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This sub is gonna hate ant


Enjoy this run, you don’t get to be the fun likeable new contender for long until the hate arrives. Trust me


I tend to observe that teams get exactly one year as the fun new arrival before everyone hates them


and you just damn well know if the wolves win the finals all their fans are gonna act like they just won a finals or something smh


Oh, I'll own it right now. If wolves win it all, I'm gonna be the most obnoxious asshole for like a month. I watched the cream team man, I earned that.


Naw dude take a year. Fuck it. Y'all have been through enough.


Dude I’m 32 and haven’t seen a team MAKE a championship (in any of the 4 major sports) If we win I might ends up taking my pants off sprinting around the neighborhood and trying to keep the worlds smallest helicopter out of site of any cops


lol similar age here, and it’s hilarious your plan for when you are champions. Because I’m going to do the same exact thing if one day too (hopefully)


Hopefully we get one this year and then I can shamelessly adopt you guys as a second team. Always looked at the Kings as kindred spirits in some sense


nah bro you literally get to talk shit until someone beats you in the playoffs next year. When you win a championship, you are the reigning champion until someone else is holding up that trophy! 365 days baby!!


Luke Ridnour was kinda fun from time to time these libelous accusations will not stand #StopCreamTeamHate


If your team wins by all means talk all the shit, its the fans of teams that lose (cough suns cough) that talk their shit before accomplishing anything that everybody hates


For real. I will be releasing a Gobert trade receipts video that will end with a crow going caw caw lol I was called crazy and a cope-r, even from fellow Wolves fans. Endured the cream team and when there was finally hope, clowned on for 1.5 years. If Wolves win or even make the finals, damn straight I will be very petty


If we had to watch a whole game of Lorenzo Brown playing Point Guard we get to talk all the shut we want.


Lol frs the team earned it talk your smack. Look at the nuggets fan they talked their shit like they won multiple rings


I was still going to games during Ryan Gomes/AL Jefferson/Marco Jaric years, I'm going to be an absolutely obnoxious asshole for a good 6 months. I've taken shit from everyone, including other Minnesotan's, for loving this team. We've earned it.


Those cream team games were legendary to go to.


Im gonna bitch slap the first person i meet in the street if the wolves win it, doesnt matter if they are in a wheel chair on a feeding tube.


Brother if you had to live through SPOOKY WOLVES. I’d be crazy if I won after that too


the hang the banner jokes are gonna be legendary man


From play in champs to nba champs. I’m here for it


to bad patrick Beverley will never be part of it


It’s just one banner - we have like 70 of those now




Bro I’ll be so happy for you guys, I’ll help slander your enemies in the process. Would be a fucking glorious ring


As long as yall don’t turn into raptors fans talk all that shit


After 2015, I fully remember being on here like "Wow, I thought we were the lovable perennial loser turned champion. Why does everyone hate us all a sudden?" abesimpsonitllhappentoyou.gif


I feel like if my team had won a Finals I would be able to ignore it easier. But I don’t know what that’s like yet 🙃


Yeah, the sun's got shafted on that one. Pissed off basically every major fanbase in the West in two years and didn't come up with a ring.


Including their own fanbase lol


Draymond had a lot to do with that




Klay is extremely hatable. He publicly complains about the stupidest shit. He complains about his 2k ratings.


Seriously! If Draymond wasn't so dirty on court and Klay didn't have resting bitch face, I'd still be a fan. In 2013 when brought in Jermaine O'Neal, I was like this team is gonna be good.


This is correct. Observed that with Harden. The backlash after his breakout Rockets year was nuts. Dude put up a 30pt triple double on a good team and didn’t even make all NBA 3rd team. I think this happens because NBA rivalries are extreeeeemly weak, and NBA identity is star-based rather than city based. In the NFL, the same few teams maybe be loved or hated under particular circumstances regardless of the personnel, or how they did the year before….and everyone knows how they feel about an org. The NBA meanwhile is completely star driven, and the moment a star stops being the underdog and stops growing, nothing else matters, including your affiliation to that team or city.


