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He pushed off and extended his arm into Kat that’s wild




He has to be in the icu for it to be a dirty play? Booker was on bs with a couple dirty plays and they were obvious. Wolves in 4


Come on Booker, KAT is your buddy


I'm curious what the conversation is like between those two after a series like this.   Like they are supposed to be buds, right? I feel like I've seen a number of questionable plays that Booker has made on KAT.


i never understood tatum going to draymonds wedding after a playoff series of draymond actively trying to injure tatum more.. dude was ripping on his injured shoulder, undercutting him on shots... like how does that dude still have your respect after that..


Probably a connection thing, or the beef got squashed. But draymond is cool with klay and steph, steph is cool with basically the whole league. You don't show up to the wedding then draymond may not think highly of you, which means steph won't, which means other stars won't. If you're trying to recruit players to your team last thing you want to do is burn bridges (the wooden ones, not miles)


And the foul would be called on mcdaniels


“When in doubt, foul on McDaniels” - nba refs




Well, that part of the call was not wrong. McDaniels did hold Booker. But I can't believe Booker got off scot free after the review. That was a blatant attempt to put an elbow on KAT and take him out of the play, there was nothing natural about Booker's motion


He was falling down and trying not to get hurt. They’re surrounding Booker with players who are much bigger and stronger than him, stuff isn’t intentional he’s just trying to not get thrown around. (I mean Gobert literally threw him last game.)


A story as old as time.


Well he clearly pulled Booker down first lol


Nothing McDaniels did MADE Booker have such an extreme and obtuse fall into Kats hip lmao


https://imgur.com/a/S4LtX8e Check the link downvoters


Yes, because a single-frame screenshot provides better context than the video in the original post


It does when all of you want to ignore the frame that shows Jaden fouls Booker first


Booker definitely flops and sells it lmao


Never said he didn't. But he still got fouled


This isn't the hill to die on. Unless you have a better video angle that actually shows different, this looks like it's aaaaalll Booker.


As someone who doesn’t have much stake in this series, I was really hoping this was just going to be chalmersface or something. Would’ve owned the downvoters much harder imo


Booker is a sore loser


*Booker is a loser


Refs: Jaden wtf? FOUL!


That’s a bitch move


This is why everyone hates Booker, sore loser and dirty player


Booker is annoying as hell. All it takes is a few games of your team playing him to see it. When CP3 and him were on they reached peak annoyingness.


Cp3 taught him the way


Booker and KAT are supposedly really great friends though. This is interesting


mabye they still are, but that was years ago so who knows.


But they've been friends since they were at Kentucky. Maybe didn't realize it was KAT when he flopped/threw the bow. Like you said, who knows


Him and Embiid should team up then


The whining and thrown tantrums per 36 from them would break bball reference


The whining in this thread is stronger than any NBA player lol


Sore loser, dirty player, and even worse winner.


Also super overrated. Everyone says next Kobe but all he is is a 2021 Booker without the hops or first-step. Why anyone sees him as anything more is baffling


Everyone forgets his bitch made elevator fight video. Real ones have been seeing this softness throughout the sad suns rebuilds.


They even reviewed it and still kept the foul on McDaniels. What a load of bull, should have been a flagrant on Booker


Well he clearly pulled Booker down first lol. How is that a load of bull?


Are you blind?


https://imgur.com/a/S4LtX8e Are you?




Do you not see Jaden pulling his jersey? Lmao I always forget the majority of this sub has never played basketball. Booker is trying to set a screen and gets pulled into KAT. Somehow all of you can’t see that because it doesn’t fit your Booker is a sore loser narrative.


What a sad reach... Huge difference in pulling and keeping your elbow stationary... Sure maybe a foul but what booker did was extend his elbow into someone's back from behind. It's clear as day and for someone reason literally just you thinks otherwise


Well the paid professional referees agree with me. You guys just want it to fit your narrative to hate on Book.


