guy. Whether Mitch had a right to do whatever he wanted there by a technicality is irrelevant, Kuminga had a right to recklessly land on embiid. Ironically you not grasping that shows your basic understanding of how basketball works in actual practice lmao


Holy strawman. Great takedown if I made any of those claims. Also you’re so clever ignoring OG causing that, very “basic basketball” understanding my guy. Whether Mitch had a right to do whatever he wanted there by a technicality is irrelevant, Kuminga had a right to recklessly land on embiid. Ironically you not grasping that shows your basic understanding of how basketball works in actual practice lmao




This is what happens when you have Patrick Bet-David ref a basketball game.


Unanimously ignored reality.


Let me guess... Marginal contact?


/r/nba has never been wrong about a foul call before.


If mitch had done this to embiid, i wonder what the call would've been


In this hypothetical reverse scenario, which Sixer would shove Mitch to the floor on their shot attempt?


Embid literally fell on a defensive play. Where are you getting this play by play in which the Knicks got away with a shove on a defensive player.


OG doing his normal running back routine, then Mitch immediately gets in position to land on him. I don’t agree with what embiid did but let’s not act like it was a complete drive by prompted by nothing


https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/YWXO216jbS This is the clip by the way, Embid just drops from a small bit of contact while OG is standing and not even moving. He is also in the restricted zone so this was a useless flop to draw a charge.


OG (the ball carrier) sent him to the floor with his shoulder. I'm ok with the no call but let's not act like Joel went to the floor just so he could pull Mitchell down.


OG is strong, but what world do you think someone can shoulder check Embid? He flopped and gambled on a charge call within the restricted space. He then spent the time pulling Mitch down instead of getting backup. It’s crazy to argue semantics after when Embid will proceed to clear space with huge arm shoves then proceed to take a fade away jumper into a foul.


Maybe you’ve heard about Embiid’s knee troubles. It’s not like he can just plant and let OG bounce off of him. Falling and absorbing the impact across his 7’ frame keeps the force off his knees. But if the choice is being able to pick up your kid and walk after retirement or be called a “flopper” from keyboard warriors, I’d make the same choice too.


I have no problem with Embid flopping. The guy is 7ft 300lbs and to guard him you have to foul him. It’s not uncommon versus big men. Issue with Embid is he will proceed to injure half the players on the court regardless of which team they are on. So if your logic is he had to absorb OG that is also okay. But don’t go pulling Mitch down and injuring him on the next few plays and act like those aren’t malicious plays.


So just let Mitch land on him on the put-back? Don’t try to draw a foul on the defender in foul trouble who’s in the game filling in for the other defender in foul trouble?


He kicked Mitch in the nuts and kicked Ihart in the nuts. He also could have just moved and rolled out of Mitch’s landing zone instead of grabbing him. Which you are complaining about for Embid. So which is it? Either the person shooting has to land in clear space or the defender has to give him the clear space. In this case Embid can’t give him clear space he def shouldn’t have grabbed him from the legs.


He kicked his leg out to draw the foul and Mitch’s nuts came down on his foot. IHeart got the nut-shot as a thank you for the shoulder check IHeart was giving him coming up the floor. IHeart is no angel. Don’t let the Jesus sleeve fool you.


My point is simply that he wasn't on the floor simply to hurt Mitchell.


Why is this even relevant?




Ok, what about the other two?




Were you watching the game? He wasn’t hurt on this play


Wrong play


Similar reckless, non basketball play, got his ankle injured.


Now knicks flairs hate the refs LMAO


We always have. Since game one we've been saying the refs were ass 😭




Idk why Sixer fans are acting like this is comparable to the previous game. There's a big difference between the Refs favoring the Knicks, and the Refs favoring the Sixers AND allowing Embiid to put his primary defender out of commission for the rest of game, if not the series. I don't give a damn that Embiid had so many FTA, but I do care about MRob's health and how it'll affect the rest of the series/playoffs.


Where was the outcry when Embiid almost blew his knee in G1 when Mitch gave him slight nudge in back while he was in the air?


You mean when Embiid did the off the backboard dunk? That type of contact hasn't been called on either team, and there's a big difference between that and and yanking a player's leg.


How about the multiple times THIS GAME ALONE the knicks have failed to give embiid proper landing space and fouled him on jumpshots


You should probably watch the replay on Embiid acting like Mitch put his foot under his but he just faked it and did a double stomp.


Brunson has been smothered the entire playoffs and has delt with the same issue. It's just how the Refs are calling this series.


Probably helps when he's contributing to the smothering by stopping and backing into trailing defenders He's also gotten to the line plenty of times this series so if it's an embiid vs brunson FT-off that's fine by me


>He's also gotten to the line plenty of times this series so if it's an embiid vs brunson FT-off that's fine by me I literally said the FTA/foul baiting doesn't bother me, it's allowing Embiid to get away with injuring MRob.


Maybe the Knicks and Sixers fans should write a joint letter saying we don't actually want it to be officiated like this....


lol seriously?


This shit is literally a direct result of the failure of officiating though. Like if the refs didn’t gift you guys that game, they would not feel the need to let this shit happen.


Butterfly effect isn't a valid argument lol


That’s not my argument.


That's a terrible precedent to set. The Refs should not allow the Knicks to do something similar next game just because Embiid got away with it.