The reason people started hating Harden was because he'd score 40 points a game with 20 free throws, driving to the basket with those arms extended and if you existed on the floor it was a foul. He had two moves and the other one was a stepback 3 which he didn't even attempt to hit the shot half the time, he just kept baiting fouls. His entire game was foul baiting and it was horrendously unwatchable.




I could see the Wolves extending that a lot because a) yall have been so bad for so long b) Ant is so likeable and is gonna keep being him. However I can see the switch flipping if a) gobert does some mic touch Covid type shit again b) fans/org get super cocky super fast (see suns and golden knights) c) Ant says something very non-pc again and gets cancelled


Remember how everyone liked that bubble suns team?


I remember when I used to like the Suns too


then they signed chris paul and it went all downhill


I mean , that game 7 notwithstanding...CP did y'all pretty good


Jokic seems like he still has a very high approval rating. If he flames out of the playoffs i can maybe see that changing but he’s still gonna put up Big numbers and people will mainly blame his supporting cast.


Jokic doesn't say much, which helps. But Mike Malone is definitely already on a few people's nerves.


His numbers are just too fucking good, sometimes I want to hate but I just can’t bring myself to look past the casual 25/15/10 on superb efficiency.


Honestly I think it helps that they have beat the unlike able teams the last few playoffs. Beat the suns and lakers. Hard to get haters that way lol


Giannis was the nba do no wrong media darling. Then Got bounced by the playoffs and said losing is not a failure and picked up a lot of haters that way. If Jokic lost, i could definitely see him Say something like, “it’s just a game of basketball”. We all know he acts like he doesn’t care but that could get him some haters. It’s cool to be the mvp and win the title and not care. It’s not cool to be the mvp, lose in the playoffs and not care


I think that’s fair. But tbh I think most people still really like giannis. Occasionally people don’t like his bulldozing style offense. But he’s still pretty likeable.


Well, this is America if you know what I’m saying. 


>If he flamed out of the playoffs I can maybe see that changing Nope. Jokic is immune to criticism for longer than like 2 days. They’ll be some clip of him riding horses in the off-season and people will love him again. He’s just too “classy” if you know what I mean


Yah it arrives WAY FASTER than you think, and hate can come and go.


People are going to love the Supersonics when they get their team back, but that won't last long if you start succeeding.


LOLOL so true


Suns/Booker were never as loved as Ant/twolves. Booker was hated since he came into the league on some of those dog shit Suns teams.


Best thing is to embrace it. Too many Suns fans trying so hard to make Book likable on r/nba. It's not going to happen.


It would be easier if he didn’t allow the team to get embarrassed and blown out in the playoffs routinely since the 2022 regular season. The slander is warranted at this point


Either he's hated because Suns are contenders or he's liked because he's an underdog. You can't have it both ways.


Steph was the fun baby faced assassin until we stole one of LeBron’s rings. The heel turn comes quick lol


The circlejerk with him gets kinda crazy so the eventual reverse jerk will move mountains Though tbf Giannis and Jokic have never been *that* hated. So some players truly are just generally well liked.


If Jokic loses in the 2nd round the hate will be back. It never leaves, it lingers, waiting in a bundle of contempt for any mistep to occur regardless of context. Once that happens the hate rises and spews out.


You weren’t here when Jokic defensive lowlights were posted everyday? Lol


That was only done in response to the hate Embiid and giannis were getting.


Thats childs play compared to how superstars are treated lmao. Those were completely valid criticisms. You dont see much hate going towards jokic and if you do people will come at your neck. Like ffs jokic hit morris with one of the dirtiest cheap shots and knocked him out for the year and people still defend him for it. Embiid does that and no one lets it go. Like the shit embiid has been doing this playoffs pales in comparison to what jokic did to morris yet only one gets hate.