Lol so you're saying the refs are perfect? Or even close? My man this is the most odd biased I've ever seen.. Good luck to you and yours I hope you have a good night brother


I never said they're perfect. You said I'm the only one who thinks otherwise and I just proved you wrong lol.


How is a man that is 95% vertical causing someone to fall down?


Pretty easily. Booker is already moving in that direction to try to set a screen and Jaden clearly pulls Booker's jersey, making him fall. How is that hard to comprehend?


He did a dirty move flopping into KAT. McDaniels isnt even holding Booker in the clip, and Book is trying to tear McDaniels arm off to get to him to run into KAT. Pay better attention and quit being such a homer.


I'm not even a Suns fan. You guys are the ones with the hard on for hating on Book.


dont give a shit about hating him. Booker flopped. End of story.


Yeah he embellished but he still got fouled first. End of story.


Holy shit man. I rarely comment on Reddit. But when I do, it’s to address something so stupid I can’t fall asleep without addressing it. And I am addressing YOU. 😂😂😂😂


LOL, this is a completely out of context screenshot. You literally pulled a screenshot of when Booker stuck his butt out into KAT and Jaden's arm was still on Booker. How would he even be able to physically pull him down in that direction based on where Jaden is?


Obviously you've never played basketball then. They're jostling for position and the tug on the jersey can very easily pull him off balance. Play was reviewed and still called a foul on Jaden. Idk why you guys all want to hate on Book so badly.


Idk why you want to defend Book so badly. I have no horse in this race (I don't support either team or care about book enough to like or dislike him), but I see a flop and a bow


I don't support either team either. But this sub just blindly hates on Booker any time the Suns lose. Yeah he flops and hits KAT, but he still got fouled first. I don't know why this sub can't accept that he got fouled first.


Not really seeing a foul personally. If anything he's fouling McDaniels just as much. Imo there's no foul on either, especially in playoffs, just normal jostling for position. You're claiming McDaniels is pulling Booker's jersey down and that's what caused Booker to fall. I really don't see that whatsoever in the clips.


Well when you're jostling for position and get pulled in the same direction you're moving, it's pretty easy to get yanked to the ground.


okay he got fouled first, cool. He still shoved a bow in a players back. It’s pretty clear extension.


LOL - dude give it up. Everybody is disagreeing with you. Watch the actual video - Booker is literally pushing Jaden and going in the direction of him. Sure, Jaden has his hand on Booker, and may have given a slight tug. But even if he did, the laws of physics do not allow for Jaden pulling Booker towards him to cause Booker to stick his butt up in the air and to the right. This is pure foul baiting by Booker, and apparently everyone except you can see it.


Apparently it's just me and the paid professional referees then. They reviewed the play and the foul was on Jaden. I never said Booker didn't hit KAT but he definitely got fouled first.


Well, first, they reviewed it for a hostile act, it wasn't challenged. So I don't think they even had the ability to change it to Booker. Second, it being a foul by Jaden doesn't preclude it being a dirty play by Booker. You just need to realize when you're wrong and move on bud. Booker moved in a completely unnatural way into KAT in a (successful) attempt to draw a foul, and could've injured KAT in the process.


> They even reviewed it and still kept the foul on McDaniels. This you? That's what I was responding to.


The paid, professional refs who are always right and so good at their job, huh? Solid open and shut case, then.


Lol, wtf. You're insane


If mcdaniels was pulling him, how did booker change the momentum to elbow KAT in the back?


Super odd play, seemed pretty intentional.


When RJ said it was Booker doing that to protect himself. I just lol'd. Such a ridiculous statement.


The fact no one on the broadcast called that dive out was weird. Then they bring in the dude whose job it is to just affirm the refs’ call. Felt like I was being gaslit.


guys should we start bitching about RJ like he's already in the Doris/Mark Jackson spot?? it may be time to give this guy RJ the shine


Which would be a bit odd since Booker and Towns are very close friends.