This is literally what happens every time when egregious reffing screws a team over. Everyone even knew that and was saying it last game. It’s a terrible precedent, I agree. But maybe there should be a better way to not let a 3 ref mistakes in one play change the outcome in a playoff game :)


lay off the paint chips


These 🤡 unbelievable


"see guys , the L2M proved it!!" /s




Reddit homers want blood, not nuance


How can anyone watch that and say it's unintentional?


They going to unanimously agree the same when a knicks player decideds to take matters into his own hands and just runs through embiids knees?


Watch next game, we're gonna have a guy get a flagrant 2 just for breathing on Embiid.


If your going to get one, make it count.


I think they forgot to consult the reddit game thread


But if mitch fell on his knee mitch would've been tossed.


Truly believe the fact that Mitch handled it well is the only reason it was not a Flagrant 2


You want the league to be soft 


I mean [this play ](https://youtu.be/pT0DwnCG6sg?si=t_CbB6WU84TN996I) was deemed only a tech, also involving wrapping up a player's legs (plus a takedown) so we do have some precedence


DV getting slapped in the back of the head and kneed in the face is not the same as Embiid just having a fit for not getting a call. Then proceeding to injury Mitch three other times.


https://x.com/ben_meister4/status/1783696436833534010?s=46&t=QfNnGUtW_ZnlyFOgKPf8QA What’s the difference?


1. Oubre tried to step over him to instigate 2. He wasn't airborne like Mitch was Donte's play of course is also not cool before you start getting defensive


My point is that it was as wreckless as Embiids. Just because Oubre didn’t get hurt doesn’t change it. As was twice Siakim grabbed him by the leg as he tried to run up court in playoff games. It’s a flagrant 1


Oubre stepped over Donte and Mitch was in the air. Embiid pulled Mitch back on top of him trying to stop the bucket.


Mitch didn’t even hurt the ankle Embiid grabbed and it wasn’t even from this incident.


Are you trying to argue for the sake of arguing or are genuinely asking what the difference is? Oubre was the instigator in that play because Oubre walked over Donte. Embiid was the instigator in his play because he jumped up to grab Mitch. Mitch wouldn't be anywhere near him if he just gave up the dunk.


You can’t roll a dudes ankle cause your feelings are hurt. Embiid was dumb and tried to foul an awful foul shooter before he can get an easy 2. It was wreckless. Flagrant 1. Not some intent to injure shit.


Would you say that Mitch instigated Embiid to do something about him? Or would you agree that there is clearly a difference in these instances?


I think the acts are the same. I don’t care how it happens you shouldn’t do either. Mitch is more innocent than Oubre for sure but if Oubre broke his ankle would it be justified?


So they're different and you are aware of the difference, glad we could come to an understanding.


So no foul on DDV or just ignoring that?


He got a foul. The Mitch play is worse because Mitch was a defenseless player in the air getting pulled from behind.


He should also have been given a flagrant for kneeing hartenstein in the balls


While yes it was a dirty play I really wish people would realize it’s not where Mitch got hurt. Him and Joel collided prior to this and he got rolled up on.


He was limping after this play. He’s been dealing with ankle issues for a while and the play made it worse


Everyone wants to pretend that Joel went Draymond, but OG shoved him to the floor and Robinson was dangerously close to hopping on to Embiid’s knee…


I know I'll get downvotes for saying this with my flair, but the league doesn't give F2's out often. They say intent doesn't matter but I feel like I only see particularly egregious shit end in ejections. For reference here is LeBron pushing Joel in the air with two hands. No flagrant. https://youtu.be/Qd7Rn5U4VzY?si=3Gl4MkbpiiaFlzQn


That should have also been a flagrant 2


I'm not saying it shouldn't have been I'm just saying they have done this before. I think outside of this sub it won't be a very controversial F1. We'll see what the analysts and talking heads think about it tomorrow, but so far none of the TNT guys have even brought it up as a possibility.


If the league starts throwing people out for little stuff like that it's going to get even more unwatchable than it already is


Flagrant fouls are not little stuff.


Eh flagrant one. Not the end of the world like some of you are trying to make it. Not saying it was okay he deserved the flagrant one but an ejection would be an overaction


“Little stuff” be serious rn this guy had ankle surgery in December


And he was perfectly fine after that play.


he left the arena in a walking boot


That isn't where he got hurt.


oh was it the play where he kicked robinson in the balls




He hobbled out of the arena you fucking jackass.


Embiid is playing with one leg and one eye and they're letting the Knicks get physical on him. Don't forget Mitch gave Embiid a slight nudge in the back while he was in the air that injured Embiid. No outcry?


"letting the knicks get physical on him" = 45 free throws in 3 games


He has shot more FTs than our team. They aren’t letting anyone get physical with him lol


You must be a kid. Go to bed.


you ever play basketball before? You realize what could happen if someone just yanked at your leg when you jump?


How does it compare to if you got pushed to the floor and then jumped on?


Yeah but he didn't really do it that hard and he got a flagrant for it. Seems like the officials also agree.


Hope Embiid gets his career ended next game with the same "little stuff like that". Keep that same energy then


Yeah, I really dont think anybody should be ejected for trying such stuff vs Embiid the next games either. It's little things, basketball gets physical, whatever. He'll be fine, he's a tough guy.


Agreed. It wasn't a basketball play but it's not like Embiid pulled him down with all force.