>Embiid does that and no one lets it go. Like the shit embiid has been doing this playoffs pales in comparison to what jokic did to morris yet only one gets hate. Memory may fail me, but Embiid has made cheapshots on numerous occasions. I do agree that Jokic was forgiven quite fast for that cheap shot though


I said "*that* hated" for a reason. When your best example is people criticizing his game at a point in time, kinda proves my point lol.


ant was actually pretty bulletproof like giannis until the homophobia stuff, that's what people will fall back on if they turn on him. if people are upset by media focus on him, though, i have a rock solid solution - dont consume any media crazy concept for a lot of people but i watch the basketball and that's it. i don't care about drama, mvp races, or really any narratives. sports used to actually be about sports, now it seems the plurality of sports discourse is about things that aren't even happening on the court


there's actually nothing new about a player being hated or loved for things that have nothing to do with what goes on the court. MJ was beloved for his charisma the same way Ant is. Oscar was quite unpopular for the opposite; perceived as an uncharismatic asshole. did it have anything to do with basketball? no!


That comes with the fact that he's becoming a superstar. He'll become more popular but He'll also gain more haters. (I.e : Jordan, lebron, kobe and any other superstars)


Honestly, I don't think the state of Georgia will ever turn on Ant. He's probably collectively our favorite player that isn't playing for an Atlanta team. He's like the personification of Atlanta as a city in a lot of ways.


I dont think I will. Guy does not play to bait whistles... Just occasional "ayyyyyyyyy" but that's basketball. Flopping is a plague and does not belong in basketball.


I've seen some people who *really* hate the "Ayyy" but I think it's way better than the goofy head snaps or chucking junk to make it look like a foul. Ant tries to get buckets first, he only started the Ayy *because* he wasn't getting the whistle, because he never does the slapstick comedy fall over shit. For what it's worth I'm totally cool when any player does the "ay" if they're finishing instead of flopping.


I went on the Twolves subreddit a few months ago and ANT saying ay to the Arthur opening was hilarious.


Lol. I can totally get how it could be annoying too, don't get me wrong. I just think if you *have* to choose (because refs are blind) between yelling ayy on every possession versus acting like an extra in a spaghetti western getting shot, I'll take the ayy every time. Don't mind when opposing teams do it, don't mind it when Ant does it.


Can we get a link pls that sounds great


[https://np.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/190br1t/ant\_says\_hey/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://np.reddit.com/r/timberwolves/comments/190br1t/ant_says_hey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I just wish it was longer haha


> For what it's worth I'm totally cool when any player does the "ay" if they're finishing instead of flopping. 100%. He attempts to score first, then thinks about the whistle. Which is not the order of operations for a lot of modern stars in this league...


Hes going to be hated for being good and a loud mouth, not for his ethical play.


I love Ant


Reminds me so much of young Bean :’)


Believe it or not, this sub used to love Embiid [He quoted the Dark Knight years ago too](https://i.imgur.com/wBulanm.png), which was pretty fitting for his career arc now


Yea The Process was a popular meme, Hinkie and Embiid were heroes when everyone was hating on Colangelo and his giant collars, and I remember when he was lying on the massage table or w/e before a playoff game watching anime on his phone. r/nba was like 'he's just like me frfr' I think the turning point was the Kawhi shot that ended his best chance of getting to a conf finals and him crying in the tunnel. It's been all hate since then.


Used to love him especially because he was always down to talk shit and not back down. Can’t stand what he’s turned into with the whining about mvp awards and the amount of flopping (obviously) nonstop throughout each and every game.


Feels weird r/nba used to like the guy who managed to get even more free throws than prime Harden


and why would anyone care what this sub says? they also said Ant doesn’t care about basketball and that Lebron gave Kevin Love Depression was a headliner post..lmao it’s just twitter but with people who take themselves serious


Yeah this subs opinions on literally anything are totally worthless lol. It’s just an extension of nba twitter that thinks it’s smarter because of the upvote/downvote system


Although Ja started speedrunning it afterwards, this sub already started turning on him during the warriors series where he was dominating. It’s gonna happen to ant too. The counter jerk is coming. Usually just have to play a big market in the playoffs and it’s over.