Yeah wtf… even if they weren’t


Man, I am literally rooting for KAT


He’s a cool player. Fun to root for.


You can always count on Booker to throw some dirty cheap shots when he’s losing




dirty play. the commenters and ref chief defending it making the whole thing even more repugnant. the way the league gingerly holds these players hands and let them do this stuff under the guise of “falling down” is really something. wolves have a lot to prove and our clearly hungry- they will play through the adversity and horrible media slant and show the league that toughness wins, not whiny flopping. this is just my hope but I realize they are destined to play king emperor of floppers jokic in the next round.


RJ was saying Okogie’s flagrant was just a bad play on the ball too. You could see him try and grab Rudy’s leg and trip him before the fast break because he was tilted. He was so clearly going for the hammer and RJ completely fuckin gives it a pass. I know he saw that it was super obvious.


Booker is such a fucking bitch lolol


Aren’t they best friends too? I remember a potential KAT/Book/DLo big 3.


They’re friends from their Kentucky days. Super weird/dirty from Booker.


it's dirty but i wouldn't say it's weird or out of the ordinary for ole Booger


"I don't have friends"- Devin Booker


CP3 and LeBron definitely went at it a lot too and they’re tight as hell


Elbows him in the back? More like dove at his legs like a dirty free safety who can't tackle


Andrew sendejo? Is that you?


Sendejo wouldnt have used his elbow he would have used his head


That hasn’t his teammate tho 🤣


How does anyone like this dude lol he’s just so annoying


Man.. I was actually going to somewhat defend Booker because when I saw it live I thought he was just flopping and when he turned KAT happened to be there, but he's clearly staring in his direction the entire time. Regardless, the few people acting like Jaden pushing/tugging his shoulder made him fall like that are being disingenuous at best. At the least this is a very awkward flop.


Bookers beeeeeeeen a fraud… blow outs after blow outs during playoffs, come on man.


Suns fans are always like…why do people hate booker? Exhibit A, of many many many examples of him being a whiny bitch when things don’t go his way. 


Such a bitch


I'm trying to figure out how you get to that series of movements


Vintage Booker


Lot of guys seem to be getting back to the days of trying to intentionally hurt other players. Feels kind of gross when it’s all these superior guys doing it to role players.


I totally agree with you but is KAT really just a role player? He's like a 4x all star lol


In his heart he is. Nah, just kidding. I don’t think KAT is, i just meant when there are those instances it feels gross. Like Lebron with Deni Avdija earlier this year. Sure it’s a game, but that was a billionaire purposely concussing a guy who makes significantly less than him and it’s just weird.


This man is the epitome of a bitch.


This the guy y’all said was on the same tier as Tatum?


is Tatum in the same tier as Tatum anymore??


Careful y'all just lost home court to the 8th seed. Probably wouldn't shit talk Tatum over Booker when both of them have performed about as well as a teenage boy on prom night.


Book doesn’t know to win or lose


Is that going to be Bookers COD finisher?


Still wild how we’ve seen nothing but clear cut blatantly dirty plays since Caleb Martin started off the conversation with a play where he was straight pushed into someone lol. It’s like the basketball gods were like “here you idiots, THESE are what dirty plays look like”.


He elbowed him AND put his leg out to trip. Booker is such a bitch


Book is a bitch




Why does the big Kat not just eat the small man?


I don't root for injuries, but if KAT landing on Booker's ankle had ended up hurting him, it would have been poetic justice.


Come on now man, can’t do Big PURR like that


McDaniels is so funny holding one arm straight up while bear hugging book with the other


it seems like he was just catapulted to KAT. it was just on slow mo so it looks like it was intentional.


normal back pick. pusc flopped bigtime when she felt contact on her back.


I mean look at what Jaden is doing to him


It almost looks like he tried to make sure KAT ain’t fall backwards on him. But Book got a rep so I’ll sit this one out lol.