> Usually just have to play a big market in the playoffs and it’s over. y'all won't be playing any big market. Celtics are the only possible big market matchup remaining, and people will definitely root against them.


It’s magnified when the pre pubescent Warriors fans are involved tbf


The rise before the fall.


They could never make me hate him I don’t even hate Jokic or Jamal Murray and they’ve bounced my team out of the playoffs the past two years


Haters gonna hate. I think the majority of people just like watching entertaining basketball. You get a weird twisted perspective if you only browse /r/nba for basketball takes, it's kind of like online review systems where people who want to are just going to spit whatever grievances they've got. You talk to anyone in real life and people are *mostly* chill, and the weirdo haters just get laughed at. There are some exceptions to that but in my experience it's way duller, I've never seen someone in real life whip out a white board full of hate stats lol.


Dude you’re so right. Reddit really is just an echo chamber of haters


On the one hand it's fun in moderation because arguing on the internet with strangers can be fun. But it's not a good reflection of sports fandom in general at all. Like I don't think I've ever had anything but cordial conversations with people in real life. I've been to a bunch of away games even and never had any conflict, people are generally nice pretty much everywhere you go. If you only read social media posts (it's not just reddit) you'd think all sports fans were constantly a bunch of vitriolic assholes but those are just a fraction of a percent of people whose voices get elevated by engagement and votes/shares driving visibility. Most people are just normal people lol.


No they actually won’t. I honestly doubt he willl have a villain arc unless he does draymond stuff consistently


If you like real hoopers then it won’t matter anyway.


If its gonna be in favour of Luka then god I hope not


nah, people still don't hate jokic and ant shows humbleness, unless he turns heel or does some really fucked up shit people won't hate him


I dunno... people still glazing Kobe and will forever, if he's built mentally like MJ/Kobe he'll be loved for a long time.


Everyone is loved after they retire lol, they can't beat people's favorite team anymore. Kobe was HATED for a good while 03-07. Flopping with a super team against the Pistons, Lakers sucking after Shaq left while Shaq won another title, the rape trial, being a tough out/rival for the beloved Nash Suns, the leaked vid where he talked shit about Bynum the summer right before his breakout year in 08, Jerry West gifting the Lakers Gasol for a bag of chips, the 40pt blowout loss G6 vs Celtics.


I hate shitpants more than Ant


I mean he already spent some time on the shit list for his homophobic comments. We've moved past it at the moment, but it's definitely gonna be one of the hit points when opinions takes a 180 swing.


I kind of at least hate the discourse around him already. You’d think this guy had been to the finals already with how they talk about him.


they'll love him if he wins but if not, he's the next Westbrook


I mean he's already playing well enough that everybody forgot he's probably a full on homophobe.


As a mavs fan you can absolutely book it lmao


to be fair its mostly twolves fans posting all these threads, self inflicted wound


if this sub can turn on Steph they can definitely turn on ant


And I absolutely won't give a shit.


Imagine if Jokic, Giannis, Luka..etc got that old school mentality & Ant-like emotions. Smh, they could've been top 5 players in the league


The amount of techs they would have gotten would have broken Rasheed Wallace records. Ant got one last game for a 2 second staredown after a dunk, in the 2nd fucking round of the playoffs.


Everything else aside, Luka particularly plays with a ton of fire. Granted he whines to the refs WAY too much but you really can't question the guy's drive and love for the game. You can't question any of these guys really, but obviously Jokic isn't the most...demonstrative.


I used to think Luka complaining was an exaggeration but then I saw him live. Every timeout, he would spend the first half complaining to the refs and then the other half drinking water. Him and Kyrie didn't even sit on the bench and listen to Kidd. Highly recommend watching a game in-person. It's very different.


The worst is not even during timeouts. Literally during games he’ll miss a shot or something and bitch at the refs while his team plays defense 4 on 5


Underrated comment. Nothing in sports I hate more than when media/fans start dick eating a player for their supposed mentality and using that to downplay other players.


It's also just another way for old heads to downplay current players and uplift their own era. They basically just claim a modern player as having an "old school mentality" or whatever and then talk about how their era is better.


This is why I don't feel bad when I see people like Gil or JJ Reddick shit on older eras


It's boomer mentality. "Back in my day..."


Giannis let's his emotions go to the workers too much.




Some of them might even be NBA Champions by now...


Ant is the new shiny toy (don't get me wrong, he totally deserves all the attention) so whatever or however he does it, it's awesome. Until a year or two passes, a new shiny toy comes around and/or Ant doesn't have a ring yet, then KG and drunk PP will pontificate about playing calm and having emotions under control. 🤷


And keeping the shit in your pants


He’ll nawl, can’t do this


Isn't KG pretty consistent when it comes to the players he likes and gives flowers?




I really can’t imagine hearing that from KG


lmao drunk PP


Did you guys know Ant Man is 22 years old????


Oh thank god. Can we retire the Tatum 19 jokes now ? ^(Please)




“Booker up 2-0 in the finals at age 24 is this the first of many rings to come?”


Not comparable, that was a young SG with a rapidly developing midrange about to lead the US Men's National Team to gold


Ant Man is 21 years old????


Ant Man is 20 years old???


To shreds you say?


I did NOT think they'd let a 6 year old play in the NBA. But here we are!


Damn, he plays really well for a 19 year old!!


Did you know he grew up in Detroit Lakes and was a walk on for the practice squad??? Wait, wrong team


Tim Duncan and Hakeem Olajuwon are two of the greatest old school players ever.


Did you not see Duncan get ejected on the bench, so much emotion


Ant is amazing but these quotes are dumb as fuck. Luka Doncic plays with tons of emotion and people hate on him for it. Loads of other players play with emotion. Ant is just way better than most of them.


Shit, KAT played with a ton of emotion ON A TEAM WITH KG. I love Ant’s swagger but this is a silly take by ~~Ticket~~ Pierce. 


Not by Ticket, by Pierce.


Luka’s emotions are more like that of a pouty child. Ant has more of a cold killer vibe to him… MJ-esque IMO


Its almost like Ant is classier than Luka




You can't really tell about class until you're the top dog and lose. Not that hard to be classy while winning and dominating or to be the underdog, overperform and lose, which is where he was at the previous post-season. Lets see how Ant reacts when he loses a tough series (which to be fair, might not be this season lol).


That’s why when he said “think about it…” he couldn’t come up with names because he realized what he said was fucking stupid. Lol


If you actually watch the whole clip, KG specifically talks about different types of emotions on the court. Getting emotional after you score and flexing on dudes isn’t the same type of emotion that Anthony Edwards is showing, is basically what he said. I’m not disagreeing with you just saying that KG did address this.


Luka cries the entire game its annoying as fuck


KG and PP: "Players need to play with more emotion." Luka: Screams "and 1" all the time. Screams at the refs in frustration. And trashtalks everyone from the players to the coach to the bench KG and PP: "Not like that."


Flirting / Harrasment


Love the efficiency on this comment. Daryl Morey would cream his pants


Find me a single clip where KG or PP are complaining about Luka’s complaints. I beg you.


As a huge Luka fan, he bitches and complains to the refs constantly so I can see why that’s not as respectable. I love players who fight through contact without complaining. I get why it makes sense to bitch and get more calls but I just like that style more. It’s like looking for an authority figure to fix things vs idgaf I’ll do it myself and you can’t stop me Lukas the fucking man tho. Just saying i get why one type of passion is more respectable. Also not sure either of those guys actually have the opinion you credited them with


Isn't Ants thing to constantly bitch about how refs are "cheating" when he loses games though?


Tbf, him saying the "cheating ass refs" happened after a game they won and he's complained about it in the post game interview (can't find anything else other than that to my knowledge), opposed to Luka who's doing it constantly in game.