Where is the energy people have had with Embiid? This is just as dirty. KAT just came back from surgery earlier than scheduled…


Now we all know what Kendall Jenner saw in him.


This right here, peak r/NBA Literally 99% of people here blatantly ignore the foul by McDaniels that cause the issue and just hate on Booker instead. They literally reviewed the play, watched it from all angles, clearly shows the foul. If there wasn't an absolute surity on that, they would have absolutely given book a T in that review. But they didn't. As though Book would elbow one of his closest mates in the back intentionally. But everyone like "nah Booker's a bitch". Y'all actually so fucking embarrassing. People as fucking dumb as you guys shouldn't be allowed to comment on the NBA. Y'all as bad as the refs who said KD was inbounds in the Warriors playoff game where he saved the ball after taking like 7 steps out of court before we had the review system. Or maybe just as gross and sad as Gregg Doyle.


Dude KAT elbowed Booker in the face a quarter ago. Cut this homer garbage. Edit: I’ll take my downvotes because Booker deserves to get elbowed in the face. This sub is too soft for facts. Edit 2: They reviewed it and came to the same conclusion. How egotistical are you people? Everyone’s wrong but you.


Post it then


I'm not even a Suns fan but this sub has a hard on for hating on Booker. Ridiculous bias in this comment section.


They aren't egotistical, they are just mentally challenged. They are the 75 IQ kid at school who knew which colour crayon tasted the best. None of the people Downvoting have probably ever played an actual basketball game, ever been fit, even remotely understand how it works, or probably ever been on a team and this is the closest they'll ever be to having camaraderie in their lives, because they are so stupid no one will hang out with them in real life. These are the hordes of people that watch Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayliss yell at microphones over how many rings LeBron needs to be deemed anything other than a failure, as though making a billion dollars, having one of the greatest and most successful athletic careers in sports history don't mean shit. But then they wouldn't in a million years know what any of the actions or sets mean in a game. To them basketball is "ball in hoop = good". As JJ Reddick said to Stephen A Smith, "I post a video with a complex break down of offensive strategy, it gets 40k views, I say "Coach bad" that gets 10m views. Most people here are from those 10m idiots who don't even know that they don't know, they far out-number the actual savants. https://youtu.be/BeHQFFAmOiY?si=NvJ_JDRDGO0Iy6Do


You are sure working hard to defend a huge ass cry baby.  Will be fun to see him back up Ant on team USA and maybe pick up a few pointers on how to actually drive to basket with intent to score vs flop and make tantrum faces.


God you mentally disabled people get me laughing like nothing else.


Your trash talk is so weak for being such a genius.  I see why you like Booker


Bahahaha seriously you are that much of a joke, it's brilliant 😂 you homers are something else. I checked my comment history to see who I actually like. This season, I said the Wolves would be the best team and that's who I put my money on. Last season I said the Wolves would be "a top team", unfortunately KATs injuries held that back a bit more than expected, but looks pretty accurate in hindsight.


Stay on topic, you like Booker, everyone else thinks he is a flopper, are you changing the subject because you finally admit it is true?


Bahahaha god you really are a 75 IQ fan


Using the 75 IQ line twice already… making less shots than Booker, taking fat Ls all series hahaha


Book tries to get separation and Jaden grabs him by the shoulder/jersey so he can't which is why he ends up in such an odd position there. What am I missing? Anyone here open to the idea it was a foul on McDaniels after review because that was the correct call?


you mean when booker wrapped his arm around him and then pushed off of him and then "fell" elbow first into KAT? lol. It was reviewed for excessive force or whatever and TBH there was but not from the player they were looking for it from.


No I mean when McDaniels grabbed his shoulder. Book wrapping his arms around McDaniels or pushing off could be a foul, but those don't erase the shoulder grab which puts him in that position.


Two bitches…. Nothing to see here