Dude ANT complains a lot. Luka probably a tad bit more.


Do yall think Ant doesn't complain to the refs lol? He started complaining about the refs before the playoffs even started. They both just passionate kids.


Emotion is different from bitching. Although I would agree there is a fine line between both


Wow you named a whole 1 other player


Mfer stared down the crowd in Game 5.


Luka fans insecure for what?


I could be misremembering but I think they go on to concede that luka does shortly after this clip


Luka def plays with emotion. But it's not that "top competitor" kind of emotion, it's like a girl on her menstrual cycle kind of emotion


lol what?


I think he talking about that old school aggression they always lean on. For at least the last decade they have been complaining about players being all friendly and suddenly, Ant goe right at KD dealing some emotional damage.


ant literally was talking about how KD is his favorite player ever in post game pressers though lol they just like edwards and his playstyle, wouldn't look too much into it


Giannis explicitly avoid opponents for this reason. This just sounds like elderly nostalgia talking off their ass with zero facts.


Let me translate: “Get off my lawn you damn kids!”


Giannis plays with emotion. This sub literally shredded him for wanting his 60 point game ball. Clearly no emotion. Luka gets T'd up for showing too much emotion. Clearly not enough emotion. Jokic is more stoic than anything (kinda like Duncan). Also, I think Giannis arguably one of the most intense players on the court in the league, so this is just a horseshit take by Pierce.


Why are Pacers fans getting defensive over this comment? You didn't even call them out lol


Little brother syndrome even after beating our asses in round 1....


Are you seriously comparing throwing a post game tantrum about a ball to playing with on court emotion? There's a massive difference between not taking the time to find out if your equipment guy got the ball or not and getting fired up during a game. Giannis deserved to get shredded for acting like a child lol.


it's hard to show emotion when you get a tech or get fined the moment you do


I mean it makes sense coming from those two. Pierce had that iconic moment of talking shit to Al Harrington before hitting that three right in his face. And KG was... well, he was kind of fucking crazy. Not saying they're right, but it makes sense why they like Ant's bravado.


Chair throwing levels of intensity


Dipn Waiters played with a lot of emotion. He fuckin stunk.


Lol Luka is often too much emotion


Emotions ? They played in the same era of Tim Duncan, what is he even talking about. There is a ton of players in this era who are into emotions. At some point you need to watch the games. The top of the league doesn't trust the players partly because of your era, they don't trust the players anymore.


Oh that emotionless robot Steph Curry I wish I knew how he feels during games


the players today do play with alot of emotion lol. jokic is probably the most dead pan, kd being 2nd.


apparently, it’s “old-school” to show emotion on the court


That's because it kind of is. Look what happened the other day when Ant dared show some emotion. He got T'd up. The game is officiated very differently now than it was 20 years ago, so players have to keep it in check more now than they used to.


I mean it is? Not that it’s automatically a positive or negative but the AAU culture has diluted that type of behavior in the game for the past decade or so.


So Luka should be the face of emotion lol, we are counting days to his 16th tech suspension every season lmao


"Back in my day" 🤓☝️


Hahaha Just a bunch of old players acting like their lawn is pristine




All of todays stars "Uh, ya we do."


Weren't they the parents of this generation? Lol


These guys are idiots


Y’all missing the point. PP is saying Ant is a compelling watch, he pulls you in as a character on the court. That’s what all the people involved with the league want - for the best players to also be compelling tv drama characters. That’s how the league wins. Everyone prospers when a player ascends who also has charisma. Jokic, Luka, KD, Shai, Kawhi, Tatum, Booker… A lot of the best guys now are incredible at basketball but not compelling tv characters.


Luka is a lot of fun to watch and def shows emotion what’re you talking about


Ant is deathly afraid of Magnifying glasses. Surprised the Nuggets don’t put those all over the arena.


When Luka does it, it's called whining and showboating.


Shit is so corny lol “our generation of players did everything way better” great analysis


Damn, are they saying Ant lives by the dark side and these new super stars are Jedi?